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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Were Love Conquers All [Were Trilogy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Celeste wore a black velvet jumpsuit, and Charity couldn’t help but wonder if the woman was planning on joining the hunt.

  “I came to check on you.”

  “That was very nice of you—”

  Charity began to walk to the chair by the vanity again when Celeste stopped her.

  Touching her arm, Charity locked gazes with Celeste.

  “You are feeling confused, my princess.”

  Charity exhaled and was worried about sharing her emotions with Celeste. As if sensing it, Celeste spoke.

  “The spirits have sent me to you. They feel I can be of service, and I am honored. You know that I loved your parents very much. Pasarra had dreamt of having a daughter someday, but she knew the risks.”

  “I wish she were still alive, and my father, too.” Charity sat down on the chair.

  “It is understandable.”

  Celeste stood beside Charity and gently caressed her hair.

  “You are not alone anymore, Charity. The spirits have sent you on this journey with much purpose. I can feel something growing within you. A deeper power, a weapon perhaps for the evil you must destroy.”

  Charity locked gazes with Celeste and laid her palm against her heart.

  “I feel it, too. I feel it even more when I am with—”

  Charity paused, feeling a bit embarrassed.

  “When you are with my sons.” Celeste smiled knowingly.

  “Yes. I feel a connection to them, a need to be around them all the time. For twenty-two years I have been alone. There has been camaraderie and friendship, but never love.” Charity blushed at the confession.

  Celeste smiled.

  “That is not something to be ashamed of, Charity. A princess should not act with indiscretion. I am certain it is part of the appeal my sons feel for you. I told you that you could not simply pass as an assistant,” Celeste joked, and Charity smiled.

  “Celeste.” Charity cleared her throat and held the woman’s gaze. “Your sons, Maximus, Luther, and Dante, have been chosen by the gods to be my mates.”

  Celeste smiled, the tears instantly forming in her eyes.

  She bowed before Charity.

  “It is such an honor, and I am certain you can handle them.”

  She embraced Charity then chuckled as she pulled away.

  Wiping her tears, Celeste appeared to be gleaming with joy.

  “They are quite the handful, with each more determined and stubborn than the next. The qualities of each of them together make the perfect mate for a princess. Do not fear. I have much faith in you.”

  Charity smiled, but deep inside she felt a sense of anxiety. Could she truly give all of herself to these three men?

  “It is quite interesting how the spirits work to ensure that the good continue to destroy the evil.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was pregnant with the triplets before you were conceived. Pasarra had difficulty getting pregnant. It was years later when she finally conceived you. We were so thrilled. The triplets were just turning twelve, and I used to joke around about joining our families. What if she had girls and they were mates to my three sons? We were very good friends, as you know. Pasarra became pregnant with you, and we hoped for our little fantasy would come true. We had a huge celebration when you were conceived.”

  “You mean your boys met me when I was just an infant?”

  Celeste nodded.

  “They were young, and I’m not sure if they remember meeting you. It was a happy time.”

  “That is amazing, and it makes me happy that you shared such a fond memory. Do your sons know or remember?”

  “I am not certain. I suppose one day we will bring it up and tell them. Are you going to let them know that you are the Princess?”

  Charity sighed as if thinking about it.

  “I want to tell them, but I feel that the time is not right. I don’t know why exactly but my instincts are telling me to wait a bit longer.”

  Celeste smiled then placed her hand on Charity’s shoulder. “Do not fret my dear, when the time is right you will know, and then we can celebrate.”

  Celeste smiled just as the sound of someone knocking on the door interrupted them. “I will meet you outside for the hunt.”

  Charity nodded her head and rose from the chair as Celeste opened the door.

  * * * *

  Dante nearly fainted at the sight of his mother in Charity’s room. A mix of emotions ran through him. First, he was worried that Charity had told his mother about hypnotizing Val. Second, he thought about what he and his brothers had done to their goddess virgin, and the heat hit his cheeks.

