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Dirty Daddy

Page 8

by Brenda Ford

  I laugh at the idea of leaving here with these memorabilia's as I reach for a towel to cover and rush out of the bathroom. My purse is on the nightstand, and I pick it up, checking inside for my phone and to see if I have any messages.

  The thought that there are loads of messages make me feel nervous but I decide I'll deal with them later. I don't want to spoil the remainder of the trip and read them now.

  I leave the bedroom to see if Marvin’s in the suite. He isn’t, but there’s a note on the table. The last time I saw the table, he had me sprawled out like an eagle as he ate me as if there was no tomorrow.

  I push the thoughts out of my mind and move to pick up the piece of paper. According to the note, I’m to wait for Marvin to come pick me up so we can head to the airport. I can order room service. I’m feeling hungry enough to eat something, and make the call to have breakfast brought up.

  I order, and then I grab one of the bathing robes. I’ll get changed after I’ve eaten, I don’t feel like it right now. Once the food arrives and I’m sitting down to eat it, my thoughts start going around in circles. Not long after, the center of those thoughts walks into the suite wearing jeans and a black polo shirt. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen Marvin wearing jeans. Watching him come towards me, makes me realize that he’s too sexy. Just like Michelle was telling me when I arrived, and I did all the things that she said I should do. Not to have fun, but because I wanted him.

  “Good afternoon. Wow, you’re awake!” he says surprised as he walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek.

  “That’s because you keep tiring me out,” I smile at him. “Marvin, what time’s our flight?”

  “You have at least twenty minutes to eat and get ready.”

  “But, why didn’t you say anything earlier? I could have got ready.”

  He laughs, “Don’t panic if we miss that flight. We’ll just get another one.”

  I know that for him this is nothing, he can afford to just book one flight after another, but I still feel guilty about it.

  “I wanted to make sure that you got the rest that you needed.”

  He’s talking, but I’m too busy panicking about getting ready. I jump up and head for my room. I get dressed and put my things in order, then move to wait in the living room while Marvin does the same, but his pace is a lot slower than mine. I watch for a second as he has his clothes all folded and neatly puts them in his case. I just stuffed them in mine.

  Afterward, I'm rushing out of the hotel. We stop by the reception so Marvin can drop the room key before heading outside. Again, I’m out of breath rushing, and he’s walking in his stride as if he’s got all the time in the world.

  “I paid before coming up for my things. I left early to tie up things here, so we’re clear to go.”

  “Okay,” I say as we get into the limo waiting for us beside the curb.

  Kurt is dutifully holding the door open, “Ms. Crawford.” He nods, but I’m too busy thinking about getting on the plane, and I wish that he’ll call me Emily. There’s no need for him to be formal all the time.

  “Kurt,” I blurt out as I hand him my case. The one that Marvin said that the bellboy could take and we didn’t have to rush down with it.

  The drive to the airport is a quick one. It takes almost an hour before we can board our plane, but then we’re finally seated. It’s when the plane is gliding down the runway, about to take off, when everything settles down for me. I sigh a breath of relief, whereas Marvin’s still as cool as a cucumber.

  “You panic too much.”

  “Marvin you don’t panic enough,” I say as I’m still trying to catch my breath. That’s not the real reason that I’ve been panicking, so I say exactly what’s on my mind, “Is this it then?”

  He coldly turns to me. The same way that he did when we first met in Vegas, “The deal was for the weekend. A weekend, and I give you the amount you wanted. The deal is done, isn’t it?”

  His eyes watch me closely, or so I feel.

  “I don’t want it to end. I don’t want our time together to end,” I clarify, in case he doesn't get what I mean.

  I think he looks pleased as he takes my hand and lightly kisses the back of it. My breath catches as I meet his eyes, an intensity in them that I swear was not there a moment ago.

  “It doesn’t need to if you don’t want it to end.”

  I don’t, and I wish that I didn’t have the seatbelt on, because no longer do I feel tense, but I close my eyes and shriek inside my mouth as the excitement takes over me. Marvin has said exactly what I need to hear. I open my eyes, and he’s smiling at me. I wonder if he knew that this was going to happen all along?

  I don’t care because I’m holding on to his hands and I have no intention of letting him go.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I wait almost impatiently for Marvin to show up after being back for nearly a week, I can’t go a day without seeing him. It’s as if I have a constant craving to be with him.

  We’re supposed to go out to dinner, and I’ve been ready for a while because I’m too excited. I didn’t even bother to go to the office today. I just spent most of the day trying to figure out what to wear and catching up on some sleep. One thing about us is once we get started, we don’t know how to stop.

  The business is coming along nicely with Marvin's help, and I have fun thinking of all the ways I can reward him for all the help he’s giving me.

  I find myself thinking all too much of Marvin lately.

  There are the occasional thoughts, where I wonder what I mean to Marvin, compared to what he means to me. He seems to care about me and doesn’t want our time together to end. He even offers me more help than we agreed on, and I have hope that it isn't just an extension of our original deal. But he's so hard to read, it's difficult to guess what he thinks, and I’m not confident enough to just come out with it and ask.

