Book Read Free

Promised Box Set

Page 107

by James Kipling

  Brad and the Sherriff went back to the office. Brad got into his car and continued the search as well. Perhaps Shelley was still alive and somewhere not too distant from town. All the same, time was running out. Brad drove to the outskirts and made enquiries about Shelley. He was desperate and knew every minute counted. He then went back to the house and waited for news from Sherriff Riley regarding the same. The day dragged on and then he got a call from Jim, whom he’d left his contact information with the previous day as he searched for Shelley.

  “Hello. I wanted to let you know that Matt was here yesterday evening,” said Jim. “He was refueling a red sedan. Didn’t say much. Seemed to be in a hurry. He looked a bit out of sorts and said he was going into town to look for an old friend to finish off some business.”

  Brad asked him, “Do you remember the time he was at your place?”

  “It was early evening. He came from town and went back. I hope that information helps. The Sherriff was here earlier regarding Matt and Shelley’s whereabouts.”

  “Thanks, Jim. Much appreciated.”

  Brad realized that if Matt had abducted Shelley, it must have been around the same time that he had fueled at Jim’s station. Matt would have needed enough fuel to drive Shelley to a location out of town, perhaps not too far but far enough to avoid any suspicion and detection.

  Shelley was very uncomfortable. She had remained in the same position from the previous night with only slight movement when Matt brought her some food. From the beam of light in the room, it was already noon and Shelley heard the sound of a car at a distance. It stopped before reaching the subdivision. She knew it was Matt. Maybe he had decided to end her life at that point in the day.

  Once again, Shelley heard him ascending the stairs and waited. Matt came in carrying sandwiches and a soft drink.

  “Think of it as being on death row. You get your last wishes a few hours before you’re executed. You can make yours now.”

  Matt untied the rope around Shelley’s wrists removed the masking tape and gave her the food and beverage. By now, Shelley had lost her appetite. She pleaded with Matt. “Please… just let me go. I won’t say anything.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” he asked. “After all that has happened. Charlene will help me achieve my ambitions, and you will only make sure that I lose everything.”

  “I promise Matt, I won’t do that. I will take full responsibility for the baby as a single mother. You do not need to cater for support or anything else for that matter… I am begging you, Matt… just this once… one last time… for old times’ sake.”

  Matt laughed out loud. He asked, “You think you can fool me, don’t you? The minute I let you go, you’ll go running to that hotshot journalist friend of yours and straight to the police even before I know it. You must be kidding me.”

  By now, Shelley was crying her heart out. She begged for mercy. Shelley threw the food that Matt had brought to the other end of the room. Matt only laughed and told her:

  “Suit yourself. Anyway, it doesn’t really make any difference. You are my convict and you only have a few hours to live. There’s nothing you can do to stop me, and I’ll be able to get rid of you once and for all. You were never really my type, anyway.”

  Shelley apologized and begged even more, but her last action killed any hope of touching Matt. She was trying to buy time and it wasn’t working. Matt was a sick and demented man and the only place that he could find some peace was in jail. Matt tied Shelley up and gagged her again.

  Shelley knew it was time to say her last prayers. As the day progressed, her hopes continued to fall and the only thing she could do was pray. Shelley spent the rest of the afternoon in prayer asking God to forgive her sins and to give her another chance to live. In her prayers, she vowed to be more careful about her dates, finish her education, and take care of her child.

  The prayers made Shelley find peace and calm in her spirit. It was as though God had answered her prayers. Shelley was ready for the inevitable. She was ready to meet her maker.

  Back in town, Brad went back to Sherriff Riley’s office and reported what Jim had told him. Sherriff Riley was becoming very suspicious about Matt. He had a hunch that trailing Matt could lead them to Shelley’s whereabouts. Brad spent the rest of the evening at Sherriff Riley’s office because he had nothing else to do. He had exhausted all his leads and all Brad could do now was wait impatiently. This was the most difficult part of the evening, as Brad’s frustration grew and he realized that he was helpless.

