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Only in Her Dreams

Page 18

by Christina McKnight

  “Don’t worry about them. We’re not going far.”

  “I don’t understand. Have you been close all this time?”

  Don’t ask so many fucking questions, he wanted to shout at her.

  “Fairly close.” Greg opened the front door. Alexander waited at the curb, the car running. With only fourteen hours to spare he escorted Lucessa to the car, and opened the door with a loud screech.

  Greg feared she wouldn’t get in when she pulled away from his grasp. She appraised the vehicle and the driver inside. “Who’s this?”

  “My associate, Alexander. He’ll take us where we need to go.” Greg smiled, tasting his freedom.

  Chapter 31

  Lucessa eyed the car. What the hell? The beat up Oldsmobile was from before she’d been born. She weighed the chances it’d make it to wherever Greg was taking her. Her robe snagged on the seat when she slid across the exposed coil springs. Greg climbed in next to her, and the car sped off before the door was shut.

  A sinking feeling crept up her spine. You’ll never see your home again, her subconscious screamed at her.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “What question?” Greg asked.

  What’s with his attitude?

  “Where’ve you been? I felt so alone after you left. The only shining light was you’d be back in six months. But you returned in a casket. I didn’t even have the heart to identify your body. I was heartbroken,” she sobbed. She didn’t care about the stranger in the front seat, listening to her every word. She had to let Greg know what he’d put her through. What he continues to put me through.

  “You’ll know what’s going on soon.”

  The vehicle slowed, and Alexander shifted in his seat. “We have arrived.”

  It’s him! Her hands darted to her mouth to stifle her scream. She’d seen him before. He’d broken into her house, stolen her picture and almost bashed Maxim over the head. His eyes glowed and his face broke into a sinister grin. She turned to Greg, sitting next to her. He looked out the window as they pulled up to a dilapidated house. He looked relaxed, almost lighthearted as the car pulled to a stop.

  Maxim, why didn’t I trust you?

  “Relax, Lucessa. Everything will be clear soon enough.” These words, spoken by someone who she’d trusted with all her heart, did calm her. I can trust Greg. Can’t I?

  He told her what was going on when Maxim refused.

  The car stopped, and he swung the rusted door open. The cold air infiltrated the interior, causing goose bumps to spread up her covered arms. As they approached the house, she noticed the front yard was littered with garbage and the door stood open. Even with the temperatures being in the low forty’s many of the windows were missing.

  Where’s he taken me? Is this a crack house? Her heart lifted. Greg must have spent the last year helping drug addicts. There’s no other explanation for why’d he’d bring her there.

  Her mind went over what this all meant and how it changed things. It changed things within her and changed things between them. He hadn’t wanted to drag her in to it because of the dangers. He’d always had a great heart. That’s why he gave up so much to go to Uganda to help others. He gave up a paid internship in San Francisco. He left his wife and new home behind, and all to help others.

  Had he not wanted to burden me with the realities of our society? Her body relaxed further as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. For the first time in days, she felt--truly believed--that everything was going to be okay.

  She readied herself for the sight that lay on the other side of the front door. The stench assaulted her nostrils before she crossed the threshold. The smell of rotting food, feces, and filth pushed her back toward the car. Greg grasped her arm firmly. Does he think I can’t handle this? She stiffened her spine and continued toward the door.

  Waste covered the interior of the house, much like the yard. In addition, naked bodies of both sexes covered the floor. The sight was worse than she’d expected. Women lay listless around the room, legs spread and open to male touching. Torn clothing was scattered around the room on couches, tables, the floor and hanging over a lamp. The men were also sparsely dressed but weren’t as lethargic. Their hands moved over bodies as their hips thrusted into various orifices and some into the air.

  Bile rose up her throat and she swallowed to maintain her revulsion. Is this where he’d been? She looked at him to gauge his reaction to the scene. A smile, different than any she’d seen, pulled his lips wide and he leered at the women. He likes what he sees!

