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Second Realm

Page 38

by Michael Chatfield

  “Alchemist West, the head has sent me out to guide you. If you would follow me?” A young lady came out from a room to greet Erik and the guard.

  “Certainly.” Erik nodded and smiled.

  Her smile seemed to wipe away his worries as she led him into the Blue Lotus.

  Erik casually turned his head to the side, doing a casual pit test. Well, I won’t be making any friends with that!


  Liao Ah sent off the rest of her group to go to their homes and see their families.

  The Ekeem clan had a number of different areas that they controlled, from the clan’s actual compounds to their markets and trading areas, stables, workshops, and more.

  She went down a few alleyways and to a hidden doorway. She knocked on a door; it opened for her and she walked inside.

  The door closed behind her and she was in darkness.

  She walked through the halls with familiarity before she reached a corridor. A light was on and there was an open room.

  She walked into the room and the room’s door closed behind her.

  “Report.” An indistinct voice came from the room.

  “I have made a contract. I cannot reveal much information, though I can suggest that the clan quickly makes a friendship with the two men who came with us to the city,” Liao Ah said.


  “Contract, unable.” Liao Ah felt a faint discomfort. She hadn’t talked about them directly, or threatened them or put them in a threatening position. She was a part of the information gathering group that was under the Ekeem family. It was a complicated network of spies and messengers who talked to one another.

  “Understood. Make your report as you can,” the voice continued.

  Liao Ah started to report, from leaving Taeman—but skipping the dungeon—and then coming back to the city.

  The voice only asked a few questions, listening the entire time, categorizing the information to decide whether it would go higher or not.


  Jole was taken directly back to the Ekeem clan’s compound. It was only a few minutes after he had been hauled away that he was berating the guard who had him thrown over his shoulder.

  He ordered the man to go back to kill the man who had embarrassed him, but he kept running, not saying a word as he entered the Ekeem family compound and then went directly toward Jole’s direct family residence, the building his father lived in.

  Over three hundred people were part of the Ekeem family, with nearly two times that number attending on their every need.

  Taeman was a city located in a desert but there were still gardens and ponds filled with life. These kinds of expensive luxuries could only be held by the four families who ruled over Taeman.

  Jole’s father was a large and sturdy man. Power seemed to gather around him, making the air oppressive. He stormed out of his main hall, looking to see Jole and the shadow guard descend in front of him.

  “Father!” Jole yelled out as the guard released him and fell to his knees.

  “You are okay. What happened?” Endalh Ekeem said, looking over his son.

  Jole wouldn’t rise up to take his position in the future, but he had high hopes for his son to be accepted into one of the powerful sects that had links to the higher realms.

  His training talent was great and by killing a number of subdued animals, his level had risen greatly.

  Jole told the story of Erik, saying how he was looking to sully Delilah and that he stood up for her honor, only to find that he was using her to try to attack Jole.

  By the end of the story, it sounded as if there was some great shadow enemy plotting to kill Jole.

  Endalh Ekeem knew that his son was prone to exaggerating things but from it all, he could tell that the man had some incredible strength and had easily dispatched Jole’s five guards with his bare fists.

  “Jole, see to your wounds. I will deal with this,” Endalh said.

  “Yes, Father,” Jole said subserviently. There was no one else he would bow his head to in Taeman.

  Making a noise of approval, Endalh walked back into his hall, waving for the shadow guard to follow.

  They reached Endalh’s private chambers and the shadow guard knelt before Endalh.

  “Tell me it all,” Endalh commanded as he sat in his chair.

  The shadow guard talked in a no-nonsense tone. He didn’t hide anything from Endalh, making him sigh in different places.

  “This son of mine, chasing girls, trying to act a knight and becoming the villain!” Endalh shook his head with a tired expression.

  “Lord Endalh, there is more,” the shadow guard said.

  Endalh waved for the guard to continue. Endalh’s bored appearance turned dark and gloomy as the shadow guard finished his tale.

  “His bones were strong enough to stop the blade? It even made a ringing noise when it got stuck between his fingers?” Endalh clarified after the shadow guard was finished.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “He used a healing potion and doused his hand in it as if it were simple water, allowing his hand to repair?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “And he stated that he was an alchemist.” Endalh’s voice rose in volume as he talked, sitting forward and linking his fingers together.

  “Yes, my lord.” The shadow guard shook under the pressure from Endalh’s billowing power that made it hard to even breathe in the room.

  “Is he really my son or does he want to kill me?” Endalh roared. The room shook.

  He took a moment to collect himself. “Come with me. We will go and talk to the fourth elder and see if she has got any information on this man. We need to know just who my son has offended this time. At best, we can pay him off; at the worst, we have just started a feud with a Master trying to pass through our city.”

  The guard trembled, as if remembering the power that the alchemist had released when he was being attacked. It felt as though he were playing with them, just smacking ants away. He had no confidence to defeat the man head on.

  “Go and tell the three elders to gather immediately!” Endalh yelled. Endalh rubbed his forehead. He was left with two decisions: either he had to kill this man who said that he was an alchemist, or he needed to win his favor back.

