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Return of the Assassin (All the King's Men)

Page 12

by Lynne, Donya

  "No! Please!" Jacob cried out as he slapped his palms to his head. His fingers clawed as if trying to dig through his skull to tear Brak's hand from his brain. He squirmed, groaned, and screeched in pain, but Brak held on and squeezed. This was one death he wouldn't soothe away with tender words uttered in guilt. Brak would savor this kill for what the bastard had done.

  Jacob's gray matter gave and squished through his fingers, and the vampire's body jerked as his cranial synapses misfired and chewed through his nervous system from the cataclysm destroying his brain.

  "Die, you fucking son of a whore." Jacob's brain collapsed under Brak's palm, and then he lowered his grip to the cervical bones in his neck. Brak took hold and pulled, and Jacob's spine ripped from his body in a reenactment of a scene in the movie, Predator, where the alien ripped out the spine of his victim.

  Predator was one of Brak's favorite movies. Only…he had always fancied himself the hero…like Arnold Schwarzenegger's character. Well, not today. Today, he was all angry, pissed off alien.

  He threw Jacob's spine across the room and dropped his body to the floor as adrenaline surged through his ethereal spirit.

  His servitude was over.

  With a thought, he returned to his body, and his eyes snapped open. "I'm free."

  "You're free." Cynthia's eyes lit as her entire face smiled.

  Then Brak rolled to his side and vomited.


  After arriving in Chicago, Gina and Trevor took a cab to the Trump Hotel and spent the day inside the safety of their drapery-darkened rooms.

  The Trump was where she had stayed before. When she'd hunted Severin. She had met Lakota there, too, in the lobby. Talk about reliving the recent past.

  Around midmorning, as she debated the pros and cons for the tenth time about whether or not she should follow Trevor's advice and give Malek a chance, she had another panic attack. She had almost decided to revert to her original plan and forget about the whole letting-her-hair-fly-in-the-wind-while-she-ran idea when the first tremors fluttered behind her sternum. Before she knew it, her entire chest flamed with pain, and stabs of agony attacked her heart and lungs. She ended up with her head over the toilet as breakfast became nothing more than a memory.

  Thankfully Trevor hadn't witnessed her gastronomic eruption and yet another unraveling so close on the heels of the previous one. Gina didn't need him giving her anymore speeches.

  After calming down enough to take a shower, she had ordered another breakfast—a much lighter one—slipped into her pajamas, and turned on a movie. With Neo and Trinity parading around in slick leather trench coats and carrying enough firepower to level a city, Gina contemplated her options again. Take a chance with Malek. Tell Malek to get lost. Take a chance. Get lost. It was like plucking petals from a daisy. Like she was playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with herself. Hell, maybe she should just flip a coin and make her decision that way.

  As Neo flew up into the sky at the end of the movie, Gina closed her eyes and groaned. Fine, she would follow Trevor's advice. She wouldn't tell Malek to get lost—at least not at first. She would go to him, see how things played out, and if warning lights didn't go off, she would allow herself to test the waters. Just test them. She wasn't committing to anything, and she wouldn't until she gathered more evidence one way or the other.

  If nothing else, her disastrous fail with Severin had taught her to get all the facts before making important decisions. And whether or not Malek was good mate material was about as important a decision as they came.

  But one slip—just one red flag—and Malek was history. That was her compromise to herself—her out clause.

  Now it was nightfall, and after taking yet another shower to wake her tired ass up, she put on black cargo pants, boots, and a black cotton sweater that zipped from her neck down to midchest. She left the zipper open, not liking how constrictive the sweater felt around her neck when it was zipped up.

  A knock came at her door, and after a check of her hair, which was more of a nervous habit and a way to disguise her distress than vanity, she opened up.

  "You ready?" Trevor said, looking too dashing for a trip to AKM in his black pants and pullover that hugged every muscle in his chest and arms.

  Her heart raced, and she tapped her palms together nervously. She was going back to AKM. A place where she was certain to have more enemies than friends. But if her problems were going to go away, this was where she had to start searching for answers.