  After spending two hours at the Sherriff’s office, Brad decided to go back to Shelley’s house. He had not eaten anything since morning and despite this, he was not hungry. Brad forced himself to eat. He made a sandwich, but everything he did, every motion made him remember Shelley. It was just the previous day when they had stood in the kitchen preparing food for the picnic. Brad tried to block such memories because they were not of much help. He ate his sandwich and settled on the living room couch, looking for answers.

  Brad checked the messages on his phone and found an unfamiliar number. He called back, but there was no answer. An hour later, the phone rang and Brad answered it promptly. At the other end of the line was a young lady’s voice. For a moment, he had hoped it was Shelley. Unfortunately, it was a stranger’s voice.

  “Hello, Brad speaking.”

  “Hi. My name is Charlene, a friend of Matt’s, and I got your contact from your friend Jim. He told me about the disappearance of your friend and suggested that I may be in a position to help. If there’s anything you need, you can reach me on this number. Please feel free to call me any time.”

  “Thank you, Charlene. I’ll appreciate any help I can get.”

  “I am so sorry to hear about Shelley,” she said. “Any news on her whereabouts yet?”

  “Nothing yet. Still searching.”

  “Let me know if you need anything right away. Bye for now.”

  Brad hung up and sat on the sofa, feeling utterly dejected.

  Chapter 10

  It was going on midnight. Matt had already prepared himself for the final trip to the subdivision. He knew what needed to be done, because there was no way he could leave Shelley alive and get away with what he had done the whole week. Moreover, his delusional mind told him that the only way he was going to achieve his ambitions was through Charlene. In order to do this, he would need to get Shelley out of the way.

  Matt was suspicious about the police, and he was almost certain that he was being followed by an officer. He noticed an unmarked sedan parked some distance from his house. It had not moved from the spot an hour after Sherriff Riley had visited to make enquiries about his whereabouts the previous night. Consequently, Matt decided not to use the car that he had rented from a friend out of town. Instead, he slipped out of the house through the back door and made for the bus stop. The distance between the highway and subdivision was not beyond reach on foot, and this would give him good cover, since he would not have the car with him. It meant no refueling as well. As a result, no one would know where he went if he left the house quietly.

  Meanwhile, Brad kept on sifting through the facts that he had on Matt. He put himself in Matt’s shoes for a moment. Up until the previous evening, Matt’s methods had signified something. It was symbolic, and he had developed a pattern of doing things. Matt was one to carry out his threats as had been confirmed. Brad wondered where Matt would have taken Shelley and if she was still alive. He knew Matt liked the local bars and had a favorite spot. Matt had also liked to go out to the picnic site until recently. The only other thing that Matt wanted to do was buy a home in the subdivision and settle there, most likely with Charlene.

  It got Brad thinking. As Savannah was a small town, there weren’t many places that someone could go. There wasn’t much to see in a town where the economy was shrinking. So, Matt did not have many options. The location he took Shelley to must have been a place where she could be kept without anyone knowin
g. It could not be in town. It would have to be on the outskirts – silent, abandoned, and reachable.

  Brad realized that the only logical place that Matt would be able to hide Shelley was the subdivision. It was one of his favorite places and this meant that, since it was a safe distance away from the town center, Shelley or her body would not be easily found.

  Unaware that Brad may have figured out his plan, Matt felt confident and caught the next bus headed in the direction of the subdivision. As an extra precaution, Matt passed the subdivision and got off at the next bus stop. This way, anyone that may have recognized him would have seen him alight from the bus ahead and would have reported a different story under cross-examination. Matt doubled back to the subdivision on foot. It was quite some distance but he didn’t mind the walk. It was dark and most of the night residents of Savannah were tucked in bed or having a late drink in one of the local bars.

