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'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

Page 27

by Colin Flaherty

  But a video from the “riot” in May shows hundreds of black people on the streets of downtown, fighting, spreading chaos and overwhelming the ability of the local police to disperse the crowds or bring them under control.[542]

  One local merchant said the violence was due to a lack of parking spaces. Commenters on local web sites said it was no longer safe to walk home from the downtown area to student housing.

  OK, fess up: Did you know or suspect or ever dream that Lincoln, Nebraska would become a hot bed of racial violence? Tell the truth.

  Or maybe it is just the parking spaces.

  In Buffalo, a black mob disrupted the Independence Day festivities at Riverside Park, much of it on video. According to the Buffalo News:[543]

  “The mob started a number of fights and later wreaked havoc on Tonawanda Street by blocking traffic and jumping on cars before they were dispersed without arrests.”

  “It was a rough crowd,” said Annette Class, a Riverside resident who attended with her three children.

  She was upset by both a fight that broke out in the front of the crowd during the fireworks show and also the behavior of some young people afterward.

  “I think next year we’ll just watch it from our house,” she said.“It wasn’t a crowd I would want my children in, and I wouldn’t suggest it for anyone with younger children.”

  Buffalo city council member Joseph Golombek called the widespread violence “isolated.” He also said this year’s festival was safer than last year’s. That would be news to readers of the Buffalo News, which did not report any widespread violence during last year’s fireworks festivities.

  Buffalo was the scene of several episodes of racial violence during the previous school year. Several students at Buffalo State College were robbed and beaten on various occasions by groups of black people.

  The campus chief of police, Peter Carey, denied the campus had a crime problem. He described the problem to the Buffalo News thusly: "The City of Buffalo is an urban environment, and if you come from a rural section of the state, this is a different setting."[544]

  Well. Guess that applies to Fourth of July as well. Cops like this chief of police are increasingly offering similar -- and familiar -- advice about how to deal with black mob violence: Relax and enjoy it.

  In Manchester, New Hampshire, the Boston Fox affiliate reports “three men arrested following a large fight involving up to 20 people that occurred inside a McDonald's early Saturday morning. 20 people were fighting, some throwing chairs inside the restaurant's dining area. The caller also reported hearing gunshots outside the restaurant. Officers said that several suspects were highly uncooperative and became increasingly belligerent and aggressive toward them.”[545]

  Police found two bullet casings in the parking lot and are looking for a black man in connection with the shooting. Everyone arrested was black.

  This could go on with even more small town examples of black mob violence in and around the Holiday weekend. South Bend. More in Cedar Rapids. And on and on. But let’s go bigger: The Big Apple.

  A rapper(ess) thought it would be a good idea give out a whole lot of free food in Harlem for the holiday. So she posted it all over Facebook.

  What could go wrong?

  Lots. Gunfire. Fighting. Property destruction. Violence. Hip Hop Rap Scene news site broke it down:[546]

  DAMN!!!….Teyana Taylor Cookout SHOT UP By a 14 Year Old Kid, Police and Helicopters Everywhere, One Man injured!!

  It’s not a July 4th cookout until someone catches a mean slug. Does the heat make some black people crazy? Damn homie it’s the July 4th cookout not World War 3.

  Calm that isht down. A 200-person party hosted by local rapper Teyana Taylor in Morningside Park descended into mayhem late yesterday— leaving one cop hurt and another reveler arrested, police and attendees said.

  The crowd gathered around 9pm at West 120th Street and Morningside Avenue and quickly got out of hand, partygoers said in Facebook posts.

  “It’s like LA (cali) after a riot out here at Morningside park. Police everywhere. Helicopters in the sky. Madness,” posted Aaron Rose. The mob first occupied the park, then moved on to the West Side Highway and attempted to climb the fences of Riverbank State Park.

  A Housing sergeant injured his shoulder trying to quell the crowd, and a 14-year-old was arrested for firing a gun into the air, police said.

  “They just shot Teyana Taylor cookout up,” read one post on Twitter, while another noted “After it got dark teyana taylor cookout got mixxy lol ..had to leave.”

