One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3)

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One Taste of Crazy (A One Taste Novel Book 3) Page 20

by Amanda Siegrist

  She knew what he couldn’t finish. The bed was soaked in her blood. That’s probably why she was starting to feel woozy, disoriented. All she wanted to do was focus on Sauer and his handsome face, yet everything was starting to blur a little.

  “Marry me?”


  He leaned closer, whispering against her lips, “Marry me?”

  Maybe she was losing it. More delusional than she thought. He couldn’t have said what she thought he said.


  He shifted away, his hands still holding tight pressure against her arm, the confusion written all over. “No?”

  He was so damn adorable. She smiled as a small laugh drifted out, her eyes blurring some more. “I don’t even know your first name. How can I marry someone and I don’t know his first name?”

  The confusion ebbed away as a small grin punctured the corner of his mouth. “It’s—”

  The world went black.


  Opening her eyes, she groaned. A soft hand squeezed her hand, offering comfort. She appreciated the concern and thoughtfulness, but she didn’t want his comfort.

  “Why is it your ugly face I see when I open my eyes?”

  Zeke chuckled, squeezing her hand one more time before letting go. “You know you love me. I’m like your annoying older brother. Admit it?”

  Cracking a small smile and nothing else, she glanced around the room. She was in the hospital. The room was empty besides Zeke.

  “Where is…” Never mind asking that question. He probably hated her. “Where is Zoe and Rina?” There. That question made more sense.

  Zeke gave her a look that said he knew what she really wanted to ask. “Rina’s down the hallway in her own room.” He held up a hand before she could make any sound. “She’s fine. She just suffered a small concussion and the doctors want to monitor her for a little bit.” He sighed. “Ben made her come. She didn’t take it so well when she woke up and found you gone. She knows you’re okay now and is getting better. Zoe’s been walking back and forth between your rooms. She’s with Rina right now.”

  “You swear she’s okay?”

  He nodded. “She’s going to be fine. Just a nasty bump to the head.” Gesturing at her arm, he said, “You lost a lot of blood. Thankfully, not enough to be too alarming. They stitched you up pretty quickly. The knife didn’t hit anything vital. You have a small cut on your stomach, but not deep enough to require stitches. You should be out of here today.” He let out a deep breath. “I’m so glad, too, because I hate the hospital.”

  That was no lie. Zoe had been hurt one too many times over a year ago. She didn’t like venturing to the hospital to see her friend in pain and lying in bed. She might give him a hard time, but she did like him. He was good for Zoe. As much as she wanted to see Sauer standing by her bedside, she was oddly okay with Zeke being the first person she saw.

  “He’s on the phone.”

  She blinked a few times. “Who?”

  Zeke smirked. “You know who. Sauer.” Another small squeeze to her hand. “He hasn’t left your side…until now, that is. His mother has been calling him off the hook.”


  Chuckling, he pointed at her. “Because of you.”

  “But he hates me.”

  That threw Zeke off, his face falling into a frown. “Sauer doesn’t hate you. Why would you say that?”

  The memory assaulted her. She couldn’t recall everything he said. But she remembered what she said. No.

  “He asked me to marry him.”

  “I know.”

  “I said no, Zeke.”

  He grinned. “I don’t think Sauer took you seriously. His mom called, for whatever reason, and he let it slip he couldn’t talk because his fiancé was injured. She’s been blowing up his phone since, wondering if you woke up yet. His parents are in Florida on vacation, but they’re trying to get a flight home as soon as possible.”

  “But they don’t even know me.”

  Shrugging, he sat down in a chair near the window. “I think they’re just excited he’s getting married.”

  “He doesn’t hate me?”

  “I’d never hate you.”

  Her head twisted to the doorway. Sauer’s handsome face filled the space. His joy and relief shined all the way to her heart. He hesitated once, then made the walk to her bed with confidence.

  “That’s my cue to leave.” Zeke smiled at them and walked out, closing the door behind him.

