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The New Alpha

Page 11

by K. S. Martin

  “Okay Ruth, when can you start? Is two thirty tomorrow morning too soon?” Ruth shook her head. “Okay you can wear whatever you like but I do require a cover for your head, I have hairnets or you can wear a chef’s hat, your choice. We begin our day at two-thirty and end at ten thirty on first shift, half an hour for lunch. On late shift you will work from ten to six, each shift has different duties so you have to be trained for both.” Ruth nodded. You will work two early shifts and two late shifts for the first few weeks. I will put you on the schedule for tomorrow morning. Any questions?” Ruth shook her head.

  “I don’t think so, except can Cassie and I work the same shift? We can ride share so J.D. will have a car. I haven’t gotten one yet since I just moved in with my sister.”

  “I don’t see a problem with that, as soon as J.D. is trained, I’ll take care of it. Oh but be warned, we have four wedding cakes going out by next Friday and one of them is going to be a lot of work.”

  “I’m up to the task boss.” Ruth stuck out her hand to shake Tina’s then got up and let herself out. Tina heard Cassie’s happy whooping in the store and grinned. Good, that’s all settled. Ruth is experienced and can train her niece who is a wolf. Why didn’t Mac tell her that? Why didn’t he tell her that he was on probation because of her? Why didn’t he tell her that everything depended on whether they liked her or not? This was important and he’d left her out of…all of it. Didn’t he trust her? He said she was his mate and that he loved her but he was keeping things to himself. Tina worried her lip and kept questioning herself while she made more Chai dream cups, their new best seller. By the time her shift finished Tina was very grumpy.


  Mac could sense her bad mood before he entered the building and it concerned him. What had happened today? She was very happy when she’d gone to work and now she was…not. Mac hurried up the steps and knocked on her door which flew open. Tina had been crying, her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks tearstained. “Baby what’s wrong?” Mac folded her into his arms and held her. “Sweetheart?” He kissed her temple and stroked her from the base of her spine to the back of her neck where he rubbed the tension away.

  “You don’t trust me.” Tina whimpered and started crying again.

  “I…what? I trust you Tina, I trust you more than anyone else in the world. Why would you say that honey?” Mac kissed the top of her head and continued stroking her.

  “You didn’t tell me that Cassie is a…and that you’re on probation because of me and that you could get kicked out of your pack and lose your job…”

  “Hey, hey, slow down sweetheart. Who told you all of that?”

  “Is it true?” Her watery blue eyes narrowed on him.

  “Well, yeah its true baby. But, I sort of thought that springing the wolf thing on you was enough for one night and then last night we were busy and the last thing I want to do while claiming my mate is discuss pack business.” He smiled down at her and wiped her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. I’m new here, to this pack anyway, I’ve been away for a long time and they don’t know me. All they have is the word of my brothers to go on. When Owen took over this pack, they all knew him and trusted him. They will trust me in time, but it takes time. They are trying me out and I am getting to know them too but it will be fine sweetheart. So yes, I am on probation for now. They want to meet you too, for the same reasons. They don’t know you and you’re human, different than them, and they’ve never had a human mated to the Alpha before. It’s unprecedented and wolves have a hard time accepting what’s new sometimes. They know that you are just finding out about our species and that you will be introduced at the picnic but I’m positive that everyone is going to love you sweetheart.” Tina sniffled loudly and Mac chuckled. “Was that what was bothering you? Her head nodded against his chest. “Okay. You go wash your face and I will make you dinner.” She shook her head against his chest. “No?”

  “What happens if they don’t like me? What happens if they decide that I’m not good enough for them? Will you leave me? And if they decide that they don’t want you, what happens? Do you have to leave town or just not be the Alpha?” Mac inhaled her scent, his nose buried in her hair.

  “They will like you and me, don’t worry about it.”

  “I am worried Mac.” She looked up at him again. “We’re…married, my home is here, and my business is here, my life…” His arms tightened around her.

