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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She sighed at the realization that settling down and mating just couldn’t happen right now. At least not until the realm was safe and the evil culprits at hand were captured or destroyed.

  She glanced at the clock, realizing that she promised Alexis that she would accompany her on a shopping trip into town. Grabbing some money and her purse, she headed out of the door.

  Walking down the hallway and toward the staircase, she noted the sound of music and laughter. As she descended the stairs, she saw numerous guests dancing and singing to some traditional folklore music. It was pleasant.

  “Hey, I was waiting for you. Are you all set?” Alexis asked.

  Charity smiled. “I suppose so. But remember, I warned you that I’m not much of a shopper.”

  Alexis smiled. “I will shop enough for both of us.”

  Charity giggled then looked up toward the rooms upstairs. She had checked on Val, and he was still feeling sick to his stomach. Hopefully he would be well enough to eat dinner when she returned. They had some things to discuss.

  * * * *

  Alexis had shown Charity some of the best stores in town. Charity had no idea that nude shoes were in this season or any of the other fashion trends. Alexis giggled, but felt really good spending time with Charity. She hoped that they would become great friends. They sat at a little café for some coffee and a light snack. There would be another party and some activities after dinner at the Venificus mansion tonight. Charity and Alexis didn’t want to ruin their appetites, so having something small to snack on was a smart idea.

  They talked about Charity’s job with Caliber and the direction the owner intended on pursuing. While talking, they had been approached numerous times by men looking to flirt. Alexis sat in amazement.

  Just then Alexis’s cell phone rang.

  “Where are you?” Zagoran asked. His tone sounded firm and commanding, and Alexis was certain that Charity could hear it from where she sat.

  “I’m in town like I told you I would be.” She rolled her eyes at Charity, expressing her displeasure with the way Zagoran was speaking to her.

  “Get back here now. You didn’t let the guards know you were leaving,” Zagoran reprimanded Alexis.

  “I don’t need guards.”

  “Alexis, you are my mate, and I expect you to follow my orders. You are not to go out alone. Not with all these attacks going on,” Zagoran yelled at her over the cell phone.

  “I am with Charity, who is part of a major security firm. Aside from a bunch of sex-craving men, we are doing quite well on our own.”

  “She is not one of the guards for the security firm. Charity is an assistant to the owner. She isn’t trained.”

  “How do you know that?” Alexis asked in challenge then looked toward Charity for any ounce of support or proof that Charity was trained in self-defense or something.

  Charity smiled and nodded her head, obviously hearing the entire conversation.

  “Charity and I will be just fine. We’ll be back shortly.”

  “What did you mean by sex-crazed men? Are there men bothering you two?”

  “Not me so much as Charity. She can’t walk a half a block without some handsome man handing her his phone number or stopping her to introduce himself. She’s hot.”

  Charity’s eyes widened in shock as she shook her head and tried to get Alexis to stop exaggerating.

  Alexis smiled.

  “We’ll be back soon.”

  “Okay. Be safe and keep an eye on Charity for my cousins. They are not going to be happy about this.”

  Alexis hung up the phone and laughed.

  “Why did you do that?” Charity asked, and Alexis smiled then crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “I like you, Charity. This family needs a woman like you around. The triplets are head over heels for you. This will just give them the push they need to make their move and claim you already.”

  “Claim me? I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  “No, you’re not. You are going to stay here and enjoy the week’s events with me then attend the hunt and be claimed by the Royal Venificus brothers.”

  “You are crazy. I don’t even live around here I don’t know anything about royalty or getting involved with royal Alphas, and I have a full time job and home far away from here,” Charity replied.

  “These are minor technicalities that won’t stand a chance of being barriers against mating with the brothers.”

  Charity exhaled then took another sip of iced tea.

  * * * *

  Alexis continued to smile and look around the town, admiring its beauty and charm. But Charity’s thoughts were suddenly on the Venificus brothers. She should have been more careful and not allowed them to kiss her. She felt her cheeks redden and her body warm, remembering what happened in the meeting room. They did a heck of a lot more than just kiss her.

  She thought about them constantly, but she also thought about the danger they faced. Mates or not, she needed to focus on securing their pack’s position and getting information to the Circle of Elders to initiate plans of defense.

  “I think we should get going,” Charity stated as she watched Alexis. Her line of sight landed on two very rugged-looking individuals crossing the street and heading toward them.

  “I think you’re right,” Alexis replied then stood up to grab her shopping bags.

  Immediately Charity sensed the men’s thoughts. They were wolves, and as she inhaled, she knew they weren’t friendly. They were rogue, and they seemed to have their eyes set on Alexis.

  Charity stood up and whispered to Alexis.

  “Do as I say and everything will be fine.”

  Alexis nodded.

  Charity grabbed her hand and pulled her along as they exited the café and headed down the street. There were people everywhere.

  “I think I should call Zagoran.”

