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The Dragon's Blade_Veiled Intentions

Page 49

by Michael R. Miller

  Book 3 is on the way

  The Dragon’s Blade is a planned trilogy. It’s really one long story split into three parts, mostly because a 450K+ word book would be impossible to publish. I’m hard at work on book 3 with the working title of, The Last Guardian. It will be released into the world just as soon as I can get it ready! If you’re eager to hear updates about my progress then you may want to join my mailing list.

  Let’s keep in touch

  One of the best things about being an indie author is having the opportunity to connect directly with readers. More importantly, as I’m in full control, I can also give away FREE goodies without anyone telling me ‘no’. By signing up to my mailing list you’ll be the first to know about progress on my books, special guest blog series, the first to receive free chapter samples of upcoming works and get the chance to win FREE paperback copies. If that interests you, why not sign up by following this link


  I FOUND IT SURREAL to write an acknowledgements page for the first book. Doing it again feels even stranger. I find I have even more people to thank this time around. Perhaps by my tenth book I’ll have a movie’s worth of people to credit.

  Firstly, thanks goes to my family, who have continued to be supportive and eager to help out in any way they can. The amount an indie author has to take on board can be overwhelming at times, but my parents in particular are generous and help to lift that load wherever they can. A broader thanks to all my extended family and friends who have supported me through buying the book, and boring other people to death telling them about it. Every little helps!

  My editor, Leila Dewji, deserves another round of applause. Without her, a certain character might have been left a bit lifeless. After some headaches and editing rounds that character became a beta reader favourite, but I’ll leave it to you, dear reader, to try and figure out which character that was.

  Thanks must go again to all those who beta read for me. Their feedback was once again invaluable and really helped me in the final polishing and editing stages. Those fantastic people are Eirik Røsvik, James McStravick, Walter & Linda Miller, George McCloghry, Kalyani Nedungadi, Rachel Norman, Samiha Bham, Rebekkah Ormel and Ross Ferguson.

  Another fanfare please for Rachel Lawson (now an award-winning designer!) and her spectacular work on the book’s cover and maps. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with for book 3.

  I’d also like to acknowledge all the amazing people I’ve met over the past year while attending conventions and groups such as the Super Relaxed Fantasy Club. Fellow authors and readers, you have all helped to keep me buoyant during the times when writing and publishing can feel like drowning. More specific thanks goes to all involved in the Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off. There isn’t a more supportive or friendly online environment, nor one championing indie books to the same degree. To all those out there writing, I wish you the very best of luck.




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