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One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3)

Page 9

by Amanda Siegrist

  Did she even deserve such a great guy? Would a relationship work between them? Or was she setting him up to break his heart and hers with it?

  When he walked into the room not even a minute later, she decided he was worth the risk. Every single worry that plagued her mind.

  This was Sauer. And he was all hers.

  Chapter 8

  Dee shivered as Sauer brushed a hand up, then down her stomach. She was still reeling from him walking into the bedroom completely naked after grabbing some condoms. She had asked where he put his clothes. One simple answer echoed around the room. “In the hamper in the bathroom.” Sauer was such a sensible guy. She enjoyed watching him walk into the room like that. She almost asked him to walk out and back in again. Like rewinding a good part in a movie.

  She was glad once they decided to have sex that he wasn’t shy. She liked his shyness. She really did. But in the bedroom, while getting it on, was definitely not something she wanted.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  A sweet grin punctured his face as he lightly blew on her nipple, then sucked it briefly. “What’s the rush?”

  “Oh, so you’re trying to torture me with anticipation.”

  “Maybe I’m just enjoying every little sensation, every soft spot on your body, every little cute noise you make as I do something like this.” His finger circled her areola, her breath hitching a little at the contact.

  God, every little touch from him made her body crave more. Sauer knew what the hell he was doing. He was making her wild for him and he barely touched her yet.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Me, too.” His lips grabbed her nipple, tugging, nipping, and devouring it as if it were a delicious cinnamon bun with extra icing.

  Oh, yeah, he was hungry all right. So was she. She was so damn ravenous for the man lying next to her. She didn’t want him next to her. She wanted him on top, claiming her, branding her, penetrating her. What was he waiting for? She couldn’t take this teasing anymore.

  “Please, Sauer. I want more. I need more.” She turned toward him and tried to grab for the rock hard erection that had been resting against her thigh, but he was quicker. His hand wrapped around her wrist, stalling her movements.

  “You’re a force of nature, Dee. Trust me, I like that about you. A lot. But here, in this bedroom, I want to savor you. Just let me have my way right now. Just lie still.”

  Her brow rose slowly as a grin emerged. “Me, lie still? Did you lace something in your coffee this morning?”

  He brought her hand above her head as he rolled her to her back, hovering above her. Finally, he nestled into her body the way she wanted.

  “You will lie still until I say so.”

  “Is that right? Shy Sauer is gonna make me, huh?”

  “He’s hibernating right now. You get dominant Sauer at the moment.” His mouth inched closer to hers. “I’ve wanted you for a long time.” A kiss touched her lips. “Last night scared the shit out of me.” Another kiss. “You know how I get when I’m worried about you.” One more kiss. “So, yeah, you’re going to let me touch every inch of this gorgeous body and lay perfectly still.”

  For a man who stuttered and screwed up a simple question like asking her out, he sure knew how to make her insides melt. Could this man get any sweeter?

  “And if I don’t?”

  His mouth crushed hers, his tongue diving in with intensity. She matched his pace, letting the kiss consume her. The man knew how to kiss. Before she knew it, he was backing away, lifting his body up.

  “Then you get nothing.”

  She shivered from the cold that hit her body, wanting, needing his body against hers again. “Okay, you win. I won’t move.”

  Without another word, he lowered himself and started to kiss her. A tender peck to the right cheek, then the other. His lips made a path down her neck and up to her ear, his teeth nipping her earlobe, sending tingles everywhere. A man of his word. He didn’t forget the other ear as a trail of kisses made their way to the other side.

  Her body zinged to life, even more so than before, as he made his way to her breasts again. Time slowed to a stop as he doted on each one, taking his time to kiss, nibble and suck as if he’d never get to do it again. Never in her life had she let a man take his time like this. Sex was normally a way to have fun, release a little tension. Not this. Not so much passion.