  Her stomach churned, but for a completely different reason. Her husband, the kind and caring doctor, would gladly take the place of any one of these men. I’m going to be sick. She increased her pace--pulling Greg this time--as she traversed the room. He must be heading to another part of the house. Surely he hadn’t planned to show her this. A small hallway with three closed doors stood in front of them, two on the right and one on the left.

  She stopped, her eyes focused on the closed doors. “Where are we? Why’ve you brought me here?”

  “Just a bit further.”

  Again, the voice inside her beseeched her to run. To leave and never look back. Forget Greg, forget Maxim.

  They walked side by side down the hall with Alexander close behind, blocking the evil sights and sounds behind her.

  “The second door on the left. Please knock before entering,” Alexander said over Lucessa’s shoulder.

  I’m so stupid! God, you’d think I haven’t seen a single horror movie. If there was an upstairs, I’d probably run there. Idiot!

  Greg lifted his hand and knocked in one swift, sure gesture.

  “Come in,” came the reply from within.

  Greg pushed the door wide and strolled into the room. His intake of breath startled her.

  “Sandy!” Greg’s mouth stood open, his eyes locked on the scene in front of him.

  A blonde woman reclined on a bed. She wore a red corset, her breasts hanging out the front. A torn thong lay haphazardly across her leg. The scantily-clad woman’s eyes briefly left the man next to her to shoot a narrowed glare toward Lucessa.

  Averting her attention from the woman, Lucessa took in the sight of the other occupant. Maxim? Impossible! Her eyes focused in the dim light. This man was older. His eyes had dark shadows beneath them and his face wasn’t cleanly shaven but carried the look of three to four days of growth. One startling similarity was his glowing eyes, the same as Maxim’s.

  This is the man who bumped into me on the street.

  He leisurely stroked the inside of Sandy’s thigh. They both appeared sated, although the woman’s eyes connected with Greg.

  “What’ve you done to her, you bastard?” Greg shouted. His fists were clinched at his sides.

  “Nothing she didn’t want me to do, I can assure you.”

  Greg’s shoulders sank.

  “I’m glad you’ve finally brought the girl to me,” Darius said.

  “I’m done. Can we leave now?” Greg mumbled, his head bowed.

  “You’re free to go, but Sandy will stay with me. Is that not right, my dear?” Darius looked at Sandy.

  Who are these people? Lucessa looked from Greg to Sandy to the man. “What’s going on?” she asked. She threw her arms wide, giving up on her reality.

  “I’m sorry we’ve ignored you, lovely Lucessa.” Sandy stiffened at the term of endearment he used. “I’m Darius Lucas. I think you’re acquainted with my brothers, Maxim and Guy. Yes?” His eyebrow arched in question.

  “Why am I here?”

  “I’m glad you ask. You’re here to help me.” Darius’s fingers trailed up the woman’s body to caress her exposed nipple. He caught her looking and grinned at her. “Would you like to join us? I’m never against enjoying the company of two exquisite women.”

  Sandy’s eyes burned a hole right through her. Don’t worry...I don’t want any piece of him!

  “No, thank you. I want to go. I don’t belong here.”
Lucessa turned to do what her mind had been urging her to do since she got in the car with Greg. She took one step and barreled into Alexander’s wide chest. His eyes continued to glow in the dim light.

  This can’t be good.

  “Good luck with that,” Darius said. A creaking noise sounded from behind her as he rose from the bed. She couldn’t bring herself to confirm her suspicions. “Join me at the table and we can discuss what you need to do to stay alive.”

  She had no choice. Greg wouldn’t help her. He’d brought her here to save himself. He’d never planned on telling her where he’d been. His goal had been to turn her over and save his own neck. The table behind her was littered with food crumbs and used plates. She lowered herself into a seat. Darius already reclined in his chair across from her. He stared at her intently.

  “Alexander, please return Sandy to her room and escort Dr. Flynn to the front of the house.” Next he addressed Sandy. “My dear, I will call for you shortly.” Finally he turned to Greg. “Feel free to enjoy all that my home has to offer.”