  “I know baby, you like to worry, but you don’t have to, I promise. If they reject me then I won’t be Alpha but I won’t leave you. Remember what I said, nothing is more important to me than you.”

  “I hired one of your pack members today, her name is Ruth. She told me that her sister is the new female beta. Did you make her beta?” Mac nodded. “Why?”

  “The females are usually disciplined by the female Alpha which will be you, but since you’re human, the pack felt that the females would have a hard time taking orders from you so they thought it best that I appoint a female beta to handle that. Cassie’s mom Grace is well respected and liked by everyone and she was the natural choice. Look at it this way, it’s less for you to do, female Alpha is a very big job, and you already have a very big job here.” She nodded.

  “Okay.” She let go of him. “I’m going to shower now.”

  “Are you hungry for anything for dinner?” Tina made a face.

  “Steak. Let’s go across the street.” Mac grinned.

  “My thoughts exactly.” She didn’t know it but the bonding was starting to take effect. It was faster for him, he could already sense her moods, likes, dislikes, and emotions. Soon, she would feel the same things about him.

  Tina skipped the salad bar and went straight for the meat. Her appetite was voracious, until she was stuffed. Mac polished off two steaks and went for the desserts. He brought several back to the table but none of them was tempting enough to try and recreate. What was wrong with her? She never ate that much and she was a little embarrassed even though he didn’t seem to mind. “We’re nearly finished with your house.” Mac smiled down at her as he guided her across the street and back to the apartment. “It should be ready by the end of the week.”

  “Then what? Do you move in with me or…?” Tina caught her bottom lip in between her teeth.

  “I was thinking that there isn’t a rush. What we should do is introduce you to the pack, and then we should move into the Alpha house. I’m supposed to be living there so that I am available to the community.” She nodded and unlocked the door to let them inside the private part of the building. “You can put both apartments up for rent and if you want your house too. It would be an extra income.” Tina was considering it as she followed him up the stairs. “Do you want coffee?” His voice trailed off and he smiled broadly down at her. “Come right in here sweetheart and I will give you what you want.” His eyes twinkled Tina was shocked.

  “How do you know what I want?” She froze on the top step.

  “We’re bonded. That means that I can sense things about you and you about me. It’s taking longer for you to sense me because you aren’t wolf, but I suspect that some of it is getting through because of your appetite, don’t worry, that will return to normal almost immediately.”

  “So you made me hungry?” He nodded and pulled her up the last step. “And now, I am going to help you work it off.” He wagged his eyebrows at her. She grinned back. Mac let them into his apartment. “Because I know you’ve been thinking about it since I knocked on your door.” Tina blushed and he kissed her. “Don’t be embarrassed sweets, never be embarrassed about that, or about anything you want. Okay?” Tina pulled her tee shirt over her head and Mac swept her into his arms and took her to his bed. “I have to go back out later, the pack is running tonight.” Tina stilled.

  “You’re going to leave me after we…?”

  “Do you want to come? Matt says they usually run for a couple of hours, do you want to wait for me that long?” He watched her mull it over and kissed her neck. “You a
re more than welcome to come with me, maybe you can meet some members before the run but I do have to go, I am still trying to meet the obligations of the probation.” He trailed kisses along her jaw.

  “I guess not. I guess I’ll hit the kitchen. I should spend time frosting cakes, no one wanted overtime and I have four this week.”

  “Four cakes? Don’t you guys make cake all of the time.” He was nuzzling her throat.

  “They’re wedding cakes and one of them is a big deal. If I can get them frosted and covered with fondant, it will put us a step ahead.” Mac’s teeth scraped her jaw and Tina lost her train of thought.


