Book Read Free

Private Stock

Page 29

by Iris Bolling

  “If anything is going to happen to my baby, we’re going to be right by your side,” Kaitlyn added.

  “We had a family meeting last night, Cainan,” Kennedy explained. “The decision was made. Your family is going to be in that courthouse today whether you like it or not.”

  Jerome walked into the house. “The vehicles are ready.”

  “Jerome you agreed to this?” Cainan asked

  “I did,” he nodded. “The courtroom will be filled with people who love and care about you. It’s time for you to get back to your life.” He looked around. “Are we ready to roll?”

  “Jerome, I don’t know about this.” Cainan’s voice was filled with concern for his family.

  “You trusted me this far,” he put a hand on his shoulder. “Trust me to see this to the end.”

  Kandace was grabbing at the arm of the chair trying to get up.

  Kennedy laughed. “By the time you get up from that chair, we will be gone.”

  Cainan smiled at the sight of his sister trying to get out of the chair. He walked over, kissed her on the cheek and said. “I will see you when I get back.”

  “Promise me you’re coming back,” she pouted.

  “I promise,” he patted Wayne on the shoulder. “We will call as soon as it’s over.”

  $ $ $

  Cainan and his family were taken directly to one of the witness rooms. There was room for all of them to sit as they waited for Cainan to be called into the courtroom. There was a knock on the door.

  Cainan checked his watch. “It’s a little early to be called in, isn’t it?” He asked Jerome as he opened the door.

  “Court is not in session yet,” he said. “You have visitors.” He stepped back and AnnieMarie came into view.

  “AnnieMarie,” Cainan jumped up so fast his chair fell backwards.

  AnnieMarie walked right into this arms. “Cainan.”

  Their lips locked together without a second thought to the people who were in the room.

  Winnie, Myles, Grace, Chrystina, Jonathan, Gary and Mike walked into the room. Everyone stood there watching the couple embracing.

  Winnie looked around. “Hello,” she extended her hand. “I’m AnnieMarie’s mother. Winnieford Dunning.”

  Kaitlyn took her hand, smiling brightly. “I’m Kaitlyn, Cainan’s mother.” The two women laughed then hugged each other.

  “Myles Dunning,” he extended his hand. “My fiancé Chrystina.”

  “Scott Wagner,” Cainan’s father said. “We owe you and your family a debt we will never be able to repay.”

  “We owe you,” Grace smiled. “You have a really great son, who we will be able to say hello to as soon as my sister remembers her home training and releases his lips.”

  They all laughed.

  Kennedy reached across people extending her hand to Grace, “Hi, I’m Kennedy, Cainan’s sister and he will come up for air sometime today. I’ve heard a lot about AnnieMarie.”

  Cainan broke the kiss. “I’m so glad you are here. The last time, I saw the look in Pauley’s eyes. I didn’t want her to come after you.”

  “Well she did,” AnnieMarie told him as they held each “And I handled it.”

  “Are you all right?” He felt all over her.

  “Yes, I’m fine. You should be asking if she is all right.”

  Cainan laughed. “Oh AnnieMarie, I have missed you.” He kissed her again. “I don’t ever want to be away from you like this….ever. Do you understand? I need you AnnieMarie. We can’t do this anymore, we’ve waited and dealt with one issue after another.”

  “And we are still standing,” she kissed him.

  “You know,” Cainan said. “I love you, AnnieMarie. Nothing is going to change that. Marry me…now. No more waiting on someone else to determine our life. I don’t care what happens with this case. I want you to be my wife.”

  “Wait, what?” Winnie asked through all the conversations that were swirling around.

  “Shh,” Kaitlyn said to the other people in the room.

  “Yes,” AnnieMarie did not hesitate. “I’ve been preparing our home while you handled this situation. And you have to finish it.”

  “Yes? What?” Chrystina asked. “I heard yes.”

  “I heard it too,” Grace said.

  “I purchased the estate from Aunt Viv and I’ve been working on it. We hired a housekeeper and everything.”

