One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3)

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One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3) Page 16

by Amanda Siegrist

  “Because it’s easier to survive if I leave first.”

  “So, who’s they?” Zoe asked confused.

  Dee fiddled with the table. “My mom went from guy to guy growing up. None ever stayed.” She looked up. “It’ll break my heart if he leaves.”

  “Life’s full of disappointments and things that make us want to cry and scream and stomp our feet with frustration.” Rina grabbed her hand and squeezed. “It doesn’t mean you give up before it even started. You’re making it difficult on him because you’re protecting yourself. Just let him in. Just try a real relationship for once.”

  “That’s my Rina, voice of reason.”

  “Damn right.”

  They all giggled.

  “Go back to being my sweet, soft-spoken Rina. Since when do you swear?” Dee raised a brow as she brushed her hair back.

  “Since I married Ben. He’s rubbing off on me.” She giggled. “And I like it.”

  Dee let out a breath and smirked. “Okay, my pity party is over. Thanks, ladies. As always, you set me straight.”

  “It ain’t easy sometimes.” Zoe laughed. “At least you keep life interesting for Sauer. He needs a little adventure in his life.”

  Oh, so right. He’d get plenty with her.


  “Why are we heading to the strip club?” Newman asked as Sauer took a right instead of a left toward the precinct.

  “Because, the cold’s sweeping in. I don’t like it. Let’s just revisit everything one more time.” He tried to keep the pressure off the gas pedal and not speed. He had no specific reason to be so anxious to get there. It was more like nervous energy to solve the case. Part of the issue between him and Dee revolved around the case. Maybe if he solved it, they could focus on their relationship. “I knew no prints other than Dee’s would come back from that note. It didn’t even matter she stabbed him. His DNA isn’t in the system. How ever he patched himself up, it wasn’t at a hospital. I’ll give him credit. He’s smart.”

  “He’ll screw up somewhere. They always do. We should send Susan a thank you card for running our stuff ahead of all the other crap in the lab,” Newman said. “Finding the murder weapon doesn’t seem like it's going to happen either. Susan searched Vanessa’s house from top to bottom.”

  “Probably wouldn’t find any prints on it, anyway.” Sauer rubbed his jaw. “We do owe Susan big time.”

  Newman stretched, then cracked his knuckles. The sound grated on his ears. “Everything okay with Dee? You haven’t mentioned her all day.”

  “We’re good. We talked last night.”

  Sauer liked talking with Newman, bridging their friendship into newer territory. But he wasn’t about to start talking about his sex life. Especially one with Dee.

  Boy, did she surprise him last night. He never expected her to be waiting in his home, or snatching his spare key and memorizing his alarm code. Although, neither shocked him. Sounded like something she’d do. He wasn’t upset. Of course, if he mentioned either of those things to Newman, he'd say she stole from him and broke into his home.

  Yeah, best to keep that to himself. He didn’t need more grief from him.

  He cleared his throat. “You okay? You kinda acted weird with Zeke yesterday.”

  “Zeke’s a little too cocky sometimes. I don’t always appreciate his attitude.”

  “But you’re cool with him now, right? At least when it concerns Dee.”

  Newman met his gaze. “Just sticking up for you, partner. That’s all.”

  Sauer figured that’s all he was going to get out of him and dropped the subject. He hated tension and confrontation with a passion. He certainly didn’t want it in the workplace. Especially with Zeke and Ben.

  Ten minutes later, he parked the car and walked with Newman to the entrance of the Dancing Slipper. They met with Tony, the manager of the club, once more, getting no new information from him.

  “Not sure what you want me to say. As long as my ladies keep the customers entertained, they don’t care who is up on stage. Nobody has asked about her. I think most know she was murdered.” Tony scratched his chest, then lowered his hand, making Sauer a little nervous he was going to scratch his dick next. Thankfully, his hand went to his side and hung there.

  “Any complaints from the ladies about any customers? Getting a little too touchy feely or anything like that?” Sauer asked.

