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Remember Me

Page 11

by Jo-Anna Walker

  Keisha ran her fingers over his strong shoulders and screamed when he slammed into her. He pulled out again and repeated his movements, knocking the breath out of her each time.

  Her body tensed in anticipation, burning from lack of release. “Garrith.”

  He nibbled her chin. “Ask me.”

  She didn’t know what to ask so she just went with what her body craved. “Please.”

  “Please what, love?” He pushed into her and stopped.

  Keisha groaned. “Please may I come?”

  Garrith growled and bit her bottom lip, sucking it into her mouth and pulled his cock out of her core. “Come.”

  Her body shook, waiting, like it knew before she did what he was going to say.

  He leaned down and nipped the skin under her ear, thrusting back into her hard. “Now.”

  An explosion so raw and powerful made Keisha scream, his name leaving her lips as the command to come made her release instantly. Garrith sped up his hips and covered her mouth, swallowing the rest of her cries as ecstasy rocketed into her.

  She dug her nails into his shoulders and whimpered when he pushed into her.

  He grunted, shaking through his own release, his warmth filling her. He released her mouth and kissed her nose, running a hand over her head.

  Keisha breathed through the racing of her heart, her body relaxing.

  “I was not expecting that when you came in here.”

  Keisha smiled. “Neither was I. I came here to talk to you but when I saw you working out…” Her body warmed as images of his back muscles moving fluidly with his punches flowed into her mind.

  “Did you like watching me, love?”

  “Yeah.” She ran her thumb over his bottom lip.

  He grinned and kissed her forehead. He released her completely and rose to his full height, pulling her to her feet. He pulled up his pants and moved her to a bench, sitting her gently on it.


  “Yes, love?” He handed her clothes to her and grabbed a bottle of water from the small fridge.

  “How did...” Keisha put her clothes back on and just as she lowered the shirt, a warm mouth placed a soft kiss on her neck, making her stomach flip.

  “What, love?” Garrith handed her a bottle of water.

  “How did you make me come instantly by just a command?” Her cheeks heated and she took a sip of water, rising to her feet.

  Garrith drank the rest of his and threw out the bottle before slowly turning to her. “I want to show you something.”

  Keisha frowned. They needed to talk about the other stuff but curiosity got the better of her. She had no idea that Garrith had that kind of control over her and as much as it freaked her out, it thrilled her even more. To give in to that power excited her. “Garrith.”

  He walked up to her and pinched her chin. “I’ll answer your question but I want to show you something first.”


  He placed a light kiss on her mouth and grabbed her hand, leading them down the hall past the rec room. “I’m going to see Lucas with Sebastian today.”

  “I thought Tori was going.”

  Garrith looked back at her as they reached a door. “We think you need some girl time.”

  Keisha nodded. “Okay. I haven’t seen her since the last time anyways.”

  “Really? What did you…?” He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bouncing as his eyes searched her face. “What did you do these past two weeks?”

  “Nothing, really. Work’s been really patient with me taking so much time off. I just can’t seem to concentrate. I should just quit and look for a new job. Maybe work from home like Tori does.”

  They stood there for a moment, staring at each other. So many things went unsaid as time ticked by. Would everything they had to say come out?

  He kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger. “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered.

  I love you. Keisha sighed, wishing the words would leave her frozen tongue.

  He cleared his throat and pulled a key from his pocket, unlocking the door. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the knob, waiting.

  Keisha’s heart thumped hard at the hesitation. What was in the room that had him nervous to show her?

  Garrith’s jaw tensed and he pushed the door open, walking into the room.

  She didn’t know what to expect but when she followed Garrith into the other room, she grabbed his arm. He smiled down at her and turned on the light. He stood back, letting her step in front of him, still holding her hand.

  Keisha stopped in her tracks, her eyes going wide at what was laid before her.

  Chapter 15

  The strong scent of lemon and bleach invaded Keisha’s nostrils as she stepped further into the room. The deep green carpet accentuated the few items spread out before her. She let go of Garrith's hand and walked around the room, letting her hand run over the leather items. Her heart pounded hard, her blood ringing in her ears at what she was seeing. "We..." She swallowed.

  "I built this room for you, love."

  Keisha met Garrith's gaze, her cheeks heating.

  A notably large item caught her eye. It was a bench with cuffs on each leg and a leather pad running across the top of it.

  "That's a spanking bench but you prefer..."

  Keisha looked up as Garrith's voice trailed off.

  "You prefer my lap."

  Keisha's skin heated as an image of her bent over his knees flowed into her mind. "Oh."

  She felt Garrith's gaze on her as she continued walking around the room. To think of actually using these items set her blood on fire.

  Her stomach flipped when she stopped in front of an item with four leather pads and more cuffs.

  "That's a Sawhorse. It's probably your favorite item next to the St. Andrew's Cross."

  Keisha frowned and followed Garrith's gaze. Her eyes widened when she saw a large leather cross on the far wall.

  Four cuffs were attached to each end and that was it. It was plain, ordinary, but it made her body stir.

