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Collision Course - An Aeon 14 Space Opera Adventure (Perilous Alliance Book 3)

Page 17

by M. D. Cooper

  “Are you going back on your word, sir?” Grayson tried to keep his face stiff and immune from emotion.

  “I’m going to uphold my end of the deal. My relationship with my daughter can’t withstand another blow, even I can see that. I will honor my commitment but I want to know who removed Jerrod and what they did with him.”

  “A GFF base called Persephone. One of Maverick’s allies.”

  “Kylie left Jerrod with them? A highly trained SSF AI?” Samuel’s lips parted as he exhaled deeply.

  “Yes, sir. She…had no way to transport him. It would’ve been a risk to the ship and the crew to place him inside the Dauntless.”

  Samuel snorted. “And you went along with this?”

  “I had no choice, sir. I was unconscious when all the decisions took place. To remind you, Jerrod took over my body and locked me down under your orders. Illegal orders, I might add.”

  Samuel pointed his finger and his words came out in a flurry. “Damn straight it was my orders! You went off mission, siding with those junkers over the SSF. You violated countless direct orders.”

  “You broke your word and your oath. The crew of the Dauntless went above and beyond, lost one of their own, all to do what you asked. Their dedication wasn’t in question. Only yours, sir.”

  Samuel narrowed his eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Grayson took a deep breath and knew it was a mistake to go further but couldn’t stop himself. “When you couldn’t take Lana alive, you were ready to take her by any means necessary, even if that meant death. Your dedication as her father was overridden by your needs as a military officer…sir.”

  Samuel’s cheeks swelled with rage. “I have a responsibility not just to the SSF but to all of Silstrand. The wolves are barking at our door on all sides. Whoever has that tech will be the ultimate victor. I want it to be us. I won’t watch Silstrand fall to Scipio, the GFF, or anyone else.”

  “Who else is there?” Grayson asked.

  Samuel leaned back in his chair and stroked his chin. “We’ve been monitoring a situation out in the fringe…in the Hanoi System. A colony planet was lost. Someone dropped an asteroid on them, and the rest of the system just sat by and watched. The entire planet has been destroyed. It’ll be millennia before its habitable again.”

  Grayson sucked in a breath. From what he knew of Hanoi, that meant at least a billion dead. “Who would do such a thing?”

  “Peter Rhoads and his family. Their followers have been radicalized. What I don’t know is how his fleet has grown so big so quickly. They’re not rag tag ships like Maverick threatens us with in Gedri. He has a formidable fleet.”

  “Sir,” Grayson almost felt apologetic, “Peter Rhoads might believe that one day the AI are going to raise up and overthrow humans, but I hardly think he has a fleet of ships big enough to destroy—”

  “Take a look at this,” Samuel said and an instant later the intel passed into Grayson’s mind over the Link.

  Grayson read over the information, reviewing reports on sightings of Peter Rhoads and his family. The ships he travelled on, their strengths, distribution. Other worlds he had attacked—though less…fatally…than in Hanoi. There was no denying it. Kylie’s father had a fleet. A formidable fleet.

  “He wouldn’t have the resources for this,” Grayson said softly, still processing the information.

  “Precisely, but someone does and someone is arming him. He’s a dangerous man who has inspired millions to stand up and be counted as pure. Now he’s been given a few toys and he’s not afraid to use them. The real question is who and why?”

  Grayson wished he knew. “I only met him a few times over the course of my marriage, sir, but he wasn’t a radical. He had different ideas about how the galaxy worked. But to think he’s started killing people who don’t agree with him…it doesn’t add up.”

  Samuel shrugged. “It’s where we are. With Maverick building up in Gedri, we’ve recalled our fleets from that system. Let him fight Peter Rhoads if the zealot goes there, more power to him. We’ll make our stand at Trio, which is where fleet intel thinks he’ll hit us first. All this has left resources drained and I need all hands-on deck, Colonial. Despite my misgivings, your loyalty to Silstrand has been proven, and right now, I need every warm body I can get my hands on.”

  Wasn’t a ringing endorsement, but Grayson would take what he could get for now. “Just tell me what it is you want me to do, sir.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I need you to assume command of the Polis Fury and go to the Silstrand System. S&H has been stonewalling us about the nano, saying they lost all of it in an accident. We don’t believe them, but they have people high in the government who are aiding them in stonewalling. Now that we have the tech from Lana, we can leverage them into giving us more information, and maybe help us for once. Ungrateful asses.”

  “You think they have more?” Grayson asked.

  “I think that even if they did lose the nano prototypes and much of their research, there’s no way they lost the initial specs they bought from that Richards woman. If they stopped worrying about making a profit, they could be the key to saving Silstrand.”

  Grayson nodded. He may not like Samuel much anymore, but the man did believe in Silstrand. “When do I leave?”

  “Immediately. Hope you don’t have a problem with that.”

  “I’d like to say good-bye to Lana first, if that’s all right. I promised I’d stay with her during her procedure, which I did, but neither of us wants her to feel abandoned.”

