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Small-Town Sweetheart (The Spring Grove Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Toni Aleo

  For the next half hour, we work together. Him from the door, and me performing the procedure. It doesn’t take long once Gary is asleep, and I find that we work well together. I take direction perfectly, and while he had to repeat a lot of his instructions since he was trying to hide from a sedated duck, we ultimately get it done. When I drop the marble into the cup, I bring it to him.

  He takes it from me and shakes his head. “Damn, he could have died.”

  I nod before going back to Gary and checking his vitals, which are great. “I know. This isn’t the first time, nor, do I feel, the last.”

  “It will be the last,” he promises as he shakes the marble in the cup. “Is Mrs. Capernackle out in the waiting room?”

  “She is. She’s the one with a cup of apple juice and a box of saltines. She and Gary share them.”

  He shudders. “I’m going to go talk to her.”

  “Okay. I’ll take it from here with Gary.”

  I expect him to leave, go the other way, but he doesn’t move. His eyes stay on me as he says, “Thank you.”

  I smile as I nod. “Thank you for saving a duck even though you’re scared of them.”

  I meant it as a joke, but he doesn’t smile. Instead, he draws in a deep breath, letting it out agonizingly slowly. He wets his lips, and gooseflesh breaks out all over me. He looks the way he did before he kissed me last time. As much as I want to kiss him, I have duck saliva all over me, and I’m pretty sure if I tried to touch him, he’d run. He doesn’t move from the doorway, though.

  He moves a piece of dark hair out of his eyes before he clears his throat. His eyes are so dark, burning into mine. He takes my breath away, and soon I feel like there is a marble lodged in my throat. “I kissed you because I wanted to. Because you looked absolutely beautiful, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss you at that moment.”

  And with that, he leaves.

  I blink twice and then a third time.

  He kissed me because he wanted to.

  What in the hell does that even mean?

  Chapter Sixteen


  I may have been on the lookout for a fiendish duck most of the afternoon. Evil creatures. Delaney may not understand how a thirty-two-year-old man can be scared of a bundle of demon feathers, but she wasn’t the one who got attacked so long ago. She wasn’t the one who was laughed at or even teased for being so scared. Nope, that was me. Stupid ducks, stupid town. I still don’t go by the pond on our land because of it, and that’s okay. People have their quirks. Mine is being terrified of little monsters that are covered in feathers and quack.

  I know it may not make sense. I’m a vet. I love animals. But in Lexington, it’s very rare that a cluster of evil comes in. If it does, thankfully, Noah takes them. He doesn’t ask questions; he just knows I don’t treat birds. Any of them. Not my jam. I don’t want anyone here knowing either. I was lucky Delaney was there for me today. Anyone else, the whole town would already know. But no one has said anything to me. Yet.

  I watch Delaney on the mound, and I feel that sense of calmness she provided me with earlier. She was in charge back at the clinic. She made sure I was okay, that the hellish creature was okay, and she provided for both of us. She has a heart of gold. Her mouth can get her into trouble, but she’s sweet. If that isn’t the makings of a mayor, I don’t know what is. I’m unsure what her hang-up is, but she should do it. She would be the best. Aside from those thoughts, though, I just want to wrap myself around her and press my mouth to hers.

  I adore the determined little dip between her eyes. When the distillery was playing earlier, she somehow became our coach. She called out plays and yelled at us. Funny thing is, when we did what she said, we ended up winning. That pleased her, which in turn, pleased me. I wouldn’t say I’m competitive. I like to win, but then I don’t care either way. She cares, and it makes me care. It’s insane. I’m still unsure of what is happening between her and me. But one thing is certain. I can’t keep away from her any longer.

  When additional weight brings the bed of the truck down underneath me, I turn to see Holden sitting beside me. He hands me a hot dog and then presses his dog to mine like he’s cheersing. “To a good win.”

  I chuckle as he takes a bite. I do the same, my eyes still on Delaney.

  “What are you still doing here?”

  I shrug before speaking around the bite in my mouth. “Wanted to watch the next game.”

  “Over here?”