  Here’s what you won’t read in the paper. What a Brooklyn cop told me: The 14-year old who shot up the place? That was his fourth arrest for robbery and weapons violations. Keep it on the down low. Brooklyn cops were texting me details of this holiday party while the dishes were still dirty.

  Teyana said none of this is true. And anyone who disagrees is just a hater.

  With so many people getting killed in Chicago over the 2013 Fourth of July weekend -- 74 shot and 12 dead by one count -- police and media did not have much time for some routine black mob violence surrounding the downtown fireworks.[547]

  That is what reporters tell themselves in the newsrooms, anyway.

  But police officers who work the area, and a police blog that is constantly ahead of the local press on crime stories, are getting increasingly impatient over the city’s inaction -- and media complicity -- in the face of this frequent, intense and now predictable black mob violence. Here’s something else you won’t read in the local papers: This impatience and anger is getting worse among cops. And inside the department, it is divided along racial lines. Very nasty stuff.

  Back to the news: There were several cases:

  A mob of black transvestites was also attacking the tourists downtown. The Chicago News Report says 8 black males, “some of them dressed in women’s clothing” attacked a husband and wife walking their dog. [548]

  During the fireworks downtown, a mob of at least 50 black people stole iPhones and assaulted several people: A few days after the attack, the Sun-Times found a hero:[549]

  Gary Dailey, a 51-year-old real estate broker, was weaving his way through a stalled crowd at the mouth of the pedestrian tunnel leading under Lake Shore Drive and up to Division Street. He made his way to the front and saw why the masses were hesitant to proceed. A group of about 50 young people were in the middle of the tunnel screaming and pushing and throwing stuff.

  “I thought about walking to the next underpass, but I was just too tired,” said Dailey, who was headed to his girlfriend’s place. As he passed the rowdy group, a man bumped into him and reached for the cellphone in Dailey’s pocket.

  “I said‘What the f - - - are you doing?’ and slapped his hand away,” said Dailey, who kept walking. A few seconds later he heard a scream and turned to see a man snatching a woman’s cellphone.

  Dailey chased the man, finally pointing him out to police when the alleged miscreant got too tired to run any more. Dailey is a former marathon runner and the brother of a Chicago police officer.[550]

  Cops in Chicago are getting very unhappy that the media are ignoring black mob violence downtown. The day after the attacks, a police officer posted this on his Facebook page:

  “Still nothing in the news about the robberies, random attacks, “young boys” throwing m80’s at cars on Michigan Ave and Navy Pier on the 4th,” he wrote. “What’s your favorite color kool aid, sheeple?”

  Among police, the Second City Cop blog is very popular:[551] Here’s a report on Independence Day, 2013:

  If the media doesn’t cover it, did it actually happen?

  The fireworks downtown were a complete disaster again tonight, but I’m sure we’ll all hear about what a smashing success it was tomorrow morning. The terrorists were running around in large packs with multiple citizens relating that these cannibals were throwing M80′s at the good citizens that were actually willing to spend their hard earned money in crime ridden Chicago.

  Not only were the groups throwing explosives at people, but it wouldn’t be a weekend in downtown Chicago unless they conveniently removed iPhone and handbags from their owners.

  My favorite part of the evening was when a sergeant asked the officers stationed at the Oak Street Beach entrance at Michigan avenue to push back the group to prevent them from reaching the beach, the officer calmly stated“there’s only me and one other officer, so I don’t think that’s happening.”

  What a circus. If it was a circus, more people would be laughing. Here, the clowns are in charge, not the ringmaster.

  And that is the way it was, Independence Day, 2013.

  So. How much do you want to hear about July 4, 2014?

  Maybe we’ll do something more. Maybe not. But this is for Mr. Henry Angelo: [552] Whitehall, Ohio will probably do what Bedford did and cancel their fireworks for 2015 after the 2014 celebration was “marred by fights and a stampede. Police said 16 people were detained and 10 were arrested. The Columbus Dispatch reports some spectators were injured in the stampedes, and the fireworks show was delayed while order was restored.”


