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One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3)

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by Amanda Siegrist

  Guy after guy after guy came and went through their lives. Each time a new one appeared, her mom changed her ways.

  His favorite was country music. Oh, so was hers. This one loved rock music. Well, you know what, so did she. No, no, no, give this guy a good ol’ folk band and he was happy. Damn it if her mom didn’t suddenly love that as well.

  She couldn’t even stick to a music genre and say, “Well, this is what I love and I don’t care what you say.” Instead, she absorbed herself into the man and agreed with every damn thing he loved and did. They could do no wrong.

  Dee refused to do that. She wouldn’t change for anybody. Not even Sauer.

  Although, she could never see Sauer asking her to change her ways. Hell, who was she kidding? Of course he wouldn’t. He could barely say hello when they were in the same room.

  He asked her out, though. He found the courage to do that.

  And she acted like a bitch.

  “Are you okay?”

  Dee glanced up to see Rina standing by her desk, a sad look in her eyes. “I’m fine.”

  “I get the feeling you’re really not. I’m always here if you want to talk. You know that, right?”

  “I know.” She shoved her hand into the crazy mess of her hair and primped it a little. “Don’t worry so much about me.”

  “I can’t help it. You’re my best friend. Zoe and I were really worried about you when you left like that. Sauer—”

  “Did you get those reports I left on your desk? Make sure Donaho gets those, okay?” Dee smiled, trying to lessen the fact she cut her off without caring how rude it was. She didn’t want to talk about Sauer. She didn’t even want to think about him, and that’s all she had been doing this morning.

  One of the things she loved about Rina, though, she got the drift right away and didn’t keep pestering you. She let it go. When she was ready to talk, she’d listen. She wouldn’t be offended by the abruptness with which she acted. She was rude. She knew it. Rina should just say it.

  “I already made sure he got them.” Rina smiled gently. “We’re still going out Friday for drinks, right?”

  “Unless you two married women bail on me, yeah.”

  A light laughter filtered out. “We’d never bail on you. See you at lunch.” Rina walked away.

  Why did she feel the need to make sure she’d show on Friday? If anyone was dying for those nights, it was her. Before Zoe and Rina got married, they hung out all the time. You couldn’t pry them apart. Now, the only one unattached, she waited, wondered, if she’d ever get a happily ever after.

  As much as she didn’t want to wonder, she did. Could she fall in love? Could she find a good man like her friends?

  She didn’t know what real love was like. She never really had it. She’d never deny her mother loved her, because she did. Her mother just had a weird ass way of showing it. The men in her life always came first. When they lost interest, because they always did, she’d give Dee some attention, then just as suddenly divert it all to find a new man. The vicious cycle kept repeating itself over and over and over.

  Relationships were hard. Even the one with her mom, if she could even call it that, when she was alive. What was the point? Life went much smoother when she avoided it completely.

  Sauer was better off without her.

  She grabbed her phone from the top drawer of her desk. A little tap, tap, tap and done. She had a date lined up that would erase everything. Raul was divine in bed. That’s all she needed.


  Sauer lifted his gaze to Newman as he hung up the phone. “So?”

  “Susan said Vanessa wasn’t raped, so good luck on getting any DNA. We don’t have the murder weapon, no witnesses, and her boyfriend has an alibi. Damn luckiest thing he did was stay at his friend’s party until almost two o’clock.”

  “No forced entry. Dr. Everly confirmed time of death around midnight. Did she know her attacker? She didn’t have an alarm system. The perp could’ve broken in somehow.”

  “Since we ruled out the boyfriend, I’m liking one of the guys from the strip club. He gets a little too attached, starts following her, and things get out of hand. She lets him in, then he tries to make a move and gets angry when she denies him.”

  Sauer pondered that scenario for a few beats. “Yeah, but would she let in some guy from a strip club? Unless they’ve been to her house before, how would he know where she lived? I think she would’ve called the cops.”