  I look around where my truck is parked under the tree positioned between the field and Mawmaw’s house. I’m so far away from everyone that I thought no one would notice me watching. “Yeah, I parked here, and then I used the pisser at Mawmaw’s house. Didn’t feel like being around all those folks.”

  Holden shakes his head. “Dude, your dad would not be happy with you.”

  I make a face. “How so?”

  “You’re doing everything you’re supposed to, technically, but you’re not really being a part of this town.”

  “’Cause I’m not.”

  “But he wanted you to be.”

  I look away just as Delaney walks toward the dugout. I missed her last pitch, but I’m too worried if what Holden says is true. Aside from working at the clinic, I have been doing the bare minimum of what my dad asked. I have every opportunity to go over and sit with most of the townspeople, watching a great game, yet I’m sitting here by myself.

  I swallow hard past the lump in my throat. Am I letting my dad down? “I’m just not ready.”

  He nods slowly. “Well, can’t force something that doesn’t want to move.”

  My face breaks into a grin. My dad used to say that all the time. “True.”

  He taps my knee before getting up. “I have a date tonight over in Hamby. I’m gonna head out.”

  “Have fun.”

  “Oh, I will.” He takes a few steps but then turns around. “Hey, when’s Ambrosia leaving?”

  “After Theo’s wedding,” I say, and even though I find it weird he’s asking about my sister, I don’t question him.

  “Cool. Think she’ll come back?”

  “She’s supposed to.”

  He nods once more. “Cool. See ya.”

  “See ya.”

  As he walks away, I look back to the field, where Delaney is up to bat. As she’s been doing the whole game, she hits it way out to the fence with no effort at all. She runs the bases as everyone cheers, her face solely focused on running. She doesn’t listen to the cheers or even her teammates; she runs. When she gets to home base, a grin that hits me right in the chest covers her sweet face as she high-fives everyone.

  “Ball game!”

  I look over at the scoreboard. The church won by nineteen. “Jesus.”

  I chuckle a bit as people start to clear out. This is my cue to leave, so I get up, gathering my trash before shutting the back of the truck. I walk around, throwing my trash into the cab before looking over my shoulder to where Del is. She’s gathering her things, her effortless laughter reaching me. I pause while opening the door, leaning on the side of the truck as I watch her. I should leave, but I guess I don’t want to.

  She’s the last to leave the dugout, and I know it’s because she wanted to make sure everything is clean. She loves the fields; she’d live here if she could. During the summers of our childhood, she was made up of sweat and red dirt. It was everywhere, and even then, I was drawn to her. We were Spring Grove’s version of The Sandlot, and those summers were what kept me going.

  When Delaney starts toward me—well, not toward me, toward her house—my heart kicks up in my chest. She’s wearing tight baseball pants and a tank that clings to those spectacular breasts of hers. Her hair is in a tight, no-nonsense braid while her bag hangs loosely on her shoulder. Her gaze falls on me, and she arches a brow. She has a streak of red dirt along her cheek, and my thumb is begging to wipe it off. “I haven’t seen any ducks around, Reed. I think you can make it home.”

  A grin pulls at my lips
as I look down at the bed of the truck. “Yeah, I was actually wanting to thank you for that.”

  I look up as she leans on the other side of the truck bed. Her water bottle hangs from her fingers as her lashes flutter. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  “Pretty sure saving your vet from a rabid—”

  She snorts with laughter. “Gary is the sweetest.”

  “Rabid ball of feathers,” I finish, despite her loud laughter. My smile widens as I meet her gaze. “You didn’t have to help me out, and you did.”

  “I wanted to.”

  A silence falls between us. I slide my tongue along my bottom lip, wishing like hell this truck bed wasn’t between us. A chill runs through me even though it’s over ninety degrees. I realize then it’s not a chill; it’s her. For Pete’s sake, I want her.

  A small smile pulls at her lips as she looks toward her house. “Okay, well—”

  “Can I take you home?”

  She cocks her head in confusion before she points to her house that’s not even a hundred feet away.

  I shake my head. “The long way home.”

