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River God: The Horse Lords

Page 22

by Diana Drakulich

  Everyone in the group was crucially aware of the budding attraction between these two. Especially the Neuri, who were so closely attuned to each other.

  One hot sunny day in late afternoon the party stopped to camp by the banks of a winding blue river. An enticing series of clear deep pools bordered by large boulders made the water especially inviting.

  As she strode upstream to find a bathing pool, Toxaris passed close to Brata. Simmering golden-green eyes flicked down over his body, his loins with that come hither look. A look that was not lost on anyone. Brata’s nostrils flared as Toxaris passed, her statuesque body rippling with provocative energy.

  The men all raised their eyebrows suggestively and smirked at Brata who pretended disinterest. But after a barely respectable time had elapsed, he prowled after her, dark eyes molten. The Black Cloaks did not experience passion halfway, such was their nature.

  The other men smirked. Hah. There he goes. Pointing with their chins at Brata’s broad-shoulders as he disappeared down the winding, boulder strewn riverbank.

  Now Sava being the inveterate, fanatic horse lover that he was, decided that since there were no women available a new horse was the next best thing. Maybe better. Definitely less complicated. His moment to bargain for Soma had arrived.

  He sat down on a log near where Borna was grooming the stallion. The Neuri grunted a greeting and went on grooming his horse. Sava sat there, mesmerized by the stallion’s black coat, by the intrinsic power of his conformation and musculature. By the intelligence and awareness that glowed in the horse’s eyes.

  The colors in Soma’s silky hide rippled like a raven’s wing in scintillating shades of black, purple and green in the late afternoon sun. The nomad sought to take a casual, disinterested approach. At the same time he was highly conscious of the Vukari ability to perceive his true intentions. He cleared his throat. Loudly.

  In the end all that came out was - “Nice horse.”

  Borna merely glanced over. The slightly glazed, obsessive look in Sava’s eyes revealed his love-struck need to any seasoned horse trader. Borna had recognized that look from the moment Sava first saw Soma. He had known then it was only a matter of time before the Sauromatian made an offer.

  “Ahh, how does Soma ride?”

  “Smooth. Soft, like butter between your legs. Want to see what he can do?” Borna decided it would be amusing to torment the poor soul.

  “Aye. Show me.” Hoping the Vukari would not realize how badly he wanted, nay, had to have the black horse.

  Borna threw the lead shank over Soma’s head and vaulted onto the horse’s gleaming back. Using the lead as a single rein, he trotted the black horse in a circle to warm him up. Then transitioned the horse into a soft rocking canter, cantering smaller and smaller circles until the horse was literally pivoting around on his hind legs.

  “Stay back.” Borna waved his arm.

  At an invisible signal the stallion began spinning like a top on his hind legs. Stopping abruptly the black horse erupted into lethal kicks. First with the right hind leg, then the left hind.

  Dropping his head, the massive stallion kicked out repeatedly with both hind legs. Big powerful kicks. Explosive kicks powerful enough to crush the bones of any man or animal standing behind him.

  At an invisible signal the big black horse leapt into the air, all four feet off the ground and kicked out with both hind feet.

  “Amazing! Unbelievable!” Sava clapped his hands. “What a war horse! Those moves and kicks would be great for fighting at close quarters.”

  Borna sat the prancing black stallion with perfect balance, soaking in Sava’s adulation, then leapt off and began grooming Soma as before. But of course he recognized the burning desire in the Sauromatian’s eyes.

  “Would you ahh consider selling that horse?”

  The Neuri warrior’s hand paused in mid stroke. He turned, eyeing Sava with feigned shock.

  “SELL Soma?” Borna pointed to his right eye. “See this eye? Soma is as valuable to me as the eye in my head. Have you wealth enough to buy my eye?”

  Chapter 43 – My Sister for a Horse

  Anything forced and misunderstood

  Can never be beautiful.