  My doorbell rings bringing me out of my thoughts. I grab my purse from the couch and head for the door, taking a second to catch my breath before opening the door.

  Marvin is on the other side, breathtaking in another of his tailored suits. At one point, I found him intimidating, but now, all I can think about is seeing him without clothes, and I blush every time such thoughts enter my mind.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asks, holding out his arm for me to take.

  “Of course,” I reply breezily, sliding my arms into his. I’ve gotten good at acting like I’m not flustered by him. Now, if I could stop the blushing habit, it would be even better.

  By the smirk he aims at me, he probably knows what I’m thinking. His eyes trace over my body, and I bite my lip, pleased at the look of satisfaction in them.

  “Every time I think you can get even more beautiful,” he murmurs, taking my hand from his elbow to kiss the back of it, before placing it back. “You just keep proving me wrong.”

  “Every time I think you can't get even more cheesy,” I say teasingly as we walk out of my apartment building and out into the cold air, “you just keep proving me wrong.”

  Marvin just chuckles. I’m looking forward to our date, but also to what comes after if I would go to his place or he would return to mine.

  We walk to his car, Marvin circling with me and holding onto my hand as I climb in, then he closes the door and moves to the driver's side. Once he's seated, he sends a smirk my way, then the car is on, and we're moving.

  “We’re going to Del Posto. I know how much you love Italian food.”

  He knows me so well, as a kid my dream was to visit Italy.

  “You’re spoiling me.”

  He nods, “You’re worth it.”

  He lifted up my hand and kissed it. I can get used to this type of treatment. I don’t know what part I love the most. The fact that he’s so caring and always thinking about the best way to take care of me. It’s these little things that a girl likes. Not the fancy restaurants, but just paying attention to the things we like.

  Marvin’s mo
re than any man that I’ve ever known, and he makes me want him not just for now, but always.

  “I spoke to Ben last night. It was a bit weird when he asked what I was doing tonight and if we could meet up.”

  “Oh, if you wanted to meet up with dad then that’s fine.”

  He shakes his head while keeping his eye on the road.

  “It’s not that. I’m just trying to think how to talk to him about us. I’ll have to do it eventually.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to think about it tonight. Can we just spend a lovely evening out.”

  “Eating pasta?”


  I’m sticking my head under the carpet as far as my parents are concerned, I know that it’s a path that I’ll have to cross. I just don’t want to do that right now.

  Two weeks ago, I’d come to the realization that I may have to lose my business. My parents are not going to take our relationship lightly, and we both know it. So, until we get to that bridge, I just want to enjoy him.

  It doesn’t take long for us to arrive and I’ve always wanted to eat here, but I’ve never been able to afford it. I want to look around the restaurant, but my eyes are more focused on my date. As soon as he gives his name and we’re seated, Marvin blurts out, “I have a request tonight.”

  I take a deep breath as I think back to the conversation in the car, wondering if it has something to do with my parents.


  “Can we please not talk about work tonight?”

  I smile, pleasantly surprised by the request and more than willing to give in.

  "Of course," I answer easily.

  The meal is brought out to us, and it's as amazing as I thought it would be. We each get a different dish, but he lets me taste his. It’s all so delicious I can't tell which one I prefer, and he offers an exchange, half of mine for half of his, so we can each taste everything.

  “This is so good, Marvin,” I almost moan on another bite.

  Marvin chuckles at me. “I’ll be taking you to a few of my favorite places around the city, but we can always come back here whenever you want.”

  “Definitely,” I say with enthusiasm, and we go on to have a little discussion about other restaurants we’ve gone to, foods that we like.

  It's not all innocent, of course. We’re getting on and flirting with each other, Marvin’s offering me food on his fork just to watch my mouth as I eat, and me doing the same as I pick up the cue from him and feed him from my plate.

  “You didn’t make a mess. Where did the clumsy girl go to?”

  I wink at him, “I can show you where she went to!”

  He stiffens up and then abruptly asks for the bill. If only we could spend one night, without thinking of sex, then it would be amazing, but something always makes one of us want to go home early.

  Tonight, it was my turn as I looked at the lady eating ice-cream and all I could think about was Marvin scooping up my pussy with his tongue.

  He pinches my butt as we head out of the restaurant and growls, “You’re such a bad girl.”

  That’s when I bump into someone. A person that I love to hate. Brenda Keeps, the CEO of the Silk Box. The company that’s been dragging me down and I needed Marvin to pick me right up.

  “Watch it!”

  She pushes me away from her and then I bounce in the direction of Marvin.

  I’m just about to say something when she smiles, a smile that is sexy and seductive. Totally different to what she was doing a few minutes ago.

  “Oh, Marvin. I never saw you.”

  I watch as Marvin seems indifferent and wants to pull me away from her.

  “What? You know her. How?”

  Brenda’s blurts out, “See you in the morning, Marvin.”

  He’s pulling me away, and I think that she’s laughing as Marvin’s refusing to answer my question. I’m not getting in the car with him.

  No way!