  Brad gave the Sherriff a call. “Good evening, Sherriff Riley. Sorry to disturb you this late. I was reviewing Matt’s behavior and habits and something occurred to me. Matt has always had the burning ambition to own a home in the subdivision. It could be a place he goes to have a look at every now and then.”

  “I guess so,” said Sherriff Riley. But, they don’t work over the weekend and the place will be locked.”

  “That’s the point. What better place to hide Shelley? Other than the subdivision, he would have to keep her somewhere in town or in Jackson. I doubt whether he has the resources to do either.”

  “So what you’re suggesting is that Matt may have taken Shelley to the subdivision and kept her in one of the houses that are under construction?” asked the Sherriff.

  “It just may be possible,” said Brad. “Perhaps we could go and have a look?”

  “Well, it’s pretty late and with all the budgetary constraints, the Mayor could raise hell and accuse us of a wild goose chase, but what the hell. I think it’s worth checking it out. Let’s meet there. I’ll get an officer to accompany us. An extra hand may prove useful. The officer watching Matt says his vehicle is still there but the lights have been out for a while. Apparently, he may have turned in early but that isn’t Matt’s style.”

  Brad got himself ready in a few minutes. He passed by Jim’s fuel station and refueled before heading to the subdivision. The drive took the better part of an hour. The subdivision was a new development that was meant to cater for the increasing population in Savannah in anticipation of an economic recovery that was still years away. The project had started and then stalled because of the economic downturn. It was revived again, as it had become clear that Savannah would be poised for recovery once the local residents adapted to modernization of the plants. Increased skills would lead to availability of qualified workers and this would attract business.

  The Savannah Mayor made it a point to woo investors to the town because of its potential. The subdivision would absorb the new immigrants that were expected to start streaming in eventually as well as the local townsfolk that had adapted to change. Matt believed he would be in the category of the latter despite his shortcomings. He had realized that no employer would hire a livewire worker and this would thus make it impossible for him to progress. And that is why he became involved with Charlene, because he could use her as his ticket to wealth and prosperity.

  Charlene was the daughter of the owner of the local Telecom system, and she had taken a liking to Matt. Matt knew how to con ladies and dump them after he had gotten what he wanted, be it sex or money.

  Just before leaving for the subdivision, Brad called Charlene and asked her for the directions to get there. “I think there is a possibility that Shelley may be there,” Brad told her. “I’m also sorry to say that Matt may be the person that abducted Shelley. They broke up just a week ago, and Matt is suspected of attempting to commit murder by throwing Shelley overboard while they were picnicking on Lake Ferguson.”

  Charlene was shocked to hear this revelation. “Why didn’t you mention this to me earlier?”

  “I wasn’t sure how you would react to the information. I hope you can still help me if I need your assistance. I may go there and find them, and considering the state of Matt’s mind, he may react in an uncontrollable way and make it difficult to save Shelley.”

  “I understand. Anyway, don’t hesitate to contact me. Now that you’ve told me about Matt’s tendencies, it seems as if he has a demented mind. I was fond of him, but with such news, I would rather stay away. I don’t want to become another victim of his. I feel sorry for Shelley and pray she’s not the one caught up in this ordeal. Let me know if you need anything. I’m ready to assist you in any possible way that I can. Best of luck.”

  Charlene hung up and Brad started his journey to the subdivision. He called the Sherriff on his way there and informed him that he would call back once he got there. Brad found the turning to the subdivision easily. There was a large sign indicating the development was in progress.

  As a precaution, Brad turned off the headlights of the car. Little did he know, Matt was a short distance ahead and had seen the lights of Brad’s car. Matt sprinted the remaining distance as if his life depended on it. Brad drove at a very low speed in order to be as silent as possible. On reaching the gate to the development, Brad found that the padlock had been broken. It only meant one thing – there was forced entry into the area. At this point, Brad called Sherriff Riley.

  “Hello, Sherriff. How far out are you?”

  “Just about two miles,” he said. “Have you seen anything yet?”