  Samuel seemed to consider what he said. “All right, but if she gets upset, if she tries anything funny, I’ll hold you personally responsible.”

  * * * * *

  Grayson entered Lana’s room with trepidation; he’d promised Lana he’d stay with her and now with everything he had learned, well, he had no choice but to go where Samuel sent him.

  He didn’t know how Lana would handle it but as he saw her sitting on her bed, his anxiety melted away.

  She looked very much like she had as a child with her legs crossed and her long hair flowing down her back. In her hands was an old-fashioned deck of playing cards. She flipped through them and used her nano to make them float up, like a magic trick—the filaments supporting the cards were so small that he couldn’t even make them out with his augmented vision.

  “I’m getting better control of it,” Lana said without looking over at him, “at least when I’m not angry.”

  That was the rub, wasn’t it? Grayson feared he couldn’t tell Lana what he needed to without making her angry.

  As he got closer, Grayson removed his officer’s cap. “Lana…”

  “Your uniform is back. Wow,” Lana gave him an unexpected smile, “I guess my dad kept his word after all. The universe is just full of surprises.”

  He perched himself on the edge of her bed. “He did, and I thank you for everything you said and did for me.”

  “Me too. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be stuck in that cryotube—maybe even in Scipio by now.”

  “But you’re not. We’re safe in Trio, and the research scientists are confident that what they’ve extracted from you will be sufficient. There are no more labs or needles in your future. You did good work, Lana.”

  She smiled at Grayson, though her eyes held a hint of sadness. “I feel like you’re setting me up for heartbreak. What are you trying to tell me?”

  She was a bright girl and she should’ve had a bright future, Grayson hoped that someday she’d still be able to. “The fight with the GFF has weakened our coreward defenses. We’re pulling back from Gedri. On top of that, there’s a new threat brewing. I’ve been put in command of a ship to secure the S&H Defensive research lab where all this started. Turns out they may still know a lot about this tech in you and they’ve been stonewalling the space force, acting like they never weaponized the tech. Now we have proof.”

  Lana uncrossed her legs. “Well, then I’m coming with you. If they know about
what’s in me, maybe they can help…when I get angry.” She scooted over to the edge of the bed and Grayson put a hand on her shoulder.

  “No, Lana,” he said gently, “you need to stay here.”

  Her face fell. “You can’t ask me to stay. I want to go with you. I can help.”

  “Maybe you could, but you need to get things more under control. You can do that here, not out there.” He sensed her growing agitation as she shifted on the bed, tucking her hair behind her ears. “I know you don’t want to stay but it’s what’s best for you right now and I promise, I’ll come back. I’ll check on you once my mission is completed. It’s not like I’m flying across the galaxy. It’s just to Silstrand. Chances are you’ll be coming that way soon anyway.”

  Lana crossed her arms and slid further back onto the bed. “You can’t hold me here against my will.”

  “I know, that’s why I’m asking you as a friend. As someone who has fought for you since we first met, to listen to me and please stay put. I want you to have a strong future, Lana. First things first, you take time for yourself. You learn.”

  Lana’s eyes ticked back and forth as she thought it over, and slowly, her arms uncrossed and fell to her side. “I hate good-byes.”

  “It’s only good-bye for now. We’ll see each other again.”

  “Promise?” Lana asked.

  Grayson couldn’t believe how well it had gone, but sadness lingered. He too, didn’t really want to part ways, but it was for the best. “Promise.” He moved to stand, but Lana crushed him in a big bear hug, burying her face against his shoulder. Slowly, his arms wrapped around her and he smoothed her hair back.

  “You’ll be fine. You’re a smart, brave woman.”

  “What about Kylie and the others? Don’t you want to find them?”

  Grayson didn’t even need to think about it. “More than I can even tell you, but for now, the most important thing is the defense of Silstrand.” He took her hands and gently held her back as he stood from the bed. Fixing his cap onto his head, Grayson prepared to leave, tugging down his jacket.

  “Go kick some ass, Gray.”

  “Take care, Lana.” Gently, he touched her chin and then he turned toward the door. He felt more emotional than expected leaving Lana behind, but the mission was done. Lana had been returned to her father, unharmed for the most part, and the nano was safely in Silstrand’s hands.


  Grayson’s heart skipped a beat. It was the first official communication from his new command. He’d gone from facing life in prison to a promotion in a matter of days.

  It was an omen of good things to come. A renewed sense of purpose swelled in him. It was a feeling unlike any other.



  STELLAR DATE: 10.06.8948 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: RFS Liberation

  REGION: Interstellar Dark Layer, Silstrand Alliance

  Kylie strolled into one of the smaller crew lounges on the lower decks. Her easy gait hid the turmoil in her mind. The fear over what her father was doing, and what was to come next.

  She had been surprised when Ricket dropped her a message on the Liberation’s network. She hadn’t expected the bartender to make it over to the flagship, but it seemed the spy had a few more tricks up her sleeve.

  Ricket was waiting for her at a table with a few drinks. As far as everyone knew, it was just Kylie getting acquainted with a new friend.

