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Awakened By Time

Page 18

by Jennae Vale

  “I may have to injure yer other leg to keep ye here,” Brenna teased.

  “I promise. We’ll come back up as soon as Sara goes home. Besides, we were helping Helene in the kitchen, remember. Aren’t you hungry?”

  “A wee bit,” she conceded, slipping around in front of him to stand between him and the door.

  Zeke got the hint and backing her up against the door, he moved her hair out of his way and slowly teased her neck with kisses, working his way up to her jawline and then to her lips, which were parted and waiting. He loved to kiss her. For a woman with little experience, she could set him on fire with those lips and that tongue. At this rate, they’d never make it downstairs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer, feeling every inch of her pressed up against himself.

  A knock on the door at Brenna’s back, froze them mid-kiss. “Yes,” Zeke said.

  “Are you coming downstairs or what?” Sara asked.

  Brenna wrinkled her nose and moved away from the door. He opened it just a crack, waiting for the evidence of what had just taken place to return to normal. “Sara, did anyone ever tell you you’ve got the worst timing?”

  “Oops! Sorry,” she said, looking and sounding not the least bit sorry.

  Brenna slipped past Zeke and opened the door further so she could leave the room.

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” Zeke said, remembering just how difficult Sara had made his life when they were younger when he’d try to sneak a girl up to his room.

  “Okay. See you downstairs,” she said, giggling like the little trouble maker she’d always been.

  Zeke took a moment to gather himself and the body part that seemed to have a mind of its own. Payback was going to be sweet. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite as good at causing trouble as Sara was. Closing the door behind him he went downstairs thinking of ways he might get back at his baby sister.

  Chapter 20

  The women were gathered in Jenna’s chamber. The bairns were sleeping and it was a perfect time to get together for tea, sweet cakes and a little gossip.

  “Laird Munro and his men are long gone now,” Ashley said.

  “Robert sent some of his best men to escort them,” Irene added.

  “I’m worried he’ll be back,” Brenna said, chewing on her lip.

  “’Tis possible. I dinnae believe he’d present himself at the castle. He’d more likely sneak in,” Irene said.

  Brenna couldn’t help it, but she shuddered at this prospect.

  “I’m sorry Brenna, I dinnae mean to frighten ye.” Irene reached out to touch her hand. “But ’tis best to be aware of all that could occur.”

  “How long will this go on for? Me Da was a fool to make an agreement with him if he didnae intend to follow through with it.”

  “You’re here with us now,” Jenna said.

  “Aye. Dougall willnae allow anything to happen to ye,” Helene assured her.

  “I ken it,” Brenna said. This wasn’t what she wished to speak of today. “I hope ye dinnae mind if we speak of something else. All this talk of Nevil Munro doesnae sit well with me. I was hoping that ye might tell me what ’tis like to live in the future.” She directed this last statement to Ashley.

  “We’d love to,” Ashley said. She got up to check on the bairns, who were still sleeping soundly and then returned to her seat. “What do you want to know?”

  “If the future is such a wonderful place, why did ye wish to stay here?”

  “It is a wonderful place, but our husbands are here and Jenna and I gained a family when we came. We’ve got Irene, Helene, our husbands and now our children. I can’t speak for Jenna, but I know I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, but if you took away all those people and I was here alone, I don’t think I would have stayed.”

  “I’d have to agree with Ashley. Love, family - those are the most important things in our lives,” Jenna said.

  “In the future, this whole thing between your father and Laird Munro, would be handled completely differently. Most importantly, you’d have a say in what was going to happen to you. You would be your own woman. Independent and able to take care of yourself. You wouldn’t need a man, unless you wanted one.”

  “You could even live by yourself if you wanted to,” Sara chimed in. “Like I did.”

  “You lived alone?” Brenna was shocked by this announcement. She simply couldn’t imagine living all by herself without a castle full of people. “Were ye afraid?”

  “No. Not at all.” Sara looked around at the other women for support.