  Alchemists were known for their eccentric ways and interest in materials.

  Trying to buy favor back from an alchemist was a hard thing.

  If he could get a formula or rare ingredients that they needed, it would be an easy thing. But with such things, there was a greater demand than supply, so their cost could be realized.

  He needed to know more about this man and see whether he was truly an alchemist or using it as a cover.


  Erik naturally didn’t know what was happening outside of the Blue Lotus at this time. The Blue Lotus was incredibly different than the one that Erik had been in Chonglu and Kaeju. It was much larger as there were more people who had the gold or Mana stones to try to bid on items.

  There were separate areas where people could make requests or try to put their goods up for auction.

  The people moving through the halls had powerful auras and their actions were more refined than the members of the other Blue Lotus locations he had visited.

  Erik had bought some ingredients and different items when he had been walking through Taeman. He chewed or drank them. Using his Poison Body and Reverse Alchemist, he was only increasing his knowledge of different ingredients.

  People talked to themselves as Erik passed, with his nonchalant attitude, chewing on different ingredients, wearing just his armored legs and a t-shirt with a bloody bandage on his hand. He was not the normal kind of customer to the Blue Lotus.

  “I wonder who he is?”

  “Isn’t his outfit a bit eccentric? Where’s his chest piece?”

  “Why is he chewing on weeds and other things and then spitting them into his storage ring to get anothe

  “Maybe he likes the taste?”

  “He’s chewing on Denio flower! That stuff tastes like soap—how could he be enjoying it?”

  “Where are they going? Is that attendant leading him toward the inner areas where the higher-ups are?”

  “That attendant—I have seen her guiding the elders from the five main factions!”

  “Who must he be to get her to serve him? I can’t even get a normal server to show me items.”

  “What must his background be to be escorted into the inner areas?”

  All these voices and more reached Erik’s ears. With his body’s transformations, his hearing, sight, and general senses had been greatly amplified.

  Erik ignored it all as he made it through different checkpoints of guards before reaching a large door flanked on either side by level twenty-three guards.

  “The head is inside.” The woman who had been escorting Erik bowed to him and gestured for him to go inside.

  “Thanks.” Erik looked through his Mana ring before pulling out a Stamina potion. It was only Novice grade but the steel-faced guards looked over as Erik handed it to the woman. “Have a good afternoon.” Erik walked forward as the two guards jumped into action and opened the door for Erik.

  Erik walked in to see a man standing up from his seat. He had a refined appearance; although young, there was a gravitas to his actions.

  “Master West, it is an honor. I have prepared some refreshments—three forms of the lotus tea that is said to soothe the mind and body.” The man moved forward and waved to the tea set to his side.

  “My name is Hiao Xen, the head of this Blue Lotus. If I had known that such an esteemed guest was arriving, I would have come to meet you personally,” Hiao Xen said.

  Erik’s chewing paused for a half moment as he found that he couldn’t accurately determine Hiao Xen’s overall level.

  Even though he was living in the Second Realm, the Blue Lotus had the resources to allow him to increase his level at a great speed while staying in the Second Realm.

  This was why the Blue Lotus was able to have people of higher levels in lower realms, not only to secure their goods and uphold their reputation but to show off their power.

  “I thank you for your hospitality, but I do not want to trouble the Blue Lotus. I have come into a conflict with the Ekeem clan,” Erik said, not wanting to beat around the bush.

  “A conflict?” Hiao Xen repeated. He didn’t show any judgment. “Shall we have some tea and discuss it?”

  Erik smiled and nodded. “A tea does sound like a good idea.” He moved forward.

  They sat down and Hiao Xen started to go through the motions of preparing and serving the tea.

  “What issues and conflicts have arisen?” Hiao Xen asked, his actions and words like an untouched lake.

  “Was browsing an apothecary’s wares. Guess the girl thought I was a weirdo. She riled up a boy from the Ekeem clan. Instead of talking it out, his guards leapt into action, looking to maim or kill me. I, well, I didn’t watch how much strength I used. Thankfully, I didn’t kill anyone.” Erik’s voice became deeper and harder at the end.

  He didn’t want to have to kill, but he would do it. If someone came for his life, they should be prepared to leave theirs behind.

  Hiao Xen passed a tea over to Erik. The fragrance from the tea really did put one’s mind at ease. Erik sat back, the tension in his body relaxing slightly.

  “A member of the Ekeem family wasn’t killed; also, you were in the right. I can clear the issues between you and the Ekeem family rather easily. If you pursue more conflict and repatriations, it will be harder,” Hiao Xen said.

  “Could you guarantee that they wouldn’t take action?”

  Hiao Xen’s eyes chilled. His aura changed, from being peacefully dispersed to revealing a sword hidden within. “If they do not abide, then the Blue Lotus will step in to deal with them. You are a valued customer and supplier who has dealt with us in good faith. We look after our friends.”

  Erik bowed to Hiao Xen. “I will thank Head Hiao Xen.”

