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War Master's Gate (Shadows of the Apt)

Page 35

by Adrian Tchaikovsky

  ‘They have offered to meet with a delegation from the city,’ Jodry explained. ‘You’ll have heard that, and I’ll call for a vote in a moment. I don’t honestly imagine we’ll refuse, though. Collegiate citizens not fond of the sounds of their own voices? Of course we’ll talk. The reason we’re here, after all this time, is to do a little cribbing and prepare some answers ahead of the moment. There aren’t many topics likely to come up, after all. We can second-guess most of them.’

  Stenwold let him talk, eyes still moving from face to face. Some met his gaze with a nod or a wan smile, while others avoided it, or simply did not look at him at all.

  One man locked stares with him, frankly hostile, and the expression on his solid, sour face suggested, How did you let it come to this? Hardly a fair question when Stenwold might ask, in return, How much of this did you help bring about? The man was Helmess Broiler, long a political adversary of both Stenwold and Jodry, but more than that. Stenwold knew well enough that the man had been in the Empire’s pocket, and possessed other transient loyalties that were not in the city’s best interests. He had kept mainly to his townhouse until now, for word had filtered among the Companies of what sort of man he was, and they had made their feelings plain on several occasions. But here he was, like a cursed object in an old story, always turning up when least wanted.

  Stenwold tried to read in his expression just what Helmess might know of the Empire’s prospects, but either the man was as clueless as everyone else or he could hide his knowledge all too well.

  After the gathering, Stenwold retired to converse with Jodry, as the two of them had so often before. Their appropriated study now was a wall short of the set, and roofless to boot, but beggars must take what they were given.

  ‘You’ll go, of course,’ Jodry pressed him.

  ‘It’s about time I renewed my acquaintance with General Tynan, yes,’ Stenwold agreed.

  ‘I’d like to lay eyes on the man myself. After all, there’s supposed to be some benefit in knowing your enemy.’

  ‘You’re not going,’ Stenwold said firmly. Seeing Jodry’s outrage begin to bloom, he raised a conciliatory hand. ‘This could easily be a trap, and eliminating the two of us together would be too tempting. I would greatly prefer it, let’s say, if you stayed on the walls and watched the general through a glass.’

  Jodry summoned all his authority, jowls quivering, but then he subsided. ‘Well, perhaps you’re right at that. Eight, though? You’ve some names in mind?’

  The War Master nodded. ‘Enough.’

  There was a pause, then: ‘Look, if it’s worrying you, why don’t you stay home and I’ll go for once.’

  That brought a faint smile to Stenwold. ‘No. Tynan and I . . . when we spoke at the end of the last war, we understood each other. If anyone can get through to him, it’s me.’ It’s just that . . . Stenwold had been at war with the Wasps for almost two decades more than anyone else in Collegium, but these last years spent facing the Empire’s actual assaults, its repeated attempts to devour the Lowlands entire, which could be repulsed but seemingly never ended . . . And here they were, full circle, as the blind determination of the Second Army, the Gears, came grinding towards their gates yet again. I just want it over with. More and more, in those few moments of private time that life allowed him, he was thinking of the sea – of Paladrya and the sea. To escape from all this. To be free . . .

  The votes been had passed without difficulty, motion after motion, so that Jodry had seemed less a statesman and more a ringmaster, trotting out each proposal to do its trick and then pass on. Still, there had been a surprising number of abstentions, and Stenwold could see his own tiredness in those faces – not of people who objected or opposed, but those for whom simply getting here had removed their last drachm of public spirit; who had been hammered by war and loss until they could not bring themselves to fight any further, not for any cause.

  A hasty exchange of Fly messengers hammered out a location that resulted in one solitary soldier of the Light Airborne planting a flag out there amongst the earthworks, on a patch of cleared ground that would be in plain sight to both sides.

  Stenwold flew out by orthopter, so as not to give the Second any assistance in navigating Collegium’s end of the earthworks. Crouching in the belly of a cargo flier that nonetheless looked fleet enough for a quick getaway, he fought off the tides of weariness that were already threatening to sap his concentration. Around him, his picked team were restless and tense – and armed, of course. Wasps never went unarmed, so bringing snapbows and swords had been non-negotiable.

