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The New Alpha

Page 3

by K. S. Martin

  “He uh left something for you out front. I didn’t want to bring it back after what happened this morning but I really think that you should…” Tina was shaking her head. “Oh, well okay. What should I do with it?”

  “You throw trash in the waste can,” Tina got up, put her lunch wrappers in the wastebasket “thusly,” and left the office to get back to work.

  Once Cassie returned to her station out front, Tina relaxed again. She had no idea what he’d left but she didn’t want it. She glanced up at the doors as she carried a sheet pan from her work station to the oven. He was out there gesturing and talking to Cassie. She was shaking her head then she gave him a hug. “Oh for god’s sake.” Tina muttered and shoved the sheet pan that would be double chocolate and peanut butter brownies in the oven. “Doesn’t he have a job?” Luca looked up and shrugged.

  “Maybe you’ll get lucky sweetie and he’ll not pay his rent and then you will be able to kick him out. That would be fun right? Just keep hoping for that.” Tina smiled wickedly and pumped her fist in the air. Luca cackled loudly.

  The rest of the week passed quietly without any more interruptions or destruction from Mac. Tina was settling back in and tried to forget her new tenant, secretly hoping he did not pay his rent and that he would just go away. The other apartment sat empty. Hopefully someone would call about it soon. Her last tenant had gotten married and she’d let him out of his lease.

  Tina went home on Friday night only to find that the dishwasher that she’d turned on before she left that morning never turned itself off and was not draining. Her house was flooded. The cold water sloshed into her shoes which she immediately kicked off, she gave a frustrated cry. She set them on the wet beige carpeted steps and went to investigate the rest of the house. This had to be the worst week of her life. Tina shut off the dishwasher and water main and started cleaning up what she could. The carpet, walls, furniture, drapes and cabinets were all ruined. Dirt floated on the water surface which grossed her out because although she was not a neat freak her house was clean. The brown and beige plaid furniture that her parents left behind looked even sadder now than it did when she left it this morning. She hated that furniture anyway it only mocked her appreciation for new and modern things, her mother never liked new and modern. She liked old fashioned and ugly. Could it get any worse? Now it was old, ugly and wet. Luckily and apparently, her house was not sealed up like an aquarium because it only covered her feet in most places. Her kitchen, dining room, living room, and spare bedroom were ruined, she sent up thanks that she’d remembered to pay her homeowners and flood insurance. One of the policies would surely cover this. Tina dragged herself up to bed around two and texted Luca that she would not be in because her house was flooded. She slept fitfully and woke at seven. Great! Up twenty-four hours and sleep only five hours. She immediately called her insurance company and explained what happened then waited for the company they were sending to come and fix it. She sipped coffee while she waited.

  A man from a company called Disaster Cleanup and Restoration arrived one hour later. He was short balding man came in and assessed the damage then sent a text message. “Do you have somewhere to stay? I have to bring in commercial fans and dehumidifiers to get the water out before the mold sets up. They are really loud.” He explained and ran his hand over his head.

  “Oh well, I will just go to work then.” Tina volunteered.

  “Ma’am, the fans will have to run three to five days depending. You won’t be able to sleep here. You should take your valuables and check into a hotel or stay with a friend. Your insurance should reimburse you for any hotel expenses, but you should check with them first.” Tina took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. It was not this man’s fault that her dishwasher caused this disaster.

  “I see.” She said. “Well, then I will do that. Three to five days, huh?” He nodded. “Will someone let me know when to come back?”

  “Its three to five for the fans and dehumidifying then there’s restoration. All of this carpet has to come up, any wet drywall, furniture, etc... That will take a few more weeks after the drying out.” He looked like he felt bad about it and Tina grimaced.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?” He nodded and smiled. “Coffee always makes me feel better.” Tina said and smiled then went to the kitchen feeling lucky that she kept a jug of filtered water on the counter since the main was off.