  Mac let himself out quietly but Tina woke when the lock clicked. She got up and dressed then went down to the bakery. She netted and covered her hair and went into the freezer to get enough cake to build one of the four. Hopefully, Ruth would be an even better whiz than Luca had been. Tina shook her head still not believing that he’d done the things he’d done. Tina built and frosted one of the cakes before she finally decided to clean up and go to bed to wait for Mac. How long did they run? He’d said a couple of hours. She looked at her watch, not yet. Maybe she could read one of her romance books about werewolves and do a little research. She grinned to herself. Tina pulled the trash bag that had been neglected by the evening shift because she didn’t want it to sit and get stinky. Making sure she had her keys, Tina went out of the back door and headed to the dumpster. When she lifted the lid, an angry hissing raccoon ran out and across the parking lot. Tina screamed and her heart raced, she blew out a breath in an effort to calm herself down. She hefted the bag into the bin and closed the door. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and goose bumps raced down her arms. She hurried back inside the bakery and locked the door then stabbed the security code into the panel.

  Chapter 11

  Mac let himself in and went to her. Tina sat on the couch with a cup of coffee at her side, an e-reader in her lap and her chin resting on her chest. The tablet was dark and the coffee was cold. He took the device from her hands and switched it on wondering what she read about. He snorted at the content. “More Hollywood BS sweetheart.” He set it on the table then carried her to the bed. Mac pulled her clothes and shoes off then went to brush his teeth. When he returned her face was buried in his pillow. He liked that. She’d missed him. Mac crawled in beside her and pulled the sheet over them. Tina cuddled against him and sighed. Mac wrapped an arm around her. The run had been good, cleansing. His wolf enjoyed it, they hadn’t run since Montana, and they both craved it. The wolf was quiet now. He was probably exhausted if how Mac felt was any indication. Tina stirred and turned over so she pressed her back against him. Mac turned with her and spooned her. He loved this woman more than his next breath. Even unconsciously, her body knew exactly what he needed. Matt and Eric were entertaining a couple of she-wolves right now and Mac did not miss those days at all. The adrenaline from the run sometimes got you so worked up that you’d screw anything that twitched its tail until you found your mate, then none held the appeal that she did. Mac buried his face in her hair and inhaled. God she smelled so nice, like butter cream tonight. She’d probably been frosting a cake earlier and hadn’t showered. He could lick her from head to toe she smelled so good. The picnic would be in less than a week and all of this anxiety would be over. They would love Tina as much as he did. He was almost sure that after the run tonight that he was in. All of the members that he’d spoken with seemed to like him well enough and Cassie told him that her mom said that most thought he was doing a great job. Maybe he should dip Tina in peanut butter frosting to ensure the outcome, but that may get her eaten too. He grinned as the thought of licking frosting from her sweetest spots fluttered across his mind as he surrendered to sleep.


  His apartment was filled with the most amazing scents, bacon, coffee, and Tina. She was up and frying bacon, that sweet woman. This is what Sunday morning was all about. The coffee was brewing and she was listening to an iPod while she danced around his small kitchen. Mac watched her propping himself up in bed he had a perfect view of the kitchen through the doorway. He was smiling with pride when she turned to see him watching her. Tina blushed but continued making his breakfast. She poured coffee and orange juice for them then went back to whisking the eggs. She tended to the bacon and popped bread into the toaster then poured the eggs into the frying pan. The only thing that would’ve been better was if she’d been cuddled up next to him all warm and willing when he woke. God he couldn’t get enough of her, it wasn’t just sex. He loved looking at her, talking to her, holding her. His mate. Finally, after all this time, after all the searching and it had been Tina all along. She was the little girl in elementary school who gave him her milk and half of her sandwich when he forgot his lunch. He couldn’t remember what grade it was but she wore a blue dress with flowers all over it, lace around the collar and black Mary Jane shoes with lace trimmed white anklet socks. She’d been missing her two front teeth that day but it didn’t make her smile any less sunny when she shared her lunch. It was bologna and American cheese on freshly baked bread, not the white stuff in the plastic wrapper. She’d probably never even tasted that stuff. He loved to watch her bottom sway back and forth, as she moved around the kitchen and he loved the way the jeans she wore hugged that voluptuous bottom. She was still as lovely as the first time she’d fed him. Mac got up and crossed to where she was wrapping his arms around her he kissed her neck. Tina turned to kiss his lips softly. “It’s ready.” She murmured. Mac was nibbling her earlobe. “Bacon.” She whispered. He moaned and let go of her.