  “How are you feeling?” His fingers wove into her hand. She clung to it, to him, happier than she ever thought possible.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Really?” He looked at her arm that had a large white bandage wrapped around it. Then his eyes slid down her body. “Did he…did he…”

  Shaking her head, she pulled on his hand gently. He sat down on the edge of her bed. “He didn’t touch me. Not much.” She smiled to ease the torture on his face.

  “He can’t hurt you anymore. Or anyone else.”

  “I knew him. From a long time ago. His father had an affair with my mother.” She glanced down at their hands locked together. “He hit my mother when he found out about the affair, but she did nothing about it.” She kept her gaze to their hands. “He said he saw me in the mall and I ignored him. That upset him so much he wanted to hurt me. It just doesn’t make sense.”

  “He was a sick bastard. He can’t hurt you anymore. That’s what matters.”

  “Who did he kill?”

  Sauer remained silent.

  Cocking an eyebrow with a silky grin to go with it, she waited patiently. For about five seconds. “You’re not going to tell me? It’s over. What does it matter?”

  “You just have to know everything, don’t you?”

  “It’ll never change.”

  He lowered his mouth, careful not to move her arm much as he kissed the back of her hand. “I don’t want you to change. I love every little part of you.”

  “I love you, too. Now quit changing the subject and tell me.”


  His heart was beating double time at seeing her beautiful eyes staring into his. He worried the entire time from the moment she passed out to the moment they wheeled her into this room and she didn’t wake up. Less than three hours had passed since they arrived, but long enough for him to go out of his mind.

  Now, she blows his mind again. I love you, too.

  He’d been dying to hear those words since the first time he said it. He wanted to hear it over and over and over. He sensed she didn’t want him to make a big deal about it. Reaching for control he didn’t think he possessed, he smiled in response to her sweet words.

  “His sister.”


  A simple shrug. “She was blackmailing him with something. We have no idea why, but I’m starting to get a good picture. He beat his wife. Image was important. Could’ve been something simple as that. Or it could’ve…”

  “Could’ve what?”

  He didn’t want to tell her. He didn’t even want to think about it.

  “Sauer, just talk to me.”

  “Newman’s still at the house. There’s evidence that suggests his sister wasn’t the first person he killed. Maybe she found out he was hurting other women and blackmailed him to keep quiet.”

  Dee glanced out the window, exerting some pressure on his hand. “He said I’m sorry right before he stabbed me the first time. Obviously, he wasn’t sorry, but he said it in a way like he was. His tattoo…” She met his eyes again. “The initials. I. S. It could stand for I’m sorry. It’s a strange thing to have tattooed, but he’s clearly deranged. Stitch must not have found anything out. He would’ve heard something by now. I hate mysteries.”

  “Don’t let him win. Don’t think about him anymore. Let it go.”

  Sauer didn’t know how to help her, but he’d do everything in his power to help her through this. She was tough, yes, but she wasn’t immune to everything.

  “I love
you. I was scared. I’m not anymore. Love. Love. Love. See, I can say it now.”

  “You can say it any time you want.” He smiled as he leaned down and kissed her lips. “I love you. I’m not letting you get away. We’ll get married next week.”

  Backing away, he almost felt bad for shocking her like that. She coughed and sputtered. “Excuse me? I thought I said no.”

  “I panicked for about half a second before I realized it didn’t matter. You scared the living daylights out of me. We’re getting married.”

  A silky smile graced her face. “Ah, yes, you and getting scared. The first time you kissed me as if you were dying. The second time I scared you, you said you loved me. Now, this time, you say we’re getting married.” Love sparkled in her eyes. “Who am I to argue?”

  “You love to argue with me.”

  “Not this time.” She wiggled her fingers. “Where’s my ring?”

  He laughed. It felt so good to laugh and see her smile. To see her happy. To see her safe. “It’s coming. I’m not prepared to leave your side yet.”

  “Please don’t.” Her voice held a hint of insecurity. Then she frowned. “I can’t marry you.”

