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Awakened By Time

Page 16

by Jennae Vale



  He continued slowly sliding in and out as Brenna began to join in and match his movement with her own, clutching his shoulders as she drew closer and closer to her release. He waited for her and when she began to convulse in his arms, he took his own release before lying spent, arms and legs entwined with hers.

  As their breathing returned to normal, Zeke rolled onto his back, taking Brenna with him.

  She rested her head on his chest, “Zeke?”


  “That was verra much better than I thought it would be.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad.”

  “How often can we do this?” she asked.

  “As often as you’d like,” he said, feeling sleepy. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  They were awakened by the sound of Dougall calling his sister’s name. “Brenna!” He sounded frantic.

  “Brenna!” Helene joined him.

  “I’m here,” Brenna called out.

  Footsteps pounded up the stairs and towards her chamber. “Are ye alright? We were worried about ye.” Helene opened the door and froze. Dougall who was right behind her almost ran into her.

  “What’s going on in here?” Dougall said, pushing his way past Helene who seemed unable to wipe the shocked expression from her face. He pulled his sword from its sheath and pointed it at Zeke. “Remove yerself from me sister’s bed.”

  “Dougall, stop it!” Brenna cried.

  “How dare ye take advantage of me sister!” he shouted.

  Zeke covered himself with his plaid as he got out of bed. “Let me explain,” he said.

  “What is there to explain, I can see with me own two eyes what has occurred here.”

  “Dougall, we’re handfasted. Zeke and I have every right to be together.” Brenna pulled the covers up to her chin. “Now if ye’ll leave me room, Zeke and I will meet ye downstairs.”

  “She’s right, Dougall. Come.” A red-faced and obviously embarrassed Helene grasped Dougall’s arm and pulled him from the room. “We’re sorry we barged in here. We shoudnae have done so.”

  They left the room, closing the door behind them. Zeke and Brenna listened as they made their way back downstairs with voices raised.

  “I’m sorry, Brenna. I should have known this might happen. It’s my fault for falling asleep.”

  “’Tis nae yer fault. Me brother shouldnae have come in here accusing ye of being with me when ye’ve every right to be.”

  “I don’t think he ever thought our handfasting was for more than just fooling yer Da. We need to go speak with him.”

  Brenna climbed out of bed and watched as the plaid that Zeke held in front of him tented. She smiled and went to him. He held her in his arms. “As much as I want you right now, we’ll have to wait,” he said.

  “Aye,” she agreed. They got their clothes on and then went downstairs to face Dougall’s ire.

  Dougall paced back and forth in front of the hearth, while Helene sat nearby wringing her hands.

  As they entered the room, Dougall opened his mouth to speak, but Brenna had other ideas. “Dougall MacRae, who do ye think ye are? I cannae believe the way ye’ve spoken to Zeke. He’s me husband. Why is it that ye feel ye can tell me what I cannae do, when I ken ye were with Helene before ye married?”

  Helene turned scarlet again and Dougall stood mouth agape.

  “Me husband will be staying here with me from now on. We’ve been separated too long, but willnae be any longer.” She looked from one to the other. “If ye dinnae wish us to stay here, then we will stay with Sara and Logan. ’Tis up to ye.”

  Helene seemed to get a grip on herself first. “Brenna, we’re ever so sorry. As ye’ve said, ’tis nae our business. Yer legally bound to one another. There is nae reason ye should be apart. Is there Dougall?”

  “I can think of one good reason. Zeke isnae staying here. He intends to go back home to his own time.”

  “I ken he’ll be leaving. While he’s here, he’s me husband. If ye dinnae approve, we’ll go.” She reached for her cloak by the door.

  “Nae. Stay, please.” Helene said. “Ye are both welcome here. Brenna, yer brother loves ye and he just wants to protect ye. He cannae help himself.”

  “Aye. She’s right,” Dougall said. “Me apologies to ye. And to ye, Zeke. When she was a wee bairn, it was me duty to watch over her, ye ken. And now that she’s here with me again, I want to protect her still, but that isnae me job anymore. ‘Tis yers. She is still me sister and so I must warn ye that if ye hurt her in any way, ye’ll have to answer to me.”

