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Kinky Book Club Trilogy: Written Submission, unSubmissive and Undercover Submissive

Page 16

by Daisy Philips

  He stopped in the break room to pour himself a cup of coffee and took a sip. Mmm. It was hot, fresh and a lot better than he remembered it being. Clearly Andrew was no longer making the coffee. Then he headed down to the tiny office accounting office.

  The door was to the office was closed. That was odd he thought, the door was never closed. The room was so small and stuffy. Oh, well, he chuckled to himself, the paperwork had probably risen up and taken over the office. Andrew must have closed the door to prevent it from escaping and taking over the entire building. Certainly the last accountant hadn’t been about to keep it under control. Hopefully the next one would be better. In the meantime, it was up to him to wrestle it into submission.

  Damn, he thought as he looked at the door, imagining an episode of Hoarders, Kinky Edition. He was tempted to turn around and go home. He was injured after all. He should be home in bed. Besides, he was the boss. He’d order Andrew to take care of it. And then have him send Amanda over to look after him.

  He grinned at the fantasy, but he hadn’t become a SEAL team leader by not knowing how to take responsibility for the tough jobs. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he flung the door open and strode confidently across the threshold.

  “Eek!” The scream from the half-dressed woman caused him to drop his coffee and stumble back, landing hard on his ass. As he went down, hot liquid splatted across his injured foot where his sock clad foot stuck out of the walking cast.

  “Goddam, fuck, shit!” he cursed, glaring up at the very impressive torso of a woman who had appeared to be changing in his accountant’s office. It was a very nice view of a spectacular pair tits jiggling alluringly in her black lace bra as she fought with her top. He frowned. They were very familiar looking tits. He felt a stirring of arousal.

  No, it couldn’t be!

  He struggled up into a sitting position as he stared with dawning horror at the sight in front of him. It took her several moment to get her top pulled the top down over her head and smoothed it into place, obscuring his view of her assets but revealing her identity and allowing her to get a good look at him.

  “You!” They yelled simultaneously in equally shocked and appalled tones.

  He was about to yell at her for using a private office to change in and nearly giving him a heart attack when she went on the attack first. Like they say, the best defense is a good offense. Unfortunately she got there first.

  “What the hell did you do to your hair? And, more importantly, what the hell do you mean coming in here without knocking? Were you trying to get a peak of me naked? This is an office, not the club. I am entitled to privacy here!”

  “Why are you using a private office as a change room? And at this hour? The club’s not open yet and this is the accountant’s office. Don’t you have a home to use for changing your clothes?”

  “What business is it of yours if I change in my office? I closed the door. That should have been a signal that I didn’t want company!”

  “What business is it of mine?” He could feel the vein beating in his temple and his temper rising. On the positive side, it helped his libido and cock subside. “I own this club. I can go wherever I like whenever I like! What’s your excuse for trespassing at this hour? And getting half naked in the accounting office!” Her choice of words suddenly he hit him and he was overcome with a wave of horror, “And what the hell do you mean your office?”

  “I work here. I am the accountant.” She seemed confused now as she came around the desk. “Andrew hired me to clean your mess up. Didn’t he tell you?”

  “My mess? My mess?” If she was a wise woman, she’d hear his tone and become appropriately conciliatory. “Dammit, kitten…”

  “Don’t call me that! In the office I’m Amanda, or Ms. Brooke. And, yes, your mess. You let the last person who had this job run amok! How the hell did he manage to find anything in here? No wonder you had payroll and invoice problems.”

  He opened his mouth to yell but the words never came out as she abruptly dropped to her knees beside him. It was like every fantasy come to life. She was going to kiss him. She. Was. Going. To. Kiss. Him. He wouldn’t even have to beg or grovel. His cock started to harden. He started to hyperventilate.

  She’d find out that even with only one good foot he could… or maybe he’d order her to ride him while he lay back and enjoyed the view of her bouncing breasts.

  But, wait. The fantasy shriveled along with his cock. She wasn’t leaning over his face. She was staring at his foot. Dammit!

  “Oh my god, you’re hurt!” She had finally registered the walking cast on his foot. “And you’ve spilled coffee on your injured foot.” She sat back on her heels. All she had to do now was move her hands so that they were resting palm up and spread her knees a bit more and she’d be in the classic submissive’s pose that he favored. He gritted his teeth to stop his body from getting aroused again. Now was not the time.

  He waited for her to lower her gaze respectfully and apologize for sassing the Master of Club Hades. Or at least to stop yelling at him.

  “Serves you right, scaring me like that!” Her tone was not respectful and those big green eyes of her were almost glowing with emotion when she turned and looked at him. “What happened to you?”

  “Skiing accident.”

  “And that made you cut your hair? Did you hit your head? Did they do that at the hospital? Oh no… did you have a concussion?”

  “No I did not hit my head. I just felt like a change. Don’t you like it?”

  “You care what I think? You did hit your head. What happened? Did you ski into a tree?”

  “If I skied into a tree, I would still be in the hospital.”

  “Then what happened?”

  He had no intention of telling her the truth, but he wasn’t going to lie, so he prevaricated. “You know what it’s like. Those black diamond runs can be tricky.”