  The last time he had left Collegium to parlay with General Tynan had been in markedly different circumstances, and he had then done his best to divest himself of the honour guard that had attached itself to him. That time, as now, Elder Padstock had refused to be shaken off, and it was only fitting that she follow him into this particular piece of folly as well.

  He had a second chief officer with him, which was probably not in the city’s interests, but Stenwold had wanted Eujen Leadswell of the Student Company along, because the man was intelligent and was almost certainly going to end up a player in the Assembly soon enough. He should be here, if only to hear what was said.

  And perhaps also because of his ongoing and dogged refusal to accept that Stenwold was right about everything. There used to be plenty of other people like that. It had been the majority view in the Assembly for years. Now even Helmess Broiler kept his mouth shut, and everyone else just nodded, every time the War Master opened his mouth. War Master? I almost feel that the War Master is my real enemy: the man who stands between me and what I want. And is that how Leadswell sees things? Stenwold knew he was unlikely ever to win Eujen over, but something in him kept trying, and until then it was good to have someone who would protest, if the War Master went too far.

  Choices beyond that had proved harder. He had Laszlo – a strong and resourceful flier, if getting swift word back to Collegium became vital. Not Jodry. Not Kymene, for the same reasons. Not Balkus, either, because the man had not so much as spoken to Stenwold since their last argument. The remaining three places were two soldiers of the Maker’s Own, and the Coldstone officer known as the Antspider, included at Leadswell’s request. Eujen had wanted to bring along that gangling Woodlouse friend of his, but the man lacked half a hand and, although by all accounts this had only spurred on his artificing, he could not shoot straight. Stenwold, conversely, had wanted to bring Eujen’s Wasp friend Averic, as an object lesson, but the man had been so manifestly unwilling that he had relented.

  ‘They’re coming by automotive,’ the pilot announced, and Stenwold hung halfway out of the hatch to look. True enough, the Imperial delegation was taking this opportunity to test out the ground, as their eight-legged machine slowly navigated the uneven terrain. General Tynan was clearly going to wring every drop of advantage out of this meeting.

  And on that subject . . . Holding on with one hand, Stenwold thrust the other towards Padstock, who snapped out a telescope and passed it to him. As steadily as he could, Stenwold trained it on the approaching machine, which was obligingly open-topped.

  He counted eight passengers plus a driver: six Wasps and two Spiders. He could still his view enough to see the bald crown of General Tynan himself, which he recognized well enough. He knew the woman beside the general, too: Mycella of the Aldanrael – whom he had last seen on the deck of her flagship, watching her fleet start to sink.

  Troubles are like feckless children, went the saying. Send them into the world, they’ll be back at your door soon enough – and they’ll bring friends.

  The Collegiates had settled down by the time the Imperial automotive finally found its way, with their orthopter close enough to take cover inside it, and angled so as not to block any line of sight from the city walls. Its wings were folded vertically upwards, and it would need only the throw of a single lever to engage the gear train, and have the machine thundering upwards.

  But, despite al
l that and despite planning against one, Stenwold did not expect a trap. He remembered General Tynan, and had a good idea of the Empire’s position, and he knew that killing the Collegiate War Master would not take Collegium, any more than killing Tynan would change the Second Army’s orders. And he’d thought of it, of course, because this was war, after all, but it seemed plain to him that having a living Tynan he could talk to was better than a dead Tynan, and some newly vengeful colonel sitting across the table. That was the problem with the Imperial chain of command. You couldn’t kill it with a beheading.

  The enemy formed up opposite him, their positioning and deployment as careful as any strategist’s. The general took the centre, and there was a colonel to his right – intelligence officer probably – and a captain, with some red badge Stenwold didn’t recognize on his left. Mycella demurely took the general’s far left flank, backed by a solidly built man in immaculately shining mail, and there were three heavy infantry on the right – not the sort of men to cut and run, but to hold the enemy while more important lives than theirs were saved. Tynan mopped his brow briefly – the sun was past its zenith but there was no cover out there, and Stenwold was hoping that the general was thinking about that discomfort as well.