  Her legs felt leaden as she approached the large cross. With a shaky hand, she caressed the leather. It was cool to the touch. Keisha closed her eyes, praying that some form of memory would come to her, but nothing did.

  She felt Garrith come up behind her. "Do you have any questions, love?"

  Keisha opened her eyes. She scoffed. "I have so many, I don't know where to begin."

  "How about we start with how you are feeling?"

  Keisha sighed. "Nervous, but..."

  "Go on."

  "Aroused," she whispered. A flutter of shame swam through her belly. “I just wish I could remember.”

  "Hey." Garrith pinched her chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "We will take this as slow as you want, love. Any questions you have, I will answer."

  Maybe he was finally opening up about their past. "Why?"

  Garrith sat on a leather bench and looked around the room. "My cousin introduced me to the lifestyle."

  Keisha continued to move around the room. "Really?"

  "You and I had broken up. I was bored one night and he brought me to his club."

  Keisha paused in front of a large cherry oak wardrobe. "What kind of a club?"

  Garrith laughed once. "A club that introduced me and you to a whole new world, kitten."

  She took a breath and sat on a bench that was against the wall and stretched out her legs. "I know about this lifestyle."

  She picked at fuzz on the boxers and chewed her bottom lip.

  "You do?"

  She nodded. "Tori has some romance novels with..." She motioned around the room. "…these items in them."

  "It's different in real life, kitten."

  "I know." A moment of silence passed between them. Curiosity got the better of her and she rose to her feet, needing to find out what was in the wardrobe. She opened the doors and gasped. A sharp pain exploded behind her eyes as she fell to her knees.

  “Open it, love

  Keisha fingered the gold ribbon on the white rectangular box. Her heart jumped in anticipation as she pulled off the lid.

  She pushed through the red tissue paper and gasped. She looked up at Garrith, who grinned.

  Keisha ran her fingers down the smooth handle wrapped in leather and lifted it. Her hands caressed the black and red leather strips that hung off the end.

  “Do you like it, kitten?”

  “Yes.” Her skin bloomed. Her pussy clenched. She couldn’t wait for him to use it on her.

  “Good. I made it just for you.”

  Keisha’s eyes widened. “You made this?”

  He smirked and kissed her head. “I am a man of many talents.”

  “Keisha, what’s wrong?” Garrith gripped her shoulders and kissed her softly on the mouth. “Talk to me.”

  She looked up at him. “You’re…you’re a man of many talents.”

  He frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Keisha shoved out of his grip and rose to her feet. Her gaze landed on the item from her memory and she pulled it down from the brass hook.


  She turned to him. “You made this for me.”

  His eyes widened. “I…yes, I did.”

  Keisha fingered the beautiful leather piece. “I remember you giving it to me.”

  “I made all of them.”

  Keisha let her gaze roam over the other items in the cabinet.

  “They’re called floggers, love.”

  “They’re gorgeous.” The multiple colors stared back at her, begging to be used.

  Garrith stepped up beside her and pulled a yellow and black flogger down from the hook. “This is the newest one.”

  Keisha hung the one in her hand back on the hook and sighed.

  “Talk to me.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say.” Her brain felt rattled from all of the new information in just the short amount of time. Was she a freak? A sex slave? She didn’t know how to take it all in. Her chest constricted, like a strong fist was gripping it tight. She needed air. Time away to soak all of this in.

  “Ask me.”

  Keisha frowned and walked past him. She sat on the bench and took a couple of deep cleansing breaths. “How did you make me…?”

  Garrith sat on a stool across from her and waited.

  She sighed. “I couldn’t have an orgasm until you told me to.”

  He cleared his throat. “I know.”

  Their eyes met. “How is that possible?”

  His gaze warmed. “I trained your body and mind to respond to my voice.”


  Garrith smiled. “Lots and lots of practice.”

  Keisha’s heart flipped. “But you’ve made me…” her cheeks heated. “…come before without telling me to.”

  “Your body was asking me for permission to come.”

  “It needed your permission?”

  Garrith sighed. “Not always.”

  Keisha frowned.

  “I know this is confusing, love.”

  “And a lot to take in,” she added.

  He rose to his feet and stepped towards her. He kissed her head and lowered to his knees, taking her hands in his.

  Keisha chewed her bottom lip. “I’m trying to understand.”

  He kissed her knuckles. “I know, love.”

  “Am…am I your sex slave?” she blurted.

  Garrith’s eyes searched her face, his mouth set in a grim line. He didn’t seem surprised at her question. “Is that what you think?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know what to think.”


  She pulled out of his grasp and rose to her feet. “I think I should leave.”

  “Love, please.”

  She spun on him. “What?”

  Garrith’s jaw tensed. “Don’t close up on me. Ask me anything. I swear to God I’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what to fucking ask. I just found out that I’m some sex slave freak who comes on command.”

  Garrith grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her head back. His eyes darkened. “You are not a freak and you are definitely not a sex slave.”

