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Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9)

Page 13

by Donald Wigboldy

  The mage’s eyes were closed and missed her smile.

  His magic led his mind into the body of the wilder and almost immediately he felt the dissonance in the flow of her magic. Her body was reacting to something that Ashleen had nearly hit on the head with her complaints. The arteries which carried blood were echoed by those which carried magic. It was something few outside of the healers knew. It was the system that created the auras many wizards could see revealing their power.

  Normally, the magic should be flowing smoothly and uninterrupted. Unlike the blood pumped by a heart which pushed with each beat and was nearly at rest for those minor spaces between beats of the heart, magic should be flowing fairly quickly without any hiccups even when it wasn’t in use. The wilder was familiar to him and he knew her body rhythms from healing her and working with the girl closely. Such familiarity between wizards and mages often led to false closeness believed to be love. It was one of the deficiencies of using magic.

  He had measured her power long ago in Windmeer and knew that, as a wilder, Ashleen’s power tended to move quickly through her magic arteries; but now it was stagnant. The flow was sluggish, but he had seen it moving in her vibrantly before.

  “You became dangerously low in power today helping me,” he stated abruptly trying to determine whether he needed to try and kick start the flow with his magic.

  “But I’ve eaten and I wasn’t completely drained,” the pretty blonde retorted starting to pull back. Sebastian’s hand was flat against her skin, but somehow seemed to hold her fast.

  With the healer’s touch, Ashleen found herself bonded to him, but she relaxed quickly in his hold as Sebastian finished, “Remember when we walked up the tower in Windmeer to see how tied you are to the earth?”

  She nodded and noticed his eyes remained closed. “Yes,” she replied curious as to the moment’s importance to this one.

  “We’re several floors up. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem for you, but your magic was low when you returned. You were tired and the height of the inn isn’t allowing enough flow from the earth to let your aura recharge.”

  “I guess that it is a good thing we are moving to the much shorter Black Smith Inn,” the girl chuckled sounding tired.

  Sebastian could feel her energy flagging. It was the strange bond between the wilder and the earth that made her vulnerable. Deciding that it would be best to give her energy a kick start for her own health’s sake; the healer mage created a new spell, “Earth flow.”

  Channeling the feel of the earth to him in a spell, Sebastian added the power and feel of the earth into Ashleen. He coerced the flow of her magic and, like the girl had done for him in the forge, the mage channeled his energy with the earth giving her new strength. Like his magic took over the girl, his spell healed by mirroring her aura with the energy introduced through him into the wilder. Power returned as her body leached off the new flow and his magic increased the speed of the arteries of power artificially until her body could continue the process without his help.

  As Ashleen’s body began to react favorably to the influx of earth magic, her temperature lowered from fever and her skin cooled.

  Releasing his magic, Sebastian noticed the power disappear like a light inside of him. He had channeled too much like a wizard, the battle mage feared for a moment; but his vision strengthened as his energy evened out once more. In the past, he would have used Bairh’loore to achieve such a powerful spell; but Sebastian hadn’t realized the new spell would require as much from him.

  Sighing contentedly, Ashleen looked at his face noting the brief paling while her coloring also returned to normal. “Did you overdo it too? You looked pale for a moment, but I must say that I feel fantastic now!

  “How did you do that?”

  As comprehension that his hand still rested between her breasts feeling her heart beating without the use of his magic, Sebastian pulled his palm free to wipe it against his leg. He could have blamed it on the feverish sweat, but the young man didn’t lie to himself realizing that much of it came from a new nervousness brought about by the beautiful girl in front of him.

  “I gripped the feel of the earth and pulled it through the stone into you to recharge your magic. You should feel back to normal now,” he replied trying not to think about whether he should have the power to do such a thing as a battle mage. Wizards had told him over and over again that he wasn’t gaining in magical power; so unless he had somehow tapped the earth without using a staff, Sebastian had just found a way to use what he had to coerce the earth to deliver what he needed for the girl.

  Looking at him warily, Ashleen’s voiced thought proved she was wondering as much as well, “That sounds like something a strong wizard should be able to do, not a battle mage. I’m not complaining since I feel better than normal and not just my normal self, but it should have been impossible without cheating with one of your staves, right?”

  Sebastian shrugged and took quick stock of how he felt. There seemed to be no lingering effects, though he was now hungry again. Even his hunger was only a mild need. “You’re a wizard. You can sense my aura too. I feel fine, but I am a little surprised as well.

  “I am getting hungry after all that, so if you are feeling better, then maybe it is time to change and head down for dinner after all.”

  Shaking her head, Ashleen replied, “You need a bath and after this fever, so do I. Come on. You have all this control. Come take a bath with me.”

  “That would be the opposite of having control, I think,” Sebastian replied noticing her fingers had unfastened the button she had been playing with as her look turned into that of a predator. Not only did Ashleen feel better, as she said; she seemed better than just fine.

  “Children take baths together. Just be my big brother taking a bath with me,” she said taking a step towards him as if stalking the man before her. Another button had released, but he hadn’t even seen her hand touch it.