  If a dancer was forced to dance

  By whip and spikes,

  He would be no more beautiful

  Than a horse trained under similar conditions –

  Xenophon, On Horsemanship, 430 BC

  An EYE for Soma? So he has no price. Sava had to hand it to the Vukari prince, he knew how to drive a hard bargain. Still this was a horse King Darius would ride. For that horse with that kind of training, a sky high price was to be expected.

  “Soma is the horse of a lifetime.” Borna glared at Sava as if insulted at his offer. “I will never find another horse like him.”

  Turning his back, Borna resumed grooming the black stallion. But Sava knew this was just the opening volley in the time-honored tradition of horse trading. He held his silence and considered his next move. If there is one.

  The hand brushing the black stallion slowed.

  “So-oo what did you think to offer for Soma?”

  The nomad guessed that Borna was curious to learn the value of his horse in the outside world, Neuria being so remote. Although Sava owned over 50 top quality horses in his personal herd, he had already promised his two best colts by Zlatna to King Yagya. And he could never trade Zlatna. So he decided to stall in hopes the Neuri prince would eventually let slip his true price.

  “Let me ride Soma tomorrow. If I like him, I might make you an offer.”

  “You might make me an offer? Hah. And don’t offer to trade your mother.”

  Knowing Borna was single, Sava took the hint and smiled with sudden sly inspiration. Ah, this Vukari is on the hunt for a wife. That’s why he came on this trip.

  “Trade my mother for a horse?” Sava pressed a hand over his heart. “Never. But I do have a beautiful sister.” He said this with a barely concealed smirk, pleased at his remarkable acuity.

  “A sister?” Borna took a renewed interest in grooming the black horse.

  “Wait - You think I would trade my sister for a horse?” Sava feigned indignance.

  “For this horse? Aye.”

  “Are you looking for a wife?”

  “Maybe. What is your sister’s name?”


  “Danae. Nice name. How does she look?”

  Tall, nice face. Beautiful body. He gave `beautiful body’ due emphasis, letting it roll over lips and tongue.

  “Does she like horses?”

  “Danae loves horses. She is training some of my colts by Zlatna right now. But I must warn you, some of our Sauromatian women are real Drakainas.”

  “Heh. Your sister cannot be any more dominating than our Vukari women.”

  “There is something else you should know about our women.” Sava leaned forward and lowered his voice.

  “What?” The tall Vukari prince was all ears now.

  “Some of our women cannot bear more than one child by a man from outside our tribe. We say it is because the Sauromatae carry so much of the old Drakon blood. For this reason our girls usually marry only Sauromatian or Royal Skythian men.”

  “I have heard of this. Neuri women also have the same problem.” Borna nodded. “We are also strong in the ancient Drakon lines. So don’t worry, introduce me to your sister and let Mata Drakaina take her course.” Borna actually smiled.

  Sava could see the Vukari mentally licking his lips. “If you like Danae, I will do all I can to make sure my parents give you their blessing. We will throw a big wedding and I will give your choice of two mares by my champion stallion Zlatna as a wedding gift.” Sava offered a convincing grin.

  Borna only lifted a sardonic black brow.

  “Four mares?” Sava raised his offer.

  “Five dark bay mares with no white markings by Zlatna and my choice of any colt.” The Neuri was adamant.

  “Borna my friend, you ba
rgain as if my sister has no value beyond her beauty. Danae is kind and good. She is our chief horse trainer and she is an excellent archer.” Sava sighed and shrugged as if giving up. Inwardly he could barely repress his grin. “Alright. If you and Danae make a match, I will give four mares by Zlatna and any colt you choose. Your Neuri horses could use more speed. My Zlatna mares are perfect for that. No Persian cavalry will ever catch you on a Zlatna-bred horse. Your pursuers will collapse from exhaustion first. In these days we can all use more speed, right my friend?”

  “I will give your offer serious consideration.” Borna took a deep breath and gave his horse a nostalgic look as if Soma were already gone.

  “Good. You will not regret it. Now tell me more about Soma. Why do you call him that? Isn’t Soma a drink that carries you away to the Other World where you see the immortal gods?”