  Keisha swallowed hard at the coldness in his voice. “What am I then?” she whispered.

  His jaw tensed, his gaze searching her face. “Love…”

  “Tell me.”

  “You’re a submissive.”


  Shit. Garrith did not want to tell Keisha what she truly was like this. He was trying to ease her back into the lifestyle but the words just slipped from his lips. It would have been so much easier if she just remembered everything but it looked like that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Patience, asshole.

  Garrith sighed and loosened his grip on Keisha’s neck.

  She frowned. “What do you mean, I’m a submissive?”

  Keisha may have been confused but Garrith could see the dark dilation of her eyes as curiosity took over her thinking. “You’ve always been in control. Of everything. Except when it came to sex, you let me run the show. I realized after talking to my cousin that you were submitting to me.”

  Garrith watched as Keisha looked around the room, her gaze every so often landing on the cross. “I’m not your sex slave?”

  He smiled lightly. “No, love. That’s not what this is about.”

  “What’s it about, then?”

  Garrith shoved a hand through his hair. “It’s not just about sex.” He sighed. “Some people find that being in control 24/7 is tiring, so they give up that control with someone they trust and it balances everything out.”

  Keisha walked around the room, touching the items, getting to know them again. His blood stirred watching her caress the equipment.

  “It builds a bond between the Dominant and submissive on a whole other level. It brought you and I closer, kitten. We even fought less because of it.”

  A small smile tugged at the corners of Keisha’s lips. Maybe he was getting through to her.

  Garrith’s back tensed every so often, waiting for her to run from the room screaming. Every time they had sex since losing her memory, he held back. He wouldn’t unleash his full Dominant side until she remembered him completely. He may have been in control in the bedroom, but she was in control of his heart and actions.

  Deep down in his gut, he knew she was going to leave. He just prayed that it wouldn’t be for good. If she never wanted to submit to him again, that was fine with him as long as she was with him. She was right; they could make new memories.

  Keisha stopped in front of the cross. Her brows furrowed like she was trying to remember.

  “Love, don’t force yourself to remember.”

  When she looked back at him, Garrith’s stomach twisted. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I would give anything to remember. To remember what we had, Garrith.”

  Garrith sighed. “But?”

  She turned back to the cross. “I don’t…” she wiped under eyes. “If I can’t…if I never remember, I don’t know if I can be your submissive again.”

  Garrith’s heart thumped hard. It would be difficult but he would do anything to just have her spend the rest of her life with him. Even if they never practiced the lifestyle again, as long as he had her, he would be happy. He didn’t need toys or objects to dominate her. Little did she know that she would always submit, whether they practiced the lifestyle or not. “That’s fine, kit—”

  “Is it? Is it fine, Garrith?”

  Garrith frowned. “What do you mean?”

  She sighed and took a step towards him. “Even though I don’t remember everything, I can sense a darker part of you. A part that’s holding back. I don’t know how to explain it, but now that you’ve told me and showed me this room, it all makes sense. If I can’t ever submit again to you, I don’t think you’ll be happy.”

  “That’s not true. As long as you’re with me, I’ll be the fucking h
appiest man around.”

  Keisha shook her head.

  Oh God, this is it. She’s leaving me.

  “You say that now but…losing my memory made me give up control and going any deeper scares the shit out of me.”

  What the hell was she talking about? “Love, what…” Their gazes locked and a hard lump formed in his throat. His heart thudded, his blood ringing in his ears.

  Keisha took a deep breath, like she was bracing herself for his reaction. “I don’t know if I will ever trust you enough to give you what you need.”

  Chapter 16

  Garrith felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. This was it. It was over. They had been together off and on for over ten years. They went through shit and were still going through it but he sensed that Keisha was giving up. On him. On both of them.

  He took several deep breaths, easing the pounding of his heart. He tried to remain calm, tried to ease the racing of the blood soaring through his body but fury took over.

  “You think I would do something to hurt you?” he snarled.

  Keisha’s eyes widened and she took a step back. “No. Never. I just—”

  “What? You trust me enough to let me fuck you,” he took a step towards her, “and not use a condom, but you don’t trust me enough to submit to me?”

  Tears filled her eyes and she backed up. “You said this trust is on a whole other level.”

  She was right but Garrith couldn’t control himself or the verbal-vomit pouring from his mouth. “I told you that I would be patient. I would give up all of this,” he motioned around the room, “for you but I can ease you back into it. I will teach you.”

  Keisha shook her head. “What if I don’t want to learn? What if I don’t want any of this?”

  Garrith paused and searched her face. She licked her lips, her cheeks flushed, but her beautiful green eyes wouldn’t meet his. She was lying.

  “I want you to be happy,” she whispered.

  “Being without you kills me. Don’t you understand that, Keisha? As long are you are with me, I am fucking happy.”

  Keisha walked past him.

  In a quick move, Garrith grabbed her around the waist. He pulled her against him, pinning her arms to her sides. He fisted her hair in his hand and pulled her head back.

  Her eyes dilated and a small gasp escaped her lips.


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