  Her lips curve as her eyes darken. “The long way, you say?”


  Her eyes dance with excitement, and I’m pretty sure mine do too. She throws her bag in the bed and then pauses. “Do I need to change?”

  I shake my head. “You’re perfect. Those clothes can come off.”

  Her grin grows, and my heart stops dead in my damn chest. “Who says I’m sleeping with you?”

  “Who said anything about sleeping?”

  “Really, Reed?”


  “When you said my clothes could come off, I thought you meant sex.”

  I perk my brow at her. “You wanna have sex with me?”

  Her eyes turn dark even as she rolls them. “Well, duh.”

  That’s music to my ears. I want to say her bold statement shocks me, but my desire for her is all I feel. Delaney stands beside me as we look out over the dark abyss in front of us. We grew up jumping off this bridge. It’s how we started our summers. Usually, it was during the day and we were in swimsuits, but back then, I didn’t want to see Delaney Abbot naked more than my next breath. I had my wits about me then. Now, they’re gone, and I need to see her naked.

  I pull at my shirt as I chance a glance over at her. She’s got a haughty little grin on her face as she shakes her head. “So you’re telling me you’ll jump off this bridge in the middle of the night, but you’re afraid of ducks?”

  I scoff. “There aren’t devil birds in this river.”

  “But there are snakes!”

  I wave her off as I throw my shirt back behind me. “Eh, they won’t bother us.” I unbutton my pants, my gaze on her as she looks up and down my chest. “You scared?”

  She chokes on her words. “Yes, you crazy person! I don’t want a snake bite on my butt.”

  I wink. “I’ll suck out the poison.”

  Her laughter surrounds me as I kick out of my jeans, pushing my boxers down before looking back over at her. Her laughter is gone, her eyes are wide, and those lips are plump and parted, ready for me. Unable to handle it, I reach for her, snaking my arm around her waist, and pull her against me. My lips are right at hers as her surprised gaze meets mine. She tips her head back, her lips parting a bit, and I can’t take it any longer.

  “You’re naked.” Her words are low, stunned, and my smile only grows wider.

  “And you will be soon.” I kiss her nose. “I’ll see you down there.”

  I give her a quick kiss, and then I jump.

  Man, what a feeling.

  It’s a long fall, the air tickling my balls as my limbs flail wildly around me. When I hit the cool river water, I let out a shout. “Hell yeah! Come on, Del.”

  I watch as she groans loudly. “Really?”


  She slowly undresses, and I hate that I can’t make out much. Even though my truck is running and the headlights are on her, there is still a shadow of darkness across her body. As Blake Shelton sings about drinking from the cab of my truck, I can’t see as much as I want to. Which is everything. I want to see everything. I’ve seen her naked, but we were kids. It’s different now; we’re different. When she comes to the edge of the bridge, she holds her breasts in her hands, and I laugh.

  “Will they fly off?”

  I don’t have to see her face to know she is giving me an annoyed look. “I don’t want them to slap against the water. They’re huge.”

  “They sure are.”

  “Shut up, Reed McElroy!”

  I just laugh, and I feel so fucking good. “Jump!”

  So she does, and boy, does she scream. But then it goes silent when she hits the water. She comes up sputtering, and I reach for her, bringing her in. Her arms wrap around my neck as her legs do my waist. She feels deliciously delectable against me as our eyes meet. I move her fine hair out of her eyes, pushing it back as I kick my legs, keeping us afloat. Water droplets fall from her nose, her chin, and I’ve never wanted anything more than to take her mouth with mine.

  “I’ve always hated that jump.”

  Her words stop me. I pull my brows together. “Really? You were always the first to jump.”

  She looks at me shyly. “I was trying to impress you.”

  Oh, the memories of our childhood rush over me as I gaze into her beautiful brown eyes. “You didn’t have to try, Del.”

  Her breath catches, and I know that’s my in. I take her mouth with mine. Her lips are like clouds against mine. So soft, plump, and fucking perfect. Her fingers bite into the back of my neck as she moves her tongue along my lips. I open my mouth to her, and her tongue slips inside. My hands glide along her waist, her ass, and there, I hold on. I mold her sweet ass with my fingers as our kisses get more demanding, and I get harder by the second.

