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His to Claim (Alien Masters Book 2)

Page 14

by Kallista Dane

  She twisted away, refusing to answer.

  “I thought not. Your mistress was so annoyed with your behavior, she’s refused the gift and dumped you back on me.”

  He pulled out the flat wooden board with the narrow handle Nadina had handed him when she met him at the entrance to the city. “It’s from Eva,” she’d whispered, pressing it into his hand. “She says your grandfather taught her there are many different ways for a man to express love and caring. Each one has its place and time.”

  “Now that you’re mine again, I intend to start out on the right foot,” he announced. “You’ve endangered both our lives once more with a rash, thoughtless act. You’re getting a long hard spanking. And nothing you say or do will deter me.”

  He tossed his cloak in the far corner of the cave and sat down on it with his back to the wall. “Come here.” He patted his thighs.

  Lexi scooted as far away from him as she could, shaking her head wildly.

  He sighed. “Every time you ignore me, you earn yourself five more swats. You have nowhere to go. You’ll have to do as I say eventually. Best do it now and save your ass those extra licks.”

  He saw the moment she admitted defeat in the sag of her shoulders. She crawled toward him like a naughty child who knows she’s been caught. She’d tossed off her cloak and her skirt rode up as she moved, offering tantalizing glimpses of those long slim thighs. He remembered how tightly they’d clamped around his waist as he buried himself inside her that last night in the grotto. His cock was stiff before she ever draped herself over his lap.

  He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and declare his love, bury his aching rod deep inside her again, but he forced himself to carry through with his threat. She laid there, limp, all the zest for life he’d come to love drained out of her. He’d done that—and he was determined to change it.

  He slid her skirt up to her waist, baring her bottom. Then he ran a hand over the curvy twin cheeks, feeling her shiver at his touch. She hissed at the first whack of the paddle. He’d never spanked her with anything but his hand before and he reminded himself not to let fear and anger overcome him.

  “Do you know why you’re getting paddled?” When she didn’t respond, he smacked her again.

  “Y-yes,” she managed to mutter through clenched teeth.

  He gave her another firm whack. “Tell me.”

  “I ran away.”

  He stopped and ran his hand over her ass. Her skin already felt warm to the touch. “Is that it?”

  She hesitated and he wielded the paddle again, landing another stroke right across the center. The paddle was long enough to strike both cheeks at once. Lexi gasped, squirming on his lap. His cock jerked in response. He brought the paddle down on the same spot.

  “Yes! I mean no! I don’t know,” she howled.

  “Then listen and learn.” He whacked her again. “First, you didn’t ask permission to leave your quarters.” Another whack. “Second, I’ve told you never to venture into the outlands alone. You didn’t just run away and hide somewhere in the city. You ignored my orders.” He smacked her again, harder. She choked back a sob.

  “Third, you put lives in danger again. Yours and mine, since I had to come out here and rescue you.” This time he delivered three sharp whacks, one after another without pausing. She cried out, a heartrending wail.

  “You were selfish and thoughtless. Never considering my heartbreak when I found out you were gone. Never taking a moment to imagine my sorrow and pain if something happened to you.” He wielded the paddle steadily now, over and over, hard enough to emphasize his points as he poured out his heart.

  “I’m sorry. I… didn’t think… you cared,” she managed to stammer through her tears.

  He tossed the paddle across the cave and reached down to gather her in his arms. “Care? I don’t just care. I love you,” he said, cradling her on his lap. “I love everything about you. Your zest for life. The way your face lights up when you see something you’ve never seen before. I love your hunger for knowledge. I love the sound of your laughter. I do crazy things sometimes, just to make you laugh. Remember when I tried to climb to the top of the waterfall and slipped and fell in? I did that on purpose. Just to hear you laugh when I came spluttering to the surface.”

  He bent his head to drop a kiss on her forehead. Then he drew back to look into her eyes. “Truth be told, it is I who owe you an apology. You offered me your heart and I wasn’t man enough to accept it. I let fear of being hurt rule my actions. I rejected you and I know I hurt you. I’m so sorry, Lexi. Will you forgive me?”

  The whispered word “yes” had barely left her lips when he captured them in a kiss.

  “There’s one more thing I need to say. I know you want to go back to Earth if you get the chance. And I don’t blame you. It’s your home. But if you’ll still have me, I humbly ask you to be my mate. Live with me, let me love you with all my heart for as long as you are here.”

  This time her voice was stronger. “Yes.”

  * * *

  He kissed her again, with a fierce intensity. Lexi opened her mouth to his, gave herself to the kiss. Without breaking contact, he shifted, lying her body on the soft cloak and positioning himself over her.

  She opened her legs, slipping one hand down, wrapping it around the hot length of him, guiding the head of his cock to her damp core. She moaned when he bore down, pressing her aching bottom against the hard stone floor. He pulled away.

  “I paddled your bottom for running away but it’s I who deserved to be whipped for hurting you with my actions. Let me ease your pain.”