  Even if she would’ve let a man have his way like this, she didn’t think they would’ve put as much attention and devotion as Sauer did. He didn’t miss one spot on her. Kisses sprinkled on her belly, up and down, around her belly button. The entire time, his hands brushed her arms, her breasts, and teasingly down near the spot that was dying for him to touch. Yet, he never did. He was building her up so sweetly she knew when she exploded it would be the best orgasm of her life.

  His mouth finally made it to the ultimate prize, his hot breath telling her the best was yet to come. When his tongue licked and suckled faster than the kisses that had covered her body, she couldn’t stop herself from arching off the bed and moaning in delight.

  His tongue danced, pulling every emotion out of her that was possible. He touched her in more ways than just physical. Tears started to well in the corner of her eyes as the desire hit her. She cried out, grabbing his head, wanting to pull at his hair, yet settled with rubbing it as her orgasm shot through the roof.

  She continued to rub his head as he moved back up her body and planted a kiss to her lips. Normally she hated when a guy did that, kissed her down there, then kissed her on the lips. She didn’t want to taste herself like that. But Sauer. Hell, no. She wanted his lips on hers no matter where they were before. Her hands tightened on his head as the kissed turned intense.

  She loved it when their kisses went from slow and sweet to passionate and unbridled. Only Sauer could ever manage to pull that deep emotion out of her.

  A few crinkles sounded as Sauer shifted around her, then suddenly, he slid into her. For the first time in her life, she felt complete. Whole. Where she belonged.

  He extracted his mouth from hers, his breathing heavy. “God, you feel so good.” He kissed her lightly. “You taste so good.”

  “Can I move yet, or do I still need to lie still?”

  He grinned as he pulled out, then back in with delight. “We might need to work on you lying still. You didn’t listen so well just now.”

  She bit her lip coyly. “Practice makes perfect. If we have to do that again, I guess we have to.”

  Chuckling, he cupped her face, brushing his thumbs across her cheeks. “I want to do that again and again and again. I think I might’ve even missed a few spots.”

  She slid her hands down his back, relishing in the way he shivered. “We can’t have that. Next time make sure you hit every single spot.”

  His lips met hers once again as they started to move together as one. Thrust for thrust. He felt divine and wonderful and something she couldn’t even define correctly. What she did know was she never felt like this before. The way his body moved over hers, in and out, the passion, the desire, it said the one thing that kept beating in her heart.


  She loved this man. It sure felt like he loved her, too.

  It scared and excited her, a mixture of tumbling emotions. Their movements became more frenzied as the kiss turned hotter and fiercer. Her body started to tingle once again, burning flames of ecstasy everywhere. She almost wanted his lips to douse the flames. Yet, she also didn’t want him to disconnect from her.

  Just like that, it hit her. She moaned into his mouth as she grabbed his ass and held on as the orgasm crushed her. Sauer continued to pump into her, then swiftly followed suit, groaning into her mouth. His body relaxed into her, the kiss slowing to a brief peck. He moved his face to the crook of her neck, his warm breath soothing her frayed nerves from the powerful lovemaking.

  “Dee…” A soft kiss hit her neck. “Are you ready for breakfast yet?”

  She chuckled, not
expecting that to come out of his mouth. Surprisingly enough, she was hungry. “Yeah, breakfast sounds good.”

  He lifted his head, his eyes sparkling with humor, desire, and what she swore was love. His features dipped a little, then sprang back to his sweet smile she loved. What was that? Did he suddenly regret what they just did? Is that why he wanted to eat suddenly?


  “Go shower and I’ll heat up the food.” She swatted his ass playfully and then nudged him to get off.

  Hesitation warred on his face, then he grinned and rolled away. Plucking the condom off, he stood up. “I’ll be quick.” He walked out of the room.

  She had no idea what he was about to say and didn’t want to hear it. Was he about to say he regretted sleeping with her? Was he about to profess his love? Well, that was a dumb thought. Of course not. She knew he liked her, but what man could love an outrageous, loud woman like her. She annoyed most people. She didn’t endear them to her.

  It didn’t matter. What she did know was she loved him. Everything that just happened was too much for her. She couldn’t tell him how she felt.