  “How did you know it’s my one weakness?” She stuck her bottom lip out. “Okay it’s my second weakness.” He chuckled when she grinned. Tina sat and sipped her coffee then spread sugar free jelly on her toast. Mac picked up the jar and read the ingredients. “It’s all chemicals sweetie. Try some nice butter or preserves.” Tina bit into the toast and tried not to make a face. He was right of course. Mac tried the eggs and bacon. Thanks to the universe, she fried bacon perfectly. That answered any doubts he might have had about her cooking.

  Tina let him clean up the mess when they finished and went down to the bakery. She had two more cakes to frost so that they could start on decorating first thing Monday. Mac went to the Alpha house for lack of anything better to do. He went over their books, paid bills, and took care of random chores that were required of him. Two members came in and explained a difference of opinion to Mac. He decided a fair way to settle their argument which he suspected was fabricated as a test and that was fine. His female beta stopped by to discuss some picnic arrangements. She and Mac decided on some of the menu and discussed a few potential problems among the females and his new mate. Grace had put an end to any questions about eliminating the ‘problem,’ convincing them that killing his new mate, human or not would not curry any favors from the new Alpha and would result in harsh punishment from her. Grace had never met Tina but she had nothing but respect and admiration for her. Tina had employed Cassie when no one would give her a chance because of her age and lack of experience. Not only had Tina taken a chance on her, she paid her more than minimum wage. Everywhere else she’d applied would only pay minimum if they hired her. Then she’d hired J.D. who was also seemingly unemployable and then to top it off she’d hired Ruth. Now her family was working and the burden on Grace was significantly reduced. Tina was a Queen as far as Grace was concerned.

  The week flew by most of spent decorating wedding cakes for Tina and getting Tina’s house finished for Mac. He was thinking of how to update it and get it ready to rent out. Of course the pack could rent it to be used by one of the members and then she wouldn’t have anything to worry about, she also had the two apartments they were using now. This was going to work out very well. Some of the furniture would go nicely in his new house or she could leave it here and rent it furnished. With her talents and if she would let him invest, she could open a chain of bakeries. Or, she could expand th
e treats to their own store. From what Grace had said, her sister was an award winning chocolatier. The decision would be Tina’s, it was her bakery, but they should keep their eyes on the future, on expansion. There were enough pack members with the skills to do it if she wanted but he would want her to be more hands off since they would be busy making their family. They would discuss that very soon, he didn’t want to scare her, but Mac wanted children, now. “Mac,” Jameson called and waved a hand in front of his face. Mac chuckled. “Don’t worry man. I was the same way when I found Lorraine. We’re done in the kitchen and living room if you want to inspect.” Mac nodded and followed him.

  Tina was up to her elbows in dough. Brett was working on lace, piping, Ruth was making ruffles and bows, and Tina was coordinating bread with Cassie. Cassie was a quick learner. She had cinnamon rolls down pat and was now learning baguettes. J.D. came into the kitchen every now and then to take coffee orders and to let them know what was running out. It was busy to say the least. Janet came in early to help with errands and clean up but was tied to the front since the store was overrun with people today. She and J.D. got along very well and Tina suspected that there was mutual interest there. The great thing about having wolves in the kitchen was that they were incredibly quick. Cassie saved a flour bin from the floor that Tina knocked over by accident and earlier she’d kept a spoon from falling into the mixer. From now on Tina was hiring all wolf bakers. She grinned at the thought. She could change the name of the bakery to Wolfs. “Are you thinking about Mac?” Cassie whispered in her ear.


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