  “Apology accepted. You can be assured I won’t ever hurt her.” He took the cloak from Brenna’s hands and placed it back on the hook.

  “Good,” Helene said, apparently eager to change the subject. “Are ye hungry?”

  “Very,” Zeke said.

  “I’ve brought some food from the castle. Come let’s sit in the kitchen and share it.”

  Brenna took Zeke’s hand and they followed Helene and Dougall into the kitchen. It was obvious this was an awkward moment for everyone but Brenna. She had a glow about her that only shined more brightly when Zeke was at her side.

  The Thistle & Hive Inn, Glendaloch, Scotland - 2017

  “It’s like a medieval webcam,” Maggie said, as she walked into Edna’s office.

  “I’m so glad I created it.” Edna Campbell placed the snow globe on the mantle above the fireplace.

  “Anything exciting happening at Breaghacraig?” Maggie was obviously eager to know.

  “As a matter of fact, I was just speaking with Ashley. Both she and Jenna have had their bairns. Sons for both.” A steaming pot of tea sat on the small table. “Come sit,” Edna motioned to two chairs set in front of empty tea cups. She filled both cups and sat.

  “Dylan will be so excited to hear. Did she tell you their names?”

  “Aye. Ashley’s son is Andrew and Jenna’s is Ethan.”

  They sipped their tea and each took a piece of homemade shortbread.

  “Zeke and Brenna are finding their way, I’m happy to report. I must tell Dylan that this shortbread is delicious.” She took another bite, savoring the buttery flavor.

  “So, no need for us to make a trip to Breaghacraig then.” Maggie sounded disappointed.

  “I’m afraid not,” Edna said.

  “I’d really love to see the new bairns,” Maggie said, obviously hoping that Edna would relent.

  “Ye will. I’ll be sure both ye and Dylan are here when next I speak with Ashley.” She poured herself more tea. “Dr. Ferguson will be on his way to see the Jeffords.”

  “Another match in the making?” Maggie laughed.

  “Aye. Wouldn’t that be lovely for him?” She wiped the crumbs from her mouth with her napkin, before sipping her tea.

  “It would, but then what will we do for a doctor?” Maggie asked. Dr. Ferguson was the only doctor in Glendaloch and, as such, he took care of all them.

  “Details, details, me dear. Dinnae worry yerself about them. Things will work out for everyone, ye’ll see.”

  “They always do, Auntie,” Maggie smiled warmly, before finishing her tea. “Now, I’ve got work to do.” She stood, kissed Edna on the cheek and left the room, saying “I’ll tell Dylan you love the shortbread.”

  Edna moved over to her desk and shuffled through the pile of papers there. She always did her best to put people on the path to the love they were meant to share, but even though she’d had great success to this point, there was no guarantee that her winning streak would continue. Things were progressing well for Zeke and Brenna, but it was sometimes the strangest things that got in the way.

  “You’re going to stay with the MacRaes?” Sara asked, disappointment in her voice.

  “Brenna has asked me to stay there with her. I hope that’s alright with you,” Zeke said. He was gathering the few belongings he’d brought along with him and placing them in the saddle ba
gs he was using as luggage.

  “I’ve been enjoying seeing you every day,” Sara said.

  “I know. I’ve enjoyed it too, but I’m not far away. Just down the road, so we’ll still see each other.”

  “Yeah, but for how much longer. You’re still going back to San Francisco.”

  “You’re right. I am. I haven’t decided when yet. And besides, I believe Edna might have something to say about that.”

  “You haven’t heard from her.”

  “Not a word.”

  "You never know with Edna, she might just pop up here when you least expect it. That’s what happened with me.” Sara had an impish smile on her lips. “So, you two are doing it, huh?”

  Zeke chuckled. “Are you and Logan doing it?”

  “We’re married. Of course we’re doing it.”

  “Well, sis, I’m married too, so, yes, we’re doing it.”

  Sara opened her mouth to comment, but Zeke cut her off.

  “And don’t ask me for the details. That… is none of your business.”

  Sara rolled her eyes skyward. “I’ll walk with you to Helene’s house. I want to say hello.”

  Zeke slung the bags over his shoulder and they headed off to the MacRae’s.