  “Dante Venificus, you better act like a gentleman in this young lady’s room. I expect you downstairs in fifteen minutes.”

  “Yes, mother. I wouldn’t dream of being late to the hunt. Fifteen minutes is plenty of time.” He smirked at Charity as he kissed his mother on the cheek.

  Dante entered the room, closing the door behind him.

  “And what brings you to my room, Dante Venificus.” Charity took a few steps back and clasped her hands in front of her.

  Dante stared down at the petite beauty meant to be his mate. His brothers were right to be concerned. Charity was delicate, feminine, and sweet. He wouldn’t dream of hurting her.

  “You look gorgeous as usual, my goddess,” he smiled and was content to see the blush hit Charity’s cheeks.

  He chuckled when she exhaled.

  “I had to come see you. You have dominated my thoughts.”

  Charity stepped back again as Dante took two steps toward her.

  He crinkled his eyebrows at her.

  “You have nothing to fear from me, Charity.”

  “Is that so? If you will excuse my hesitation in believing that you mean me no harm, considering, my boss lays very ill a few doors down because of your brother.”

  Dante smiled.

  “Your boss is fine, Charity. I just checked in on him. Besides, your boss did not show the respect he should have with Maximus.”

  She took another step back.

  “I think we should leave my room.”

  Her panicked expression nearly made him roar with laughter. His woman was not a tease or a flirt. She was modest, classy, and sinfully pure.

  Dante moved closer, and Charity wasn’t quick enough to dodge his arms.

  * * * *

  Charity gasped. It wasn’t that Dante really scared her. It was his size, his instant effect on her that put her on guard. Her head barely reached his chest, and every time one of the brothers hugged her, her belly collided with an erection. Dante was hard and very large, causing Charity to breathe more rapidly.

  In an attempt to avoid his control, Charity reached behind her and held his hands while leaning back as far as his embrace would allow.

  “Dante, please. We need to get ready for the hunt.”

  “Ah, ah, ah, my dearest Charity, it appears you do not know the proper etiquette when in the presence of your Alpha.” He smirked then squinted in a way that told her she was in trouble in a good, sexual way.

  The dimple in his cheek sprang out and nearly embraced her heart. Dante was so sexy and adorable.

  She must resist his charms.

  “And do you plan on teaching me the ‘proper etiquette,’ Dante?” Charity asked, still attempting to pull away from his hold. It was hard to resist touching his muscular arms. She ran her hands over his chest half trying to stop him from pressing his body against hers and half needing to feel the muscles beneath her fingertips. He took complete advantage of her size.

  A moment later, she was sprawled out on the edge of the bed. She squealed in shock before Dante kissed her.

  He held the base of her head in one hand while he simultaneously loved her mouth and found the waist of her sweater with the other.

  She couldn’t resist his charms and embraced his shoulders, returning his kiss. She ran her fingers through his short hair and felt the muscles on his neck and shoulder. Dante pressed his
fingers beneath the underwire of her bra and pushed upwards giving him better access to her breast. He maneuvered his thigh between her legs and instantly she felt his hard cock press against her groin. He massaged and tweaked her nipple rolling it between his thumb and pointer while he ravaged her mouth and then her neck. Tilting her head back so he could gain better access to her skin, she heard his whispers.

  “You taste so good Charity. Your skin is soft and feminine, you make my wolf hungry for a taste,” he stated then licked across the seam of her lips.

  She breathed heavily as his mouth tasted every inch of her own before spreading more licks and kisses across her chin and neck.

  “There is no reason to fight the inevitable. You are our mate, Charity.”

  She inhaled and exhaled his scent, and the moisture grew between her thighs. Her pussy wept for more of him. She wanted his fingers, his cock, something inside of her to ease the hunger and the ache. Dante growled then nibbled a bit harder against her neck.

