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Promised Box Set

Page 79

by James Kipling

  “Breathe,” he whispered in her ear, nipping the tip sharply eliciting a moan that got drowned by the club noise.

  “Let’s get out here,” she said looking directly into his eyes.

  He stared at her intently for a few seconds, his fingers still rubbing soothing circles and then he smiled. “Okay. Go tell your friends and then we’ll get the hell out of here.”

  Her friends. Damn. She had almost forgotten about Gina and Missy. Weaving through the crowd, her eyes scanned for the duo and immediately spotted them bobbing along to the music with drinks in their hands. They really were using up the free drinks card to their fullest advantage.

  “Yo, girl!” Gina yelled over the music as Samantha pushed towards them. “Did the ladies’ room end up in Narnia?”

  “Yes and there was a very hot lion there,” Samantha said grinning at her friend.

  Missy whistled. “You’re going home with him, aren’t you?” At the look of surprise from the taller woman, she said modestly. “My brother might be an FBI agent but I notice things too. You have a gleam in your eyes and color across your cheeks that has nothing to do with dancing. Says you’re going to get lucky tonight.”

  “About time!” Gina said toasting her friend. “Blow his mind out.”

  “But I shouldn’t right? I mean, I made an obligation to spend the night with you two and I shouldn’t turn away for that. Even for this guy. Right?”

  Gina and Missy just stared at Samantha like she had grown an extra head and then their attention shifted behind her. Missy inhaled her drink a little too quickly and while Gina thumped her new friend on the back, she ogled at Samantha and then behind her.

  “Are you okay?” Samantha asked Missy startled.

  “Is that the guy?” Gina asked Samantha at the same time jerking her head towards someone.

  “Who? Oh.” Samantha turned around to find mystery man standing a few feet behind them. A smile grew on her face as he cocked his head and threw her a heated look. He was impatient. But so was she. Which meant she quickly needed to get approval. “Yep. That’s him.”

  “Hot damn,” Gina breathed.

  “Go,” Missy said in a slightly choked voice, swiping hastily at the tears that had started post-inhalation.

  “Oh, please go. You haven’t seen action in weeks. And that man is just sex-on-a-stick,” Gina said nodding in an odd fashion.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes!” they both said a bit loudly.

  “Oh, thank you so much. I’ll make it up to you both,” Samantha said grinning broadly. “Sorry, Missy for not getting to know you better but next time?”

  “Definitely!” Missy enthused.

  “Wait. Whose place are you heading to?”

  “Umm... I don’t know. But I’ll text you on the way.”

  “You do that.”

  “And you will text me the instant you both are home safely?” Samantha suddenly felt concerned. They both had had a lot to drink. Maybe she should not leave them. After all, Finn had in a way entrusted her with the responsibility of his sister. He would not approve of her running off with some guy to scratch her itch. But since when did she care about his approval?

  “Don’t worry. We’re not that drunk,” Gina said, rolling her eyes.

  “We will text you,” Missy said hurriedly, her eyes glued over Samantha’s shoulder.

  “You’ll probably be too busy to look at your phone considering all those looks man candy is giving your backside.” Gina said smirking. “He looks impatient. You better turn around now.”

  Samantha tucked a loose curl behind her ear, took a deep breath and turned around. This was pretty simple. She had done this before. Found someone at the bar or the club and hooked up. Just a one night stand. Nothing more. So why was she feeling nervous?

  Mystery man lifted his hand and waved at her friends before returning the heating look on her. The two women behind her pretended to swoon making her lips twitch.

  “Bye, guys. Have fun,” she said walking towards the best part of her night.

  “Be safe!” Missy called out.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Gina added, making Samantha snort. There was not a lot adventurous Gina would not try. Guess she was telling her not to hold anything back which she really was not planning to do.

  Chapter 5


  “Let’s do this.”

  Instantly his hands were around her waist and he was steering her towards the exit. It was a good thing she had long legs because he was taking some big strides. The clamor faded as soon as they stepped out into the cool night air. The sudden chill washing over her exposed skin had her shivering, something he noticed instantly and drew his hand up to rub on her arm.

  “Did you drive here?” he asked quietly.


  “Good.” He steered her almost effortlessly towards his car and showing perfect gentleman manners, opened the door for her. “After you, ma’am.”

  As he helped her inside and shut the door, Samantha realized with a start that they did not even know each other’s names.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, noting the frowning on her brow as he put the key into the ignition. “Second thoughts?”

  “Hardly,” Samantha said with a small laugh. “I just realized that I don’t know your name.”

  The same realization seemed to hit him and his grey eyes widened slightly before he offered her his hand. “Hi, I’m Damien. And who might your lovely self be?”

  Damien. Even his name made her feel warm and gooey in places. Smiling, she shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Damien. I’m Samantha.” She liked the way the big hand engulfed hers so she held on a bit longer than necessary making his lips twitch slightly.

  “The pleasure’s all mine,” he said in a sinful voice. “Where would you like to head to?”

