One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3)

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One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3) Page 17

by Amanda Siegrist

  Her hand brushed his cheek, sending more shivers of delight down his body. Shit. He was getting a hard-on.

  “Don’t do that.” It came out as a low growl.

  A devious smirk grew as she stroked his other cheek.


  “Wanna leave?”

  He wiped the smirk off her face with a kiss. Light and tender. “And give everyone something to talk about? No, thanks.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, they totally would.” Clasping his hands, weaving her fingers through his, she pulled him onto the dance floor. They were waiting for the instructor to return from the restroom. The last class ended a few minutes ago.

  “Teach me.”

  He pulled her against his body, still needing to hide the bulge in his pants. The lightest touch from her did things he couldn’t control. Having her in his arms wasn’t helping.

  “You know how to dance.”

  She crinkled her nose. “Not the fancy dances.”

  His right hand slid up her back to her shoulder blade. With his left hand, he gently grasped her hand and raised it near shoulder height. “Place your left hand near my shoulder, more so on my bicep.”

  In position, almost giddy with excitement to be dancing with her like this, he took a step forward with his left foot, then brushed to the side a step, connecting his feet together. Then took a step back, sliding to the side again, creating what his instructor called the ‘box step’ when he learned as a child. Dee moved with ease, following his low murmurs of instructions as they continued to dance the beginning moves of the waltz.

  “Excellent!” A loud clapping of hands. “We have a wonderful dancer among us.”

  Sauer halted mid-step to look at an older woman with flaming red hair, almost as gorgeous as Dee’s, but not quite, beaming at him with the brightest smile.

  “Where did you learn how to dance? Your posture is impeccable. Your movements are fluid.” With a sharp glance to Dee, she said, “Keep your posture straight. No slouching. Keep your head and gaze to his left side.” She walked right up to Dee, pushing her shoulders back. “Posture. Posture. Posture. It’s all in the posture.” She whipped her gaze to him. “How long have you been dancing?”

  The nerves jangled forth with ease. His shyness made him want to melt into the floor. It wouldn’t be so bad if it were just him, Dee, and the gang, but there were other people in the class he didn’t know. He hated eyes on him. With a passion.

  Yeah, Dee’s posture could’ve been better, but it was the first time they danced together. He didn’t want to ruin the moment. Dancing as they did was like heaven, regardless that she started to slouch a bit.



  She beamed another bright smile, grabbed his hand without warning and took position. “Let’s dance.”

  Just like that, he was twirling around the room, his face flaming with heat, as all eyes were on him. Exactly what he didn’t want. Of course, that didn’t mean he didn’t dance with grace. The instructor’s glittering spark in her eyes and smile said as much. She had to be in her early fifties, if he had to guess, but he felt her strength as they moved as one. She was an excellent dancer. Although, what he wanted was Dee in his arms.

  She abruptly stopped, glancing at the class. “By the end, you should be able to dance like that.” Side glancing his way, she added, “Well, perhaps not as refined as this handsome man, but close enough.”

  The floor beneath him opened and swallowed him whole, or at least he wished it would. He knew his face, neck, and perhaps his entire body was red with embarrassment. Especially when he caught Dee’s gaze and she smirked at him, licking her lips. Yeah, she liked it when he blushed. The lip licking didn’t help the desire swamping his body.

  She clapped her hands once again. “Let’s dance!”

  He quickly shuffled to Dee’s side, ignoring the playful grin that he wanted to kiss right off her face. “Stop.”

  “Whatever do you mean, you handsome, refined dancer you?”

  Groaning, he pulled her into his embrace, setting his position to begin the waltz once again.

  “Cat got your tongue, snuggly bug?”

  “Hand on my arm.” He waited patiently as she slid her hand to the correct position, unable to hide the tremble at her soft touch.

  She murmured a low moan.

  “Really, Dee…must you moan like that.” He took a step forward as the instructor started to call commands.