  “True. Well, the list of regulars her boss Tony gave us is our next avenue. Gravitating towards her too much or getting kicked out for getting a little too friendly. They could’ve easily taken that infatuation too far and followed her home. Five guys. Not a lot, but for a suspect list, kind of.” Newman scratched his chin. “I can see why Shawn didn’t like Tony. He seemed a little too controlling about his ladies, but he obviously didn’t kill her.”

  “Nothing better than a solid alibi. Unless his ladies, as you put it, are covering for him and he really wasn’t at the strip club working.”

  Newman chuckled. “Hey, just using the words he used. He said it in front of the ladies, too. They didn’t seem to mind.”

  “Most of them didn’t. Some looked at him like he was a slimeball.” And Sauer had to agree. Tony acted like an arrogant creep, but he didn’t kill Vanessa. “I need a refill of my coffee before we head out. You want one?” Sauer stood up, grabbing his to-go mug from the corner of his desk.

  Newman declined. Sauer quickly walked to the break room, refilling his mug with the sludge that would probably make his stomach cringe, but he needed a pick-me-up. He didn’t sleep much, then the call came in for the murder. He generally fueled up on tons of coffee when that happened.

  He turned around, nearly running into Zeke. Great. Not something he wanted to deal with right now. Or ever. He didn’t do well with confrontation. Hated it, in fact. Probably had to do with school and the many times kids picked on him. Things were easier when he ducked into his shell rather than fight back. Even as an adult, he avoided conflict by normally agreeing with the other person. He couldn’t help it. He liked to keep the peace.

  “I just wanted to apologize for last night, Sauer. I never meant to hurt your feelings or make you think you’re not good enough for Dee, because you are.”

  “No worries. I’m over it.” And he was. That wasn’t just a line to move the conversation along. He accepted the fate of never dating Dee. No big deal. He knew it had been a long shot when he asked her out. They were two different people. It probably wouldn’t work out. Newman was always saying he had to work on his shyness with women. Well, that’s what he did. He considered it a step in the right direction. Maybe the next time he’d actually get the words out in the correct order.

  “You sure?”

  “Do you wanna sit in a circle, hold hands, and express our feelings more deeply?” Sauer asked with a grin.

  Zeke laughed. “No, I’m good. I already express my feelings too much to Ben. We’re thinking of having another baby and Ben’s back on his kick teasing me what pregnancy is like. Been there, done that. So it’s not bothering me this time.” A devilish grin started to form. “Can’t wait for Rina to get pregnant. I’m going to torture him like there’s no tomorrow.”

  He laughed with Zeke as he pictured the two of them bickering back and forth about it. It was comical. Making jokes and giving each other shit in the precinct was their forte. Everyone could always count on Zeke and Ben to keep it interesting.

  “Are they thinking about having a baby? They’ve only been married about three months.”

  Zeke shrugged. “He isn’t saying. And trust me, I’ve tried to weasel it out of him.”

  Sauer slapped him on the shoulder, chuckling. “I just bet you have. We’re headed out for some interviews. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “See ya.”

  Sauer took a sip of coffee as he walked out of the break room.

  “Hey, Sauer?”

  He turned around. Zeke looked pen
sive. “I think Dee would be the oddest choice for you just because you’re quieter than her. Sometimes opposites attract, which makes me believe you just might be the perfect guy for her.”

  If only it were true.

  “Doesn’t matter. She never said yes.”

  Chapter 3

  He made a fool of himself at the Super Bowl party. Two days had gone by and he hadn’t seen her to clarify whether it was a yes or no. He took it as a no. He needed to accept it as a no. Wishing it to be different wasn’t helping him. He told Zeke it was no big deal. At the time, he meant it. Now, part of him wanted to know for sure. What did you’re so adorable really mean? That could mean anything. Not necessarily a no.