  At least they were not headed to Bedford.

  And don’t forget about Grosse Point.[553] The town in Michigan. Not the movie.

  Jeez, I’m exhausted. Holidays will do that to you.

  Fireworks as Weapons.

  Never heard it before?

  Someone get that dude a copy of White Girl.

  So I am about to wrap up the ‘black mob violence on July 4’ material -- wondering if I should do another chapter on the July 4, 2014 violence or if everyone else is as sick of it as I am -- when I come across this story, followed by a startling quote.

  First the story:[554]

  An arrest warrant has been issued for a fourth suspect in a July 4 fireworks assault against Oklahoma City firefighters.

  The night of July 5, three men were arrested at a Spencer apartment after firefighters said the men launched mortar-style fireworks at them. Oklahoma City Police said 21-year-old Marquail Patton changed clothes to avoid being identified by witnesses that night, but they eventually tracked him down as a suspect.

  So far, so ordinary: Another case of July 4 mayhem. With a twist, true. But not that unusual. They were firing rockets at cops and firefighters.

  “To be honest, this is the first time I've heard of it in my career. I've been on the department almost 24 years,” said OCFD Battalion Chief Brian Stanaland.

  ‘Oklahoma City firefighters said it was an ambush at Fred Factory Garden Apartments in Spencer. They went to the government housing complex to put out a dumpster fire and someone started shooting large, mortar-style fireworks at them.

  “You certainly don’t expect fireworks to get shot at you,”said Stanaland.“Actual mortars that were being shot which contain quite a bit of gunpowder. They are highly explosive, very dangerous.”

  Never heard of black mobs attacking law enforcement with fireworks? Chief Stanaland has some catching up to do.

  Check Peoria, Illinois.[555] From White Girl Bleed a Lot.

  Or Tulsa,[556] from a few pages ago. Ditto from Chicago in 2014.

  Here’s how common it is: I set up two -- count ‘em, two -- Google news alerts to keep me posted on fireworks attacks. One for fireworks fights. The other for fireworks arrests.

  I got lots of hits but I was not even going to write about it until I read Chief Stanaland’s cry for help. So here is a recap for the chief. Consider it a mitzvah:

  In Greenville on the Fourth of July 2011, a large group of black people fired rockets at cops. The 911 calls reveal a wounded officer, calling for assistance, after one firework hit him in the chest, and others were bursting around him.[557]

  This news report also has video from the scene: “There’s about 15 or 20 of them shooting them,” said the cop, as he scrambled for cover. “I got hit once in the chest. They are shooting them still at my car.”

  Said a neighbor to police dispatch: “I’m calling to tell y’all to send some help back for the officer out here because they are shooting fireworks at him.”

  One videographer was kind enough to record additional audio and video of the mayhem:[558]

  “This done got real ratchet in Greenville,” said the moderator, barely containing his glee. “They are shooting at the police and all. It’s Fourth of July and they done shot the police in the face with fireworks. They got helicopters and everything. It’s gettin’ real ugly.”

  Insert lots of laughing and shrieking here: “It’s done got wild here. They shot the police in the face. It’s crazy.”

  More laughing and shrieking. “They are coming from everywhere.”

  The reporter announced it was a “dangerous holiday tradition that seems to escalate year after year.”

  And oh yeah, it’s been happening here for a long time.

  In St. Louis, the Post-Dispatch describes this holiday mayhem from 2013 in the first paragraph:[559]

  “A group of security guards were attacked with fireworks and then one was hit by a vehicle during an incident Thursday night, police say.”

  In Dallas, July 4, 2011, “Dallas police were dealing with an out of control mob of people shooting fireworks at them and a photojournalist,” said the local News 8.[560]

  No, they do not get a pass for shooting them at reporters too.

