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The New Alpha

Page 9

by K. S. Martin

  “I have more control than that sweetheart. I would never hurt you, not intentionally or unintentionally. You are my mate, what that means to me is that you are more important to me than, me. It means that you are all that matters to me, your happiness, your safety, and your health, just you. I love you Tina and even if you reject me, I will always be here for you, you can count on it. But, if you agree to be my mate, I want to introduce you to the pack next weekend. We’re having a picnic, I want you to come with me and meet everyone.” Tina melted against him. His voice was hypnotic, it vibrated against her chest as well as thrummed over her nerves calming and exciting her at the same time. “Let’s go back upstairs because you don’t need that stuff to make you feel good. You can think about things or you can come with me but either way it’s time for bed sweetness.” Oh, she wanted him so much. His nearness made her feel so good, soothed her. She wanted to go with him, every cell in her being wanted to go with him, wanted to be with him, but the fact remained that he was a … shit. A werewolf, how would she explain that to her father? ‘Here’s your new grandson, oh and just ignore the fangs and hair, he takes after his father’s side.’ It would be easier to explain to her mother. ‘You pushed me so hard that I just went out and found the first attractive man I could and got pregnant, are you happy now mother?’ That one made her smile a little. It would certainly shut her up wouldn’t it? Tina almost laughed. “Hey sweets, what’s up? What’s funny?” Tina shook her head then he tilted her chin up so that he was looking into her eyes. “What’s funny?”

  “I was just thinking about how to explain you to my parents and what their reactions would be to werewolf babies.”

  “Tina, wolf children don’t change until they are in their teenage years. I was fifteen. Owen was twelve and Matt and Eric were both fourteen.”

  “Why did you all change at different ages?” Tina’s brows knitted as she came to realize that she had a lot to learn and that it wasn’t what she saw in movies.

  “Owen was very mature for his age and he was an alpha from the beginning. I was older. I think because I was also going to be an alpha but with Owen around my biology knew it was better to wait, two alphas in the house is a war waiting to happen. I guess the short answer is that we’re all different people. I shifted for the first time when I was fifteen but my alpha gene didn’t kick in until Owen was out of the house. It’s why I didn’t handle the situation with you and the prom as well as I could have and I think that it’s why I didn’t recognize you fully as my mate then. I knew that I liked you and I knew that I wanted to be with you but I didn’t need you like I do now. When I scented you on that fudge pop darling my whole body and soul came to life, I knew my mate’s scent was on that stick. Everything in me cried out for the other half of my soul.” Tina rested her cheek against his chest again. She liked standing there and letting him hold her in the dark peaceful kitchen, it was comforting. “Let’s go upstairs sweets.” Tina nodded and stepped out of his embrace to let him lead her upstairs. When they got to their side by side doors Tina didn’t drop his hand letting his warmth comfort her for just one more moment before she smiled softly and unlocked her door. “Goodnight sweetheart.” Mac went into his apartment and undressed for bed. He opened the French doors to let the breeze in. He loved to sleep with the night air on his skin and hopefully it would be his panacea since she wouldn’t be tonight. He prayed she would decide soon, that she would choose him, to be with him and to be his mate. Mac paced. He was going to wear the finish off of these floors. He needed out, needed to run, he was starting to feel caged. This waiting, this being pent up without her and with her less than twenty feet away was not helping his patience. He could get through the wall, he could get to her. He recognized the wolf’s urges and reigned himself in, she must decide, Mac told his wolf. She’s human, we can’t just take her, she’s different, fragile, and we must wait. Mine. I know buddy, I’ve told her, now we wait. Fool.