  “What, you think this guy is gonna hurt another one of my ladies?” His eyes narrowed.

  “Just looking at every angle.” He shrugged, speaking the truth. Dee had no ties to this place, but it couldn’t hurt to try a new angle to find this killer.

  “No complaints. Are we done?” Tony jerked his head to a booth in front of the stage. “Feel free to stay for the show coming up.”

  “Thanks for your time. We have things to do,” Newman said.

  Tony nodded and walked away before they could barrel him with more questions that would lead them nowhere.

  “We still have shit.”

  Newman clapped him on the back. “We’ll find something. It was worth a try. You wanna interview Vanessa’s family again. That was so much fun the first time.”

  Sauer laughed at his sarcasm with a quick shake of his head. “Once was plenty.”

  They headed for the exit. His eyes darted back and forth, taking in the surroundings. Men waiting for the afternoon show to start, already drinking with their money ready. A low, mellow sound of music followed every step he took.

  He could honestly say he’d never been to a strip club, except for this case, of course. Personally, as a customer, never. He didn’t have to ask Newman if he’d ever been to a strip club. It was obvious. His eyes had said yes to Tony’s offer even as his lips declined. Sauer had no desire to stay. That was all reserved for Dee. He couldn’t wait to pick her up.

  He stopped walking. Newman collided with his back, almost knocking him to the ground.

  “What the hell, Sauer?”

  His eyes zeroed in on the man that just exited what he assumed was an employee area. Confirmed when the door swung closed and “Employees Only” was clearly written.

  “I know him.”

  Leaving Newman standing there confused, Sauer walked up to the man who had been with Dee at the café and blocked his way.

  “You work here?”

  The guy’s eyes thinned into slits. “You again.” Muscles tensed in his arms and neck. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Answer my question.” Sauer stepped closer instead of retreating. This guy didn’t scare him. Yeah, he was built like a truck. Didn’t matter. He’d take him in a fight if he had to.

  “Look here, asshole, I don’t have to answer any of your questions. I think I’ll just throw you out.”

  The guy lifted his hand to grab his shirt when Newman stepped up and swung his badge in the middle of them.

  “Detective Newman. The guy you’re about to lay a hand on is Detective Sauer. I suggest you back up and answer his question.”

  The fire in his eyes didn’t diminish as he took one step back. “I work here.”

  “What’s your name?” Sauer sensed the tension emanating off Newman. Probably wondering why he was so pissed. “What’s your relationship with Deena O’Malley?”

  Newman inhaled sharply. The only hint he managed to surprise him.

  Cocking a brow, the guy puffed out his chest some more. “Maybe I should ask you the same thing.”

  The jealousy swam in his veins as he resisted the urge to slap handcuffs on this guy just for the fact he knew Dee. This was a new emotion. Never had a woman evoked such possessiveness. Anger and jealousy mixed like a deadly storm brewing. Controlling his breathing took every ounce of strength he had.

  “We’re investigating the murder of Vanessa Colton and two attacks against Deena. They’re related.” Sauer clenched and unclenched his fists. “Answer my questions before I decide we need to take this down to the precinct.”

  The muscles in his cheeks ticked like a time bomb.
“Raul Santiago. I protect the ladies here, not hurt them. Nor would I ever hurt Dee.” His eyes softened. “Is she alright?”

  “She’s fine. What was your relationship with her?”

  Raul crossed his arms. “What makes you think we had one?”

  “I saw you together outside the café. Friends or more than that?” Sauer tried to control the rapid beat of his heart, hoping against hope that Raul wouldn’t hear the pounding. He didn’t want to hear the answer. In all honesty, it was a dumb question. He knew the answer.

  A smirk emerged. “Lovers.” The word rolled off his tongue erotically.

  “And she broke up with you. How did that make you feel?”

  “What makes you think we broke up?” His brow cocked high. “What’s she to you?”

  A hand clamped onto his shoulder, stopping him from attacking Raul. How did Newman know what he wanted to do?