  “We did?” Cainan asked.

  “Yes, we did.”

  The two noticed the room had become quiet. They turned to see everyone staring at them.

  “What’s wrong?” AnnieMarie asked.

  “What are you two talking about?” Winnie asked.

  “Did you ask?” Kaitlyn asked.

  “Did she say yes?” Winnie added

  “Yes,” Cainan replied.

  “And I said yes,” AnnieMarie beamed.

  “Well, do it again so we can all hear it,” Kennedy ordered.

  Everyone in the room and outside the door laughed at that command.

  “Excuse me. I need to get through.” Benny appeared in the room. “Who are all of these people?”

  “Family,” Winnie replied. “Who are you?”

  “Not family,” Kennedy replied.

  “This is the District Attorney for the case I’m involved with,” Cainan explained. “Are they ready for me?” He asked.

  “There has been a development,” Benny said. “The judge wants us in the courtroom.”

  Cainan took AnnieMarie’s hand. “You and I, together from now on.”

  “”My Barack.”

  “My Michelle.”Cainan laughed. “I’ll see you in the courtroom.”

  The families walked into the court room and took seats behind the prosecutor’s table. It was hard not to notice there weren’t a lot of people on the other side of the room.

  “Something’s wrong,” Kennedy said as she looked around. “Where are the defendants?”

  Scott whispered. “Where’s the jury?”

  “They don’t come in until the judge calls for them.” She replied.

  The doors to the judge’s chambers opened. The defense attorneys walked out, followed by Benny and his second chair, SAC Taylor, Agent Chase and Cainan.

  “What’s going on?” Kennedy asked as Cainan came to sit next to AnnieMarie.

  All Cainan did was shake his head. “Whew.”

  “Are you okay?” AnnieMarie asked.


  “Are you supposed to be out here, son?” Scott asked.

  Before he could answer the bailiff spoke. “All rise. The Honorable Judge Edwards presiding.”

  Everyone stood when the judge entered. Judge Edwards brought the court to order.

  “Please be seated.” The bailiff ordered.

  Judge Edwards looked over the court. “The court was informed this morning that the bodies of John Giuliani and Pauline Giuliani were discovered this morning. The defense and the District Attorney are discussing a plea for the other defendants. The State of New Jersey vs John Giuliani and Pauline Giuliani is hereby concluded.”

  She hit the gavel on the bench stood and left the room.

  “What just happened?” AnnieMarie asked.

  “The case is over,” Cainan exhaled. He pulled AnnieMarie to her feet. Then turned to look around at everyone who appeared stunned. “Not only is the case over, we do not have to be concerned about Johnnie and Pauley. They were both found dead in their homes this morning.”

  “Oh my god, they’re dead?” AnnieMarie asked.

  Everyone started talking at once. Questions were being thrown at him left and right.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Scott said. They all stood and began filing out of the courtroom.

  Kennedy walked up to the bench, picked up something then walked back to the table where Benny was talking to the defense attorney.

  “Excuse me,” she smiled at the men then turned to Benny.

  “Baby, let’s talk later,” he said to her then tu
rned away.

  “Baby?” She chuckled. “I got your baby.” She took the judges gavel raised it high then came down with all the power she had and cracked it right in his balls. She dropped the gavel on the table as Benny fell to his knees, his hands holding his cracked balls and a scream silently coming from his mouth. “Have fun trying to use those balls again.” She stepped over him then walked out of the courtroom.

  “What did you do?” Her father asked the moment she stepped in the lobby. “I knew you were staying behind for something, now what did you do?”

  The defense attorneys walked out, glanced at her then chuckled. She frowned at them then turned back to her father. “I cracked some nuts.” She replied then walked over to where everyone was talking. “Did anyone call Kandace?”

  “I just hung up from her,” Kaitlyn said ecstatic with the news. “Why don’t we all go to the house to celebrate,” Kaitlyn said.

  “Mother, people are dead,” Cainan said. “I don’t think we should celebrate.”