  “I almost forgot to tell you. You’ll never guess who I met when I first got here.” Sara’s excitement was obvious, but Zeke had no idea who she could be talking about.

  “Sara, I don’t know anyone here,” Zeke responded, nodding to one of Sara’s neighbors as they passed a nearby cottage.

  “Yes, you do. Think about it for a minute.” He watched with some amusement as she tried desperately to keep from jumping up and down.

  Zeke raked his fingers through his hair. “I know Logan and Dougall.”

  “And you also know that’s not the answer.” She turned to face him, pursing her lips and crossing her arms while walking backwards in front of him.

  “Right.” He thought about it for a while and then a huge grin broke out on his face. “Nick! Did you see Nick?”

  “Ding, ding, ding! Yes. I did. He’s married to a really sweet lady, who also happens to be a time traveler, named Kat. He’s laird of his own castle. It’s in a place called Dunnet Head.”

  Sara faced forward once again and grasped his arm. He could feel her happy energy flowing into him. “I’d love to see him before I go back.”

  “It’s kind of far,” Sara said.

  “Maybe next time then,” he said, disappointment in his voice. “How is he?”

  “He’s great! I told him all about the studio and he was happy to hear that things were going so well for you. He even asked about Wade.”

  “I miss that guy. He was such an inspiration to me. I never got a chance to tell him how much he really did for me.”

  “I think he knows.”

  They dropped Zeke’s things off at the MacRae’s only to find that no one was home. So they headed back to Breaghacraig to look for them.

  “You know, Sara, I’m pretty happy right now.” Zeke strolled along beside his sister, feeling like the luckiest man on earth.

  “I happy for you,” Sara said. “I was really worried about you after Helene left. Edna really knows a thing or two about love. I wonder how she figures it all out.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe she sets the stage and then it’s up to the players to write the script,” Zeke said.

  They entered the courtyard to a sight that put Zeke on high alert. There seated on horseback among a dozen or so men, sat Nevil Munro.

  “What’s he doing here?” he snarled.

  “You know him?” Sara asked.

  “He’s the man who kidnapped Brenna. Where is she? I’ve got to find her!” Zeke grabbed Sara by the arm and pulled her along behind him. They skirted around behind Munro, being careful not to draw attention to themselves.

  “Is there another entrance to the castle?” Zeke asked.

  “Over here,” Sara said. She led the way and Zeke followed to a side entry that led directly into the great hall.

  He was relieved to see Brenna and Helene seated by the fire. He rushed to them. “Nevil Munro is here. He’s right outside.”

  “What does he want?” Brenna asked. He could see that she was alarmed as her eyes flew wide and she jumped up from her seat, ready to run at a moments notice.

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t want him to see you.” He glanced around the room. What he was searching for he couldn’t say and then his eyes landed on Helene.

  “I’ll take her upstairs to Ashley’s chamber. Come, Brenna.” Helene said.

  “Be careful,” Brenna said as she was escorted from the room.

  Moments later, Nevil and two of his men made their entrance into the great hall. Zeke and Sara did their best to look as if they were surprised to see them.

  “San Francisco!” Nevil said. “I’m surprised to see ye here.”

  “Why is he calling you San Francisco?” Sara whispered.

  “I’ll explain later.” He strode to Munro with his arm extended.

  Nevil clasped it. “I’m here in search of Brenna MacRae. Have ye seen her?” he asked, one eyebrow cocked as if he already knew the answer.

  Zeke didn’t answer him.

  “I thought she’d be here with her brother, Dougall. And now I see that yer here, it makes me believe she cannae be far.”

  “What do you want with her?”

  “Before ye came along, she was to be me bride. Paddraig MacRae had an agreement with me and I intend to see that he keeps it.”

  “You should be speaking with Paddraig then,” Zeke said. “No one here can help you.”

  “They can. I’m here to see Robert MacKenzie. Once he hears me tale, he’ll surely see to it that what is rightfully mine is returned to me.” Nevil glanced around the hall and seeing a servant, called him over. “Get Laird MacKenzie. Tell him Laird Munro is here to see him.”

  “Sir,” the servant bowed and hurried from the hall.