  Trevor grabbed her wrist and rubbed her pulse point. "God, your heart rate is through the roof. Calm down, sis. I'll be with you, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen."

  She closed her eyes and took a shaky breath, then nodded abruptly. "I know. I know."

  He pulled her against him and hugged her as he rocked her side to side. "I've never seen you like this," he said into her hair. "You're so nervous. When did you stop being such a tough ass?"

  "Screw you." She gave him a light warning slap on the arm. "I'm still tough."

  "Well, show me then." He squeezed her. "Let me see that badass female I've come to know so well."

  But she couldn't. Not right now. She closed her eyes and spoke quietly. "She's taking a short break right now." She held him tightly, her fingers curled into claws that dug into his back. If she could just pull on his strength, she might be able to hold it together long enough to get through this first night.

  Trevor chuckled. "Come here." He pushed her back into her room and closed the door then pulled her wrist to his mouth. "Maybe this will help calm you down."

  He bit into her wrist and released his venom into her as he took her blood. Calm instantly swept through her, and she weaved forward and rested her head against his shoulder as euphoria fed her like a drug.

  She sighed. Yes, this was much better. Tension oozed out of her neck and shoulders, and warmth flooded her belly. There was nothing sexual about the act, but by the very nature of euphoria, she felt her libido stir.

  After another few seconds, he pulled away and the bite mark healed.

  "Better?" he said, wrapping one arm around her and smoothing his palm up and down her back.

  With her head still against his shoulder, she nodded. "Yes. Thank you. But Ms. Badass is still on break."

  "Okay then." He grinned. "Well, maybe she'll be back soon."

  Gina nodded. Getting her old self back was exactly why she was here. The persona of victimized weakling with bad aim and a panic problem didn't sit well with her. If she couldn't be the resilient, hard-ass assassin she had been before, then she might as well dig a hole, lie down in it, and pull the dirt over her own body. She couldn't live the rest of her life in her current condition.

  Trevor held her a moment longer. Then he pulled away and took her hand. "Okay, let's do this."

  They left the hotel and took a cab to the storage garage she had rented that held all the things she had left behind. Clothes, weapons, personal effects, and her Jeep.

  She was still feeling loose and more or less relaxed as she got behind the wheel and started up the engine. "AKM isn't far from here."

  Within minutes, they were pulling into the parking lot she had come to know so well during her nights of surveillance.

  Trevor took her hand, squeezed it, and led her inside.

  "May I help you?" the female behind the reception desk said.

  Behind her was a locked door that led into the beast's belly. She trembled and Trevor gave her another reassuring squeeze before releasing her hand and pulling out his credentials.

  "I'm from the Knights of Justice in Miami," he said, flashing a security card and a badge.

  Even though the king no longer recognized the Knights as being a part of AKM, he still allowed them access inside AKM facilities around the world. Trevor and his team couldn't call themselves King's Men, but they could at least enjoy the benefits of being part of his posse of protectors.

  Trevor continued, "We're here to see Micah Black. This is Gina Carano. Micah has r
equested her presence."

  The female eyed her curiously and took Trevor's credentials. "I'll need to verify your status." She turned toward her computer.

  "Of course." Trevor looked over his shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile, but she got the impression he just wanted to check on her and make sure she was still holding herself together.

  She nodded shortly at him. She was okay. For now.

  A moment later, the female slid Trevor's credentials back across the counter. "Welcome to Chicago, Mr. Knight."

  "Thank you."

  "Micah just started his team meeting, but I'll have someone come and take you back. It might take a couple of minutes, if you want to have a seat."

  "That's okay. We're fine."

  Gina paced away from the desk. A display of awards and accolades hung on the far wall, mostly glorifying AKM's more human pursuits. Even though AKM's primary objective was to monitor dreck activity, the agency fronted as a private security and detective service to blend in with human society. They also held a division of emergency responders. Enforcers assisted in bounty hunting, drug enforcement, criminal investigations, as well as in emergencies including entrapment and rescue, among other noble pursuits. At least, noble by human standards. Day walkers allowed AKM to operate around the clock, day or night, seven days a week.