  “Well, she did not mean to indicate we are celebrating their deaths,” Winnie explained “Only to have a drink to the fact that this situation has come to a just conclusion. Right, Kaitlyn.”

  “Exactly,” Kaitlyn smiled.

  “Let’s go home and have a drink,” Scott said. “Will you all please join us?”

  Myles nodded. “I don’t think we have a choice,” he pointed to Cainan and AnnieMarie who were walking towards the front exit of the courthouse. He took Chrystina’s hand, and followed their lead.

  Winnie glanced over her shoulder to take Gary’s arm. In the far corner of the courthouse, there stood Nikolai Pavolosky and a few other men. He slightly tilted his head. Winnie smiled sweetly as he turned then walked out the exit.

  “Who are you looking at Mother?” Gary asked.

  “A guardian angel.” She replied, placed her hand on his arm and followed the happy group out of the courthouse.


  Winnie walked into the kitchen where Kaitlyn seemed to have stationed herself. “You have a lovely home” she said as she took a seat at the island.

  Kaitlyn was leaning across it with her head resting on her hand. “I keep watching thinking it’s a dream that he is home. If I blink, he will be gone again.”

  Winnie walked around to the other side, bent over and rested her head in her hand as well. “I can tell you, he is real. This is not a dream and I know because that is my daughter sitting on his lap. I think she is afraid to blink too.”

  “They are cute together, aren’t they?

  Winnie nodded. “Yes they are.”

  “I’m going to lose him again.” Kaitlyn sighed. “I’m pretty sure he is going back to his life in Virginia.”

  “We would love to have him back. But you know there’s a difference this time.”

  “What? My baby is still gone.”

  “True, however you will know where he is and that he is happy in love”. Winnie shrugged, “who knows, you may have a few more little Cainans to spoil.”

  “Or some little AnnieMaries.”

  Winnie sighed. “I cannot believe three of my children are getting married.”

  “Cainan will be the second for me. The way things are going I don’t think Kennedy will ever find the right man.”

  “That’s how I feel about Mike.”

  “Oh I like him,” Kaitlyn smiled, “he’s a charmer.”

  “Yes he is, at times too much so.” Winnie smiled, then they both turned back to watch the family. “How long has Kandace been married?”

  “A little over a year. Cainan missed her wedding. Those kids were so close growing up, we had to force Kandace to go through with the plans even though her brother was not here.”

  “Oh I could not imagine missing one of my children’s weddings.”

  “I don’t think I could either.”

  Winnie turned on her elbow and smiled at Kaitlyn. Winnie stood turning her back to the family. Kaitlyn did the same.

  “I think those two have been through enough. You weren’t there but I can tell you those kids have had a time of it. I don’t think they should wait.”

  “I don’t think they want to and the last thing I would want to have to face is them running off somewhere and getting married.”

  “And those two just might do that,” Winnie said. “Tell me does New Jersey have a same day marriage license?”

  “No there’s a three day, 72 hours, wait. I think,” Kaitlyn explained.

  “Hmm...” Winnie thought. “Virginia is same day. Can your daughter fly?”

  “If there is a seat belt to hold her.”

  “We can make it work.” Winnie smiled. “I think your family should come for a visit this weekend.”

  Myles walked to the back of the plane where his mother sat making plans. “Do you have a minute for your eldest son?”

  “Always.” She put away her tablet. “You have my undivided attention.”

  “Thank you. I could not help but notice Nikolai Pavlovsky was in the courthouse today.”

  “Should I know that name?”

  “I think you do and so do I. I also think that it is a hell of a coincidence that both defendants in Cainan’s trial were eliminated in two separate locations in the very same manner. Any ideas on why Nikolai was in court today?”

  “I think you have a number of questions that are probably better unanswered.”

  Myles nodded. Leaned over and kissed his mother on the cheek. “I think you are right.”