  “You know how hot and bothered I get when you turn red as a tomato.”

  He felt his body tighten in response to her words.

  “Hmmm…yes, please.”

  “You’re killing me here.” A groan escaped as she wiggled her hips against him, sending him harder than he was before.

  “I love dancing with you.” Giggling, she moved her hips again. “You definitely should’ve asked me to dance at Rina’s wedding.”

  “Stop moving like that.” He tried to sound stern, but knew it fell flat to her ears as she did it once more. “You’re asking for it.”

  “Ooo, a punishment. I likey.”

  “Focus, people!”

  Sauer’s gaze snapped to the instructor, who was giving him the evil eye. Or more like, eyeing Dee with unease.

  “She’s going to whisk you out of my arms if you don’t start behaving.”

  Dee cocked a brow at the woman. “She can sure as hell try. Ain’t gonna happen. You’re all mine.”

  “Shit.” He mumbled an apology for stepping on her toe.

  “My fault. Newbie, remember?”

  “I do.”

  She slapped his shoulder at his honesty. He could only laugh.

  “That she-devil can say it all she wants, but you shouldn’t.”


  Her eyes bulged. “What, did you forget how she yanked on my shoulders and scolded me?”

  A silky grin appeared before he could stop it.

  “Ugh! Am I that bad?”

  “You just have to work on your posture. It’s okay. It’s your first lesson.”

  She leaned closer. “Private lessons?”

  Dee jerked back as the instructor pierced a hard glare at her at the same time she molded her body into the correct position. “Posture!” She walked away to Zeke and Zoe, where Sauer couldn’t stop the laugh at the horror on Zeke’s face.

  “That was so not funny.”

  “She reminds me of you.”

  She gasped. “Excuse me?”

  “Red hair and all.”

  “Of all the—”


  “Things you could—”


  “Say about—”


  “Me. That just—”

  “She doesn’t hold a candle to your beauty or sweetness.”

  Complete silence.

  “I’m not sweet.”

  He broke his impeccable posture and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You are. People just don’t see it like I do.”

  “People! Focus!”

  He straightened as Dee chuckled, yet followed his movement with a skill that said she’d have the waltz down in no time. If she managed not to slouch.

  “You’re slouching.”

  An evil eye. “I might start hating you.”

  He knew she was kidding, yet it went straight to his heart. “Please don’t.” He almost tripped as she stepped on his toe this time.

  They stood immobile, staring at each other.

  “I was kidding.”

  “I know.”


  The pain was as clear as a sunny blue sky. She inadvertently hurt him with her teasing. Shit just blurted out of her mouth sometimes. She’d never hate Sauer.

  Her body ached to lean in to kiss the pain away, except a quick glance out of her eye had her hesitating. She didn’t need that witch to pull her shoulders back again. It’s like she hated her. She wasn’t slouching that much. Or maybe she was. Sauer even sa
id she was. He was only helping. He’d never be cruel to her on purpose.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  The pain filtered away as he shyly smiled and continued to move. She tried her hardest to concentrate and move with ease as he glided across the dance floor. He knew how to move so effortlessly. She should’ve known. He was the same when making love. God, how she wished they were alone, in his home, dancing without eyes on them.

  “Forgive me?”

  He almost stopped. “For what?”

  “My idiotic words. I shouldn’t tease you like that.”

  A sweet grin filtered in as his eyes lit up with love. “Shoulders back.”

  Laughing at his comeback, she let go, focusing on the dance moves as Sauer twirled her around the dance floor, filling her heart with so much love. Could this happiness really last?

  Their hour lesson went fast. Before she knew it, the lesson ended. Zeke and Ben looked exhausted, mentioning a beer sounded nice. Fifteen minutes later, they moved two high-top tables together at Rockster’s and ordered drinks.

  “Sauer, I don’t know how you do it.” Zeke chugged his beer. “That woman was a beast.”

  “She wasn’t too bad.” Sauer grinned, it slowly dying as she slid her hand onto his thigh underneath the table.

