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Promised Box Set

Page 105

by James Kipling

  Brad knew he was cornered and had to give some suggestions. He volunteered. “Maybe Bill, Rick, or Mike…”

  Shelley giggled. “And what if it’s a girl?”

  “I think I’ll leave that to you. I’m sure you could think of a thousand names, being a lady…” Brad responded slyly.

  “Oh no, you’re not getting away with that answer. I want names.”

  “I think you’ll be amused…” Brad said.

  “Try me.”

  Brad had to give her something. “Well… Jill, Betty, or Cynthia…”

  Shelley loved it. She giggled again. “Well, sir. I think you are very creative. I will take your suggestions into consideration and get back to you in seven months’ time.”

  They both laughed. It was quite amusing, and the conversation helped ease away the tension that Matt had created an hour ago. Time was moving along, albeit slowly. They started looking at all the babies in their mothers’ arms. Shelley started thinking about what her own baby would look like.

  As if he sensed her thoughts Brad quipped, “Don’t worry about that either. Worrying about Matt is bad enough. I’m sure you’ll have a beautiful baby, boy or girl.”

  Shelley smiled.

  The queue was moving along, but it was a busy day for Dr. Johnson. He had to examine the mothers and babies carefully. All this needed patience. If Shelley and Brad had known that there would be such a long line, they would have gotten to the clinic earlier. They were in agreement that the next visit would be made at an earlier and more convenient time.

  Brad soaked in the pressure. The clock was ticking and the more time he sat in the clinic, the harder it would be to complete his assignment by the end of the week. His boss needed the feature story and Brad still had to investigate Matt.

  Shelley’s turn to see Dr. Johnson finally came. Brad was relieved. He opted to wait outside and Shelley was glad he did because of the questions she had for the doctor.

  “Good morning Shelley,” said Dr. Johnson. “And how are you this morning?”

  “I feel fine.”

  “That’s good. Have you been taking care of yourself well?” he asked.

  “I’ve tried to. The person who almost killed me has been harassing me and there’s no proof to pin on him.”

  “Well, don’t let that worry you too much. He will be caught eventually. At this point, I am more concerned about your health and lifestyle. As your pregnancy progresses, you will have to be more careful about your diet, which I believe is healthy, judging by what you are feeling.”

  “Yes, I’m trying to eat healthy and stay out of trouble. But trouble keeps following me around. My attacker has been harassing and threatening me almost every day and I’m worried about what he’ll do next. Any suggestions to keep me from worrying?” asked Shelley.

  “I can’t give you a remedy for that, but you need to learn how to relax. Talk to friends and relatives; anyone you can trust and confide in. It usually works wonders. Do you know or have someone to talk to?”

  “Yes, I do – a close friend. A man…”

  “Oh? Are you in a relationship?”

  “We’re fond of each other, but our relationship is still in its early stages. We just met recently, but he’s been comforting and caring. He’s stuck by my side all through the traumatic experiences that I’ve gone through.”

  “Go on,” Dr. Johnson persisted.

  “He’s the reason why I’m more settled and feeling fine. I wanted to ask you a few questions regarding the relationship, though.”

  “Well, Shelley, I am not a relationship counselor. I can advise you only to the best of my knowledge.”

  “I understand. I wanted to know if I could get intimate with him,” said Shelley. “Would it affect the baby?”

  “I take it he is not the father of the baby?”

  “No. He isn’t.” Shelley felt a sense of shame as she answered the doctor. He noticed her reaction to his question.

  “You don’t have to be embarrassed about it. I’ll have you know that there are many women who ask me the same question well into their pregnancies. The fact is, sex is a part of life and it doesn’t mean that once a woman gets pregnant, she stops having it. You can go ahead and have sex with your partner as long as he accepts your condition and situation. However, I advise you to use protection, just in case.”

  “I see. Thank you for the advice.”