  His thigh spread her legs, and then she felt the warm palm of his hand against the waistband of her pants. He rubbed his hand along her hip bone then across her ribs as if he read her mind. Her body hummed for more, and he must have felt it, too. His kisses slowed down, and his fingers singed her skin. Everywhere he touched felt as if it burned through Charity’s body and fed the hunger building inside of her.

  He pressed his hands deeper down her pants until his fingers reached her wet folds. The moment his fingers reached her pussy she arched her hips toward his hand.

  “Just a little feel Charity and perhaps a tasty appetizer before later tonight.” He whispered as he spread her pussy lips and pushed a finger into her.

  Unable to elicit a verbal response, she reached for his face as she arched her hips, meeting his fingers thrust for thrust.

  He rotated and flexed his finger then added a second digit. She moaned at the sensations as he found some oversensitive spot along her vaginal walls and that elicited more moans and tiny orgasmic jolts.

  “You’re so responsive and sexy. Come for me, Charity. Let go and share this part of you with me.”

  He thrust his fingers deeper and faster into her pussy. The sloshing sound filled the space between them as she attempted to remain focused on Dante’s face. His eyes glowed as he licked his lips and she arched her breasts forward.

  “Oh Dante,” she moaned as her insides tightened and something strong and powerful continued to build up inside of her.

  Dante chose that moment to cover her lips and muffle her screams as she thrust against his fingers and exploded against his hand.

  She panted causing Dante to release her lips but not before sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and tasting more of her.

  Slowly he began to remove his fingers. She watched in awe as he licked her juices from each finger.

  “Mine.” He began to push her pants down her hips, kissing her until she pulled away and she stopped him.

  “The hunt, Dante. We have to go.”

  He stopped kissing her to lock gazes. The wolf in his eyes revealed his desire for her and his affection. She saw his expression change to seriousness in an instant.

  “Tonight, after the hunt, one of us will come for you. We can wait no longer.”

  Charity held his gaze, and the realization of his statement hit her, as well as a vision.

  Stopping time, she saw the events unfold in Dante’s eyes. She watched as someone tried to kill him during the hunt.

  Charity squeezed her eyes tightly and pulled him close to her.

  “What is it, Charity? What’s wrong? You’re shaking.” Dante rolled to the side and brought Charity with him. He held her close, and she willed away the tears.

  “My goddess, don’t be afraid. We will not hurt you. It will be quite pleasurable, I am certain.” He kissed her forehead and held her close.

  “Don’t even think about it, Dante. Get both of your asses down here now. The ceremony is ready to start.” Maximus’s voice through their telepathic link interrupted Dante’s moment alone with Charity.

  He reached his hand out to Charity.

  “Shall we?”

  “Did your brother beckon us?”

  Dante stopped her, grabbing her around the waist as her chest collided with his causing her to catch her breath

  “How can you tell I was conversing with him?” He caressed his finger against her cheek as he held her.

  “Every time your brother speaks to you through your minds, the small vein by your neck pulsates faster.”

  Dante smiled.

  “Gorgeous and observant.”

  He took her hand and left for the hunt.

  * * * *

  Charity stood by the picture window that overlooked the meadows and fields surrounding the estate. Val was feeling much better and standing close beside her.

  She had told him quickly about her vision and requested that he stay beside Dante at all times during the hunt.

  “And where shall you be?” Val inquired.

  “Wherever the spirits lead me, Val. There was more to me coming to this event than just business. I fear that someone is trying to start a war. If they succeed in capturing or killing a Venificus, it could mean their demise.”

  “Should we call for backup?”

  Charity was silent a moment as if contemplating the idea.

  “No. It’s the way it is to be.”

  Charity absorbed the raging bonfire and the large amount of animals that danced around it. It was a glorious sight to see, yet Charity felt tense. She was compelled to seek out the triplets, and the moment the ritual began she found them.

  Pushing through the double French doors, Charity marched quickly toward the railing to get a better look at her wolves.