  He was giving her a choice. That was good. It meant he was not a psychopath trying to lure her away to his cave to chop her into pieces. Woah! Where had the gruesome thought come from? Wrinkling her nose, she thought furiously. Psychopath or not, she did not know him well enough to take him back to her place. According to the one night stand rulebook, a hotel room was their safest bet.

  “I know a place,” she said and gave him directions as he pulled out of the parking lot.

  “A hotel room?” Damien questioned a little uncertainly ten minutes later as they stepped out of the car.

  “Seemed like the safest bet,” Samantha said, smoothing down her dress. “This is okay, right?”

  “Uh, I have a thing against hotel rooms,” he said almost sheepishly.


  “It’s a rather long story. You wouldn’t like it. Why don’t we head back to my place? It’s much cleaner and it’s close by.”

  Did her seemingly perfect guy have OCD? He did not show any signs of it. Maybe he had bad experience in a hotel room before. Stop it. She was not an agent tonight. She did not need to analyze each and every move. She did not need her brains at work. Biting down on her lip, she simply nodded. It was only a few minutes’ drive from the hotel and the instant they pulled up outside his building, she texted Gina the address. Just in case she did not surface the next day. Way to kill the mood by have somber thoughts.

  “You’re frowning again.”

  Hurriedly, she fixed her expression and threw him a charming smile. “Sorry, thoughts took a wrong turn.” Great, now she was killing his mood too.

  He ushered them gently into the elevator and turned towards her as the doors pinged shut. Lifting up his hand, he traced the side of her face with a finger before coming to rest on her lips. His grey eyes darkened as they stared into hers and he said softly, “You shouldn’t be thinking right now.”

  Her pulse picked up and she parted her lips, sneaking out a pink tongue to lick at his tip. He inhaled sharply and remained immobile, his eyes glued to her pink lips. Following his advice, she shut off her mind
and pulled the tip of his finger into her mouth.

  Damien closed his eyes and groaned out loud as sudden pleasure zinged through his veins. The woman was a vixen. Tugging his finger from the wet cavern of her mouth, he pushed her backwards till her luscious ass hit the elevator rail. Gripping her waist in place, he dipped his mouth to her neck and latched on the pulse there like a greedy man. Different sensations seemed to overwhelm him at once. The crazy beat of her pulse, her taste, the softness of her skin, the warmth and the heady scent of arousal.

  His cock hardened as he continued to nuzzle at her sweet spot making her body arch against his. Christ. She was so responsive. He loved that. He loved the way her lower body tried to rub itself on his cock in an almost desperate manner. He was feeling her desperation. He almost lost it when she cried his name out softly.


  The elevator door slid open at that moment jerking him away from devouring her neck. With an effort, he pulled himself up and guided her out towards his apartment. Reaching into the back of his jeans pocket, he hurriedly pulled out the key and slammed it into the hole.

  “C’mon.” He cursed under his breath as the key seemed to get stuck. Giving it a vicious tug, he somehow managed to pull open the door and stumble inside with her. The instant the door slammed shut behind them, he had her up against the wall, his hips pinning her body effectively.

  “I don’t know if you have any idea just how crazy you have been driving me the whole evening,” Damien grunted, resting his forehead against hers as their harsh breaths mingled.

  “Me driving you crazy?” Samantha moaned, trying to find room to wiggle her hips but failing. “I’ve been nothing but wet since you first touched me.”

  A flurry of swear words left him. She was trying to kill him. Her forwardness in everything she did was turning him on. He liked that in a woman. She knew what she wanted and she went for it. But there was a part of him that was the gentleman so he had to be sure.

  “Samantha,” he said gruffly. “You sure about this?”

  He sounded so lame asking her that. Of course she was sure. She had been nothing but straight with up. The woman would not have gone anywhere if she had not wanted to.

  “I can’t believe you’re asking me that,” she said in a muffled tone.

  Neither could he. But a tiny part of him needed reassurance. When he made no further move, she seemed to get that he was waiting for an answer.

  “Yes! I’m sure!” she all but yelled out, wiggling underneath him. “Now get on with it. I’m aching here.”

  A wide grin unfurled on his face briefly before his expression turned somber and his eyes grew darker. She was not the only one aching. He was just about ready to burst in his pants. Gritting his teeth, he tried to regain some of his control when Samantha placed her hands on him.

  Snagging her wrists, he pushed her arms up above her head and murmured against her lips, “Peaches, I need to be in control right. You can explore all you want later.”

  “You’re not moving,” she said almost petulantly.

  The words were hardly out of her mouth when he latched his mouth on her lower lip. Growling as the taste of berries filled his mouth, he sucked hard, plumping it before releasing it.

  “You taste so incredible everywhere, Peaches,” he murmured against her skin as his lips traced her collarbone and started a downward journey. “Can’t wait to discover all the other sweet, juicy places.”

  He licked the trace of salt off her skin and kissed the top of her heaving breasts. They looked so great encased in the dark, soft material of her dress. Dropping his head between them, he nuzzled her and took pleasure in the way she arched towards him. His tongue ached to taste something, to have something more of her to suck on.

  “Oh my God,” she cried out as his teeth scraped against the nipple straining against the fabric. Pulling her still clothed breast into his wet mouth, he sucked earnestly. She strained herself, almost like she was trying to escape his hold. Smiling smugly, he sucked with renewed vigor till she was mewling loudly.