  “Black diamond runs? I am impressed. I have never gotten off the bunny slopes.”

  “Clearly you haven’t had the right teacher. It can make all the difference in the world.” He tried to infuse his tone with a sexual undercurrent, but she clearly didn’t pick up on it. Or she did and decided to ignore it.

  She scrambled to her feet, then she reached down. “Let me help you up, Sir.”

  He looked at her suspiciously. She called him Sir, but it didn’t sound very respectful.

  “I’m sorry.” Even better. “Maybe I should to find Andrew to help you up. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself again.” Worse again.

  “I don’t need Andrew. I can stand on my own.” He grumbled. Did she think he was helpless?

  He tried to stand, but with the confined space he couldn’t quite get his feet under him. Reluctantly he took her hand and struggled to his feet. Then he leaned on the desk as she retrieved his cane.

  She handed it to him gravely and said, “Let me help you out to the lounge, or maybe to your office. Do you have a couch or something in there?”

  Amanda smothered a grin as Gabriel growled at her. Really, there was no other term for it. He growled and stomped away, throwing off her attempts to help him. She watched as he let himself into his office down the hall and slammed the door behind him. He probably wanted to use his cane on her ass, but no way was she giving him the opportunity, not with him acting like such a grump.

  He wasn’t faking being hurt, though. He had been limping and he had that funny sort of cast thing on his foot. And he was using a cane. Skiing could be a dangerous sport and, of course, he skied the black diamond runs. It was a wonder he didn’t break his damn fool neck.

  She tried to get back to work but her mind kept going back to Gabriel. He had winced when he tried to stand, even though he had tried to hide it. He was in pain and it had clearly made him grumpier than usual. A man like him was proud of his physical prowess. He was a Dom and a former SEAL. The last think he would want was to look was look weak in front on anyone, especially a submissive.

  She tried to put him out of
her mind and concentrate on the payroll, but things didn’t get any better. She started worrying that he wouldn’t be able to get something to eat and was too proud to ask for help. She checked the clock. It was eleven thirty. She was almost done of the task she was working on. Fifteen minutes and she’d head down to the kitchen. She’d make some sandwiches and then casually stop by his office and drop some off for him with an offhand comment about how she’d been making her own lunch and it had been no trouble at all to make extra for him. She smiled. He’d be grateful and maybe even invite her to eat with him in his office.

  A half an hour later she put the finishing touch on two plates. She wasn’t sure what he liked but she was pretty sure he was a carnivore so she made roast beef and chicken sandwiches in addition to egg and tuna salad. There was bound to be something he liked. She grabbed a couple of bottles of water, put everything on a tray and headed down the hallway.

  She got to his office. The door was closed. She knocked because that is what civilized people did. There was no answer. Had he gone out? Or maybe he’d fallen and hurt himself and couldn’t answer because he was unconscious. The knocked again, this time more urgently. “Gabe? Are you there? Are you okay?”

  “What do you want?”

  She opened the door and stepped over the threshold. He was on the couch reading on a tablet.

  “I asked you what you wanted” he groused.

  “I wanted to come in” she joked just as his phone started ringing “Would you like me to get that?”

  “Don’t bother.”

  “Oh, it’s no trouble.”

  Gabriel bit back a groan as she walked over to his desk, sat her burden on its surface and picked up the phone. Sandwiches? She’d brought him lunch? His stomach growled. He looked at his watch. It was almost noon. No wonder he was hungry.

  “Club Hades, Gabriel Montgomery’s office.… No, I’m sorry, he can’t take the phone right now. Can I take a message?” He watched as Amanda picked up a pad of paper and a pen and jotted a few words down. “Yes, I have it. Thanks. I’ll make sure to give him the message.”

  He looked at her. She was grinning. He did not like that look. He shifted on the couch. It was big and comfortable he planned to take a nap right after he figured out how to get some food.

  “What are you doing here?”

  She held up the items she’d brought. His stomach rumbled at the sight.

  “I’ve got roast beef and chicken as well as tuna and egg salad. I wasn’t sure which you preferred so I brought one of each. I have enough for both of us. I also brought water.”

  He sat up or tried to. Damned squishy couch. Of course she immediately hurried to his side and, tucking a cushion behind him so he could sit up more easily. He put his arm around her shoulders and let her maneuver him into position. He was just about to pull her across his lap when she slid out of his grip and stepped out of range.

  “Naughty, naughty, Gabriel. I’m your employee now. We need to be professional.”

  He looked at her and tried not to show his longing as he processed just what that meant. He hadn’t considered it before. She was his employee. He swallowed hard as he digested that. Crap. Did that mean he couldn’t pursue her? Had he dithered so long that he was now out of the running? He looked over at her.

  “My company, my rules” he threatened silkily. “Come over here and feed me my lunch, kitten. Please. I’m an injured man.”

  “I don’t think that’s on my job description,” she replied seriously.

  “It falls under other duties as assigned. As for any messing around, you report to Andrew. That means you can’t mess around with him. I’m fair game” he added enticingly. “In fact, I’m pretty helpless right now. You could even take advantage of me and I’d be helpless to resist.”