  “But...” Greg started.

  “I will make good on my promise. Don’t worry.”

  Greg shrugged off Alexander’s hold and huffed out of the room. He didn’t seem too reticent about ‘enjoying what Darius had to offer’. Behind her a door shut. Sandy had disappeared into either a bathroom or closet. Alexander departed, closing the door with a resounding click. The click re-enforced her dire situation. Her heart thudded erratically.

  Alone. I’m alone with him. But Darius was Maxim’s brother...his twin. He won’t hurt me, right? The stare he turned toward her had her questioning that assumption. The blood drained from her face and her skin grew cold. Where’s Maxim when I need him?

  But she didn’t deserve his help. She hadn’t trusted him. Now, it was up to her to get herself out of this mess.

  Her chair was hard with a straight back. She adjusted her bottom to find a more comfortable position.

  “If you prefer a better seat, my lap is free.” He rubbed his thigh, an amused look on his face.

  He’s enjoying my discomfort. “No, thank you.”

  “Always so polite. Did your daddy teach you your manners?”

  This is Maxim’s twin? I can’t imagine more of a polar opposite. Lucessa stared at him, her eyes filled with as much disgust and annoyance as she could muster.

  He leaned forward and crossed his arms on the table in front of her. “Okay, you’re not interested in chit chat. To be honest, neither am I. So let me get down to it. Your father stole something from me.”

  “Let me guess…and you want it back.”

  “Not exactly.”

  Claiming ignorance was her best option at this point. “It doesn’t matter ‘exactly’ what you want. My father is dead. I can’t help you.”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, girl. I know Maxim is staying with you, protecting you from ‘bad people’.” A smiled pulled at the corner of his mouth.

  “I don’t have to guess what ‘bad people’ you’re talking about. Yes, Maxim was staying at my house, but he’s been called away. He said nothing about my father.” Lucessa kept her face blank of emotions, hoping the man didn’t see through her ruse.

  “Come now, I know Greg filled you in on a lot of my brothers’ secrets. It is messy family business but, as part of the family, you are involved. You have a right to know everything.”

  What more is there to know?

  # # #

  Lucessa’s shoulders slumped and her eyes watered. Darius knew she’d take his bait. Greg hadn’t known every detail. Yes, I saved the best secret for myself.

  “What do you mean ‘everything’?” Her eyes lifted to meet his.

  “Allow me to start at the beginning,” Darius said. “It started many, many years ago. As the eldest son, I was trained from a young age to inherit Erebos. I dedicated myself day and night to learn everything I needed to know.” He paused to gauge her interest.

  She stared back at him, without making a sound. He continued. “But to my surprise, after all those hard years of training, another was brought into the fold and proclaimed leader. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “My father.”

  Not as dumb as she appears after all. “Your father. He is the key to everything, including my future. He’d left long before I was born. And then he waltzed in--after spending all those years living on Earth--to take my rightful place.” Darius slammed his fist on the table, his rage barely contained.

  She flinched. “What do you expect me to do about that?”

  “I’m getting there, my dear.” He willed his body to relax. “My years in training taught me to listen to the Oneiroi citizens--to find out what they wanted. My father ruled with an iron fist. He upheld the laws of Erebos without question to their fairness or to the changing society he ruled. I had the chance to change things, but in came your father. And he’s the spitting image of Morpheus. He changes nothing and will hear no discussion of it.”

  “Maybe they’re doing what they think is best, you know the saying, ‘if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it’?” she replied.

  “That’s the point! The system is broken. I had grand plans for change. Even after your father returned, I believed we’d work together to accomplish all we wanted, but he turned down my suggestions. His way of shutting me up, of shutting up my supporters, was to strip me of my power and position and banish me to live here.” The hurt returned anew. Betrayed by his family and then rejected by her. She didn’t understand that he’d done everything for her. To be with her!

  After all these years, he’d still give up anything for her. But, that is the past. I must work on my future.