  "Those officers that arrived were being shot at by fireworks," said Dallas police spokesman Senior Cpl. Kevin Janse. "In fact, one officer was actually hit by a bottle rocket in the arm. Once enough officers got there, the crowd dispersed. That's considered aggravated assault, and it will be filed as that and will be investigated to its fullest, and hopefully we can find out who actually did it."

  “Apartment residents said this is what happens in the hood.”

  Guess there might be something to this crazy R.A.T. theory.

  "It's every day; it's every day," said one tenant. "This is the hood. That's how it go down every day."

  Ditto in Quincy, Massachusetts.[561]

  In Watts, Los Angeles, in July 4, 2012 eight hundred black people setting off fireworks at the Nickerson Gardens public housing project did not take kindly to police and fireman who showed up to stop it. “During the incident, the suspects allegedly tossed rocks, bottles, and fireworks at Los Angeles police officers, according to City News Service.”[562]

  That would be live fireworks.

  Newspapers might not like reporting black people in riots, but on Twitter, no one has a problem talking about it. Let’s hear from the locals first, at least two of them who thought it was funny:

  Niggas in the niccersons had the riot squad out there...throwin fireworks n roccs at police lmfao yall did that fasho @HerFavDrugg So we was downtown watching tha fireworks and ah riot broke out nigas was err Wer! @Quarta_Mill

  Three hundred police were there. Along with a crowd of eight hundred revelers. (Couldn’t tell that from the news report, could you? The Los Angeles Times devoted a few column inches to it, buried in the local section. Yawn.)

  Several officers were hit by fireworks. There was no word on their condition. Except for one fireman who tweeted from the scene:

  “Cops in riot gear and the locals shooting fireworks at the cops pretty funny until u drive through it.... Eh,”@ryancurtis7966

  Twitter now allows us to follow both sides of a race riot. In real time. There goes that deniability again.

  In Waco, Texas, in 2012, four hundred black people filled the streets of downtown following a fireworks show, throwing fireworks and destroying property. When police arrived, they threw explosive devices and rocks at the officers.“Officers’attempts to move the crowd were not successful and when they moved into the area, the people became hostile,”says KCEN TV. [563]

  The crowd then started throwing rocks at officers and police cars. One officer received a minor injury when he was struck. Large fireworks that explode with a large flame were also thrown at officers by people in the crowd where attem
pting to use them as hand grenades.

  An armored vehicle was used to try to clear the streets. When it was brought in, members of the group started throwing bricks and large pieces of concrete. [564]

  When they refused to leave, the police brought in tank and sprayed the crowd with “chemical munitions.” Twitter was on the case:

  Normal people hear pops on the 4th an think fireworks, people in Waco hear pops on the 4th and duck and roll. #ghetto @JustinKFly91

  Was watching fireworks at the Waco Bridge. Waco have wayy too many ghetto people... Just saying :P @HaoT_Dinh

  Same shit Goes Down Every Year in Waco, Bridge Fireworks Fights & Ratchet Kids -__ @Chelaa11

  And oh yeah, that’s been happening in Waco a long time.

  That’s a couple dozen right there. Guess I’m not the only one who needs to get out more, eh Chief Stanaland?

  Letter from a Midwestern Cop

  Why Black Mob Violence is Enough to Make Good Cops Quit

  Dear Colin,

  I’ve been a cop in a big, mid western city for about a decade now. Black mobs here don’t appear to be the same as in New York or California where there are constantly hundreds of teens running rampant through the streets, but they are working up to it.

  They graduated from the school of black on white violence long ago, and are working on their organization degree it seems and commencement is around the corner.

  I work in a city that has sacrificed one side of town to clean up its downtown area. I work in that one side of town. Not too long ago, this side of town was the retirement precinct for cops. It was quiet and family oriented and mostly white. Downtown either ran out of room or the city didn’t want downtown to burn so they lit my side of town on fire instead.

  Section 8 started moving this way, white flight ensued, property values went down, foreclosures sprang up, more section 8 moved in, property values went down some more, more white flight, more section 8, etc. until the only white people that were left were section 8 themselves, elderly people who refuse to move, those who can’t sell their house, or those who tough it out and hope for change.


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