  “Exactly”. Borna’s eyes glinted. “My Soma is like a drug, once you ride him, you must have more. He comes from a long line of great horses and he always reproduces his type. But it’s more than that. Soma has a soul. He is a being unto himself. When you ride him, he is so willing, always trying to anticipate what you want. It will be very hard for me to give Soma up. I had planned to give him to my wife as a wedding gift.”

  Which would not be giving Soma away at all. Sava was struck by a brief stab of guilt. If their deal held and he got Soma, Danae would miss out on a great horse. But his remorse didn’t go that deep. I’ll let her ride him. Occasionally.

  “I understand.” Sava commiserated, licking his mental chops. “Zlatna is dear to me too.”

  “I need a wife. Borna sighed, “And not just any woman. Women are like horses. When you know horses you realize how valuable a great horse is. I need a woman like Soma – the jewel in my crown. My passion of a lifetime.”

  “I think I can help you with that.”

  “So…tell me more about your sister…Danae.” Borna let her name roll over his tongue. His golden-green eyes darkened.

  And Sava saw a dream blossoming in the tall Vukari’s eyes. A vision of a beautiful, lithe woman mounted on a black horse, riding with him into the sunset. And he knew the deal was done. The bargain of the century as far as Sava was concerned. Now all I have to do is convince Danae…

  “Borna, show me how you taught Soma to do those battle moves. I want to teach Zlatna to spin and kick like that.”

  “Go get your horse. I will teach you.”

  Chapter 44 – Sparkling Tunnel of Dust

  Behold the Hero

  Destined for both joy and grief.

  Stand before him

  Gaze with wonder.

  How handsome, how virile

  How his body pulses with erotic power –

  Epic of Gilgamesh 1500 BC

  Brata paced along the riverbank until he spotted Toxaris swimming in a clear blue pool surrounded by boulders. He stripped to the nude, then climbed an overhanging boulder. Warm rays of late afternoon sun reflected off his black hair, golden skin and lithe torso.

  Standing poised overlooking the blue pool, the Black Cloak was the image of savage beauty. Completely at ease in his own skin.

  Fresh perfumed air sweeping down from the hills along the waterway filled his nostrils and blew through his mind. Haunting bird calls echoed, coming from hidden places all around.

  A sunlit tunnel of twisting dust particles and tiny insects spiraled slowly down toward the water but never seemed to reach it.

  Toxaris waved to him, beckoning. As her hand moved, he saw slow motion waves parting through her fingers.

  The chained beast in him paced, growling for release, roaring with need. With what remained of his disintegrating control he attempted to rationalize what he was about to do. This is a onetime thing. Nothing more.

  Muscles taut, fired by primal lust, Brata dove off the boulder, straight down into mystic blue depths. Arching his back, he kicked up toward the silver surface and broke through to pure air.

  Breathing deep he shook the blinding drops from his eyes as a lion shakes its mane. And found himself smiling into shimmering golden-green eyes.

  Toxaris put her arms around his neck, drawing him close. Golden skin to skin. Ah. At last.

  The nipples of her full breasts pressed against his bare chest. His beast roared. Tentacles of molten fire tantalizing, swelling his loins.

  She ran sensitive fingertips along the deep red weal across his throat. Kissed the thick scar.

  “Who did this to you Brata?”

  Speaking without words, his dark eyes seethed with ghosts of vampir demons, black-robed ennerei and eruptions of hot crimson blood. Reflected in his eyes, Toxaris saw the devastating loneliness of his soul, the stunning betrayal by his own people that he struggled with daily.

  “Your own people did this to you? Not thieves or murderers? So that is why you claim no name, no family. You are not even a Black Cloak anymore. For those people you no longer exist. They took your life blood and left you for dead?”

  Brata’s thick black lashes swept down in silent affirmation. When he opened his eyes, she saw a vast desolation there. In that one look Toxaris saw how hard he fought to stop reliving the heart rending agony as his throat was stabbed for Ah-Gin and his life blood gushed out onto the stone altar.

  “Oh my brave, my beautiful Brata, so alone with no home, no people, not even a name. You see why I despise these sick depraved `gods’? Innocent victims are slaughtered like sheep for the pleasure of vampirs who feed on pain and death.”