  When the disaster help representative finally left, Tina packed her clothes and her valuables into the little car that she drove and dropped them off at the apartment. She needed furniture and quick so she went to the furniture rental store and got a couch, bed, dresser, and dinette set. Then she went back home to find the fans and dehumidifiers had arrived. Men with commercial water vacuums and pumps were working in the living room. The noise was similar to a jet taking off and she plugged her ears with her fingers as she went through the living room to the kitchen to gather enough dishes to get by with while trying not to get in anyone’s way. Anything else that she needed she could get from the bakery. After grabbing laundry supplies, she went back to the bakery and up to the apartment. Just she finished setting up the kitchen, the furniture arrived. She’d paid extra to get it all in and same day delivered. Hopefully the insurance policy would reimburse her for this too. A man was supposed to stop by on Monday to show her samples of carpet to replace hers and another man to let her know about settlement. Tina flopped down on the bed when they were gone, she’d forgotten bed linens, and right now she did not care. Within seconds she was fast asleep. Tina woke to a soft knock on the door. She rolled off the bed and looked at her watch. She’d slept for three hours. When she opened it Luca folded her into his arms. “Thank god I found you sweetie.” I’ve been texting forever. I finally had an epiphany and realized that you were up here.” Tina grinned.

  “You saw my car in the parking lot when you were leaving?” He gave her that lovely heart melting smile of his.

  “So, I hurried right up here. I see you’ve been a busy bee today. All settled?” Tina nodded. “It’s still pretty plain but it will do to get you by right?” He could have offered for her to come home with him but he didn’t and it disappointed her. “Good. Let me take you to dinner. We’ll go hit that salad bar that you like so much.” Tina turned and grabbed her purse.

  “You’re on. I haven’t eaten all day.” Tina locked the door behind her and followed Luca down the stairs and across the street to the buffet. They sat in a booth facing the grill. Luca loved to watch others cook. “You would think that after all day in a kitchen that would bore the crap out of you.” He shook his head and grinned.

  “It still fascinates me. I learn more by watching others than I ever did in school. You know that one of these days I am going to open a restaurant and become a world famous chef.” Luca told her this all the time but he wouldn’t really leave her, would he? They loved each other, didn’t they? He cut his steak and offered her a bite which she took. Tina’s face melted into pure pleasure. “Good right?” She nodded. “It’s the Rib eye. Get one when you go up. They had ham up there too and I know you like that. I am hitting that and the fried chicken next. Tina looked down at her salad and decided that she was entitled today, after this week and the past forty eight hours, she was definitely entitled to something more than a crappy salad. Tina slid out of the booth. “You go girl!” Luca called after her and cackled gleefully drawing attention to him from other diners. Luca craved attention so it didn’t bother him when several heads turned to look at him. He smiled at every face as if he were holding court and then went back to his dinner. She adored him. Tina went to the steak section and waited for her requested Rib eye cooked medium with extra magic dust, house seasoning to the outside world. She sensed him next to her before she turned to look and confirm it. Mac was waiting silently next to her but made no move to speak or acknowledge her in any way. Just like she thought, he was one of those men who would never notice someone like her in a small room. Tina held up her plate to take the of
fered steak that just came off the grill and turned to go back to her table.

  “I am glad to see that you are eating something other than lettuce.” He never looked at her but she knew he was speaking to her. Tina stopped and turned back around.

  “I moved into the apartment next to yours so if you hear noises, it’s me and not a robbery in progress. I’ll stay out of your way if you’ll stay out of mine.” Tina whirled back around and hurried to her table.

  “Is that Mac?” Luca asked after she’d sat down. Tina nodded and took a big bite of steak. We should ask him to join us, he’s all alone.” Tina mouth was full and she couldn’t protest before Luca was waving and calling him over to their table. Her head shook vigorously but Luca didn’t see her.

  “Please, sit with us, nobody should eat alone.” Luca was saying and ignoring the look that Tina was giving him. Mac agreed and set his plate down next to hers. He went to get his flatware and drink then returned. Tina slid over with a huff. “So, how are you settling in?” Luca asked him. Tina leaned as far away from him as possible as he slid onto the vinyl seat beside her and concentrated on her plate. “Have you found work yet?”