  The medical examination commenced after the discussion. Both Shelley and the baby were found to be in good health. Shelley was happy. She thanked Dr. Johnson and left his office in high spirits.

  Brad sat and waited. He agonized at how long Shelley was taking. Finally, she came out. He had not seen her so happy before. It could only mean that everything was okay.

  “You seem to be in unusually high spirits,” he observed.

  “Yes. I was given a clean bill of health. But I have to eat right and make sure my diet has all the necessary nutrients for the baby and myself. Dr. Johnson also advised me to take supplements to improve the baby’s growth and development. I’ll go to the pharmacy later and get some.”

  “Anything I missed?”

  Shelley decided not to tell Brad about her conversation with Dr. Johnson. She would let things happen naturally. Shelley feared that if she told Brad about her enquiry with the doctor, he might feel rushed when he was not yet ready. It needed the right moment and this was not the time for him to know, at least not just yet.

  They left the clinic shortly thereafter and Brad dropped Shelley off at the automotive plant before going back to the house to complete his story.

  On reaching the house, Brad completely immersed himself in writing his feature story. He had gathered enough information and all he had to do was write it in a compelling manner. That was not hard. Brad had gained the skills in college and through years of experience. He skipped lunch and continued until early evening when Shelley got back from work. One of her colleagues had dropped her off at home. Shelley’s car was ready, but she had not had the motivation to go and collect it. Moreover, she decided it would be better to do so over the weekend, as it would not require her to take some more time off from work again.

  Brad offered to take Shelley to dinner to celebrate her clean bill of health. Shelley obliged and they went out for the evening. It would help take her mind off things, and they agreed not to discuss Matt or anything about him that night. They went to a secluded area of town that was not congested and had a great restaurant where couples could wine and dine in privacy. Brad was also in a celebrative mood, having completed his assignment on Savannah. He forwarded the feature story to his boss, who sent him a congratulatory text message for his efforts and a job well done.

  They ordered Chinese and sampled a variety of oriental cuisines. Shelley joined Brad in drinking mild wine. He ordered it deliberately because of her pregnancy, knowing that it was safe. They chatted about everything, including family. Shelley enquired about Brad’s parents.

  “So, how are your mom and dad doing?”

  Brad was a bit surprised at the question. “Well, I visited them last week. They seemed fine. Both of them have alcohol-related conditions, though.”

  Shelley sympathized with Brad. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope they get well soon.”

  “The doctors say that they’re both going to have to live with their illnesses for the rest of their lives,” he said. “Mom has high blood pressure and dad has gout.”

  “I think they’re in good hands and we should pray for them.”

  “What about yours?”

  “My parents passed away two years ago in a road accident,” she said. “Head-on collision with an oncoming truck on the highway.”

  “I’m really sorry to hear about that. But, sometimes certain experiences make you stronger. I’ve noticed that with you.”

  “I miss them every day,” Shelley said, “like it happened yesterday.”

  “I know it must be tough on you, Shelley
. But, you have to pick up the pieces and move on. You have a baby on the way and that’s a bundle of joy. Look at it as compensation for your previous loss.”

  They talked about each other’s personal lives in detail, something they had never done since they met. Brad and Shelley were now open and totally free with each other.

  Shelley asked Brad what his immediate plans for the future were. “Do you see yourself remaining an investigative journalist for a long time?”

  “Yeah, I don’t really have the time for anything else at the moment. Getting tied down will reduce my focus on the job.”

  Shelley was hurt, and the moment Brad finished the sentence, he realized that he had upset Shelley. Brad tried to reconstruct the sentence in a better way, but it fell on deaf ears. The damage had already been done. Just when Shelley thought the relationship was headed somewhere, Brad disclosed that he was not really intent on settling down with anybody just yet.

  The night ended on a sour note. There was little said between the two for the rest of the evening. They went back to Shelley’s house and said good night and went to bed abruptly.