  As she stood up and went to her suitcase, she realized she was still angry with him. Yeah, definitely angry. He wouldn’t share any details of the case with her. Someone tried to hurt her. Sauer knew who it was, or at least had an idea. It pissed her off she didn’t get a good look at the guy’s face. If she had, she’d have her own answers. But she did see one thing.

  Little did he know she had a starting point to find out who it could be as well. If he wouldn’t share what he knew with her, she wouldn’t share what she knew either.


  Sauer quickly walked to the bedroom, hoping against all hope that Dee was still gloriously naked in bed. What had he been thinking? Are you ready for breakfast yet? Who says that after having the best sex of their life? An idiot, like him.

  He couldn’t describe it as anything other than pure panic. The way they moved, the heat they created, the intensity that spurred between them was too much to even convey in words. It was—everything.

  Like he normally did, he acted like a moron. What he should’ve done was profess his love. Which is what he tried to do when she cut him off. Probably for the best. Dee might seem like the toughest woman out there, where nothing fazed her. He knew better. She was fragile. Like a delicate flower among a bed of weeds. Telling her he loved her would only do one thing. Send her running in the opposite direction.

  He stepped into the room, his mood dipping further down south even though he knew she wouldn’t still be in bed. It didn’t stop him from wishing it. Dressing quickly in a simple pair of jeans and red shirt, he almost ran to the kitchen. He acted like an idiot, but now he’d make it up to her. They’d eat breakfast as fast as they could and then he’d whisk her back to the bedroom and start the process of covering every inch of her skin with kisses.

  Just thinking about the first time had him hard as a rock. Maybe breakfast could wait…again.

  “I was thi—” Glancing around the empty kitchen, he froze for a second. “Dee?”

  Well, shit, where was she?

  A quick look in the living room had him developing the worst kind of panic. Did the killer grab her while he was in the shower? Did he find her that quickly?

  “Dee! Where are you?” He started rushing through the house once again, just in case he missed her. Not likely, because his eyes always zoomed straight to her whenever he walked into the same room as her.

  Another search still came up empty of Dee anywhere. No sign of a struggle either. If the killer did come in here and take her, Dee would’ve put up a fight. He had no doubt about that. Which means he would’ve heard it. Where could she be?

  He sat down on the edge of his bed, rubbing a hand over his head. No Dee. No struggle. No clues. Where did he begin to start looking for her? She couldn’t have just disappeared on him. Maybe the killer had a gun. Threatened her somehow. That made some sense. She wouldn’t fight back if he had a gun. Or not. He could actually see Dee fighting back even if the perp had a gun.

  He couldn’t lose her. Not in that way. Not to a sadistic killer.

  His hand dropped to his lap as his eyes glossed to his dresser. Where were his car keys?

  Rushing from the bedroom, he yanked open the door to the garage and almost stumbled down the two steps.

  Shit! No. She didn’t. She wouldn’t.

  He raced around the house again, this time looking for Dee’s purse. Gone. Just like her.

  She took his car and left.

  He tried to call her. Three times. Each time it went to voicemail. He wasn’t sure how he was feeling at the moment. Scared. Irritated. Teetering on pissed off. Each crazy emotion mingled together, making it impossible to leave a message. Angry words wanted to come out, mixed with words of love. Saying nothing seemed like the best option.

  Slinking down into the couch, he dialed another number. His fingers almost hesitated, knowing quite well it wouldn’t be good. But he had to deal with him sooner or later.

  “Hey, Newman. Can you come pick me up?” He let out a heavy sigh. “Dee had trouble last night and stayed at my house. She’s gone. She took my car.”

  Twenty minutes later, Newman walked inside and met him in the living room. “How come she didn’t tell you she was taking your car? Stealing, really.” He chuckled.

  Sauer tried not to roll his eyes. “She didn’t steal my car. She borrowed it.”

  “Without asking, dude.”

  Rubbing a tense hand over his head, he sighed. “Maybe I scared her.”