  “Jenna and I both lived on our own. It’s not at all uncommon where we’re from. Women have friends and careers. They don’t feel the need to get married right away.”

  “Explain what a career is,” Helene suggested.

  “A career is the work you do. You know, if you want to be a doctor, or a lawyer or business owner. People go to school and learn all they can about their chosen profession.”

  “A woman can do any of those things?” Brenna was amazed. “I think I’d like it there. I’d like to be independent, as you call it.”

  “Well, if you lived there, you could be,” Jenna said.

  “The clothing that women wear is verra different, too.” Helene poured herself more tea. “Would anyone else like some?”

  “I would,” Irene said.

  “Me, too.” Ashley raised her hand.

  “This might be the only thing I’d miss about this time,” Brenna said.

  “Surely there’d be other things you’d miss as well,” Jenna said.

  “I don’t know. I certainly wouldnae miss anything about Castle Treun.”

  “Not even your father?” Ashley asked.

  “Nae.” Brenna was angry with him. He’d tried to bargain her away to keep his wife happy.

  “What of Dougall?” Helene asked.

  “Aye. I’d miss Dougall and Logan and all of ye, of course. Ye’ve all been so kind to me. ’Tis not like Castle Treun at all.” Tears appeared unwanted and unexpectedly in her eyes and she wiped them away.

  “Group hug,” Ashley said.

  They all rose and pulled Brenna up from her chair. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but it became evident almost immediately as all of these women wrapped their arms around each other and around her for a hug.

  “I like this group hug,” Brenna said, laughing now.

  These women understood what she was feeling and they wanted her to know that if she needed them, they were here to help her. They were all so much like the woman she wished to be. They had husbands and bairns and they were still strong, able women. Their husbands listened to them and they had a say in everything involving their families. She thought she had that too, but being here taught her that she’d merely been her father’s helper. He made all the decisions, never once asking her opinion on anything, not even with regard to her choice of a husband.

  Thinking about husbands, naturally brought Zeke to mind. He was turning out to be exactly what she’d always dreamed of in a husband and she wanted to go wherever he went. She hoped he would take her with him when he left. She didn’t wish to be too forward, but she thought she might bring the subject up with him. After this conversation with the ladies of Breaghacraig, she felt empowered to do so.

  Dougall, Logan and Zeke rode out along the cliff top overlooking the sea. Zeke wasn’t sure why they’d asked him to join them, but they were having a good time discussing what had taken place the day before.

  “Yer quite good with a sword,” Dougall said. “I’ve seen it before, in San Francisco, but yesterday I was once again reminded of yer skill.”

  “Thanks,” Zeke said. “I’ve picked up some pointers since I’ve been here.”

  “We could use a man like ye here at Breaghacraig. I wondered if ye’d consider staying on with us.”

  “I’m honored that you’d ask me, Dougall, but I really want to go back home. I have the studio and my students there.”

  “Sara would like ye to
stay as well,” Logan added.

  “I know she would and I’d like her to come back to San Francisco, but neither of those two things is going to happen.”

  “What are your intentions towards me sister?” Dougall stopped his horse and gazed intently at Zeke.

  “I’d like her to go with me. She’s not safe here. You know Munro will be hanging around waiting for any opportunity to grab her.”

  “Aye. I agree. He’s a dangerous man and now he knows she’s here, I have nae doubt he’ll return. He wouldnae dare present himself to the MacKenzies, but he’s not above lying in wait for her and snatching her away. I dinnae have enough faith in me father to believe he’d bargain for her if it meant losing that piece of land.”

  “I haven’t asked her yet. I’m not even sure she’d want to go with me. She’s happy here with you and Helene.”

  “’Tis you she’s happy with,” Dougall noted. “Ye ken, she’s me sister and while I havenae spent a good deal of time with her over the years, I do know she’s never been this happy.”

  “Aye. I’ve never seen her smile and laugh so much,” Logan added. “I’ve known her almost as long as she’s been Dougall’s sister.”