  “Please, Master West, in the Second Realm, someone who is able to craft high-level Journeyman potions is not a simple person,” Hiao Xen said with a laugh, all sharpness to him disappearing.

  Erik scratched his head awkwardly. He didn’t know that his potions would create this kind of stir.

  Hiao Xen sent a message through his sound transmission device before he sat forward. “Mister West, is there anything else that you might need from us?”

  “As you probably know, I’ve just made it to the Second Realm. I’m looking for all manner of interesting ingredients, as well as Alchemy concoctions. I’m looking for ancient concoctions or those that people have found and are unable to identify.”

  “I have heard of this pursuit. Many alchemists will study and break down other concoctions to try to reveal their secrets and to improve their own skills,” Xen said. “I know that we have a number of ingredients and unclaimed concoctions. Although alchemists are interested in these things, the common people aren’t,” Xen said with a wry smile and a chuckle.

  Erik let out a small laugh. Xen was a master at making people comfortable around him.

  A magical circle appeared next to Xen, indicating that he had received a sound transmission.

  He frowned, clearly unhappy to be interrupted. “I am sorry for that. One of the ruling families’ forefathers in this city has fallen ill and his daughter is looking to find a cure for him but has found no help.” Xen sighed.

  “Oh?” Erik sipped the tea. His mind seemed to relax as he sat back in the seat.

  “It is merely a passing topic for someone like yourself,” Xen said, dismissing it.

  “I have dealt with a few injuries before. If she has not found a solution, it might be interesting to see what this forefather has been affected with. The human body is the vehicle for Alchemy concoctions. Learning more about the body strengthens my ability to create concoctions to heal and enhance it,” Erik said.

  “Well said!” Xen smiled. “If you are interested, she is waiting outside. I could have her make her plea to you if you are interested?” Xen sounded curious, as if sounding out Erik and his depths.

  “Certainly,” Erik said. It had been some time since he flexed his healing abilities. He was interested to see what he could do.

  Chapter: The Luo Family’s Troubles

  Chiang Luo was referred to many as Fairy Luo, the beauty of the Luo family. Her normal calm and icy expression was now tinged with worry.

  Her grandfather had suddenly become ill. He had passed his position as the leader of the Luo family to Fairy Luo’s father, but he had been killed while in another city. The sect that ruled the city sent back money and gifts but didn’t punish the people who killed her father as they were their own students.

  They cared little about Taeman or the people who ruled it.

  Although Fairy Luo and her mother wanted nothing more than to burn down the city and destroy the sect, they were much too powerful for their Luo family to do anything but bite their tongues and accept the gifts.

  Her uncles and the others who wanted to gain the position from her father stepped up and tried to vie for it, leading to her grandfather returning from his adventures to take over the family once again.

  Everything had stabilized and her grandfather was actively looking for someone to take over as the family head.

  The younger generation did all they could to try to foil the old man and ascend to the highest level in the family.

  Her grandfather was wise and didn’t wish to lose it to these unscrupulous fellows who would turn the family’s compound into a sea of blood as they killed off those who opposed them.

  Her grandfather still had hundreds of years left in his life when he started to get weaker and weaker before collapsing just a few weeks ago.

  The family had started to look for doctors and all kinds of people to help. Most
of them brought these people as nothing more than a formality, not wishing to heal the old man but to get his blessing.

  Fairy Luo didn’t care as she sent out messages and drained her own savings to buy different healing potions and elixirs to help her grandfather.

  Now she had nothing left to her name but her body and her clothes.

  She waited outside the head of the Blue Lotus’s door. Her stomach churned. There was only one thing that she could now offer to try to heal her grandfather.

  For the sake of her grandfather, she was willing to drop her dignity. Other than her mother, he was the last remaining person who truly cared for her in her family.

  If he did die, she didn’t think it was long until she was either pushed out of the family or used as a trading token for others outside of the family.

  Thinking about this, she could only bite her lips as fury welled up in her eyes.

  The guard at the door received a sound transmission. He moved to the side, allowing her to pass as he opened the door. “The head will see you now, Miss Luo.”

  She nodded and walked into the room, seeing Head Hiao Xen stand up from where he was drinking tea with an odd-looking man.

  Her eyes passed over the man, who was drinking from his teacup. From the side, he looked to be about thirty or so years old. Her brow pulled down for a second as she saw his odd attire.

  “Miss Chiang Luo.” Hiao Xen stood and greeted her with a smile.

  “Blue Lotus Head.” Chiang Luo bowed deeply, not wanting to offend the man and make him more liable to assist her. “I have come to try to encourage people to assist my grandfather.”

  She saw the man drinking tea look up and over to her. She didn’t pay him any attention, instead focusing on Hiao Xen.

  “Please, come and sit.” The head waved for her to join him in the seating area before indicating the other man. “This is my friend, Master West.”

  “Heya.” Erik raised his cup to her and then took another sip from it. “I don’t think I’ve ever had tea quite like this.”

  “Mister Erik, I am pleased it is to your taste. I would be willing to gift you a box of it, if you desire?”


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