  Electricity seemed to charge the girl’s skin, but as her hand touched his chest in turn, there was no shock. Their energy seemed to mingle and it wasn’t unlike the touch between him and Yara while using healing magic.

  “We aren’t children,” he replied breathily feeling some of what charged the wilder. Ashleen’s body had turned feeling good into almost a feel of intoxication. The attraction between them seemed stronger than ever as the girl tried to weaken his resolve. He had told her that he would at least open his heart to the possibility that Ashleen was actually the one for him after all; but that didn’t mean he should give in even so. They had been together almost exclusively for a month and that was a long time for two people attracted to each other to be alone.

  “I am glad that you noticed,” she breathed and he felt her hand rub against his chest. “Are you sure that you aren’t fighting the wrong battle, Bas? You know that I am in love with you and I can feel that you must feel the same. We almost became a couple before you saw Yara again. If it is only a matter of timing, then maybe it is our time?

  “I am here and she is not. You two were pulling away and we are getting closer.”

  He was almost broken down by her pull on him, when his stomach saved his mind. The growl caused by the use of his magic was letting him know that he was hungry beyond normal hunger after all. Magic usage preferred nourishment and was best replaced quickly, though time could usually replace his energy slowly.

  “Sorry, why don’t you run that bath and I will run down to get some food,” he said backing away like a rabbit before a wolf. His hand found the door handle, while his eyes saw Ashleen’s dress fall revealing her beautiful body completely.

  With pouty lips, Ashleen shrugged saying, “Maybe next time then.”

  Sebastian exited from the room quickly and hurried down the hall shaking his head as he realized how close he had just come. Ashleen made him question his resolve for Yara, even though he knew that he loved her too. He wished that his heart would tell his mind the answer, but feared that it already was.

>   He wanted them both, but the man refused that answer. Which one was better for him, he wondered as the lift whisked him down to the lobby and the restaurant where he asked for something quick to eat?

  It was still early morning when Sebastian led Ashleen to the training field behind the battle mage corps’ building. Serving as barracks and headquarters, the garrison building was where most mages would stay while serving in Hala.

  By the time they arrived, the two had already moved their belongings into a large room at the Black Smith Inn, however. Despite his misgivings of being so close to the pretty girl, echoed by Hilda, the two had chosen a single room with two full size beds. All the swords except for the first Hollow Sword were stashed inside of a wardrobe along with their clothing. He would be unlikely to need a blade inside of the city and certainly not among his mages, but it felt too precious to leave behind. Since the new sword had never been used, Sebastian hadn’t grown nearly as attached to it and had been able to leave it in the inn.

  Ashleen looked a little tired. They had met the others at the same restaurant for dinner and dancing. It was a second dinner for Sebastian, but he still ate well. Ashleen had a big appetite also, since often those healed actually shared in the use of energy for a magical healing.

  The buzz she had felt had leveled off by the end of the night, but she chose a set of shorts to wear under a shorter length of skirt. Her sleeveless blouse of blue only came to the center of her stomach keeping her cooler and still respectable enough for most of Hala. She dressed like the young woman she was and a Kardorian, so Sebastian who didn’t know much about fashion held his tongue in the matter. Still he noted her clothing more than a man not interested in her ever would, he thought.

  “So that is the legendary falcon who fought in the wizards’ tournament?” a particularly loud mage dressed in the uniform of a falcon stated for the yard full of students. The heads of two dozen men and women looked to the outer entry door to the yard making Sebastian feel more nervous than he wished to be making his first impression.

  The accuser was a tall mage with light brown hair. Sebastian’s best guess was that the man was his senior by about double his years and he was well muscled.

  His blonde haired friend next to him elbowed the man cautioning him to silence or at least to use an air of respect.

  The pretty girl at Sebastian’s side and not in a falcon’s uniform drew a lot of eyes as well, but the owl mage drew their attention more as he replied, “I think to be legendary I might need to be a lot closer to old age or dead.”

  Mecklin and Frell had heard the comments as well, but they knew the younger mage was too strong for a mere insult to derail him.

  As a few laughs followed his comment, the bigger man frowned slightly and said, “So a kid like you really came up with all these spells by yourself?”

  “I had to see them used first, so I had some help that way; but otherwise yes. So you’re a lot older than I am and haven’t come up with one original spell by yourself?”

  That brought an angry look from the larger man. “I am Falcon Jeriah, kid, and your superior. You better watch your mouth.”

  Mecklin looked ready to say something. He was older than Sebastian if not the larger mage, but smaller than either in the conversation. At the slightest hand gesture from Sebastian, the older man stopped.

  He could hear Ashleen’s sigh before the girl moved off to the side to take a seat on a barrel tall enough to make her hop up to sit. The wilder wasn’t concerned for his health and crossed her legs appearing without a care in the world. Sebastian had won enough battles and she knew no matter what happened here, there was likely medical attention available for the loser anyway.

  “You are superior to me in what? Age? That hardly means anything. I just returned from leading a mission involving wizards and battle mages senior to me in age. They didn’t have a problem with that.”

  The bigger mage began to stalk forward. Unlike his retreat from the pretty girl the previous night, Sebastian held his ground without blinking.