  These past two days had been difficult to get through, constantly thinking about her, the idiotic way he tried to ask her out. Thinking about her instead of the case going nowhere was easier. They had interviewed four of the five guys on the list that Tony had given them. They each had a solid alibi the night of the murder. They were home in bed with their wives. Every single one. Two of the men received death glares that their asses were in trouble as soon as they left. They didn’t know their husbands had been going to a strip club.

  The other three men fared better in the wife department. They knew about the trips to the strip club, yet he could see it bothered the women. Maybe they were too timid to speak up. Kind of like him. Always so timid and scared.

  The last guy on their list, Marvin Tannor, was making it difficult to locate him. So far, his last known address had been occupied by an elderly couple that said they’d been in the apartment for the last five months. They checked a few other addresses listed for him, coming up empty. They informed Tony if he showed up at the club to call them. They were still waiting.

  That didn’t mean they didn’t have other avenues to work with. Still, despite how busy he was with the case, his mind liked to wander and think about Dee, especially after Zeke said he’d be the perfect guy for her. Maybe that was just his way of apologizing and making shit up. Sauer didn’t know. But he liked the sound of it.

  Newman was right. He was more shy and reserved, whereas Dee was loud and outgoing. Too beautiful as well. Women like her didn’t go for men like him. Thinking he had a chance with her was ridiculous, even with the comforting words from Zeke.

  It wouldn’t hurt to say hi, though. Maybe his luck was finally changing. He never ran into Dee.

  Blowing out a deep breath, he crossed the street to the small café where Dee stood outside near a table that looked like she just had lunch and was getting ready to leave. Running a hand over his hair, already missing the thickness of it, he drew in a deep breath this time.

  “Hey, Dee.”

  Turning around, her forehead puckered as her eyes narrowed. “Do I know you?”

  His heart plummeted as he tried to gulp for a breath of air as if he’d just been sucker punched. Just having left the barbershop, he knew he looked a little different, considering he chopped off most of his hair, but not that different. He still didn’t know why he did it. A change, maybe. Appear more confident when he was anything but. Instead, she left him speechless, the confidence disappearing like the leaves from a tree on a windy day.

  He had needed a change, or more like, a break. Instead of grabbing lunch with Newman, he decided to get his haircut. It was a spur of the moment, let’s-do-this-before-I-change-my-mind sort of thing. Now, he regretted it. She didn’t recognize him. He was so low on her list that she didn’t even recognize him with a haircut.

  Suddenly, her face lit up with delight, a deep roar of laughter as she touched his shoulder. “Oh my God, Sauer, you should see your face. The confusion is just too damn adorable.”

  He cracked a smile, even though he didn’t think it was that funny. She seriously scared him that he was forgettable. Words wouldn’t form. Partly from the shock of her joke. Partly from her hand resting on his shoulder. Her light touch was heating up his body like never before.

  His desire for her spiked to a boiling point when she reached up toward his hair and rubbed his head. “A buzz cut. I likey, Sauer. Makes you look a little more rugged.” Her hand smoothed back and forth. The action made him want to pull her into his arms and kiss her breathless. “I kinda miss the long hair you had. This is cool, too.”

  Her hand dropped to her side. Just like that, he wished for another reason, any reason for her to touch him again.

  “Um…thanks.” Shit. Again, with those two words. Could he never form anything more coherent with her?

  A sweet low chuckle filled the air. “You’re welcome.” Her head tilted to the side. “What’s your first name? I’ve only ever heard people call you Sauer. Why do guys call each other by their last name? It’s weird.”

  Shrugging, he grinned. “An air of mystery.”

  God, that didn’t even make sense. Did it?

  She laughed again, touching his arm as her beauty filled his soul. “So mysterious. Does that mean you won’t tell me your first name? I’ll just ask Zoe or Rina. They’ll totally tell me.”

  Her hand still rested on his arm. What could he say to keep it there? He leaned closer. “I might tell you.”

  Her slender body moved closer as a few curly tendrils of hair floated in front of her eyes. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re flirting. Most men have a tendency to be complete douches when they do.”