  “Why should I care that you were banished to Earth? My father was always a fair and honest man. I’m sure that hasn’t changed,” she said with indignation. “Can I go now?”

  “I’m not finished.” I have to calm down. There is so much at stake. “Your father chose to put you and your mother through hell.” Hell...isn’t that ironic. “And then abandon you to return to Erebos. Does that sound like a fair and honest man?”

  She will understand now. If this didn’t work, he’d lose more than a new kingdom. The Dark One would take his life.

  “I don’t know anything about Erebos or my father’s past, but I do know he’s not one to run from responsibility.” She leaned forward in her chair.

  Is this whelp of a girl challenging me?

  “Would it change your mind to know Maxim and your precious father are responsible for your mother’s sickness?”

  Trump card played!

  Her pallor turned a stale gray. “That’s impossible.”

  # # #

  My dream, was it true? Her father would never, ever hurt her mother. They’d loved each other. And Maxim doesn’t know her mother. Her mind flashed back to the evening she’d visited her mother and returned home to Maxim. He’d known her mother’s name...without being told. What was his excuse? He’d seen her name on some paperwork in her house. Was this true or had he been lying to her about more than just his reason for protecting her?

  “I see you indeed have doubts, my dear.” He leaned closer. His stale breathe surrounded her like a damp, woolen coat.

  “I don’t know what to believe.” She’d been so sure of Maxim’s character and his explanations of who he was and what he was doing in her life. There were so many more questions she hadn’t known to ask. Now, she wasn’t sure who to believe. Maybe she had it all wrong. Something inside Lucessa told her Maxim may not have told her the whole truth, but the man sitting across from her was not the good guy. “I have a few questions.” She didn’t know if it was worth asking. He’d probably lie, but he was her best option. Even half-truths were better than ignorance.

  “I’m not usually the one answering the questions, but I’ll try to be accommodating.” He replied.

  “Well...” his foul breath gone, she collected her thoughts and started over. “You said Maxim and my fa
ther are responsible for my mother’s sickness. How?”

  “They wiped her mind, and in doing so, fried her brain. Very unsafe procedure for someone so attached to an Oneiroi,” he said casually.

  It was hard to take in. Mind wipe? Procedure? Lucessa sat in silence, not sure she wanted to hear more. Betrayal. That’s the only way to explain her feelings, at the moment. She’s been betrayed by the three men she cared for. First her father, then Greg, and now Maxim. Her head sunk into her hands.

  I refuse to cry! I will not break down.

  Chapter 32

  “Get up, we’ve leaving.” Darius moved around the room collecting various items. He pushed them into a blue and green checkered duffle bag on the bed.

  Gun! What does he need a gun for?

  Lucessa rubbed at her red swollen eyes. Next to the bag sat the woman in red. Only now, she wore a long sleeve velour jumpsuit, although still in hooker red.

  “Where’re we going?” Lucessa asked.

  “Somewhere they won’t find us.” Darius slung the large bag over his shoulder and moved toward the door. “Until I work out a negotiation for your return.”

  “My return? I’m not free to leave?” It was worth a try, right?

  “You’ll stay with me, until you’re no longer useful. But, if I’ve played my cards right, you’re just the bargaining chip I need to attain what I want. Now let’s go. I have an extra jacket for you on the bed.” He opened the bedroom door. The room flooded with the sounds and odors from beyond; bodies moving, heavy breathing, ripping fabric, and the distinct smell of drugs.

  Who lives this way? Her stomach lurched again at the smell. She rushed into the open door next to the bed. Her earlier suspicions were correct, it held a bathroom. She leaned over the toilet bowl, clasping the cracked seat with both hands as heaves racked her body, over and over. Acid continued to surge up her throat, into her mouth and nasal passages, burning.

  As the sting receded, she looked up. Sandy leaned on the door frame, offering a dirty rag.

  “Thank you.” Lucessa stumbled to her feet and accepted the towel. Sandy turned, without a word, and moved to Darius’s side.


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