  “Everything is falling into place now. I’m working for my brother, he is a contractor. We do restorations after fires and floods.” Luca looked at Tina who stared at him horrified. “How’s your steak?” He leaned over and murmured in Tina’s ear. She gasped and he smiled. “I really am sorry for everything that happened the first few days I was here. You misunderstood what I meant the last time we were in this restaurant too. I just meant that salad wasn’t all that you should be eating. My brother informed me that I called you fat in some way or another and I assure you I did not. I think that you are as lovely as ever.” Tina’s cheeks flushed and he smiled. She was adorable. He wondered if her backside would pink like that if he paddled her. His pants got tighter and he shifted in his seat. Tina glanced at him then away quickly.

  “I’m hitting that ham and chicken, does anyone need anything?” Mac and Tina both shook their heads.

  “I know that I cannot replace the sentiment or the memories behind your mug, but I did manage to find another one to replace the one that I caused you to drop. It’s the same picture on the side and I hope that you will accept it in honor of your friend’s memory and that you can still think of her when you look at it instead of recalling my stupidity. I left it with Cassie, I think she put it under the counter, she said she couldn’t throw it away like you told her too.” Tina grimaced. “I’d brought flowers as well in offer of an apology but I think that she took them home. And Kristina,” he paused waiting for her full attention Tina gazed up at him now, “what happened on prom night,” she winced, “I was stupid. I let my friends dictate who I should date and I shouldn’t have. I am very sorry that you were hurt. It was never my intention to hurt you. I really did want to take you to prom and you looked so beautiful that night. I hope that someday you can forgive some of what I did to you and that we can get a long on some level without all of the hard feelings.” It was all very sweet. He wasn’t what she’d been expecting or what she remembered. He was considerate, nice and not what she’d thought at all. He was leaning toward her now and caught by surprise Tina froze. Mac kissed her cheek very gently. “Can you ever forgive me?” He nuzzled her ear softly. She was nodding before she could think about it and his lips brushed hers softly when she turned to glance at him. She gasped and he grinned. “Lovely.” He inhaled her scent and his wolf bounced giddily. Mine. I scent her arousal, take her home now and claim her. Not yet, be patient, Mac thought.

  “So what did I miss?” Luca had returned with two heaping plates. The wolf snarled in Mac’s head and Mac had to agree, there was something off about this guy. “I don’t know if I can do it but I am going to try.” He must not have seen the kiss but that didn’t stop the flush that crept up her face and made her skin warm. He rubbed his hands together with glee. Tina eyed his dessert plate. He had an assortment of pastries, pudding, Jell-o, and a parfait. “Go on, you know you want to, and besides after the week that you’ve had you deserve it. Besides, I can always get more.” Tina reached over with her fork and poked at his pastries. “Mac you’re new so I will let you in on what’s happening. Tina is a mad scientist. She is going to examine the specimens and dissect them with her crude tools over there and then she might taste a crumb or two. Once she does that, she will decide if it’s worth trying to replicate and improve on for the display case. Mac laughed heartily and the sound vibrated through Tina’s core. She blushed again and he watched her pale skin turn pink. Fascinating, Kristina was still fascinating. She nibbled the first one and made a face. It was a blueberry streusel muffin. She shook her head and poked at a small chocolate square. Her brows rose and her head tipped in approval. She cut off a corner and placed it on her tongue then closed her eyes. “Wait for it…” Luca murmured. The corners of her mouth lifted in to a satisfied smile. “I think we have a winner.” He announced and stabbed it with his fork. Luca rolled it over his tongue and grinned. “Oh hell yes. What is that?” Luca took another small piece sticking it in his mouth and closing his eyes. Mac looked at them both curiously and reached for the last small bite. He sniffed it and put it in his mouth.

  “Cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, coffee and chocolate, but the crust is…” Mac’s brow’s furrowed.