  “Who am I kidding?” Tina was brushing her teeth and glaring at herself in the bathroom mirror. “I want him. I want him so bad that I’m aching with it. I need him and I love him. Just because his way is different doesn’t make it wrong.” She pulled a brush through her hair and inspected herself. “Where does he see this amazing sexy woman? I’m just me and I’m ordinary.” Tina shifted her weight onto one foot and looked at her rear end in the mirror. “And no more cheese, I don’t care what he says. He’s nuts if he thinks that’s delectable.” She giggled because he’d said delectable, like she was made of chocolate or something. Maybe she would buy a thong instead of briefs next time. Tina covered her mouth with both hands to stifle another giggle at the thought. Her mother would faint at the sight of her naked butt hanging out of her underwear like that. A thong, really? No way. No how, nuh uh. Mac might like her in a thong, more than likely Mac would like her in anything that he could get off of her. Tina bit her bottom lip hard. What would he do if she just walked over there in her tank tee and panties? Oh boy! What he would do. He’d said claim earlier, he was going to bite her and mark her so everyone knew that she was his. So everyone that he knew would know that they were married or mated. Would that be so bad? Tina put her brush down and turned the bathroom light off. Could she go over there? Just walk in and let him…? She’d spent most of her youth lusting after Bobby MacEwan, he was her sexiest fantasy before she got her boobs, until he... it had nearly killed her but he’s different now, I’m different now. Her breasts tingled and grew heavy. The thought of going over there and crawling into bed with him and…wow. What was stopping her? He wanted her, he said so. Fear. That’s what was stopping her. How would it look if she just walked into his apartment in her underpants? Did she want to be married to a werewolf? Well, maybe, but did she want to be married to Bobby MacEwan? Yeah, kind of, she did, so, what if she just marched over there in her panties? She didn’t want him to think that she was easy or something, but oh, how she wanted to be easy and to be his. Did she want to spend the rest of her life with him? With Robert MacEwan? She smiled a lopsided goofy smile, yes she did want to. He made her feel so many things, things that she wanted to feel. Desired, desirable, sexy, pretty, happy, wanted, safe, aroused, and as light as air. She wanted to belong to him. As she walked back to the bed, a spider ran across the floor and scurried under her bed. Tina shrieked and jumped up onto a kitchen chair. She was scared to death of them and that one was big enough to carry her off. Mac burst through the door, it banged loudly against the wall, his eyes a bright amber and wild. Tina launched herself into his arms and pointed at the bed. He started to walk that way and she screamed at him. “No!” She clawed at him. “It’s huge. Don’t go over there.”

  “What’s huge sweetheart?” Mac asked not seeing anything.

  “Spider.” She cried. “A big, fat, giant, hairy, spider. He’ll get me.” Tina trembled.

  “I won’t let him get you baby.” Mac carried her back to his apartment and put her in his bed. “Stay here.” Mac went back to her bedroom and spent the next half an hour locating the offending creature. He cupped the tiny creature into his hand and went to the balcony and once the doors opened, he tossed it. “Live and let live buddy.” Mac closed and locked the doors then went back to his apartment. Tina lay curled up on his bed under the sheet asleep. He smiled. “That’s where you should’ve been all along.” Mac curled his body around hers and covered them. He pulled her against him and she moaned lightly in her sleep, he loved the sounds she made, so sexy. Of course, he wanted her but having her close was comforting. Breathing her in, he was asleep almost instantly.

  The following morning Mac let the staff into the bakery at two thirty and let her sleep. He’d been awake anyway anticipating her waking for work but she didn’t. Once Brett was inside, he explained that Tina was still asleep, that the last few days had been hard on her. Brett waved him off.

  “T works harder than anyone ever should. Let her sleep. I’m on it, don’t worry.” Brett grinned and started turning ovens and coffee
machines on. Mac thanked him and went back to bed. He was still tired and today he had two meetings that he couldn’t blow off. Matt and Eric volunteered to pull extra hours until Mac could get his mate settled but he still had responsibilities. Tina curled up against him and nuzzled his chest. He loved it when she did that and he hated it too since it got him hard enough to be uncomfortable.

  “Soon little one.” He whispered against her hair and kissed the top of her head. He glanced at the clock on the night table ten till three. He could sleep for two more hours and still have time to make her breakfast. Mac loved to sit across the breakfast table from her and listen to her enjoy her coffee. Tina sat straight up suddenly.

  “I’m late!” Mac pulled her back down.

  “I let Brett in already and he said to take it easy, he’s on it.” Mac watched her.

  “I should give him a raise. He’s the first assistant now and he should make what Luca made.” Tina sighed. Mac cocked an eyebrow at her. “It’s hard to believe he’s gone. I mean all of it is so hard to believe, do you think that he’s figured out that you took his money back yet?”