  But then, out of nowhere, she’s screaming. She climbs up me, wrapping her legs around my shoulders as she screams out. “Something touched me!”

  I laugh. “Was it me?”

  “No! It was long and thick and, ugh, I bet it was a snake!”

  “Again, are you sure it wasn’t me?” I ask, and she smacks the top of my head.

  “No, you sicko!”

  I laugh, holding her to me as she squeals with fear. But then my laughter falls off when I see the slick spot between her legs. My mouth goes dry, and soon I’m breathless. “Hey, Del.”

  “Eek! Did you feel it?”

  “No, but if I do what I want, I’m pretty sure we’ll drown.”

  She’s breathless, her thighs squeezing my neck. “Which is?”

  “Suck this pretty pussy until I make you scream my name.”

  I look up at her, and her eyes are dark. She moves her finger along my lip as she brings her own lip between her teeth. She takes in a haggard breath and whispers, “I don’t want to die.”

  “I don’t either,” I say, kissing her thigh. She draws in a sharp breath. “Not before tasting you.”

  Her eyes burn into mine. “So why don’t we take this to the truck?”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Reed’s mouth is dangerous.

  Before we’re even out of the water, his mouth is on mine, his hands all over my body. There is no way in hell I’m stopping him either. Especially when my hands and my lips are clinging to him just the same. I may have questions, I may also want to know what we’re doing, but then, I know what we’re doing. We’re about to have some crazy rabbit sex in his truck. I can see the truck and I want to be in it now, but he pulls me back against him. He’s hard, oh so hard, and long against my ass.

  Is this really happening?

  I’m self-conscious for about ten seconds before I give no shits whatsoever. I have wanted this for far too long, and there is no way I am letting my head get in the way of what is about to happen with Reed. His mouth moves along my neck, kissing
and nibbling as his hand caresses the front of me. He molds my boob in his hand as my head falls back against his shoulder, a soft moan leaving my lips. Thank God we’re deep in the woods and no one is nearby. The road that the bridge connects is the back way to the distillery. No one is ever back here, which is why we kids were always causing havoc in this spot. It’s hard to think of that havoc when Reed’s tongue is moving along my shoulder, his fingers tweaking my nipple.

  I cry out, and his groan is just as loud.

  “I want you so much,” he whispers against my ear.

  “Good, ’cause this is happening.”

  “Hell yeah, it is.”

  “I’m not a whore, though.”

  He pauses his mouth’s movements. “I didn’t think you were.”

  “I just really want you.”

  “Same here, sweetheart. Same here.” He then cups my pussy, his rough fingers welcome against my soft skin. With his other hand, he turns my head so he can take my mouth with his. He deepens the kiss, drinking from me as he slides a single finger against me, finding my clit. The pressure he exerts against my taut nub is mind-bending. My body arches against his, wanting more, needing more. I’m wet, and not from the river but from him. Everything about him, from the way he looks at me, touches me, and kisses me, has me shaking with desire.

  He squeezes my center and molds it as he continues to flick his finger against my clit. I feel my orgasm building, and I’m ready, but he stops, kissing my bottom lip.

  Then he’s moving around me, taking my hand and pulling me with him. “Come on.”

  “I wanted to come here.”

  He gives me a cheesy grin as he continues to pull me along. “I want you in my mouth.”

  “No need to say more,” I say, walking ahead of him eagerly. His laughter fills the space around us before he wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck and jaw.

  We finally make it to the truck, and when he opens the door, I go to get in, but he stops me. He pulls me closer, and his eyes burn into mine as he trails his lips along mine. Lord, he is fucking hot. His eyes are so dark, his jaw thick and defined, with a sexy little tic at the side of his mouth showing me he wants me. Never in my life did I think this would happen, but not even my made-up Reed could come close to what the real Reed is. He arches into me, kissing my mouth hard, his tongue pushing its way in before he lays me back on the seat.


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