  “Shit.” Tina said and Luca laughed loudly. “Premade and old, but the filling is amazing.” She licked her fork, “I think he’s right, it’s cardamom that I taste. How did you know that?” She looked up at Mac with fascination now. He shrugged.

  “Just do. I have a knack for it. It’s a game my brothers and I play.” He smiled down at her glad that he could be helpful. The game was called survival of the werewolf. If you couldn’t scent things quickly and correctly, you died.


  “Goodnight.” Luca called over his shoulder as he cut through the alley to get to his car and Tina unlocked the front to let her and Mac inside to the apartment entrance. Luca ducked around the corner and let himself in the back door. Brett was still working on a wedding cake and didn’t see him slip into Tina’s office. No one would question Luca anyway. Tina was his ‘girlfriend.’ Yeah right, as if. The over privileged and ungrateful little bitch. “Oh poor me, my daddy gave me a house and a business, boo hoo!” Luca smirked. He logged into her computer, the stupid naïve bitch used his name as a password. It got harder every day to pretend to even like her let alone act like he loved her. He tapped the keys and logged into her bookkeeping program. Luca transferred her money to his account. Not only was she stupid and naïve, she was gullible. Who ran a business and didn’t know to check the balance occasionally or to audit your accounts. That was accounting one-oh-one and she had a degree. Luca’s mother was an accountant and taught him how to handle money when he was a kid and trying to get any approval that he could. He’d been billing Tina with fake invoices for months and paying himself on the side. Luckily, it was easy to distract her any time that she mentioned the bookkeeping and she didn’t get time to look very hard. Her main concern was paying her employees instead of monitoring her profits which would be his main concern if this were his bakery. Luca figured out very early that this bakery was making bank and that Tina wasn’t motivated by money. Her father had been but she was not, so he’d had to wait until the old man left. All she cared about was if she could pay her bills and employees the rest took care of its self. If this were his, that money would be invested, diversified and multiplying. She didn’t deserve this bakery. He deserved it and so much more. Now that Mac was upstairs and at the buffet every night she was even more distracted. That was working out better than expected. He’d seen Mac kiss her earlier and was glad that he didn’t have to do it. He sneered at the transfer confirmation message then deleted it. Another few months and he would stage a break up and quit then disappear with her money, by the time she figured it out he would be running his own bakery or restaurant. He was going to open his restaurant far from here, li
ke New York or L.A.. Luca liked Tina at first when he met her in college. He was excited to learn that she already had a business waiting and hoped that she would include him in her plans. He wanted to help her make it work then she started with the Europe shit, boyfriend shit and how she felt so oppressed to have to be given a business when she graduated. It would be handed to her free and clear, an established business that earned a profit. Poor fucking baby! All Luca ever got from his old man was knocked around and called a faggot. It had really stumped him when Luca introduced Tina as his girlfriend. The son of bitch took an instant liking to her and had put the kitchens and bathroom in at cost. At cost! The asshole would not give Luca money for books, tuition or board at school, ‘money was too hard to come by.’ He could afford beer and cigarettes though and he could afford to pull in favors to get Tina fixtures at cost. That had really been the final straw and Luca started taking more and more from her accounts. He’d swiped money from the till when Cassie wasn’t looking and from her tip jar. The silly little bitch thought it was a customer. When he opened his restaurant in New York maybe, he was going to find a nice hottie boyfriend and never look back on this hell hole of a town. Luca glanced out of the door to see that Brett was gone and the lights were off now. Good it would make leaving easier. Tina would be coming down soon to work on her latest concoction and he didn’t want to get caught. He disabled then reset the alarm and slipped out into the cool air with a vicious sneer that may have resembled a smile if it were on a shark.


  “I had a good time. I’m glad that Luca asked me to join you. I’m going to make coffee, would you like some?” Mac stepped inside their building and waited for her to relock the door. She glanced up at him. It would be so much easier having him around if they could make amends and she forgave him fully. Tina spent most of her day at the bakery and if he was going to live here, she would rather not spend it dreading his presence or tiptoeing around trying to avoid him.


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