  “Well?” Ricket asked as she lifted the glass to her lips. She gave Kylie a soft, friendly smile, but if it was all part of the act, Kylie couldn’t be sure. “You can speak freely. No one can hear us…well, not what we’re really saying.”

  “You were right. Everything you showed me and the stories you told…you were right.” Saying it out loud made it sound so much worse. Kylie couldn’t help but feel the weight of depression and responsibility crashing all around her. “I’ve never known my father to be…what he turned into.”

  Ricket placed her glass down. “People grow and change while we’re away. We always assume when we come back to them, they’ll be exactly as we left them, like a painting. Instead, time marches on. For some more than others.”

  Wasn’t that the truth?

  “Did you find out who is backing him? Where the resources are coming from?”

  Kylie nodded. “Not only that. I met the man himself and know what they’re planning. His name is General Garza and says he’s from something called the Orion Guard—the name doesn’t ring any bells, though. He’s a brooding sort of man, but this whole attack on Silstrand is his plan. I have a feeling—”

  Ricket leaned forward, both hands grasping the sides of the table. “General Garza?” she whispered, her eyes wide. “You saw him? Actually talked to him?”

  Kylie had a feeling this was a bigger deal than she realized. “He’s on this ship.”

  “General Garza is one of the highest-ranking officials in the Orion Guard. Not surprising you haven’t heard of them. They’re the ying to the Transcend’s yang. If he’s here, something big is going down, bigger than your father even can know. Garza is using him.”

  Kylie’s chest tightened. “To what end?”

  “I don’t know but it presents us with a rare opportunity. The opportunity to really do something about all of this. If we can take Garza out, it’ll be a major setback for the Orion Guard. Without him, your father will never maintain this fleet and it will start to crumble. Without strong leadership, your father can be dealt with.”

  “Assassinated?” Kylie asked with a shake of her head. “I know what he’s done is evil.” She slammed her mouth shut and took a deep breath. “What you’re saying might make sense, but he’s my father.”

  “And his legacy is your legacy. Your brothers. Your nephews. If you want to keep Silstrand safe, you’ll listen to what I’m about to say.”

  “I’m listening.”

  Ricket took a deep breath and glanced around. “Garza must be killed, as I said. This is a rare opportunity for us to get to him. You can get close enough, so it’ll have to be you. I’ll never slip past their watchful eye. I’m just a bartender, but if Rhoads trusts you enough…if your father trusts you, that is…”

  “He does. But what you’re asking me to do…” Kylie shook her head. “How can I know I can trust you?”

  “I haven’t lied to you, have I? I haven’t destroyed a colony?”

  Marge said.

  “Far as we know,” Kylie repeated. “If you are really a friend of Nadine’s, you’ll tell me what her mission was. Was it to assassinate my father?”

  Ricket sighed and met Kylie’s eyes. “Yes. At first it was recon, learning about your father through you. Then, as we had confirmation that he was amassing a fleet—and what his goals were—we upgraded the mission. It was her job to get you here so she could make the strike. If she put you on this ship, as you said, then she did it to follow you. To get close to Peter and end this, once and for all. Although, why she hasn’t caught up to us yet raises some tough questions.”

  Freemont had been under attack by the SSF. The thought of Nadine and the Dauntless being destroyed entered Kylie’s mind and she forced it back out. She would see Nadine again…no matter what had transpired between them.

  “I know hearing this must be hard for you, but you have to see where we’re coming from. The danger your father represents is extreme.”

  Kylie had always done what was necessary to see the job through, but they were talking about her father. Her family was on board. Any move she made would involve all of them. Not just Peter. “My mother’s on board for goodness sakes.”

  “Focus, Kylie. One thing at a time. Right now, I’m just asking you to take Garza out. Can you do that?”

  Kylie finished her drink and stood up. Here went nothing. “No.”

  Ricket’s eyes widened. “How can you—”

  “I’m a junker. Not a cru
sader. I’m getting off this ship, going to find my crew, and get back on with my life. If someone is going to stop Garza and my father, it sure as hell isn’t going to be me.”

  “You can help people. I read your file, I know what Nadine said about you. You can’t just walk away.”

  “Watch me.” Kylie headed out of the lounge the same way she had come in. Keeping her gaze fixed in front of her she headed for the lift that would take her back to her quarters.


  Marge gave a soft laugh.

  Kylie replied.



  * * * * *

  Garza never left the CIC where he plotted the attack and reviewed his strategies. Peter was often present, but he had many duties that drew him away; from what she could see he worked hard to keep his flock in line.

  Kylie knew her father wasn’t innocent in what was going on but if Garza was the one who drove her father to bloodlust, then Kylie needed to know what for.

  She needed to discern why Garza had targeted her father to begin with.

  Kylie carried in a tray of drinks and food for Garza. A visit to the closest crew galley for a cup of coffee had given her the perfect opportunity to generously offer to take the food to the ‘distinguished guest’. The tray held chilled wine, grapes, and cheese paired with spiced meat. It was just the kind of meal that she could use to her advantage.

  Marge said.




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