  Her wolves? She shocked herself with her own possessive thoughts. She battled inside with warning them or perhaps making them stay beside her, but she couldn’t.

  All three wolves stood bunched together. Two possessed coats in a deep chocolate color. One had cream colored stripes along the neck while the other had spots of silver along its stomach and back.

  The third was even larger than the first two, who alone were bigger than any wolf she had ever known of. The others wolves around them seemed small compared to the three brothers.

  The third and largest wolf was as black and shiny as onyx. He was growling and snarling as if he couldn’t stand to wait much longer. She wondered if he was hungry and wanted to chase and catch his prey as soon as possible. Charity swallowed hard, and her heart raced. Maximus! She couldn’t help but imagine them chasing and capturing her. If she were in wolf form, she would surely give them a run for their money.

  She absorbed the sight of all the others. Glorious, large, and feral looking lions roared with enthusiasm and excitement. There were panthers and more were all gathering around, just waiting for the signal.

  The night was cool and the moon high and bright. It was magical the way the stars sparkled alongside it.

  Charity was drawn back to her wolves and their eyes sought her out as well. She immediately saw Dante’s emerald green eyes as he gazed at her before taking off. Luther stayed alongside Maximus as they sprinted in the opposite direction of their brother.

  “Val!” Charity was concerned for Dante. He needed protection. As she turned to tell him to go, he was already long gone.

  Pleased, she watched the others quickly spread out among the forest. There were so many creatures but mostly there were wolves who joined the hunt. Observing their features and the magnificent specimen of wolves, she noticed the large lion and his eyes of darkness.

  He glanced at her before taking off in the same direction as Dante. Another small wolf followed suit.

  Her chest tightened, and her tattoo strained with ache and a sense of foreboding. There was something evil about the lion.

  Charity looked around her, noticing a handful of people enjoying their cocktails and heading closer to the fire to keep warm. It was a clear evening, and the star
s were brilliant.

  She slowly walked down the small flight of porch stairs that descended onto a large, paved patio. To the left, she sensed Maximus and Luther. They were on the hunt. Both excitement and joy filled their hearts. To the center, many other wolves and lions continued to chase their prey, and some had already captured theirs.

  Looking in the direction Dante had taken, she prayed to the spirits to allow her to see him in her mind. Immediately his image appeared, showing her he was safe and carefully making his way through thick, heavy brush.

  “Princess! He is in danger. You must go to him now before it is too late.” She recognized the deep voice and knew it was Dravo.

  “Dravo! What are you doing here? Where are you?” she asked as she walked into the darkness of the woods. She glanced around the area, and no one seemed to notice her leaving. “I thought you were taking some time off?” she asked Dravo telepathically.

  “I was until the Goddess summoned me and suggested that I meet up with you here. I take it that you have no idea who is trying to destroy the Venificus family?

  “No, but I am confident that I will. My concern is for Dante Venificus. He is in danger.”

  “We will talk later. They are using dark magic on him. You must hurry.”

  Charity feared for Dante’s life. She would deal with Dravo later.

  With one quick thought, she jumped through the air, feeling her bones shift and reform as she took her form in a massive lioness. Charity had rarely used her magical ability to shift. The fact that the spirits wanted her to transform into a huge lioness was surprising. She bolted in the direction she felt the evil was most and leaped through the trees. Her eyes instantly adjusted to the darkness. Night vision allowed her to see farther than most nocturnal creatures. Her heart raced with fear and anticipation.

  Coming through the clearing, she saw in the distance Val lying unconscious on the ground. The need to defend and conquer ran through every inch of her body. Val was one of her protectors, her closest friend. Dante was her mate, and he needed her strength and her power to save him from death. Her eyes adjusted to the ray of light that formed a large dome around both Dante and two other animals. She hurried along as the one animal that appeared to be a combination of lion and were jumped on top of Dante. His cries of pain filled her ears, and she growled deep and strong while plunging through the dome of light.


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