  “That’s because you’re the only one who can dance like she can.” Her fingers slowly inched higher, his arousal within reaching distance.

  He coughed, taking a sip of beer.

  “She worked us hard, alright. We’ll be ready for that ball,” Ben said, hugging Rina into his side.

  “I can’t wait, although, Dee and Sauer are going to show us all up at that ball,” Zoe said with a laugh.

  “Ha! I suck. Didn’t you see that witch yank on my shoulders at least twenty times?”

  Sauer squirmed in his seat as her hand finally landed on its prize. “Posture.” It came out in a squeak.

  “What was that, snookums?” Rubbing up and down, she grinned.

  “Nothing.” His voice trailed off, as her fingers continued to play and tease.

  “Snookums?” Zoe laughed.

  “Oh, yeah, I’m trying out pet names. Not sure what one I like best yet?” She turned to Sauer as she lightly squeezed. “What do you like best, sugarplum?”

  His face turned beet red. “Anything…baby.”

  Her hand stilled.

  His hand landed on her bare skin, just below her skirt. “Call me anything you like…” His hand trailed up underneath her skirt. “Sweetheart.”

  His boldness. She loved it. So un-Sauer-like.

  “Do you two need to get a room down the block?” Zeke asked with a boisterous laugh.

  They both snatched their hands away.

  “Isn’t this where you and Zoe first met?” Dee asked, adding a smirk as Zeke narrowed his eyes.

  “Hey, guys. How’s it going?”

  Everyone turned their heads to Susan, who stood between Sauer and Ben with the same friendly smile she always displayed.

  “Just got done with dance lessons. These fine men will be escorting us to the King and Queen’s ball in two months,” Zoe said.

  “Oh, that sounds like so much fun.”

  Dee liked Susan. And she really wanted to know who she had a crush on. “You should come with us.”

  “By myself? No, thanks.”

  “I bet Newman would go with you. It’ll be fun.” The smile on Sauer’s face was genuine. He might not like attention, but he loved to dance. A man full of so many surprises.

  A slight blush ventured from Susan’s neck to her cheeks. “Oh, I’m sure Chrissy wouldn’t like that.”

  Sauer started to turn red himself. “Oh, they broke up.” He cleared his throat. “You want me to ask him? We’d love if you joined us.”

  “Definitely, Susan. I can’t wait,” Rina piped in with enthusiasm.

  “No, no, that’s okay. I’m sure he wouldn’t—it was nice to see you guys.” Susan smiled and dashed away.


  And so very obvious.

  Susan had a crush on Newman. Did Sauer pick up on it, too? Plus, he had a secret about Newman. She read between the lines with his nervousness.

  Eager to get home, she couldn’t wait to interrogate him about what he knew.

  Oh, and the delicious things she wanted to do with him.

  Chapter 16

  Every time they made love, his feelings became stronger. His love grew. How could he hold the words back? He didn’t want to. He wanted to say it over and over how much he loved her. Yet, he knew it made her uncomfortable, especially since she never said it back. She wanted to. He hoped so, anyway.

  “So? Spill.”

  His hand stalled as he was caressing her sweet, succulent backside near her ass. Feeling her silky skin made him hungry to take her again. Once was never enough. They barely contained their desire. The minute they stepped inside his house, they were on each other. He’d never look at his kitchen the same again. Clothes were still scattered all over the kitchen floor. The island counter marked with their lovemaking.

  Once done there, he had carried her to the bedroom, taking her again with slow ease. Holding her in his arms, stroking her body up and down, he wanted her again. So badly.


  Oh, right. She was talking to him. Although, he was clueless as hell what he was supposed to confess. Was she talking about the case? He had nothing else to tell her. The case was officially cold.


  “Something about Newman.”

  Kissing the top of her head, he chuckled. “What about him?”

  “Since when did he break up with Chrissy?”