  When she had been an enforcer, she hadn't been involved much with the more human component of AKM's work. Her specialty was surveillance and elimination, and she had belonged to a special four-man team in Atlanta. Then Gabe died and, well, she saw where striking out on her own as a solo assassin had gotten her.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and hugged herself, and Trevor took her wrist again and rubbed his thumb up and down her vein. "Ssshhh," he whispered. "Relax, Gina."

  She gazed into his brown eyes, flecked with green and silver. "I'm trying."

  He smiled down at her and winked. "Just remember I'm here."

  And thank God for that.

  After a few minutes, a mousy, dark-haired female with large blue eyes and wearing a faded, chunky sweater and long, flowing skirt—both of which looked like something out of the late 80s—entered the reception area. Shy didn't even begin to describe her.

  "Mr. Knight? Ms. Carano?"

  Gina had to strain to hear her, she spoke so softly.

  "Yes." Trevor paced forward, and Gina followed.

  "I'm Eva." The female ducked her head and looked down at her feet, which bore simple, brown flats that looked worse for the wear. "Follow me, please."

  She and Trevor fell into step behind Eva, who seemed to glide along quietly ahead of them, head down, arms in front of her, as if she was used to keeping herself invisible.

  When they stopped in front of Tristan's office, Gina had to lean in to hear Eva speak.

  "This is Micah's office," Eva said without turning around.

  Gina exchanged glances with Trevor and frowned. "I thought this was Tristan's office?" When she was here before, this was where she had met with Tristan.

  Eva was about to knock but paused and turned her head toward them, keeping her gaze on the floor. "Tristan is on leave. Micah took over for him."

  "Oh." Unease filtered down Gina's spine, but she didn't know why. Maybe because Micah had been on her ass to return, and now that he was in charge, maybe that meant she wasn't in the clear for her actions against Severin and Lakota after all. Who really knew? But knowing Micah was in charge now did change the situation.

  Eva knocked then opened the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt. Micah, you have guests." She shuffled aside, head down.

  Gina took a step forward. Micah slowly rose from behind his desk as three sets of eyes fell on her.

  "What the fuck is she doing here?" Lakota burst from one of the chairs, knocking it over in his anger.

  Trevor jumped in front of her, while Severin and Micah lunged for Lakota before he could get his hands around her throat.

  Well, shit. So much for a warm welcome.

  And where in the hell was Malek?


  For a second, Micah was shocked to see Gina standing in the doorway of his office. No call, no e-mail, no nothing, but there she was, and it felt like God was smiling down on him. In that instant, hope sprang eternal. Malek was saved.

  And then all hell broke loose.

  "Kota, no!" He and Sev practically tackled Lakota, each struggling to pull him back.

  Damn, but that fucker was strong. Or maybe just supremely pissed off, which had a tendency to make weak men perform unspeakable acts of strength. In Kota's case, it was probably a bit of both.

  "Fucking bitch! I'll kill you!" Lakota lurched forward again.

  Whoever the guy was with Gina stiff-armed Kota and knocked him backward while Micah shoved Gina out the door. Micah didn't know who the new guy was, but right now it didn't matter. He was helping.

  "Eva!" Micah pointed at the shy admin. "Shut the door. Keep her in the hall."

  The startled female looked frightened as hell, but she ducked, grabbed the doorknob, and slammed the door closed.

  Kota was beside himself. He clawed, growled, and pushed against Gina's friend as Sev joined the fray and helped contain him.

  Micah wrapped his arm around Kota's neck from behind and cut off his air supply with a flex of his biceps. Kota grunted and grappled, wild and frenzied with aggression.

  "Are you going to play nice, or do I have to knock your ass out?" Micah flexed his arm again for emphasis, which pulled another pained grunt from Kota's throat. "You are not to touch her. Do you hear me?"