  He tried not to let his heart pitter-patter into chaos at her words. He had to stay strong and confident.

  “I still don’t know your first name.”

  The chaos instantly settled as he grinned. “I told you.”

  She squeezed his fingers in a way that said she was trying to hurt him because of his teasing. “I passed out before I heard it.”

  That reminder dimmed his smile easily. Bending forward, he brushed his lips to hers. “Brent.”

  Her good arm snaked around his neck, her hand venturing to the back of his head. Her lips met his more firmly, her tongue sweeping in, devouring him. Oh, how he wanted to take her home, right then and there. He planned to do so many delicious things to her. He would show her how deeply he loved her and erase any bad memories that lingered. Or try to, at least. That would take time. She might say she was okay, but he knew she was just suppressing it. He’d coax it out of her and eventually erase every bad memory.

  Pausing for air, she whispered, “You don’t look like a Brent.”

  “You can call me whatever you want, sweetheart.”

  She traced his mouth with her tongue, followed by small, tender kisses. “You’ll always be Sauer to me.” Another soft kiss. “Or honey buns.” One more kiss. “Sweet cheeks.”

  Chuckling, he stopped her from saying any more silly pet names with a deep kiss that had her moaning for more than he could give her right now. “Let’s get you home.”

  “Yes, please,” she whispered breathlessly.

  God, he loved this woman. He couldn’t wait to show her every piece of his love at home.

  Home. Their home. She was moving in, whether she wanted to or not.

  Yeah. He could get used to this assertiveness.

  “So what’s this about your mother knowing all about me?”

  Just like that, his nerves hit him like a ton of bricks.


  Chapter 19

  Dee snuggled into Sauer’s embrace as best as she could as he guided her down the hallway to Rina’s room. She lit a fire in the nurse to get her discharged. She had enough of this place. Plus, she wanted to go home and just let Sauer hold her. She needed that so badly it wasn’t funny. Thinking of why she needed it wasn’t smart either.

  Her arm tightened around him.

  This was right. He was right. He wasn’t like any other man. How many times did she tell herself that? Tons. Lots. All the time.

  It was finally sinking in. That’s why she needed his arms around her so much it hurt to breathe. He’d soothe the aches roaming her body from head to toe. His touch would wipe away the grimy feeling of his hands on her. Never had she felt so violated—

  No. She wouldn’t think about that asshole.

  “You okay?” His warm breath slid down her neck in soothing waves as his soft voice comforted her.

  “I’m perfect.”

  They continued down the long hallway.

  She had insisted on seeing Rina before she left. It was all her fault Rina got hurt. Forgiving herself would take a long time. If ever. Not that Rina would hold her responsible.

  They paused outside a door. Her feet stalled, the simple movement of putting one foot in front of the other, gone. Sauer could probably sense her hesitation and nerves, because he rubbed his hand up and down her arm a few times, before kissing the side of her head.

  “It’s okay.”

  It was okay. He was right. She knew this, but it was hard to put into words how horrible she felt. If only she would’ve played it safe. Listened for once. If she never would’ve suggested coffee at the café, Rina wouldn’t be lying in the hospital with a concussion.

  “It’s my fault.”

  His grip intensified, his strength seeping into her. “It’s not. Don’t ever think that again.”


  A finger touched her lips. “He chose to hurt Rina. He chose to attack you and take you. He chose his fate. Not you. Got it?”

  Opening her mouth, his finger fell in. She lightly nibbled, then sucked on it until he pulled it out. “Got it.”

  His breathing became heavy. “The things you do…”

  “You okay, Sauer?”

  “I’m perfect.”

  She laughed at his words and entered the room after he pushed the door open for her. Rina sat up in bed, her hand clasped with Ben’s, who sat as close to the bed as he possibly could.

  “Dee, I’m so glad to see you. They said you were okay, but…it’s good to see you with my own eyes.”