  “Don’t worry Brata, I will never let the Neuri hurt you.”

  Black brow arched, he shot her a skeptical look.

  “I hated what my people did to my husbands. In my heart I despise how our kings are killed after just a year and a day of marriage. And for no reason but to ensure the queen remains supreme.”

  His deep brown eyes searched her own for the truth within.

  “What could I do? I was alone against my people and a thousand of years of tradition. But you and I together Brata, we will find a way. No matter what, there is always a Way.” She reassured him.

  Chapter 45 – Pythons in a Blue Pool

  These are the immortal goddesses

  Who lay with mortal men

  And bare them children

  Like unto the Gods –

  Hesiod, Theogony 700 BC

  Brata gazed into Toxaris’ golden-green eyes a long moment, then released a deep sigh. The invisible chains that bound his heart were loosened. The chains were still there, but the stranglehold was eased. He could breathe deep again.

  One look into her calm, luminous eyes and he knew - this small window of time they had together would haunt him the rest of his life. What a fool I was to think I could just walk away from her. Already she has captivated my soul…

  Finally at long last he could relax. Submerged in a languorous euphoria, Brata let the mystic blue river embrace his body.

  Smiling, backs arching like otters, they dove down into clear scintillating depths. Then with a kick, rose effortlessly to the silver surface. Breathing deep. Diving again and again. Sliding skin against smooth skin. Smiling into each other’s eyes.

  Coiling muscular arms around her, Brata pressed his mouth against Toxaris’ soft lips in a searing kiss. A fevered urgency shot through his veins. Their kiss evolved into a deep, succulent tonguing.

  His large, thick tongue filled Toxaris’ mouth and she found that enjoyed sucking on it.

  Pulling her hips snug against his loins, he ground his turgid arousal against the slippery lips of her yoni.

  Grasping the base of his cock he nosed the broad mushroom head over and around her swelling pearl.

  Toxaris arched her back and lifted her breasts, pressing taut nipples together in offering. Placing his lips over a nipple he sucked and nibbled one one, then the other. She moaned softly, seductively, her hips undulating, brushing his throbbing loins.

  “Ahhh, Brata, how long have I waited for a man like you.”

  With a catlike smile
, golden-green eyes glinting off the sparkling water, she pulled away, leaving him cold and empty.

  “You dance kolo well Brata, but are you as good a lover?” She teased, challenging him as was her way.

  The light in his eyes dimmed and she saw in them the shadowed fear of failure, of rejection. The fear that he might not be good enough for her, a queen.

  She moved closer, submerged except for her eyes and nose floating above water, long black hair streaming away in the current.

  Her mouth rose above water. In that calm, sultry voice that resonated long after in his mind, her lips moved:

  “Oh Brata, my beautiful Brata…my Brother…my Lover…” She ran her fingers along his broad shoulders then up behind his neck, bringing his face, his mouth close to hers. “From the first moment I saw you…”

  She held his face in her hands and kissed his earthen eyes, those dark doorways to his soul, now so vulnerable to her. Tenderly, reverently she kissed his sculpted lips and Brata relaxed again.

  Taking her weight, he lay back in the water. Still kissing, sucking tongues as they submerged, Toxaris lay over him. He gave of himself completely, finally. Forgetting everything but her… and the way she made him feel.

  Rising to the surface again, they both breathed deep in unison. The rigid control that he kept on his feelings dispelled in a puff of life-giving air. In its place was a pagan primordial life force simmering in Brata’s rich earthen eyes.

  He ran his hand up her inner thighs, fingers sliding along the lips of her yoni. Teasing, tantalizing, rubbing. Holding her smooth round ass close, he rubbed his water slick hard cock over her yoni in a slow luxurious grind.

  Ahhh…Hmmmh…The water making it all so easy, so relaxed.

  Palming his stiff phallus, he slid it slowly, deliberately up through the slick channel of her folds, used the broad head to caress her pearl, then pushed it back down across her nether lips.


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