  “Ye ken why I’m here and now mayhap ye’ll tell me why yer here,” Munro said.

  “I’m here to see my brother-in-law. You’re quite aware of the fact that Brenna and I have handfasted. She is legally mine for a year and a day.”

  “Yer handfasting was nothing more than a ploy to get what MacRae offered to me,” Munro accused.

  “I received nothing in return,” Zeke stated.

  Munro sneered at him. “Who in their right mind would wed that lass without receiving a sizable dowry in return. I dinnae believe ye, San Francisco.”

  “Believe what you like. It’s the truth.”

  Zeke noted that Sara’s head moved back and forth between them as if she were watching a tennis match.

  “Munro, to what do we owe this honor,” Robert MacKenzie entered the room with Cormac and Cailin by his side.

  The two men greeted each other, but Zeke could feel a tension between them. “I’ve come to request yer help.”

  “What exactly can I help ye with?” Robert asked.

  “Paddraig MacRae has a legal agreement with me. I was to wed his daughter and in exchange MacRae agreed to give me a portion of his land that abuts mine. He has betrayed me trust and instead allowed her to handfast with San Francisco here.” He pointed to Zeke. The MacKenzie men all glanced his way. Cormac seemed as if he was doing his best not to chuckle and instead coughed into his hand.

  “Dinnae ye think ye should take this up with MacRae?” Robert asked.

  “I’ve tried, but the man willnae listen. He has even sent his men reiving on me property. He’s stolen two dozen of me finest cows.”

  “I’m afraid I cannae be of any assistance to ye, Munro,” Robert said. “I believe Zeke is legally wed to Brenna.”

  “I would be satisfied if ye turned her over to me, so that I could use her as a bargaining tool to get me property back and to retrieve the land he promised me.”

  “Munro, yer an idjit if ye believe I’d side with ye on this. This is a matter best taken up with Paddraig MacRae.”
It was obvious Robert was done discussing the matter. “If ye and yer men care to join us for the evening meal, yer welcome to, but that is all I can offer ye.”

  Helene stood out of sight in the passageway just outside the great hall. She’d heard all she needed to here. Carefully lifting her skirts, she ran up the stairs and then to Ashley’s room where Brenna was now awaiting news.

  “’Tis bad,” Helene said, closing the door behind her. “Laird Munro is insisting that Robert turn ye over to him so he can get what is rightfully his.” The look of horror on Brenna’s face gave Helene pause. “Dinnae fear. Robert has told him he willnae do it. He’s told Munro to solve his differences with yer father.”

  “Don’t worry, Brenna. As long as you’re here at Breaghacraig, no harm will come to you. The men will see to it,” Ashley assured her.

  “I dinnae wish to start a war,” Brenna worried her lower lip.

  “Robert has invited them to stay for the evening meal and then be on their way. They’ll stay the night and be gone in the morning. Rest assured, the men will keep close watch on them until they’ve gone.”

  “I can’t stay up here in Ashley’s room,” Brenna said.

  “Helene, you should take her home with you,” Ashley said.

  “I cannae leave now. I must help prepare for the meal. When Zeke arrives, I’ll have him come up to get you. He’ll see that you get home safely.”

  Brenna relaxed a bit on hearing this news. She always felt safer when Zeke was near.

  Chapter 19

  The evening meal was shrouded with tension, but the MacKenzie clan did their best to keep the mood of their guests at least one rung below breaking out into a brawl.

  “I ken the lass is here, Robert,” Nevil said. “Ye’d be doing me a great service by simply handing her over to me. I would be forever indebted to ye.”

  “It would nae be in me best interest to do so,” Robert said. “Paddraig MacRae is a strong ally and I’ll nae ruin our alliance. Forget about the lass and go to MacRae with your complaint.”

  Helene listened carefully as she served the family and their guests at the main table. Zeke spirited Brenna back home to keep her out of harm’s way, so on that count Helene could relax a bit, but she was worried about Dougall. Robert spread his men out around the room to keep the peace, so he was sitting right in the midst of Munro’s men. From the look of them they were enjoying their meal and there was no need for worry. That could change at Nevil Munro’s discretion.


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