  That night, Brad pondered his words at the restaurant and wished he could have taken them back or at least said something different and more in tune with the moment. Brad had grown fond of Shelley and he knew that she was fond of him. Perhaps he had gotten into a proper relationship subconsciously. Tired and confused, Brad fell asleep a few hours later not knowing what the following morning would bring. He hoped Shelley would forgive him and wake up in a better mood. She wasn’t going to work, as it was Saturday and Brad did not know how he would handle the situation with Shelley being around the house the whole weekend.

  Chapter 8

  Brad did not get much sleep. Despite having slept late, he found himself in an awkward situation and was not sure what to do. Brad thought of going back to the hotel, but the situation was rather confusing. He had completed his feature story and all that was left was stopping Matt from harassing and threatening Shelley. He decided to wait a while before getting up and showering. Brad knew Shelley would wake up soon, so he waited to see what would happen.

  Soon enough, Shelley awoke. She went into the living room and found that Brad had not woken up. Little did she know, he was awake but pretending to be asleep. Shelley went into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. Brad watched while Shelley made bacon and eggs. He noticed she wasn’t in a bad mood and she was humming one of her favorite tunes.

  These were positive signs and Brad was glad. Shelley looked like she had put the previous night’s issues behind her. Brad felt comfortable enough to dose off a while. He was still feeling the effects of sleeping later than usual. After roughly fifteen minutes, Brad felt movement right next to his body. He chose not to open his eyes and still pretended to be asleep.

  Shelley whispered into his ear, “Breakfast is ready… It’s in the bedroom…”

  She was gone. Brad couldn’t believe what he heard. He was wide-awake now, pondering his next move. From the bedroom, he heard Shelley say, “I know you’re awake and the meal is getting cold. Since you’ve taken up the space where the coffee table is meant to be, I decided to serve it in the bedroom. I hope you’re okay with that.”

  Brad responded, pretending to be half asleep. “I’m coming.”

  He heard Shelley giggling. Brad got up and went into Shelley’s bedroom. She was still in her nightdress and tucked under the sheets. Shelley had placed the breakfast seductively on her lap.

  “I figured you can tuck yourself in and have your breakfast at the same time. There’s not much to do today. No need to rush anywhere, is there?”

  Brad smiled and agreed. He got into Shelley’s bed and they started breakfast. Shelley told him not to worry about the previous night.

  “Last night, I think I got carried away... This is my way of apologizing to you. You’ve done so much for me and I haven’t thanked you…”

  “No problem. You don’t need to,” said Brad. “I would do it again if you needed help.”

  There was silence as they ate breakfast. Brad could smell Shelley’s scent, and it aroused him. Shelley was also feeling flushed. They finished breakfast and Shelley put the dishes down on her side of the bed instead of taking them to the kitchen.

  “I’ll wash the dishes later. I want to stay in bed for a while and listen to all your stories. I know you’ve met a few gals in your life.”

  Brad was taken aback. He laughed and asked her what she meant.

  “A handsome man like you must get some looks now and then. Do you pass them all up?”

  Brad answered, “You’d be surprised. They don’t come that easy.”

  They both laughed. Brad went on, “I have had some flings here and there, but never a friend like you.”

  “Are you sure, or are you just trying to look decent and harmless?” Shelley joked.

  Brad laughed again. “Of course. Damn sure.”

  “Are you uncomfortable near me?” Shelley asked.

  Brad was embarrassed and unsure of what to say. “Well…no…”

  “Then you can keep me company in bed. Get yourself tucked in. You need to rest after a long week.”

  Brad slid deeper under the sheets. There was silence for a few minutes. Shelley moved her body close to him and laid her head on his chest. Brad did not know what to do, but he had a feeling where it was all going. Shelley kissed him on his chest and then lay on top of him. They were now face to face and Brad could feel her heavy breathing. He knew she wanted him and Brad felt the same way.