  He slid down her body. Raising her legs to rest on his shoulders, he bent his head and ran his tongue slowly over her moist folds. Lexi shuddered and clenched her fists in his hair. He looked up at her, his eyes dark, then stuck out his tongue, making sure she watched as he flicked it back and forth over her clit. Lexi moaned again, this time out of sheer hunger.

  He flipped her body over and put her legs back on his shoulders, so quickly she barely realized what he was doing. The next instant, she felt his tongue tracing circles over her burning bottom. He dug his fingers into her hips, spreading apart the cheeks of her ass, and ran his tongue around the tight pucker of her back channel. He had her pinned in place, unable to move, unable to resist. Lexi felt a jolt of raw lust as his tongue probed. Her body responded at a primal level to his complete mastery.

  “Yes. Yes yes yes…”

  Ayron responded by slipping a finger into her wet channel, then spreading the dampness back as he worked it into her ass. Tremors rocked her body and she thrust her hips back to take in more. He moved, holding her up from underneath with one hand, stroking and pinching her throbbing clit while he slipped two fingers of his other hand deeper into her ass. Plunging them in and out. Taking her higher and higher. Until she shattered, shaking and screaming as the orgasm tore through her.

  He rolled, taking her with him, positioning her body over his cock as he lay on his back. “Claim me now,” he growled.

  Her pussy quivered with need. Lexi got to her knees and looked down at him. Teasing, tantalizing, she lowered herself ever so slowly onto his swollen member. Backing off, then going further. Taking her time, prolonging the moment of gratification for both of them. She felt his body shaking with the effort to lie still.

  Finally, he could bear it no longer. With a roar, he rolled on top of her and rammed his cock inside. Her pussy clenched around him as he thrust in and out, faster and faster. He tensed, then gave one final lunge. His cock pulsed inside her. She came again, swept along as his arms tightened around her and his mouth descended on hers.


  “Mama! Mama!” Alex burst into the room, running as fast as his stubby legs would carry him.

  “Mamamamamama.” Evita toddled along after her brother, repeating everything he said, mimicking his excitement although she had no idea what all the fuss was about.

  Lexi bent to catch both of them in her arms, n
uzzling them against her full breasts. It would be time to nurse Evita soon, one part of her mind registered. “What is it, my little darlings?”

  “Somebody has come,” Alex blurted out. “I don’t know who but papa does. I don’t think he likes him very much. His face looks mad. Like this.” He frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. Evita clapped her hands gleefully and tried to work her lips into a pout.

  Their father strode in after them, his face unreadable. “Alex, take your sister into the other room to play. I must speak with your mother.”

  His tone struck terror into her heart. “What’s wrong?”

  He took her hand and drew her down to sit beside him at the table. “A messenger arrived from Mother Ana’s Tryb. They found a group of strangers wandering in the outlands.” He stopped for a moment, swallowed hard, then went on. “Earthers. They’ve reopened the Portal and they want to establish relations with us here on Iridia.”

  She stared at him wordlessly.

  “You know what this means, don’t you? You can go home. Back to your planet. Back to the life you left behind.”

  Lexi closed her eyes. Earth. She’d dreamed of it often over the past five years. The oddest dreams, filled with fragments of her life there. Sometimes she was back in the Hall of Science, whispering with Devon while Director Nilsson droned on. Other times she stood alone at the floor-to-ceiling window of her apartment on the 247th floor, looking down on the gleaming white city below.

  She opened her eyes to see Ayron staring at her, his face reflecting a mixture of fear and sorrow. She started to speak but his finger on her lips stopped her.

  “It’s all right, my love. I understand. I told you when you agreed to mate with me I would love you for as long as fate allowed. Go. Just promise me you’ll come back from time to time to see the children.”

  Her eyes flashed. “You think I would be separated from my children?”

  If anything he looked even more stricken. “Please. Do not take them from me. You could not be so cruel.”

  She got up and began pacing around the small room, ranting all the while. “I cannot believe you know me so little! Do you really think I’d take our children away from you, away from the only home they’ve ever known? And for what? To go to Earth? True, my life was orderly there. Day followed day, one the same as the next. I had every convenience modern technology could provide. My time was my own, my home always neat and silent.”

  She whirled around the room. “Here is chaos. Here is sweetness and sorrow, squabbling children, endless chores, moments of sheer bliss, and yes, sometimes anger. But this is where my life is. Why would I choose to go back to that sterile, passionless planet? This is where I’ve discovered joy and laughter. And found love such as I never knew existed before.” She sank to her knees in front of him and drew his hand to her breast. “Can you feel it? Can you feel my heart? I could never leave you, leave them. It would kill me as much as tearing this heart from my body while it still beats.”

  Ayron took her in his arms. His kiss thrilled her, filled her with as much passion as it had the first time he captured her mouth with his.

  “I love you, Alexis Sims. And I thank the gods for the cosmic mishap they created to bring you into my life.”