  Switching the hold of her wrists into his left hand, he brought his right hand to unzip her dress. Dragging the chain down slowly, he let his fingers trail the naked skin of her back raising shivers. Compared to his hardness everywhere, she was so soft and delicate against him.

  “You’re so soft, Peaches. And ripe.”

  Letting her hands drop, he pushed down the straps of her dress and slowly dragged it downwards. His eyes darkened as more naked flesh revealed itself. Perfection. She was just so delightfully perfect. Leaving the dress bunched around her waist, he rubbed the pointy attention seekers gently. Soft moans filled his ear. Every noise she made was so arousing. He found himself growing harder and longer and more uncomfortable in the confines of his constricting jeans.

  Damien looked up to see Samantha’s enthralled face as she watched with bright eyes every move he made. She was yielding under his hands and mouth like a perfect woman. A sudden thought occurred to him and a wicked smile slowly spread on his features.

  “Can you come just from breast play, Samantha?”

  Samantha tried not to groan at his question. The man was killing her with his slow torture. Extremely pleasurable torture. His mouth was too sinful to be true. And the dirty talking. Everything was hitting her so perfect, turning her into a puddle against him. Her panties were flooded and her senses were so heightened that every time she squirmed, it created a delicious friction.

  “Why don’t you find out?” she teased him. Another shiver wracked through her frame as his expression darkened with lust and his grey eyes gleamed with wickedness. Oh, she was poking the lion. Dangerous. But twenty different kinds of fun.

  A loud gasp tore out of her when the wet heat of his mouth encircled her breast. Like a scalding fire, heat spread across her skin, the flush covering almost every inch. Like a kid with his favorite toy, he played her, tasted her, and loved her breasts showing attention to both until the tension in her tightly wound body screamed for release. She was close but yet she could not go over the edge. Her hands came up to dig into his hair as she desperately sought the end.

  “Damien … please!” Her lips moved fervently as he toyed with her nipple, pulling at it and twisting it, starting a burn. She was begging him. The unintelligible words that were pouring from her mouth would have embarrassed her any other time but right then she did not care. She was almost on the brink of ultimate pleasure.

  His teeth scraped sharply on her tip while his fingers pulled at the other one. Almost immediately he soothed the sting, by gently sucking on it. He alternated between stings and soothing licks driving her insane. Just as she was about to yell at him to stop, he squeezed her breast and bit sharply on the sensitive nipple sending her completely over the edge.

  Chapter 6

  Waves and waves of pleasure just keep crashing into Samantha. In the moment of the heat, she did not know what words spilled from her mouth but when the intense pleasure fog cleared slightly she found Damien staring at her with a hungry expression. He looked ready to pounce making her cream more.

  “Christ,” he swore harshly. “Peaches, that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. As much as I would love to see how you respond to my mouth on heat, I can’t wait any longer. Have to be inside you. Now.”

  Smiling lazily up at him, she just assented. Just as quickly she found herself airborne and then her back met the softness of a mattress. Pinning her hands up like he had done against the wall, Damien bore down on her and took her mouth in one hard kiss.

  “It’s going to be hard and fast first,” he simply stated.

  His naked thighs wedged between hers and pushed them apart to accommodate his broadness. When had he gotten out of his pants? She gasped and her eyes widened as the hard length of him nudged at the wetness between her thighs.

  “I’m game,” she managed to get out. After that first intense orgasm he gave her, she was pretty much game for anythin
g he wanted to do to her. Her thoughts blanked out when he thrust into her in one fluid motion. “Oh.”

  He was huge. She could feel him hitting her cervix. Looking up, she creamed at the expression on his face. His handsome face had twisted into a savage mask as he fought to control himself. He was holding himself immobile letting her adjust to his size and the sweetness of that small action did not escape her. A small tear escaped her eye and she quickly turned her face to the side.

  Damien growled something out and then begin to slowly move. He pulled himself all the way out and then plunged back into her silken heat. At her mewl, he lost control and gripping her wrists in an almost bruising manner, he fucked her fast and hard just like he said he would. The bed creaked and the couple lost in passion agreed with each other fervently.

  Samantha dug her heels into his back as her hips arched off the bed and she came crying out his name. He shoved himself in and out her. Once. Twice. And the third time he threw his head back and roared towards the ceiling, his muscles tensing with the force of his orgasm.

  Collapsing on top of her, he struggled to catch his breath and then gently rolled off to the side. Slowly she brought her arms down, feeling the sting of the pins and needles. Her body felt so refreshingly sore in all the right places. As she came down from her high, she turned to her side and glanced at him. He was lying with his arm slung over his eyes, chest moving up and down. He had been so out of control that he was still wearing his shirt.

  Her hand crept over and she started to unbutton it. He moved his hand and opened one eye, watching the motion of her fingers.

  “What are you doing?” he asked hoarsely.

  “You got to see mine. Tit for tat,” she returned, grinning mischievously.

  “By all means, go ahead.” Damien got into a more relaxed position, crossing his fingers behind his head.


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