  Dee and intrigue—he should’ve known she would want all the details. Oh, man, what a predicament. The things Newman told him were something between them. Should he tell her the reason?

  “About two weeks ago.”

  “And?” Her finger doodled on his chest, brushing up and down, teasing him.


  She lifted her head. “They seemed so happy.”


  A giggle erupted. “Did you just call me baby?”

  Grinning, he kissed her. “Just trying out pet names like you. Can’t decide if I like baby or not? Do you prefer something else? Sweetheart. Honey. Cupcake.”

  She slapped his chest playfully, resting her head on him again. “Call me whatever you like.” Finger doodling recommenced. “Why did they break up?”

  Weaving his fingers with hers, he brought her hand to his mouth for a kiss. “It was something between me and Newman, but…”


  “As my significant other, we should be able to talk and keep it between us, right?”

  “Significant other?” She chuckled. “I love how you speak to me.” Snuggling closer, she sighed happily. “Yes. We should. You tell me why they broke up and I’ll share a secret I shouldn’t.”

  Now he was intrigued. Screw it. He trusted her to keep it between them.

  “She cheated on him. He’s having a hard time.”

  Dee tensed. “I imagine so.”

  He squeezed her hand. “You okay?”

  Relaxing just as quickly as she tensed, she nodded. “Susan has a crush on him.”

  This time he tensed—in shock. “Seriously? How do you know that?”

  “Well, she didn’t admit it. The phone rang before she could tell me. But by her reaction tonight, I just pieced it together. I’d say we help them get together...”

  He heard the unspoken but. “But you don’t want to.”

  “I like Susan.” An awkward pause. “Not a fan of Newman.”

  “In other words, he’s a douche.”

  She kissed his chest. “You know me so well.”

  He sure did. Loved every little thing about her.

  “I love you.”

  Another sweet kiss to his chest. That was all.

  Sooner or later, she’d say it. He couldn’t do anything but ke
ep the hope she would.

  He slept great, as he always did when Dee was in his bed. While he enjoyed cuddling with her sweet body next to his, she always managed to wiggle out of his embrace, sprawling on her belly or on her side. Of course, he always pulled her back to him, unable to let her sleep without his arm around her. Maybe in time he’d be able to, but he wasn’t entirely sure. He dreamed of having her in his arms for so long, he couldn’t help but treasure each moment with her.

  Waking up before her, and the alarm, he slipped out of bed. Using the bathroom first to relieve himself, he then headed to one of his spare rooms turned workout room and started lifting weights. Thirty minutes later, the sweat dripping down, his muscles tingling with the aftereffects of a great workout, he felt her presence immediately. Setting down the weight, he sat up on the bench. Dee stood in the doorway looking rumpled from sleep but sexy as hell in only her black lace panties and a light sheet draped over her shoulders. His mouth went instantly dry from the beautiful picture in front of him.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  He stood up. “Not long.” Within two steps, he had her in his arms. “Wanna take a shower together?”

  Scrunching her nose, a soft chuckle shuffled into the air. “You’re all sweaty.”

  He squeezed her tighter, sinking his head into the crook of her neck. With a trail of kisses from her neck to her chin, he ended at her lips. “You’re sexy as hell.”

  “Now I’m dirty with your sweat.”

  “Hence, the shower. Together.”

  Her eyes twinkled with delight. “So you did it on purpose.”

  “I just love you in my arms.”

  With a deep sigh, one that concerned him, her head rested on his chest.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m tired.” She kissed his chest, then lifted her beautiful eyes to his. “Race you.” She stepped out of his embrace, dropping the sheet.

  A flash of black was all he saw before she disappeared from his view. He followed her just as quickly, dropping his boxers before hopping into the shower with her. The light and laughter reflected in her eyes, yet her earlier sigh worried him. It wasn’t tiredness. Something was bothering her. The word love again. Should he not say the word at all?

  The water rained down on them. The magic slowly building, the heat swirling.


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