  “The first thing he probably did was check. You should have the locks changed in case he had spare keys made, don’t give him the opportunity to come back. You should also contact your alarm company or do whatever you have to do to change the alarm codes, passwords, and such. You can never be too careful and you may also want to contact any vendors that he could order from and tell them he is not authorized to order, creditors too.”

  “I called the alarm company, the vendors, the credit cards, and a locksmith yesterday. The locksmith will be here this morning. I didn’t give any of the employees the passwords or permission to do any of my business either because I don’t feel like I can trust anyone yet. Is that terrible?” He was shaking his head. “Well, it’ll be awhile before I trust them after what he did to me. I still don’t know if anyone else was in on it. Do you think he will try anything?” Tina closed her eyes and let him pull her close. “Did you get the spider?”

  “Mmm hmm.” He was trying to fall back to sleep.

  “He’s dead?” She whispered.

  “No I threw him off the balcony.” Tina pursed her lips.

  “I hope he died on the way down.” Mac chuckled and adjusted her in his arms. “I have to get to work.” She was trying to wiggle free. “Do you want to have dinner tonight? I’ll cook for you this time.” Mac moaned and buried his face in her neck kissing her. “Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes.” His mouth explored her throat and shoulder. “What are you making? Can I do anything to help?”

  “You can bring the wine. I’m thinking spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. Usually, I just get a salad from across the street for dinner but if I have company, I will make something good. I’ll make a tiramisu today too.”

  “I’ll help you with the meat sauce.” His lips were trailing kisses over her temple and down her cheek now. “Go to work before we’re both playing hooky and I really can’t today. I have meetings.” He said when she looked at him. “Go on.” Tina got up begrudgingly, she’d hoped maybe the kisses would lead somewhere but it didn’t look like it now. Tonight, she promised herself, tonight she was his.

  Chapter 9

  Tina came home to find Mac stirring sauce in a big pot with an apron wrapped around his waist. She grinned. He’d been busy. The table was set with candles and flowers. “Hey.” He called as she came in, “It’s almost ready. He checked inside the oven. “I decided to surprise you. I told you that Bolognese was my specialty and I finished work early.”

  “You aren’t getting any arguments from me but I have to wonder if you don’t trust my cooking.” She grinned sassily then said, “I’m going to take a quick shower.” Tina went to her place and hopped in the shower. She dressed in a skirt and top with flowers printed on it then joined him at the table. “Sorry, I hate smelling like bakery all night.” She said when she rejoined him.

  “I kind of like it when you smell like chocolate, sugar and coffee.” He grinned at her while he filled her wine glass then kissed her cheek and sat across from her. “To us.” He held his glass up to her to toast. She touched her glass with his with a clink.

  “To us.” Tina sipped the dark red wine. It was good, usually she hated red wine, but Mac chose a nice one. Tina went to grab the yellow plastic lemon from the fridge and dressed her salad with lemon juice. Mac watched but didn’t say anything, more dieting nonsense. He shook oil and vinegar onto his and mixed it with his fork. “How were your meetings?” Mac’s brow went up. He could smell her anxiety. What had happened today?

  “They were good, productive. What happened downstairs today?” He waited, wondering if Luca had come back.

  “Nothing really, we got four wedding cake orders. That will be hard without Luca. Wedding cakes were his specialty, I told Darla that I would need her help. I’m going to have to hire another baker. Darla has a bad back and she can’t work the long hours like she used to. She’s a trouper though she’s been staying to help out, but I can’t keep asking her to.”

  “How about Cassie?” Tina’s face scrunched up.

  “She’s a kid. Cassie is a great barista and I don’t even know if she wants to work in the kitchen, besides she can’t get to work by six, how will she make it in at two-thirty? I will ask her though.” She conceded and took a bite of bread groaning. “Ohmigod, that’s real butter.” Mac grinned. She set her empty salad bowl aside and helped herself to the pasta and meat sauce. Mac watched her taste the sauce. “Ohmigod Mac. You should market this stuff.”

  “I do.” Her eyes snapped up to his face. “I told you that I’m loaded. This sauce is on every grocer’s shelf in the mid-west, and mid-Atlantic.” Her mouth dropped open. He grinned and she started to laugh.

  “You’re so funny sometimes.” She took another bite. “It is really good.” She saw him watching her. “You’re serious.” He nodded.