  “And make him panic? No need to worry. These guys are just trying to frighten us.”

  “They’re doing a good job, and they are wolves, not men,” Alexis replied.

  “They are rogue and do not follow the same rules as you and Zagoran. Just keep walking to the truck, and we’ll be fine.”

  Alexis squeezed Charity’s hand tighter.

  “You do know how to fight, right?”

  “I hope that won’t be necessary.”

  They turned the corner and could see their car in the distance. As they approached the vehicle and Alexis hit the automatic unlock on the doors, they heard a voice.

  “Hey, where are you running off to?” one of the guys stated.

  They turned to look at them, and Charity told Alexis to get into the car.

  “Do I know you?” Charity asked calmly as she looked over the two men. She read their minds and knew that they were after Alexis. Someone ordered them to capture Alexis. They were going to use her to get to Zagoran.

  The taller wolf with golden blonde hair, stubble on his face, and bulging muscles moved closer to Charity. He looked her over from head to toe as the other guy with brown hair walked around to the passenger side.

  He reached up to touch a strand of hair on Charity. She immediately knew he was bad.

  “No, you don’t know me, sweetheart, but I’m going to change all that.”

  He grabbed her hair and pulled just as she heard Alexis scream.

  Charity released a small amount of power to get the wolf to release her. She knew she had to do most of the fighting on her own or it would raise questions about her abilities. In a flash, she had kicked the blonde, turned him around, and knocked him to the ground. Then she hurried to Alexis’s side and struck the other man in the back, giving Alexis room to escape his grasp and retaliate.

  Charity was shocked when Alexis roared then struck the guy with a right hook to his nose. Charity ensured that the men didn’t shift by using her powers to overpower their wolves. They were in a public place.

  “Hold it right there!” Someone yelled, and when Charity turned around, she saw a polic
e officer. The sirens could be heard in the distance, and Charity knew Alexis was safe. Now they just needed to worry about the police.

  * * * *

  Charity was relieved that the police didn’t push the issue of how two women defended themselves against two larger men. They gave the police officers their side of the story, and of course two of the officers were wolves just like Alexis. They knew the Venificus and immediately called them to notify them of what had occurred. The police were insistent on following them back to the estate.

  Before they even left the scene, an SUV of Venificus guards arrived as escorts home.

  * * * *

  “What went wrong?” Latikus yelled into the cell phone.

  The wolf on the other end stuttered as he spoke.

  “There was this blonde woman with Zagoran’s mate. She fought off both men, and then the police showed up.”

  “Was she of the wolf?”

  “They didn’t sense that she was a wolf. But they also said they couldn’t shift either. Something held them back.”

  Latikus felt his anger building. The master would not be happy about this.

  “Who was the blonde woman?”

  “We don’t know. They believe that she was staying at the mansion, though.”

  “I will get back in touch with you shortly. We’ve missed our opportunity now, and Zagoran will more than likely not allow his mate out of his sight.”

  Latikus slammed the phone closed and thought about the conversation.

  Who was the blonde woman with the ability to fight and not shift but also maybe with powers? Who could it be?

  He opened his cell phone and called Conrad Symporian. He was at the estate still. He could find out.

  * * * *

  Charity watched as a very angry but concerned Zagoran pulled Alexis into his arms and hugged her. She felt their bond and their love full force. It was amazing.

  But then Charity saw the Venificus brothers arrive. The crowd parted, and the men moved forward. It was Dante and Luther that showed expressions of relief at seeing her. Maximus, however, looked very angry.

  She followed the others as they entered into the house and tried to mix in with Zagoran and Alexis. She felt the hand around her upper arm stopping her from going inside. It was Dante. She was left alone with Dante and Luther.

  In no time at all, they had her pinned against the house right beside the front entrance and doorway. Each man held a hand against her stomach and hip on either side. The feel of them touching her made her lose her breath. They stared down at her as they placed their other hands on the wall beside her head on either side. She was sandwiched between them and the wall.

  “Explain what happened now,” Luther practically growled.

  She closed her eyes and absorbed the way they made her feel. They wanted answers and were giving orders, but all she could think about was the way their hands pressed against her belly and hip bones and how sexually stimulated her body was. Her nipples hardened, and by the gods, other parts begged to be touched. It was outrageous.

  * * * *

  Maximus listened to Alexis explain to Zagoran and the others what had happened.

  “Charity was amazing. Before I even knew what was happening, she had one guy down on the ground and the other one who attacked me distracted so I could hit him. It was incredible, and she was so calm through the whole thing. She is amazing.”

  With each detail, from the guys flirting with Charity all the way to both her and Alexis nearly being abducted, he lost his control. All he could think about was grabbing Charity, throwing her over his shoulder, and taking her to his room to explore her body and ensure that she hadn’t been harmed in any way. His nostrils flared, and his eyes tingled with anger.