  “You can make love to me,” Shelley told him. “I want you to. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “What about the baby?” asked Brad.

  “I have condoms under the pillow.”

  Brad slid his hand under the pillowcase and found them. He pulled them out and found a three-pack. Shelley moved her hand down slowly and started fondling him. She kissed him on his lips, their tongues exchanging saliva as they became fully aroused. Shelley took the condoms from Brad, opened the pack, and unpackaged one condom. She slid his boxers off and put the condom on Brad.

  Brad undressed Shelley, and then removed his t-shirt. They were both naked. He turned Shelley on her back and kissed her again. He slid his hands down her breasts and squeezed them gently. He sucked them for a few seconds. Shelley groaned with pleasure and responded by spreading her legs apart. Brad entered Shelley and thrust his manhood deep into her vagina.

  Shelley grunted as she met Brad’s thrusts with her own. She clawed Brad’s back in ecstasy as Brad pounded her hard with passion. She asked him for more and he gave it to her. These motions drove them to a climax. After fifteen minutes of making love, Shelley’s body exploded into an orgasm. Brad came at the same time. The sheets were soaked with their sweat. Brad dismounted Shelley and lay beside her, breathing heavily and feeling refreshed and tired at the same time.

  There was silence as they dozed off and rested for a while. Brad opened his eyes to find Shelley still naked. She had cuddled up next to him and her eyes were closed. At that moment, Brad realized that he had fallen head over heels for Shelley and she was also in love with him.

  Shelley moved. “That was wonderful. There are two more left…”

  Brad kissed her passionately. They remained in a tight embrace as their bodies became aroused again. They made love for a second and then third time in different positions before napping for the rest of the morning.

  Brad and Shelley got up at midday. They showered together and decided to go for an outing. Shelley borrowed Brad’s tablet to check her mail. She was surprised at what she found in the inbox.

  There were emails from all her ex-boyfriends. All of them had nasty replies. Shelley wondered how they would have sent her such messages and realized that her email had been hacked. She told Brad.

  “What do you mean?” he asked. “By whom?”

  “I have a number of replies from my ex-boyfriends, all nasty. I
haven’t communicated with any of them for at least a year.”

  Brad was concerned. “Well, whoever did it must be someone close to you and that means it could be Matt.”

  “The last one only has the message ‘Love’ written on it,” said Shelley.

  “The only person I can tell that has deep differences with you right now is Matt, and that last message seems like his style.”

  There was silence for a few minutes. Then Brad said jokingly, “I didn’t know you were that popular.”

  Shelley was still upset, but she couldn’t help laughing. “Actually, in high school, I wasn’t one of the cool girls. I had a severe bout of acne as a teenager and that meant I wasn’t as pretty as I turned out eventually.”

  Brad laughed. Shelley continued, “After graduation, the acne calmed down and I started dating. But don’t worry, I wasn’t sleeping around with everyone, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

  Brad felt a little embarrassed and went silent.

  Most folks in Savannah went on picnics over the weekend, as there was not much to do after a long week of toil. To diffuse the situation further, Brad suggested they go on a picnic as well.

  “Why not? I think this one should end well,” said Shelley.

  Brad laughed at Shelley’s insinuation. “We can drive out of town in the opposite direction. I spotted a nice picnic area off the highway as I drove into Savannah last week. I was told it’s a favorite spot for people from the neighboring town of Jackson.”

  Shelley seemed enthusiastic. “Sounds good to me. I’ll make some burgers. We could leave by two o’clock.”

  “Great. Is there anything you need from town? I could go and be back in thirty minutes tops.”

  “You can get me some groceries,” said Shelley. “Lettuce, fruits, that kind of stuff.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a short while.”

  Brad went into town and bought the groceries. He wanted to buy some wine, but decided to wait until the evening on the way back. Driving after a drink before sunset was not his style and he knew Shelley would need to keep off the bottle for the next couple of months.


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