  “I’m at the entrance and the padlock to the main gate is broken. There’s been forced entry to the site.”

  “You had better proceed with caution or wait until we get there and go in together.”

  “There’s no time to waste,” said Brad. “Since I’m here, I’ll settle for the former and keep you posted.”

  “Okay. We’re right behind you.”

  Brad hung up and decided to proceed on foot. He pulled out a flashlight from the car. However, he had second thoughts about using it because he knew it would make him an easy target. Instead, he walked silently under the moonlight, trying to move under the shadows of the trees that lined the drive to the houses at the back that were almost complete.

  After walking for twenty minutes, Brad thought he heard voices. He stopped and waited in the shadows. It went silent again. Just as he was about to start moving again, he heard Shelley’s voice. She was pleading with Matt, and sobbing too. He could hear bits of the conversation.

  “Your time’s up, Shelley. It’s either you or me. I chose the latter a while back.”

  Shelley was in tears. “Please, Matt. Let me live. I will leave town… Go somewhere else… You’ll never see me again. I promise.”

  “Sorry, Shelley. No can do. You left me with no choice. I can’t have a baby with you. You’re just not my type. We’re just not meant to be.”

  Shelley screamed and pleaded for mercy. Brad wondered. Was he too late? He ran the final yards and burst into the house. He found them there in an embrace. Matt had a knife to Shelley’s neck. He had already grazed her skin with it and blood was trickling from the cut. Matt had removed the masking tape from Shelley’s mouth, as if to give her time to say her last few words. All he got was a scream that made Brad get there in the nick of time. Brad confronted Matt.

  “What are you doing? Get your hands off her!”

  “Oh! Your hotshot journalist boyfriend has come to save you now, has he?”

  “I am warning you! Sherriff Riley is on the way. You’re finished, Matt!”

  “Not just yet. Now back off before I cut her jugular. You will be responsible for that, you know.”

  “You’re the suspect, not me. Now let go!”

  “Or what?” asked Matt. “Come and get her if you can!”

  Matt was taunting Brad. Brad got the phone out of his pocket and called Charlene as Matt enjoyed himself by spewing out threats to Shelley and ta
unting Brad. Charlene answered.

  “Hello, Charlene? It’s Brad here.”

  Matt stared in shock. He could not believe that Brad had gotten in touch with Charlene. He wondered how this was possible.

  “Hello, Brad. Any luck?” she asked.

  “I found them. Matt is armed with a knife and is going to kill Shelley. Can you try and talk him out of it?”

  “I’m not sure he’ll listen…”

  “He adores you,” said Brad. “He’ll listen to you, Charlene… Please talk to him. He’s gone crazy!”

  “Give him the phone. I’ll try, but I’m still not sure he’ll listen.”

  Brad told Matt to take the phone. “Talk to Charlene, Matt, for heaven’s sake… Speak with your girlfriend. She doesn’t want you to do something you’ll regret.”

  Meanwhile, Sherriff Riley had reached the first phase of the development where the houses were almost complete. He came out of the patrol car and heard the conversation. He and the officer accompanying him made their way stealthily to the house and climbed the stairs quietly.

  Matt refused to take the phone. “How do I know you’re not bluffing? It’s over.”

  “No, wait. Let me put it on the speaker, so you can hear her voice from here.”

  Brad changed the settings of his phone and told Charlene to say a word to Matt. Meanwhile, Shelley was going into shock. She fainted in Matt’s arms, and he struggled to hold her in a position where he could stab her in the neck easily. Brad gave him the phone.

  “I’m warning you,” said Matt. “Any false move and she’s history. You got that?”

  “Yes, I understand. Charlene, say something. Here’s the phone. Just don’t hurt her.”

  Matt took the phone and spoke to Charlene. “I’m doing this for us, darling. I don’t want Shelley to ruin everything.”

  “You don’t have to do it,” said Charlene. “I love you and want to see you again, but I don’t want you to harm anyone because of the love we have for each other.”


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