  ‘War Master. I’m glad it’s you speaking for your city. I wasn’t sure who I’d get.’ Tynan was sizing him up, even as he himself was sized up in turn. ‘You’ve not brought your Spider girl?’

  For a moment Stenwold thought that was deliberate, like a bully’s kick, but there was no suggestion of such in Tynan’s face. ‘She’s dead,’ he answered bluntly.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ And the Wasp was, just in that moment, but in the next it was all wiped away. ‘Business, then.’

  ‘You asked to talk. So talk,’ Stenwold invited.

  ‘My orders are to take your city, War Master,’ Tynan told him. ‘No surprise for you, I’m sure, but non-negotiable. However . . .’ He took a deep breath. ‘Nobody in the Empire would ever have thought that Collegium could fight as it has done, Maker. After all, look how we took Tark, look how Helleron practically begged us to take the city over. The Exalsee is in awe of us, and we’ve whipped the Mynans and their friends back into the fold. And Sarn will fall, and we both know it. And we expect a tough fight, when it’s with Ants – after all, we’ve been winning wars against Ants for generations. But you people . . . There are a lot of gambling officers in Capitas who’ve lost their fortunes on Collegium. Who could have thought that Beetle-kinden had it in them to fight so!’ He shook his head wonderingly. ‘My people respect that, War Master. We respect a valiant adversary, even if their cause is hopeless in the long run. Collegium will fly the Black and Gold sooner or later.’

  Stenwold was about to make some bravado comment then, some ‘Then let it be later,’ or, ‘Not while I live’, but Tynan forestalled him.

  ‘I will offer terms for Collegium’s surrender, War Master, and they are terms that will see me brought before the throne to explain myself, but I am a general, and my word will hold.’ At this mention of the throne, the captain with the red badge twitched, staring pointedly at Tynan, who ignored him. Stenwold read that exchange easily enough: Rekef or something like it, whatever that badge means.

  ‘Maker,’ Tynan went on, ‘let Collegium lay down its arms with no further bloodshed and I will grant an amnesty to all its citizens, its fighting men, its pilots – all those who have opposed us. I will give orders that my soldiers must not harm its populace – no nights of rape and plunder – and believe me I will have to promise them gold from my own coffers, for they will want their reward, after what you’ve put them through, every step and every mile. When the new governor arrives, he will rule with the advice of your Assembly, just as our man in Helleron does with the Council there. Your merchants will have their chance to join the Consortium and profit thereby. Collegium shall become the new jewel of the Empire, valued and made to shine.’

  From the expressions of Tynan’s Wasp subordinates – however they fought to hide them – Stenwold could see that these terms were beyond reason as far as they were concerned, which convinced him of the general’s intentions. There was something unsaid, though, and he could divine well enough what it was.

  ‘And Collegium’s leaders?’ he asked.

  ‘Taken to Capitas in chains,’ Tynan confirmed. ‘But who knows who your city’s leaders are, War Master? You govern in such an upside-down way that it could be anyone. Except that one name is of course known even in the Imperial court.’

  Stenwold nodded. No need to ask whose. ‘I expected that.’

  ‘You’ll put this to your Assembly?’

  ‘No need.’ Stenwold managed a tight smile. ‘We covered this possibility when we met earlier today. Even on the generous terms you propose, General, we will not yield our freedom to the Empire.’

  Tynan had not expected his request to have been rejected even before it was made, and into that gap Stenwold pressed determinedly on.