  “How well did you know Vanessa?”

  “I didn’t sleep with her, if that’s what you’re getting at. Now, Dee, she knows what she’s doing in the sack.”

  “Where were you Saturday, mid morning?” Newman piped in.

  Maybe he’d be better off letting Newman handle the rest of the questions. He was so close to hitting this asshole. Although, he started it with his attitude. He couldn’t help it. Dee was his. Everyone, including this jackass, would know it.

  Well, he could make the conclusion. Sauer wasn’t about to admit she was his girlfriend. His girlfriend. No one else’s. The less this guy knew, the better.


  “Were you with anyone?” Newman asked.


  “How about Friday night? Where were you?”


  “And two Sunday’s ago, around midnight?”


  “So you’re a bouncer here?”


  Newman growled low under his breath, probably getting as frustrated as Sauer with his one-word answers.

  “Notice any customers bothering Vanessa? Notice anything off?”


  “You ever physically hurt Deena?”

  His jaw clenched. “She say I did?”


  Sauer had to press his lips together tightly to keep from laughing at Newman’s answer.

  “Look, I didn’t hurt Vanessa, and I’d never hurt Dee. She’d hurt me back if I ever tried.” He dropped his arms to his sides. “I’m done talking.”

  “Stay away from Deena.” Sauer couldn’t resist any longer.

  He stepped into his face. “Only if she says so. Otherwise, screw off, Detective.”

  Raul walked around them and toward the front. Before they left, they verified with Tony that Raul did indeed work the night of Vanessa’s murder and Friday night. Regardless of that, Sauer still didn’t want to cross him off the suspect list. Probably because he despised the guy. It wasn’t fair, or professional. He didn’t care.

  Slamming his door shut with a little too much force, he sat there a brief moment.

  “That was intense. Lately, I never can tell if you’re going to start a fight or not.”

  “Dee…” He looked at him. “I just get so possessive. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “Me either.” Newman chuckled. “I like this side of you, though. I’m kind of bummed you have a woman now. Who’s going to be my wingman?”

  Sauer laughed. “Maybe you should take a break.” He started the car. “You know I’ll still be your wingman. I can bring Dee with. Being the third wheel could reel in the ladies. Maybe.”

  Slapping his knee, Newman’s laughter rang in the small confines of the car. “That’s a good point. Can’t hurt to try. Are you going to tell Dee about Raul?”

  Good question. Would he?

  He answered with a shrug.

  Talk about a huge difference between him and Raul. It made him wonder what Dee saw in him. He was definitely not her type.

  Would she start to see that and leave him?

  Best not to think about it.

  “You should tell her.” Newman cleared his throat a few times. “Maybe you should ask her…ask her if she really broke up with him.”

  Sauer almost slammed on the brakes, whipping his eyes to Newman. “You think she’s still seeing him? She was with me all weekend.”

  The pain reflected in Newman’s eyes. “Maybe not in person. He made it sound like they were still in contact.” He looked out the window. “I never thought Chrissy would cheat on me.”

  His nerves had calmed since leaving the strip club. Now they were back full force. Was she still talking to that jackass? Maybe he was deluding himself to think he could keep a woman like her forever. Perhaps that’s why she didn’t trust his love. Because she didn’t want it. Didn’t need it when she had a guy like Raul to go to.

  Before, eager to see her beautiful face. Now, scared as hell.

  Chapter 15

  Dee snuggled into Sauer’s embrace as she rested her head onto his chest. The night had been awkward and stilted from the moment he picked her up from work. She had asked him a few times if everything was alright. He always answered, “It was a frustrating day.”

  The case was wearing on him. He wanted to solve it, more so, probably for her. She understood that, but she also didn’t want him to wear himself down so much that she lost his sweetness.

  That’s how she felt right now. Even lying in his arms. She didn’t feel his sweetness. For some reason, he was pulling away.

  “Tell me you love me.”