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Alien Masters Series

  His to Command

  When Amanda Jane Norris sets out on an undercover mission to infiltrate the ranks of a rogue general on the planet of Neodyma, a world which has turned its back on modern technology, she has complete confidence in her ability to complete her task. But then things go terribly wrong…

  Captured by the power-mad general, Amanda’s ordeal begins with a thorough, intimate physical examination which leaves her both utterly humiliated and helplessly aroused. Her body’s intense response to the embarrassing procedure ensures that she will be sent to join the harem the general provides for his men, but only after she is punished for her failed attempt at espionage. After a long, hard spanking in the public square, Amanda is fitted with the red tail of a harlot and prepared for her training.

  She is given first to Kaden, a warrior on a secret errand of his own. He quickly proves more than willing to compel her submission with a firm hand applied to her bare bottom, but his plans for her are very different from the general’s. When Amanda first experiences the intense pleasure that a man’s mastery of her body can bring, it is unlike anything she has felt before, and though it fills her with shame she is left begging for more. But can she afford to risk asking for Kaden’s help bringing down the general?

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  His to Conquer

  When diplomat Talia Anderson travels through a star portal to Gadolinium, an ice-cold planet settled thousands of years ago by Viking explorers, she expects to find a peaceful society waiting for her arrival. To her shock, she instead emerges from the portal into a city in the midst of an invasion by a band of ruthless, warlike creatures set on conquest of the planet.

  After she is waylaid by the invaders, Talia is saved by a tall, handsome stranger, but later that night she ends up as a captive of the barbaric creatures nonetheless. Upon arriving at their stronghold, she is informed that she will soon be auctioned as a slave. To ensure her ability to please her future master, she is subjected to a thorough, intimate physical examination, and her efforts to resist merely result in painful, humiliating punishments which leave her bottom sore both inside and out.

  Since he first came to her aid in the street, Prince Kylar has been unable to get Talia off his mind. After learning of her capture, he sets out to free the feisty, beautiful Earth-woman. His rescue attempt proves successful, but Kylar quickly discovers that Talia will require a firm hand to keep her defiance in check, and when she disobeys a simple order he takes her over his knee for a long, hard, bare-bottom spanking.

  Back amongst his people at last, Kyler takes it upon himself to introduce Talia to all the pleasures a man’s dominance can bring. His masterful lovemaking leaves her both blushing with shame and quivering with desire, but is she truly prepared to submit fully to his conquest of not only her body but her heart as well?

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  His to Tame

  After medical worker Selena Reston saves the life of a badly injured warrior from a far-off world, she quickly discovers that the huge, handsome barbarian who goes by the name of Haldor is unlike any man she has ever met. When her behavior displeases him, she is shocked to find herself pulled over his strong thighs and held there as her bare bottom is soundly spanked. Stranger still, his bold dominance awakens desires in her that she cannot explain.

  Though such things have been forbidden for many years on Earth, she cannot help longing for the feel of his masterful touch on her naked body, and when he claims her hard and thoroughly she is left begging for more. Haldor is a not a man to be trifled with, however. Now that she is his, he will demand her obedience, and he is more than ready to teach her a stern lesson when she needs to be reminded who is in charge.

  As much as it shames her to admit it, his firm discipline only makes Selena’s passion for Haldor burn hotter, but her life and her newfound romance are put in jeopardy when she is captured by one of his enemies who seeks to use her for his own evil purposes. Can the warrior who tamed her body and her heart find a way to bring her home safe?

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  His to Take

  When Selena Reston saved the life of Haldor, a mortally wounded warrior from a far-off world, she never dreamed his bold dominance and masterful lovemaking would capture her heart so thoroughly that she’d leave Earth behind to follow him halfway across the galaxy.

  Though her love for Haldor remains as strong as ever, as the months pass Selena cannot help growing restless when the man who claimed her heart and brought her to his world is kept from her bed by the responsibilities of his position as one of the leaders of his people.

  Matters come to a head when a dangerous misadventure leaves Selena fighting for her life in a blizzard. After she is rescued, will Haldor decide that the only solution is to send Selena back to Earth for her own safety, or will he do what is needed to ensure that she never makes such a foolish decision again, even if that means punishing her more thoroughly than ever before?

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  More Stormy Night Books by Kallista Dane

  Her Darkest Desires

  Claire’s world has been turned upside down. She’s suddenly single again, alone for the first time in years, with no idea of what to do with her life. When she finds a series of intriguing ads promising to make every wicked, secret fantasy she’s ever imagined come true, she signs up for a weekend at the X-rated mountain resort The Dark Side of the Moon.

  Run by the mysterious Lady Gwen, an ageless Amazon of a woman, and her partner Mistress Jade, a six-foot-tall domme with an army of devoted subs to do her bidding, The Dark Side of the Moon proves to be everything it promised. Claire finds herself paired with a hot, young dom named Kyle who is more than willing to introduce her to a whole new lifestyle—one that includes plenty of stern, over-the-knee spankings on her bare bottom, mixed with the hottest, steamiest sex she’s ever had.


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