  “It’s going nationwide in the fall.” Tina dropped her fork. “Don’t worry, it won’t interfere with us.” He took a bite.

  “You really are serious.” He nodded. “Wow. I didn’t see that one coming. I never see it coming with you. You always surprise me Mac.”

  “I have one more.” He dropped to his knees beside her and took her hands in his. Tina’s eyes widened and she gasped. “Tina, I want to satisfy you in every human and every wolf way. I beg of you to be my bride, my mate, and the other half of my soul. Will you marry me, mate me?” Her hands were shaking and she was nibbling her lip in the way that he found so adorable. She nodded. “Yes?”

  “Yes. I was going to tell you after dinner but now is good. I want to be mated to you Mac, I love you. No one has ever made me feel the way that you do.” He pulled a ring from his pocket and slipped it onto her third finger, “That’s beautiful.” He kissed her knuckles then her lips. “Finish your dinner because you’ll need your strength.” Tina’s heart beat frantically, the jack rabbit on crack was back in her chest.

  Mac piled the dishes in the sink and ran water to fill the sink with soapy water. He’d settled Tina on the sofa with a cup of coffee once they’d eaten the tiramisu that she’d made and stowed in the refrigerator at lunchtime. It was delicious and he was planning on a midnight snack later. That is if he wasn’t busy satisfying his mate. Mac smiled down at the dishes and started washing quickly. He didn’t want to just jump her but he needed to. This was her first time after all and it would require care, finesse, and strength to not just jump her. Finesse was not his forte, but he would make the effort for her. He grinned again looking forward to the challenge. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he wiped his hand on the apron still tied around his waist and pulled it out. Tina was watching him. He looked at the screen. It was a text from her. ‘I’m lonely. Leave the dishes, they can wait, I can’t.’ He grinned and texted her back. ‘I love you.’

  He pulled the strings on the apron freeing it from his waist and stalked toward her. Tina nibbled her lip as her eyes roun
ded and her breath grew shallow, the jack rabbit was starting to hop again. Her phone chimed and she looked down at the screen and smiled. “Aw.” Mac was in front of her now. He bent down over her and kissed her while he lifted her. Carrying her to the bedroom, he placed her gently on her back. His eyes were intent on hers and his gaze never wavered. Mac pulled his tee shirt over his head and dropped it then unbuttoned his jeans at the same time stepping out of his shoes. Tina watched. “Mac.” She began. He shushed her as he bent over her now, down to his black boxer briefs. God, could he be any sexier? It was just not possible that this man was meant for her. He trailed kisses down her cheek to her mouth where he explored slowly. His tongue caressed hers, twined with it, and tangled. Tina moaned into his mouth. Mac’s body covered hers and her arms went around him. His pelvis rubbed intimately against hers, its firm weight settling against her sensitive clitoris. Tina wanted out of her clothes and she wanted his skin on hers. Mac trapped her hands when they pulled at the hem of her top. He was nuzzling her throat and grinned against the tender flesh there. “Mac, please.” He tugged the shirt over her head and kissed her breasts through her bra. She arched her back up offering more. His lips skimmed over the milky white skin at the edge of her bra, tasted her. Mine. Claim her, mate her. Now! Mac ignored him. He would take his time in this, this would be special for her and she would enjoy this, he would make sure of it. He unhooked her bra and freed the beautiful rosy tipped breasts. He groaned trying to restrain himself. His teeth immediately grazed her nipple making her gasp. Mac smiled against her skin. Dragging his tongue across the turgid peaks each in turn, Mac watched the skin flush darker and pebble under his attentions. Tina dug her fingers into his hair. “Mac, I need…” He shushed her again trailing kisses down her sternum and belly to her navel where his tongue dipped in making her gasp. He pulled the skirt down her legs and flicked it to the floor. She was glad she’d worn the white lacy panties that she’d indulged in a few weeks ago. At least they weren’t the plain white cotton ones that she usually wore. She could feel his warm breath through the lace and trembled, he pulled them off too sliding them slowly down her legs, his fingers leaving an electric trail along her skin. The panties followed the same path the skirt had taken. She was shaved bare and he kissed the soft skin there. Tina’s legs began to tremble and her body followed, heat and moisture flooded her core while the muscles deep in her belly clenched unbidden, desperately seeking him.


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