  “This family has been a target for long enough. If your father was here, he would have put a stop to it long before now. Since his death, there are those out there who see us as weak. Some believe this is their opportunity to put a crack in our armor. It is our job to show them they are wrong. It is time to let the world know that Hepburn Dunning raised his children to be stronger than he ever was. He knew this day would come and he wanted you all prepared. He wanted his girls to be proper ladies, confident lovers, but more importantly fighters. When people come after them, and he knew they would, he wanted them to be able to kick ass. If they failed, you boys were raised to be the backup.”

  Myles chuckled. “Well mission accomplished. According to Mike, AnnieMarie more than held her own with Pauley Giuliani.”

  Winnie laughed. “That was nothing compared to the way she got the woman.”

  “Hmmm I wonder how she accomplished that?”

  Winnie hesitated before she replied.

  “Apparently very well.”

  Myles nodded. “Are we going to continue to act as if you do not communicate with Pavlovsky?”

  “Yes, we are.” She smiled at her son. “Your father prepared you children and the bank. With you at the helm, Chrystina at your side, not to mention the new Board with Preston, Cainan and Jonathan, I expect great things in the future.”

  “Yes dad prepared us well. But what about you?”

  “Me?” She asked with an incredulous look. “Of course your father prepared for me.”

  “No, Mother. Dad prepared us for the world, and the bank for the future. But he did not prepare you for life after him.”

  That statement caught Winnie off guard.

  “You are a beautiful vibrant woman, Mother. While you are protecting us with your anonymous connections, or planning surprise weddings for our happiness, you are missing out on a life for yourself. I don’t think Dad would be happy knowing you are not.”

  Myles looked up to see Jerome coming from the cockpit of the plane. He turned back to her. “I think a little companionship is good for everyone.” He stood. “Jerome,” he shook his hand. “You did a hell of a job coordinating protection for the family and the situation with Cainan. When you have an opportunity let’s sit down and talk about a permanent position at the bank.” Myles patted his shoulder then walked away.

  “Jerome, I had no idea you were planning on leaving the house.”

  “I had not.” He turned to her. “Things are beginning to settle down with the
family. Are you considering letting me go?”

  “No. It never crossed my mind. Are you thinking of leaving?”

  “Didn’t plan on it.”

  “Good I hope to have you around for a long time to come.” Winnie leaned forward. “Do you have a moment to talk?”

  “Of course.” Jerome sat in the seat across from her. The two leaned forward as if speaking in confidence. “What happened with the Giulianis?”

  “They were found with their throats cut.”

  Winnie touched her pearls, then cleared her throat. “Did you have anything to do with the outcome?”

  “Not this time. Our mutual friend saw to the details.”

  Winnie nodded.

  “I think it was the best outcome. Giuliani could not control his daughter.” He shrugged. “She refused AnnieMarie’s offer to live and let live. Pauley would have never stopped until someone forced her to.”

  “Are Nik’s men still upset with AnnieMarie?”

  Jerome smiled. “Their pride is a little bruised, but he compensated them well.”

  “Were you there to see it?”

  “No. But Nik described the scene to me,” Jerome smiled. “It was grace in motion, the way she brought his men down without breaking a sweat.”

  “You taught her well, Jerome.” Winnie smiled.

  “Hepburn knew what he wanted for his family. It’s the reason he hired me.”

  Winnie smiled. “He was always a good judge of character.”

  At the front in of the plane, Myles joined, Chrystina, who sat across from Jonathan and Grace.

  “What are those two scheming about now?” Grace asked.

  “A surprise wedding for AnnieMarie and Cainan.” Chrystina answered.

  Grace gasped, “Really?”

  Chrystina nodded. “She asked me to contact the Mayor to see if he was free tomorrow night.”

  “I hate to be Debbie Downer,” Grace said, “but they don’t have a marriage license.”

  Chrystina turned her computer around. “On line application.”

  “You are kidding?” Myles chuckled. “You can get a marriage license online?”

  “Yes, I did ours and now I’m putting in the information for theirs.”

  “It’s the way of the times, my friend,” Jonathan smirked. “Technology is invading every aspect of our lives.”


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