  She just laughed and placed the sandwiches and water within his reach before backing away, still smiling. That was a good sign, he told himself. She had been worried that he wasn’t eating and he’d made a light pass and a joke about sex with her and while she’d turned him down, she hadn’t thrown the plate at him. It was a small step but he decided he’d look on it as a positive sign.

  “Look, Gabriel. Before I leave, there’s something I need to tell you if we are going to work together.”

  She sounded so sweetly hesitant. He sat forward in anticipation. Maybe this was all going to be easier than he thought. He wouldn’t have to grovel. Based on the evidence at hand… she’d made him lunch and answered his phone and joked with him and worried about him… clearly she was still interested in him. She was just worried about crossing some sort of line since she now worked at the club. That was so sweet. He would hear her out and then reassure her that there was nothing wrong with acting on her feelings because he had had an epiphany in Colorado and he was now ready to explore what they had. And then maybe she’d drop to her knees and unzip his pants and show him just what she felt for him.

  “Uh, Gabriel. Gabriel?”

  He pulled himself out of his fantasy and made sure his expression was suitably open and affectionate. “Sorry, Amanda. I got distracted for a moment.”

  “It’s okay, Gabriel. I know you must be concerned having a submissive working for you, especially one you’ve played with before. But I want to assure you that I won’t let any of the, er, history, we have together get in the way of doing my job. I admit, there was a time that I wondered if there could be anything between us. You don’t have to worry about me hitting on your or, I don’t know, being inappropriate in the office. In fact, I think it might be awkward if I play her, so I’ve started compiling a list of other BDSM clubs in the area to evaluate. Don’t worry, I’m committed to the training class that starts next week and I always live up to my commitments. I’ve already advised Andrew that he needs to find someone for the following session, though. Anyway, I have to get back to work. Bellow if you need anything!”

  He watched, speechless, as she backed away from him.

  “Amanda, wait.”

  “Yes?” She smiled so brightly and with such optimism. Clearly she was looking forward to playing in one of those new clubs she was researching.

  He felt his good mood slipping away. He had waited too long. “Um, thank you for the sandwiches.”

  “You are welcome, Gabe. Enjoy!” She stood in the doorway and paused, a wicked twinkle in her eye. “By the way, on the phone… that was Kevin from the Aspen Ski Shop. He wanted you to know that you forgot your credit card in all the excitement. He wanted to know if you want him to send it to you or if you’d rather cancel it? Also, he’s really sorry you tripped in the store and got hurt before you could make it onto the slopes and try out that snowboard. For your trouble, they are happy to offer free boarding lessons if you come back again before the season is over.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Gabriel leaned back on the couch in shock. Fuck Kevin and his lousy timing, but that wasn’t as bad as Amanda’s news.

  Worse, Amanda said she was moving on? And she wasn’t going to participate in the training sessions anymore? Those sessions were the only time he got to touch her. He laid back on the couch and took a deep breath. Damn Riley for getting him all fired up about taking a chance with Amanda. He was more miserable now than before when he had resolved not to even try.

  No, wait. He sat up abruptly. She’d said that she was moving on now because Andrew hired her. If that hadn’t happened, it might not have been too late. But she was moving on and actively looking for a Dom to settle down with and she was going to do it at another club because she now worked at Club Hades. He wanted to yell and rage and cry about the unfairness. He was finally ready to take a chance and see if they could work together and she had already moved on.

  He had to lash out and he knew exactly whose fault it was. His damned best friend. Scratch that. His former best friend had hired the woman he loved and now she was cheerfully announcing she’d moved on and was investigating other clubs.

  He might have to fire Andrew for this. How could he do
this? Andrew knew that Gabriel was tied up in knots over her, that he had been trying to avoid her. Damned disloyal employee and worse friend. What did he ever do to Andrew to make him hate Gabe so much?

  But… on the other hand, he picked up and sandwich and took a bite. It gave him a chance to be close to Amanda every day. Day in and day out. And he was her boss. Or rather Andrew was her boss and he was Andrew’s boss. Which meant he was her boss too. And as her boss, he could ensure that they worked together very, very closely.

  She said she was doing one more training session. He would make sure that he was at every class, touching her, wooing her, even if she didn’t know that’s what he was doing. When they weren’t in glass, he’d be sweet and kind and show her just what a caring Dom he could be.

  As for her wanting to join another club… he could take care of that. He would have her blackballed. He had a lot of contacts in the BDSM community. He would put the word out and none of them would accept her as a member. She’d have no choice but to play at his club if she wanted to find a Dom. He would console her, of course, and feign bewilderment when she found she wasn’t welcome at other clubs. He’s encourage her to keep training at his club, but in reality, he’d use it as a chance to stake his claim in front of the new Doms. He’d increase the number of demonstrations he did, using only Amanda as his assistant. And he’d make it clear none of the others were to touch her.

  Then he’d offer to work with her in scenes outside the training class. He’d say it was for research or planning purposes for a new advanced training session he was considering, but then he’d use every skill he’d learned to get her addicted to his touch until she couldn’t think of playing with another Dom.


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