  Kota resisted, clenching his jaw and trying to push Micah off.

  "Is that clear?" Micah shouted. "If you so much as scratch her, I will break your fucking arms."

  The fight slowly left Kota, and he finally gave a curt nod. But by no means was he cooled off.

  Micah released him and shoved him at the new guy. "Hold him. Don't let go of him."

  Kota glared back at him, but Micah didn't care.

  "Why is she here?" Kota rubbed his neck and panted for breath.

  "Because I invited her back. That's why."

  "You what?"

  "You got a problem with that?" Micah shoved his hair off his face and turned a lethal glare on Kota.

  Severin looked lost as he slowly backed up to the couch. His eyes were wide, and his brow creased with confusion. "I don't understand. It was my decision to let her go. I didn't want to press charges and still don't."

  Micah pushed his hair back again out of habit. "This isn't about you, Sev." He took a deep breath and turned his gaze toward the dark-haired guy with the quick reflexes and the stiff arm that would make any running back envious. "What's your name, and what are you doing here with Gina?"

  "I'm Trevor. And it's a long story."

  "Well, I'm dying to hear it, but not now." Micah brushed past him and nodded toward Kota, who was still locked in the guy's grasp. "Keep him on a leash."

  "Fuck you, Micah." Kota growled out the words.

  "Funny how everyone keeps telling me that. And funny how it's so not gonna happen." He opened the door to his office.

  Gina and Eva stood across the hall. Both looked half-terrified. He could understand that from Eva, but from Gina? Fear wasn't something he associated with that female.

  "Eva, please go get Malek and tell him he's late for our team meeting. And tell him not to test me, because if I have to go and drag his ass back here he'll have to carry his entrails with him."

  Eva's face turned white, but she nodded and hurried off.

  "Gina, please join us." He stood aside and waved her forward as he cast a sharp glance at Kota. "I swear to God, Kota, you'd better keep your head this time, or you'll have to pick it up off the floor after I kick it off your neck."

  Shit, but he felt like a damn babysitter. He had newfound respect for Tristan if this was what being a team leader was like on a daily basis.

  Gina set her jaw and, with only a slight hesitation as her gaze connected with
Kota's, she slipped into the room. Sev ushered her to him and stepped in front of her as if prepared to be a roadblock should Kota hit the gas again.

  "What's this about, Micah?" Sev asked, holding his arm in front of Gina protectively.

  With a shake of his head, Micah took up residence between the two camps. Kota and Trevor on one side, Sev and Gina on the other. "In due time, Sev." He didn't want to go into all the shit about Malek right now. Besides, when Malek got there—if he got there—everything would become more or less clear, especially since Gina was rocking the scent of Trevor's venom, and he smelled of her blood. He had fed from her earlier, and wouldn't Malek just love that shit?

  If not for the crowd in his office, he would have smiled, because little did Gina and Trevor know, they had just played perfectly into the situation. Malek's mated side wouldn't be able to tolerate the scent of another male on her. Hard telling what he would do when he got a whiff of that blasphemous act.

  Shit could go critical again in the next few minutes, and Micah would have to be ready. He needed to hold the others back as soon as Malek entered the room and staked his claim over his mate.

  * * *

  "Tell Micah I'll be there when I'm ready." After the incident in the training center earlier, Malek wasn't in a rush to be anywhere near Micah.

  At least his rampant thoughts had quieted after taking a short nap and eating a cup of cottage cheese that almost hadn't stayed down except by force of will.

  The shy female that he vaguely recalled worked in administration as of a few weeks ago ducked her head. "I'm sorry, but he said that if you didn't come right now—"

  "Fine, fine. I'm coming." He finished tying his boots and stood with a flip of his hair. His chest still ached and his balls did likewise, but after he hit up his favorite feeding ground later and took home another whore, maybe he would begin to feel better. Maybe tonight would be the night things would turn around and he could get past his Gina fixation, as Micah called it.


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