  “What does she mean about to see you in the morning? How do you know her? Why would you be seeing her in the morning?”

  I think that I’m starting to answer my questions, but I’m throwing my hands up in the air because I want Marvin to respond to me right now. But he’s quiet. That can only mean one thing. I hate causing a scene in public, but I need to know the truth right now.


  “Can we talk about this at home?”

  But, then again I shake my head, “No. I can’t wait that long.”

  “Fine, seeing as you want to hear it. I own the Silk Box. You happy now.”

  “No way, and now I’m going home alone. Don’t follow me and don’t call. I don’t care what you have to say about it. Everything that’s happened has been a lie.”

  “No. Not the way I feel…”, he responds.

  “Save it, Marvin! I’m not interested. At what point, were you planning to tell me that the one company that’s ruined mine, just happens to be one of yours?”

  He smirks, “I thought that we agreed that you destroyed your company. Not the other way around.”


  “I can’t believe that you just said that, but then again what should I expect from a snake. You used me, knowing that you could have helped me a long time ago.”

  He starts to head to the driver’s side.

  “If that’s what you want to believe, then fine. I wanted to talk about this at home. Behind closed doors, not on the street like animals. I think you’ll find that you used me too. You never came to Vegas for a good time! You went for the money.”

  Then he gets in his car, and then he leaves me on the side of the street like a hooker. I hated Marvin when I thought that he was using money as a means to get me hot and bothered under the sheets.

  But now I hate him even more, not only for the secret. But for saying that I’d slept with him for the money, even if it was the truth.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I stand on the street corner, watching his car go by. I don’t want him anywhere near me ever again. I start to wonder if he’d planned the whole thing and through my tears, I call Michelle. Maybe if she’s at home, then I’ll talk to her about the whole humiliating experience that I suffered tonight.

  “Michelle, are you home?”

  I blurt out as soon as she picks up the phone. My voice is muffled, and I should have tried to calm down before speaking to her, but I’m so upset. Heartbroken and I can’t stop fucking crying.

  “Yes, yes, what’s wrong?”


  “Okay, just come over. Calm down, and then we’ll talk, okay?”

  “On my way.”

  “Or maybe I should come to you? Are you at home?”

  I shake my head, “No, I’m out, but I can come to you. It’s okay. I’ll just grab a taxi.”

  She sighs, “Good. I’m waiting, okay?”

  I nod, “Okay.”

  Then I hang up, and I feel guilty for calling her at nearly midnight, just because I’ve been a fool. Maybe I should have waited until the morning, but I know one thing for sure. I’m not sleeping tonight. I’m so fucking mad and upset.

  I walk up a bit, and within no time, I manage to hail a cab. After I give him the direction, I manage to wipe most of my tears on my dress and to take in a few deep breaths and close my eyes for the short ride that allowed me to calm down. Just a little bit.

  By the time I finish the ride in the taxi and then buzz her apartment, the tears start falling once again. I can’t help myself, as much as I’m trying to control myself. I’m not doing a good job.


  Michelle screams as she opens her door in her pj's. I feel guilty that she must have been sleeping when I called, but the look of concern on her emerald eyes tells me that she’s more concerned about me.

  “Michelle, he used me!”

  I run into her arms. She pats me on the back, and her soothing voice reassures me that she’s not bothered about him. She’s more worried about my emotional state
at the moment.

  “Come on, let’s sit down. Do you want a drink?”

  I shake my head as she goes to shut the door and I dump my purse and my body on her sofa.

  “So, we were at dinner. Marvin and I. Then Brenda who owns ‘or so I thought”, I use my fingers to highlight the fact that I’ve been so wrong about the owner of Silk Box.

  “Bumps into me and then tells me that Marvin owns Silk Box. Not her. She’s just the ….”

  I don’t even know her position.

  “So the face or whatever of Silk Box?”

  I nod my head, “Yes, and he owns it.”

  She sighs with a puzzled look on her face, “So, how did he use you?”

  “Well, he told me about the deal and that I had to go to Vegas with him to keep The Glimmer & Dazzle running.”

  I’m crying, and she’s trying to make sense of it all.

  “I’m lost. He owned the competitor and gave you the money and a hot time in Vegas, but he’s using you?”

  I feel as if I’m talking to a brick wall, she’s not listening at all.


  “But how Emily? He gave you money to run your company. His main competitor. How is that using you?”

  I sigh, “You’re not listening.”

  “I am. But it makes no sense. What did Marvin say?”

  I stop crying because when I tell her this part, she’s going to think that I’m going over the top and after speaking to her I think that maybe I am a little.

  “He said to discuss it at home, and he didn’t want to talk about it on the street.”

  “I see,” she clears her throat and says, “Look I get that you’re upset that he never told you. The fact that Brenda’s the face of the Silk Box, most likely means that he has nothing to do with the day-to-day running of the company. And doesn’t Marvin own loads of different types of companies?”

  I stop facing her and put my head at the back of the sofa and sigh, “I guess.”

  “So, most likely this is just one of them. I bet he didn’t even remember that he owned it.”


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