  Newman sat down on the recliner. “Um, pretty sure that woman does not scare easily.” Sauer avoided eye contact, which was the wrong thing to do. “Holy shit! Did you sleep with her?”

  “And if I did?”

  “I’m proud of you then.” Newman laughed as he slapped his knee. “It’s about damn time. Wrong woman, but good for you.”

  Sauer stood up, his features taut with tension. “I’ve had enough with the shit you say about her. What’s your problem?”

  Newman jerked to his feet as well. “My problem? Maybe I should ask you the same thing. Why the hell didn’t you call me last night about what happened? We’re partners, yet, you called Zeke and Ben. What the hell, dude?”

  “I can’t explain why I did. I have no good excuse. You’ve been acting weird lately and I…Dee was attacked. Zeke and Ben are close with her. Closer than I am. Maybe I just thought it’d be better if they helped.”

  “I’d say you’re pretty close with her now.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  Sauer walked out of the living room to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge even though he wasn’t that thirsty. He needed to keep his hands occupied otherwise he’d be sorely tempted to sock a fist into Newman’s face. He would never do that. But he was oh so tempted to.

  “If you’re so pissed at me, why’d you call me now?”

  Keeping his back to Newman, he twisted the cap off the bottle. “Because you’re my partner and friend. It’s not like I was going to keep this from you. Last night…shit, man. The bastard almost hurt her...”

  “She means a lot to you, doesn’t she?”

  “More than I can express. Go ahead, keep saying more shit. We’re not right for each other. We’re complete opposites. I’m not good enough for her.”

  “Dude…” Sauer finally turned around when Newman paused. “I don’t…how do I say…I’m jealous, alright.”


  Newman shrugged as he shuffled his feet. “You have your shit together. You’re comfortable with yourself no matter what anyone says. The ladies, even as shy as you are, they notice you. You just don’t see it. This thing with Dee…I’m sorry for everything I said. Breaking up with Chrissy…it’s messing with me. She cheated on me. Like, shit! Why would she do that to me, man?”

  Not what he expected to hear. A complete surprise that threw him off balance. Especially the part about Chrissy. The
y seemed so in love.

  “I’m sorry.” His eyes bulged, realizing what he was saying. Those words. He never wanted to hear or say those words again. “I hate those words. I feel like getting sick right now.”

  Newman nodded. “We’re sure this is the same guy that killed Vanessa?”

  “It has to be. He left a note on her porch with those words on it. Twice. A few days later and she’s attacked.” Sauer set the bottle and cap down on the counter. “Chrissy’s an idiot for doing that. You deserve better. I apologize for not calling last night. It was shitty of me.”

  Newman grinned, then chuckled. “Alright, girl talk’s over. We’re good, man. At least, I’m ready to forget it all. You?”

  “Yeah. I just need to find Dee.”

  “Where do you think she went? She’s not answering her phone? Did she call Zoe or Rina?”

  “I called Zeke before you got here. She hasn’t called anyone. He’ll call me first thing if she calls one of them.”

  “Did something happen this morning? You said you might’ve scared her. How?”

  Sauer glanced away, raising a hand to rub his head, then dropped it just as quickly. “Maybe scared was the wrong word. More like I probably pissed her off.” He lifted his eyes. “You know me and words. I sound like an idiot at times.”

  “Shit, man, you didn’t tell her you love her already, did you?” Newman’s eyes got round with shock. “Because I’m getting this feeling you do.”

  He slowly shook his head no. “I wasn’t smooth with my words, though, after we…you know…anyway, she said to take a shower and she’d heat up breakfast. After my shower, she was just…gone.” He propped himself against the counter as a huge sigh escaped. “I’ve done nothing but piss her off, too, when it comes to the case. I refuse to tell her anything. All I keep doing is pissing her off at every corner, or saying the dumbest shit.”

  “Red flag.”

  Sauer met Newman’s gaze.

  “This is Dee we’re talking about. She’s not a person who’s just gonna idly sit by and let you figure this out.”


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