  Zeke was surprised by this. He thought back to their first meeting and could see what they meant. She didn’t come across as the warm, sweet woman he now knew. She’d seemed cool, distant and somewhat disagreeable with him, which is why he didn’t really like her much at first.

  This new information put a whole new spin on his return trip. He hoped it would be alright with Edna, because he’d made up his mind. He wanted Brenna to come home with him.

  The thought of never having to answer to her Da again, had Brenna walking on air. San Francisco sounded as if it would be exactly the right place for her and the best part of it all was that Zeke would be there with her. This would be the adventure that had been sorely lacking in her life. She no longer had to tolerate the pettiness of her step-mother. Excitement, followed by anticipation, followed by nervousness kept her moving. She couldn’t seem to sit still.

  “Brenna, what on earth is wrong with ye, lass?” Helene asked.

  “Nae a thing,” Brenna answered.

  “Yer jumping around as if a spider’s crawled up yer skirt.”

  “I ken it. I’m sorry. I dinnae mean to disturb ye.”

  “Dougall and Zeke will be home soon. I could use yer help to make the evening meal so it’s ready when they arrive.”

  “Aye. What can I do to help?”

  “Can ye go to the root cellar and get me some wine to serve with dinner?” Helene continued chopping herbs and mixing them into the dough she’d prepared.

  Brenna froze. She was afraid to go to the root cellar alone. It was dark now and it was always possible that Laird Munro had snuck back and was waiting for her out there.

  “What’s wrong, Brenna? Ye’ve gone pale on me. Do ye nae feel well?” Helene stopped what she was doing and rushed to Brenna’s side. “Och, me. I’m so sorry. I didnae think about yer ordeal of yesterday. Come, let’s go together.”

  Helene took a torch to light the way and Brenna held her sgian-dubh tightly in her hand as they slowly made their way to the cellar. Every little sound caught Brenna’s attention. Her heart was racing in her chest. Once they’d made it to the cellar, Helene grabbed the wine and hurried Brenna back to the house. As they came through the door, Brenna shrieked in fright and clutched her chest, startled to find Dougall and Zeke standing there waiting for them.

  Zeke was immediately at her side holding her close. “Oh, sweetie, it’s alright. It’s just us. I’m so sorry we frightened you.”

  “She was nervous to go out back after what took place yesterday,” Helene explained.

  Brenna held tightly to Zeke. “I thought ye were Laird Munro.”

  “Munro! I’m a lot better looking than that old geezer,” he laughed hoping that it would help Brenna to stop shaking.

  Brenna clung to him, took a deep breath, then looked into his eyes. He held her close so she would feel his strength. He couldn’t stand the thought of her being scared. It was only a moment until she shared a small smile with him then laughed, as did Helene and Dougall.

  “Forgive me. I dinnae ken how I could have mistaken either of ye fer that terrible man,” Brenna said.

  “No need to apologize, or to ever worry about him again,” Dougall said.

  He and Zeke exchanged glances and Brenna wondered what secret they shared. “Ye didnae kill him, did ye?”

  “Nae, of course we didnae,” Dougall said.

  “Dougall, would ye take the wine. Let’s sit by the fire before we eat,” Helene suggested.

  Dougall took the wine jug from her. Brenna observed her brother and Helene as she had been since her arrival. She could see how much in love they were. If she needed to know what love was, then this was the best example she’d seen. He was so attentive and sweet with her, but he also showed great respect for her, listening to her opinions and taking her advice.

  Once they were seated around the hearth, Dougall filled their goblets with wine.

  “Slainté,” Dougall toasted, raising his wine. They all followed suit.

  Brenna snuck a peek at Zeke as he sipped his wine. She didn’t have to try too hard to imagine what a life with him would be like. Of course, there would be things she didn’t understand about his time, but he would be Zeke no matter where they were. Conversation continued on around her as she daydreamed. The more she thought about it, the more it appealed to her. They would speak later. She would tell him she wanted to go to San Francisco. Lost in her own thoughts, she worried her lower lip.