  She bent down and hugged her. “I know the feeling. Rina, forgive me?” She couldn’t let go, or stop the tears from leaving.

  Rina’s soft cries melted with hers. “I don’t blame you for anything.”

  They sat hugging for what seemed like ages, which probably only lasted seconds, before she stepped back, turning her head away to wipe the evidence of her tears. She didn’t need Ben to see her so weak.

  “Glad to see you’re okay, Dee.”

  She slowly faced Ben, who had nothing but compassion in his eyes. Apparently, he didn’t blame her either. He should. They all should.

  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t hold it in. The tears came full force, dripping like a water faucet on full blast. Sauer’s arms went around her immediately. She buried her head in his chest. So damn weak. How could she fall apart like this? What did they think of her now? Pathetic. Nothing but pathetic and weak.

  “No one thinks that.”

  Shit. Did she say that out loud?

  His arms wrapped her up in a safe cocoon as he bent his head close to her ear. “You are not weak or pathetic. It’s okay to cry. No one blames you. Please believe that.”

  She wanted to believe that. Maybe in time, but not yet. She couldn’t. Especially knowing that she was going home and Rina had to stay for observation still.

  Perhaps minutes passed. Seconds. She had no idea. The tears eventually stopped. Lifting her head brought a wave of fear. She had to look terrible. Now what did everyone think?

  Deciding it couldn’t be any worse than what they thought before, she pulled away from Sauer and wiped her face once again of the tear stains. Taking a fortifying breath, she turned toward Ben and Rina.

  Rina had a sweet, calm look on her face. No blame whatsoever. Ben looked just as comfortable and calm as Rina. They were so sickeningly perfect for each other.

  Would her and Sauer eventually look alike in their mannerisms?

  “I should be able to go home soon. This was just a precaution. It’s not as bad as it looks.” Rina’s reassurance made her feel a little better. Not by much, but it was something.

  “I’m so glad to hear that.”

  “Hey. Don’t think this gets you out of dancing. We have a ball to prepare for.”

  Of all the things she thought Ben would say that wasn’
t one of them. It started to sink in they didn’t blame her. A corner of her mouth lifted in amusement.

  “Yeah, and don’t forget that Brent and I are going to be the best on the dance floor.”

  “Brent?” Rina and Ben asked at the same time.

  Dee gently wrapped her arms around Sauer’s waist and chuckled. “That’s Sauer’s first name. I thought I’d try it out a little.” Gazing up at him, she smiled tentatively. “I think I still like Sauer better.”

  A kiss touched the tip of her nose. “Call me whatever you like.”

  “Brent. Wow. I can’t believe I never knew your first name.” Ben shook his head with surprise. “It’s kinda weird.”

  “My name?” Sauer asked, tensing in her arms.

  “No, dude,” Ben said immediately. “That I never knew your first name.”

  “Oh, right. Of course.”

  Time to go. She wanted to crash in bed with Sauer’s arms locked around her. Maybe even talk some. Her and Sauer didn’t touch the topic of their childhood much. His reaction to Ben said they should. If they wanted to make it in any capacity, marriage especially, they needed no secrets between them. What a difficult talk ahead. But, oh so necessary.

  “I’m ready.” She wasn’t. But there’d be no better time than right now to get the hard crummy stuff over with.

  “Then let’s go.” There was a quiet promise in his words. Maybe he knew what was going to happen. Either way, she suddenly wasn’t afraid to face any of it.


  Sauer had never seen Dee cry so much in his life. Sure, the one time in the bathroom. Besides that, never. Why would he? She was strong and tough. Something people said and associated with her all the time. He knew better. Nothing but a mask to her fragility. Inside, she was a big old softie. No one saw it but him. And maybe Stitch, too, but he didn’t want to think about him.

  When they got home, they took a shower together, then settled into his bed with nothing between them but skin. Without warning, she started talking in a low, quiet voice where he had to bend his head as close to her mouth as he could to hear the trembling words. The longer she talked, the stronger they came out. The tears mingled with each word.


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