  “So you are smart, and have a smart mouth. Can you fight half as well as you talk?” Jeriah asked drawing his sword.

  “I do alright,” Bas replied without touching the weapon at his side. The Hollow Sword would end the fight unfairly. He unbuckled the belt instead and tossed the sword to Mecklin.

  “You might want that sword back, boy.”

  “Trust me,” Sebastian warned, “you do not want me using that sword on you. Air lance,” he finished calling the air spell to life. A shimmering staff formed between his hands in answer to the threat before him.

  “Reflex,” the two mages called on the speed of their spell which could help them defeat dozens of normal men in battle; but these were both battle mages and not average soldiers.

  “Flame sword,” the spell called to life the orange flame to protect Jeriah’s weapon and create more damage with each blow before closing on Sebastian.

  The air weapon countered the sword while the two men moved quickly as Jeriah sought an opening, but Sebastian easily maintained his defense. He didn’t know this man or his capabilities. To be working in the capitol so near the king, he guessed that only the best mages would be allowed to guard the city.

  Jeriah didn’t disappoint. His sword was quick, but Sebastian’s air lance had both reach and the ability to deflect with either end. Each movement also appeared slowed by the same spell which sped their bodies. Their eyes could see faster than either of the mages could truly react, so the fight became nearly almost monotonous to those fighting it, while their movements were nearly a blur to those watching.

  Backing off to catch his breath, Jeriah commented, “This is getting us nowhere. Let’s see your magic.

  “Fireballs!” he cried sending half a dozen balls of flame towards the other younger mage.

  “Night shield,” Sebastian countered letting the fire feed the black shield as it absorbed each hit. He waited a moment for the other man to react before he ordered his next spell. “Fire barrage.”

  Dozens of fireballs appeared launched at once. It was a new use of the spell for Sebastian, but he had felt stronger of late and the response of his magic felt right. As the barrage of fire rained down on the other mage, who raised only the blue shield of a battle mage; Sebastian had to veer some of the balls of flame away to avoid snuffing the mage’s shield to soon and harming him.

  Fire struck at the man’s feet or veered around him to land behind Jeriah and still his blue shield faltered under the strikes allowed. Sebastian asked, “You haven’t learned the night shield yet?”

  The other mage growled, “Night shield.” A flimsy looking haze of a shield formed in front of the man. “Light,” he called surprising Sebastian with the strength of the second spell. It struck and dissipated the solid black shield extended just beyond the younger mage’s hand.

  Jeriah sneered at him and said, “I am still working on that one, but my light spell is as good as anyone’s.”

  “Fireball,” Sebastian cast watching the haze of the man’s shield collapse under the strike of one of the weakest attacks he could create.

  “Gust,” the bigger mage called using a standard battle mage spell.

  “Vortex,” Sebastian countered with a tightly twisting swirl of air directed towards Jeriah. It threw back the wave of wind cast by the other mage and knocked him off his feet even as he tried to call up another mage shield.

  Quickly getting to his feet, Jeriah looked ready to continue the fight that was growing one sided. In a battle one on one, Sebastian thought the other man might have a chance, but he didn’t know enough of the new magic to compete in a wizard like duel.

  “Ok, this is getting old. Sleep arrows,” Sebastian complained as he called on another spell few knew.

  A trio of glowing arrows launched towards the mage who called up a shield trying to block them. Sebastian redirected the outer two arrows as the center one struck the shield. Veering around the blue shield, Jeriah’s speed was enough to s
wat another, but the third struck clean seeming to explode in a small cloud of dust.

  Jeriah stood for a moment and sneezed before his eyes rolled back in his head. Knees gave way next and the big man dropped to the ground in a heap.

  As his friend moved to the fallen mage calling his name, Sebastian looked to all those eyes appearing stunned by his demonstration and said, “Learn the night and light spells and master them. The emperor’s warlocks and wizard hunters won’t just put you to sleep if they catch you unprepared.”

  He stepped away towards Mecklin to retrieve his sword and the older mage shook his head. “You made him look stupid and weak. Jeriah is a pretty good battle mage.”

  “I assume everyone here is good. Without knowledge of the new spells, they might as well be cadets waiting to get picked apart,” the owl replied as he strapped the sword to his hip. “You know as well as I do that the emperor’s wizard hunters are much tougher than the average orc. A short battle might go to someone using reflex, but it wears off. An orc in that special armor might beat a battle mage without using anything other than his blade.”

  The other man sighed. “You’re probably right. We’ve tried to instill the need to learn. Everyone’s eager if only because they want to learn new magic, but seeing how easily you beat him might get it through their heads.

  “By the way, weren’t those new spells you slipped in there?”

  He nodded. “New words for the wind spell and I was feeling unusually energetic so I tried the barrage of more fireballs.”

  Mecklin glanced to Ashleen curiously and the question on his mind was quickly answered by Bas, “Nothing like that. I did manage a stronger spell than I thought I could yesterday to heal her though. I drew the power and feel of the earth up through five floors of inn to energize her aura. She wasn’t recuperating from our time at the forge yesterday, so I helped her with a spell.


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