  He couldn’t move away from her. Her lips were inches from his, her hand still holding his arm. Was she calling him a douche? That was her favorite thing to call men. Zeke and Ben had both worn that badge of honor until she decided they were decent enough for her friends. What made her think that about men? All men. Who hurt her? He wanted to hurt them back for damaging her in any way. She deserved so much.

  A surge of bravery zapped him. His hand swiped the locks of hair in her eyes behind her ear. He felt a tremble in her hand. “Am I a douche?”

  For once, she appeared speechless. Her eyes stayed glued to his, yet she didn’t answer his question. He was mesmerized by the stare. Unnerved even. What would she do if he suddenly kissed her? He slowly moved closer.

  “Yo, babe, you ready?”

  Both of their heads jerked to the voice coming a short distance from them. With all her talk about douches, this guy looked exactly like one. Full of muscle on every inch of his body, Sauer was a tad nervous this guy would kick his ass for standing so close to her—and provided him the reason she never accepted a date from him. She wasn’t available.

  “Yep,” Dee said quickly, then turned toward him. “You’ve never been a douche. You’re too good for me. That’s what you are.”

  With that, she walked away.

  Well, shit. She wasn’t available. Which meant he needed to stop thinking about her.

  That was easier said than done as he walked back to meet Newman with nothing but Dee on his mind.


  “Who was that?”

  She didn’t hide the eye roll at Raul’s question. Oh, she heard the jealousy in his tone. Raul was one that didn’t mind when she called him every now and again for some fun times between the sheets. But when it was his time, he didn’t like to share. At all.

  “A friend.”

  “Yeah. What kind?”

  Her feet halted. “I need to get back to the office.” Which interpreted into ‘we aren’t having sex today’. Or any other day.

  Dumb. She really thought it was a good idea to sleep with one man to get her mind off another. The one she couldn’t have. Because it was a horrible idea. Thank God, Raul had been busy when she originally texted him the other day. Otherwise, she would’ve already taken the plunge, trying to erase Sauer from her mind.

  What was she doing wasting her hour lunch trying to have a quickie with a guy who acted so jealous right away? She was only saying hi to a friend.

  She sure knew how to pick some winners.

  Sauer asked her out. So adorably. Why didn’t she just accept his date? Then they could—

She’d never just sleep with Sauer and boot him to the curb. He was too sweet to be treated that way. She needed to focus right now, especially with the way Raul was looking at her so strangely. A hard glint had entered his eyes. Obviously, he wasn’t happy with the change of plans.

  “Alright. I’ll see you later. I don’t have to work at the club tonight.”

  She squeezed his arm and gave him one of the best smiles she could, lacing it with a touch of sexiness. “I have plans tonight. Maybe another time. I gotta go.” She placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and walked away.

  There wasn’t a reason to give him time to argue. And Raul would argue. He had never gotten physical, but he could get angry with her sometimes. That was one reason she never went exclusive with him. Quick sex, and that’s it. That’s all she needed from him. Well, not anymore.

  If she couldn’t work out her frazzled nerves about what to do with Sauer, she wasn’t sure when she would be having sex again. Because the idea of sleeping with anybody but him didn’t sound appealing.

  All it took was a handsome detective asking her out in such a charming way.


  “Whoa. You cut your hair. You said you were getting a coffee.”

  Sauer rubbed the top of his head, still reeling from the fact he saw Dee. “Yeah, I don’t know what came over me.”

  Newman tossed the leftover paper from his sandwich into the trash and pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer from his pocket, pouring a small amount out. “You look good. I like it.”


  “Are you ready to head to Vanessa’s brother’s house?”

  “Think he’ll be there? Since we notified her parents, we haven’t been able to connect with him. It’s odd.”

  Newman slid into the driver’s seat and nodded. “Way too many possible suspects right now. He’s on our list just for that reason. Hell, I’m willing to add her parents. They weren’t too broken up their daughter was murdered.”


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