  God, that sounded so needy. She didn’t care. Hearing those loving words from him always fortified her heart. Made her stronger. Made her believe she could keep him.

  A kiss hit her forehead. “I love you.”

  “Why doesn’t it feel like it?”

  She could feel a fight brewing. Why did she always do this? Was she purposely creating an issue when nothing was wrong?

  His hand brushed up her arm and back down. “I honestly don’t know how to keep telling you and showing you that I do.” His heart pounded. She could feel it under her hand. “You’ve never said the words yet. Maybe I should ask you that question.”

  Whack! Just like that, it felt like a slap to the face. Honest, but true.

  “Did you get a break in the case?”

  He tensed.

  “You did, didn’t you?”

  She lifted her head, not missing the steel in his gaze. He was keeping something from her. She scooted out of his arms and sat up. He slowly joined her, leaning against the headboard.

  “What is it? You wanna go round and round and round like we do about this dumb case.”

  “Not really.”

  “Then start talking, Sauer. Don’t piss me off.”

  Silence descended.

  She’d wait him out. He could stay silent for as long as he wanted, but neither of them would get any sleep until he told her what he knew.

  “I met your friend Raul today.”

  She gave him her best glare she could. “So. That’s all he is.”

  “You slept with him.”

  “He’s in my past. Are you gonna hold my past against me, Sauer? I slept with a lot of guys.” Arms crossed, she leaned away. “Are you gonna get pissy when you run into every man I slept with?”

  His eyes narrowed, not before the pain flickered within the depths. “I meant, you were just with him not long ago…and now you’re with me. Are you still talking to him?”

  “You don’t trust me?” The sting was swift. More trust issues. She didn’t deserve this one.

  “I do.”

  “Doesn’t sound like it.”

  “I do,” he said more firmly.

  “How did you run into him?”

  He sighed, rubbing a hand over his head. “Interesting fact. He works at the strip club that our victim worked at. She was a stripper. Imagine my surprise when I saw him.”

  “Raul can have a temper, but he’d never hurt anyone.�

  “He’s gotten angry with you before?”

  “Sure. I bring it out of everyone.” She smirked. Although, Sauer didn’t find it amusing as his frown turned fierce. “I stopped talking to him the day I saw you at the cafe. He wasn’t happy about it, but he wouldn’t hurt me over it. I know I didn’t get a good look at my attacker, but I know it wasn’t Raul. He doesn’t have the tattoo I saw.” She primped her hair, then grabbed his hand that rested near her. “Do you think he murdered that woman?”

  Pulling her hand to his mouth, he kissed it tenderly. “He was working at the time.” Another kiss graced her hand. “I…I’m not your type.”

  She rolled onto his lap, pressing her lips to his. Soft nibbles to a frenzy, then frantic to slow. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

  Breaking the kiss, she rested her forehead against his. “You’re exactly my type. It just took me forever to figure that out.”


  Sauer rolled his head, loosening the muscles and the tension that hadn’t receded since last night. Sure, they talked about Raul. Yeah, he did trust her. But it was hard to let the worry go. Especially working with Newman all day, who was surly and grouchy, throwing in a few tidbits about Dee. Maybe it was his jealousy seeping in. He understood he was hurting from what Chrissy did to him, but that didn’t mean Dee would do the same thing. Didn’t mean she was doing it right now. She said she had no contact with Raul since the day at the café. He believed her.

  Newman, not so much.

  He couldn’t have been happier when their shift ended. If Newman kept up his negative vibes, he didn’t know what he would do.

  “Why is my love bug frowning?”

  He shivered with delicious tingles as Dee wrapped her arms around him and pressed her head against his chest.

  Love bug? That was new and a little odd coming from her. He kind of liked it.


  Lifting her head, she cocked an eyebrow and tilted her head. “You’re the only one who knows how to dance and you’re nervous? No way. I’m the one who’s nervous.”

  He cracked a grin. “I hate eyes on me. Being the center of attention. I don’t want to be the only one who knows how to dance.”


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