  Then Val slowly made his way down the stairs.

  “Where is my Charity?” he demanded to know as he took the final few steps, waiting on the last one as if the extra height gave him courage to face Maximus.

  Maximus sensed the man’s fear.

  “She’s outside with Dante and Luther.”

  Val gave Maximus an annoyed look then headed out the front door.

  * * * *

  Charity could hardly get the words out of her mouth. It didn’t matter anyway because Luther took that moment to sniff against her neck and ear then nuzzle closer. Dante did the same, and she began to pant.

  Luther and Dante kissed her chin then the corners of her lips.

  “We were so worried,” Dante whispered.

  She was lost in the sensations when suddenly the front door opened, and Charity tried to push the men away.

  “Charity?” Val stated out loud, and she locked gazes with him. She willed her power to make the men release their hold, and they did.

  “Are you okay? I was so worried,” Val stated as Charity walked over to him and he embraced her.

  “I’m fine. How are you feeling?” she asked as she glanced over her shoulder at Dante and Luther. Their teeth were clenched, and they stared at Val with anger.

  “Let’s go back inside. You look so pale.” Charity took Val’s hand and walked inside the house with him.

  They received numerous looks as they headed upstairs.

  “Where do you think you are going?” Maximus asked as his angry voice echoed through the foyer.

  Charity looked toward him as Val shook next to her.

  “It seems that my boss hasn’t quite recovered fully from your attack, Lord Venificus. He needs to go back to bed.” She winked at him and continued up the stairs as numerous grunts and shocked exasperations from the small crowd of people echoed behind her.

  She wouldn’t go back down. She was not going to take orders from him. She was slowly losing the battle to expose her position, her power, and her authority. Especially with Maximus, Dante, and Luther around. The spirits had yet to direct her to do so. And boy did she want to tell the brothers who she really was.

  * * * *

  Charity spoke with Celeste about the attempted abduction of Alexis. She also made sure that the information leaked to Zagoran from the police department. She was able to contact the detectives on the case and have them notify Zagoran and give him the names of the wolves associated with the attempted abduction. At least the information could help Zagoran to protect his mate. A new fear traveled through the extended family.

  Everyone was on edge, and even Val was questioning whether he and Charity should remain at the Venificus mansion or head back to Caliber. She used her powers to help heal him more quickly and calm his anxiety. She explained to Val that the spirits had yet to show themselves or give a foretelling of what was to come or what Charity was to actually do for the Venificus and their pack’s members. Times like this were rather frustrating.

  Charity was walking in the library, looking at old books from the numerous eras as well as some family paintings of the Venificus family. She was trying to get a better understanding of the family and their importance to the were community. It was one thing to look at pictures and receive information from the Goddesses, but entirely different to experience their personalities and actions in person. The one picture of Maximus, Dante, Luther, and their parents was intriguing. She could sense the sadness in Maximus’s eyes even in the picture. Luther and Dante looked just as stressed, but not sad.

  She heard the door open and sensed Luther enter. He closed the door and remained silent. She looked over her shoulder at him then back toward the painting.

  Luther was incredibly handsome.

  Charity had an array of abilities. But without the consent and backing of the spirits she could not use them fully. She had the ability to feel the emotions and thoughts of people around her. It was a gift that often led her to healing someone in need or simply making a deeper acquaintance. She felt Luther directly behind her and his need to be close to her. He had truly been concerned over the circumstances of the day’s events and potential harm that might have come to both Charity and Alexis. Suddenly she felt his arms go around her waist. He pulled
her against his chest and cuddled next to her neck and shoulder.

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  She placed her hands on his wrists to try and remove his arms, but it was useless. She really didn’t want him to let go, and she was feigning weakness around him. The truth of the matter was that she loved the feel of his embrace.

  She moved her head so she could look at his face and her heart hammered in her chest.

  His green eyes glowed ever so slightly, and his smile lit up her heart. The gold hoop above his eyebrow somehow added to his charming appeal, and she returned his smile. He was a possessive man. She sensed it with all her being, and it made her desire him more. He was a wolf that gave of himself fully, not partly, when it came to action. Luther was definitely a noble and gallant Alpha.

  “I was right here all along. Didn’t Alexis inform you?” she challenged then turned back toward the painting. Her insides danced with anticipation as she wondered if Luther would try to kiss her again.

  He gave her waist a squeeze and ignored her statement.

  “Do you like that picture?” he asked.

  She took a deep breath and debated about answering him. He gave her body another squeeze. She felt his thick fingers against her ribcage, and it made her feel feminine and alive with desire.

  “Your Alpha asked you a question.”

  She felt the chills from his command and fought with her own authority as a princess. She nodded her head. He kissed her neck, and she closed her eyes.

  “The painting was created from a photograph taken last year before a party here at the mansion,” he offered, and she wondered how Maximus could look so sad if they were at a party.


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