  “Is everything alright, Brenna?” Zeke gently touched her lips with his thumb. “You seem to be somewhere else.”

  “All is well,” she replied, a warm, sweet smile lighting her face. “I was only thinking.”

  “Brenna, would ye mind helping me in the kitchen? Zeke, Dougall please sit at the table. We’ll serve the meal now,” Helene said.

  As they placed the food on two separate trays, Helene seemed to be paying close attention to Brenna.

  “I wish to go to San Francisco with Zeke,” Brenna blurted out. “Do ye think he’ll take me with him?”

  Helene didn’t appear surprised by this statement. “So that’s what ye were thinking of in there.”


  “Do ye love him?” Helene asked.

  “I believe I do,” Brenna answered.

  “Does he love ye?”

  “I dinnae ken it. We havenae spoken of love.”

  “I see. Ye must tell him if ye truly love him. He’s a good man, Brenna. Do yer best nae to hurt his heart.”

  “I wouldnae do that,” she assured Helene. “I do fear fer me own heart, though.”

  “Zeke would never knowingly hurt ye,” Helene assured her. “I cannae think of a better man, other than yer brother Dougall.”

  “I can see who he is and I believe that the day I met him was the luckiest day of me life, but I’m afraid. What if he willnae take me with him? What if he doesnae believe I belong there?”

  “If ye truly love each other, ye’ll find yer way,” Helene assured her.

  “Thank you, Helene.”

  “Come, let’s serve the food before ’tis cold.”

  Chapter 21

  As they lay awake in bed, curled in each other’s arms, Zeke couldn’t believe how right it felt. He hadn’t come here to find a wife, as he’d said many times over the past weeks, but somehow that’s exactly what had happened. He was at peace, something he thought he had been before, but now he realized had all been an act. An act he played out each and every day. He fooled himself into thinking he had everything he needed. All he ever thought about was the studio, his work and his students. He never thought about his own life and about what the next step would be for him. He ignored the loneliness and solitude. To be truthful, he never thought about it until Sara was suddenly gone from his life. His sister had become his entire world and without he
r he couldn’t imagine what his life would be like. Coming here to this time and meeting Brenna showed him that there was more in store for him. As much as he loved Sara and wanted her to be nearby, he understood that he needed to go outside of himself and make his own life, and it was becoming more and more possible with the wife he hadn’t known he wanted.

  He gazed down at Brenna as her head lay on his chest, his arms enveloping her. He never wanted to let go. Love was what had been missing from his life and he did love Brenna. He realized then that he’d never said the words and she deserved to hear them. He wanted her to know. He wanted everyone to know.



  “I love you.” His voice was soft, but she heard him.

  Her head sprang up and propping herself on her elbow, she gazed into his eyes. The happiness he saw there showed itself in the sparkle of happy tears. “You do?” she asked.

  “I do. I don’t know when it happened or how, but I do love you and I hope you’ll come with me to San Francisco. I don’t believe I could leave without you by my side.”

  “Aye. I’ll come with ye. I’ve hoped ye’d ask me. Yer me husband and I love ye, too.”

  Her trembling lips kissed his again and again. Zeke gently flipped her onto her back so that he could gaze down at her loveliness. She was so beautiful to him. He hoped she knew, but decided it best to tell her. He didn’t want to go without saying what he was feeling ever again. “Brenna, you are the beauty I need in my life. Not just the kind of beauty you look at, because you are very much that, but the beauty that makes everyday a worthwhile adventure. The beauty that makes everything shine a little brighter and keeps me wanting to know where this life is taking me. I know it’s someplace good and I know I want to go there with you.”

  “I can hardly speak. Me heart is so full of love for ye. I wish to be wherever ye are. I wish to go with ye on all yer journeys.”

  Their lips met again and they shared sweet, passionate kisses. They’d truly made their pledge to each other. Unlike at their handfasting, now it meant something to them both.


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