  ‘Instead I have an offer for you, General Tynan, and I will ground it in facts, show my reasoning just as you did. You say you are surprised at our success in resisting the Empire? We are, after all, a city of thinkers and builders, not warriors such as yourself. You say you respect our new-found martial prowess? Well, then, know this: we do not respect you as an enemy.’ He watched a ripple of anger pass through the Wasps gathered there, though Tynan himself remained unmoved. ‘We do not respect our enemies; we despair of them. Your struggle, your fierce will to prevail in spite of all, we do not admire this. We see only a terrible, senseless waste of life – both ours and yours. We see murdered potential, young men and women who might have become anything becoming only corpses through one woman’s dreams of conquering a city she has not even seen. Because we will not be owned or dictated to. Because we will not be slaves and bare our backs to the lash. And all because your Empress cannot bear there to be some empty name on a map somewhere that is not hers. She must be insane.’

  That certainly struck fire in the Wasp faces there, the red-badge man especially, and still Tynan remained calm.

  ‘All emperors and empresses must be insane,’ Stenwold explained to them. ‘Anyone who looks out towards the horizons and says, ‘All this must be mine – and more, until there is no more.’ What sort of overweening arrogance is it, to have thousands and tens of thousands of her own people march and die, to destroy the cities and cultures and ways of life of dozens of other kinden, to trample and to pillage, sack and rape, butcher and enslave all within reach, just to indulge some inner weakness that fears whatever it cannot control? Look at what has brought us to this!’ These words were not the ones that Stenwold had planned. He was off his script, now, and travelling through the wilds of his own mind. ‘Look at what your own people have endured and inflicted, Tynan! From the deaths at Helleron, when they tried to take the Pride, the losses at Tark, the Fourth Army obliterated by the Felyen, all the dead at the Battle of the Rails, Malkan’s Seventh smashed by the Sarnesh – and now you’re back, and the Eighth is probably locked in a death struggle with Sarn even now, and we have destroyed your Air Corps and bludgeoned you and bombed you and strewn your path with thorns all the way from the Felyal to here. And here we are. Chief Officer Leadswell, forward, please.’

  Eujen started in surprise, then took a small step forward.

  ‘This man has suggested that we might have made some lasting peace with the Empire, after the last war – that we might have found enough common ground to prevent this new conflict coming to pass. I admit I was too busy preparing for this day to even consider it, but he’s right. A lasting and honest peace between our people could accomplish great things, and the world would be so much the richer. Leadswell has overlooked one thing, however. He believes that your people are men as deserving as any to enjoy life and happiness, but he forgets that your own leaders do not share that belief. If they did, none of this could come about. To your Empress and her court, you and all your soldiers are nothing mo
re than a sword to strike out at the world with, and keep striking until either the world or the sword breaks. Until your Empire is ruled with some acceptance that human life has a value – irrespective of whether that life is Imperial or Collegiate or your poor bloody Auxillians – then all this man’s good intentions will go to naught, and we will continue to resist you. We cannot be slaves, and under Imperial rule, everyone is a slave, bar one.’

  Mycella of the Aldanrael was smiling slightly, and the Wasps were clearly at the very limits of their patience, but Tynan still regarded the War Master without obvious emotion. Stenwold thought, He knows. I tell him the Empress is insane, and it’s no news to him.

  ‘We should destroy the Second,’ Stenwold declared, ‘to the last man, if we can. We should take away the Empress’s sword, because at least there will be a pause before she forges a new one. Nevertheless, I am authorized by the Assembly to make you an offer, General. Walk away. We both know the losses your army has suffered in getting here, and now we are in the same position as we were when you fell back the last time. We have the advantage in the air and in artillery, and we still have our walls. You cannot sustain a siege long, and we can prevent supplies coming to you by air or sea – whilst the Tseni navy will ensure that food and ammunition keep coming in for us. Go now and, so long as you keep retreating, Collegium shall not harass your forces. But keep on retreating, for we are coming to liberate Tark and Myna and those other places that you have shackled. Go now, for if you try to take our city, you can be sure that the skies will never be clear for whatever is left of your army, all the way back to Capitas.’

  Tynan nodded slightly, and for a long moment there was quiet. Reading the expressions of the other Wasps, it was plain that they were concerned what Tynan’s response might be. The man with the red badge kept shifting restlessly, as though reminding the general of his presence, and of his invisible authority. Typical Rekef – or whatever he is.


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