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United Passion

Page 7

by Cyndi Friberg

  Her inner muscles tightened around him, accentuating each stroke. Her nipples rubbed against his chest and her gasps and moans urged him onward.

  Needing more than this physical union, he reached for her mind. “Lower your shields, love. I want to feel your pleasure.”

  She broke the kiss, pushing against his shoulders until she could see his face. He lowered her to his lap, pushing his entire length into her snug heat. Her gaze shimmered with passion and tenderness, and just a hint of uncertainty.

  “Don’t take me down this road unless you mean it. I don’t think I’ll survive if you betrayed me.”

  For Dyauna to intentionally reveal any measure of vulnerability was an amazing development. “I love you, and I will protect you for as long as you live.” He infused each word with sincerity and gently nudged her mental shields.

  Her breasts pressed against his chest as she took a deep breath. He didn’t push. He waited for her to emerge from behind her emotional protection. The barrier thinned, then an opening appeared, and her being flowed into his mind.

  Joy and longing rushed through him. She had concealed herself for so long, he’d forgotten the true beauty of her fiery spirit. He absorbed her energy, savoring the sweet burn of her emotional intensity.

  She rocked back, taking him with her. He caught himself against the bedding, keeping his weight from crushing her. She dragged his head down and resumed their passionate kiss.

  No more holding back. Desire pushed into his mind along with her words. Take me hard. Claim me now.

  Exhilarated by her surrender, he drew his hips back and thrust deep. She arched into each lunge, her hands squeezing his shoulders. His lion gave a possessive roar and his movements sped. He drew her arms over her head and pinned them to the blankets.

  Feel my fire. He eased into her mind, careful and restrained.

  More. She gasped. I want all of you!

  His cat surged, accepting her invitation with undeniable power. He pulled out and flipped her over, drawing her hips up as he thrust back in. She braced her legs, maximizing the impact of each drive. Her core clasped him so tightly he groaned and tossed his head. She cried out, arching and clawing the blankets beneath her.

  Pleasure washed over Dyauna in sizzling waves. She absorbed the energy with greedy abandon then pushed the wave back into Maddox’s mind. He covered her, controlling her with his weight and the steady pounding of his cock.

  His mouth pressed against her shoulder, teeth pressing against her flesh without actually biting. The tantalizing possibility sent a fresh ripple of want swirling through her body.

  “Do it. Please.” She punctuated the request with a stab of pure lust.

  He growled and bit down. Sensation zinged from her shoulder and struck her clit. She cried out, coming in sharp shallow pulses. She lowered her shoulders and pressed her cheek against the blankets, demonstrating her complete surrender.

  His warm tongue brushed over the bite mark and his thrusting slowed, waiting for her arousal to rebuild and intensify. He slipped one hand around her hip and between her thighs, teasing her folds and circling her clit. The lazy caress focused her attention on the steady slide of his shaft.

  “You’re so wet.” He shivered and scraped his teeth against her spine.

  “For you. It’s all for you.” She gasped, then groaned as pleasure spiraled up her spine. It was always like this with Maddox, always hot and explosive. With just a few rotations, he had her trembling on the verge of release. “Please, sir, may I come?”

  “Not yet. Fight it off, love. I want us to come together.”

  She groaned and clutched the bedding with both hands.

  He moved his hand away from her clit, allowing her to focus on the penetration of his body. Her inner walls rippled and clenched as his shaft slid in and out.

  She drew him deeper into her mind, sharing the emotions she’d denied for so long. He gasped and thrust faster, his emotions amplified by hers.

  I claim you as my mate. Let nothing and no one attempt to tear us apart!

  I claim you as my mate, she echoed. Together for all time!

  He thrust home one final time, shuddering violently as he released his seed deep inside her. She arched higher, taking all he could give. Blinding sensations and joyous emotions radiated from them and swept into them as their bond anchored their souls together.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pressed against her back. “I’ve waited so long for this night.” He found one of her breasts and squeezed. “I will never let you go now.”

  Turning her head sharply so he could see her smile, she said, “Glad to hear it, because I have no intention of letting you go either.”

  She stilled and contentment washed over her in soothing waves. She could still sense their bond though his emotions were receding even as their ardor cooled. Emotions had to be exceptionally strong from them to spontaneously pass across the bond. Thoughts were the same way. They could send thoughts to each other, but they wouldn’t be aware of each other’s thoughts unless they intentionally entered the other’s mind.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Our bond,” she admitted. “It’s not nearly as intrusive as I’d imagined.”

  He tightened his arms around her and rolled to his side, taking her with him. “Good. The only thing I want to feel intrusive is this.” He flexed his abdominal muscles and she laughed.

  “That’s no intrusion. He’s always welcome.”


  She laughed. “Are you adapting to our exhibitionist ways?”

  “Perhaps.” He nibbled her earlobe then whispered, “Did you explain the alliance to your men?”

  “I did.”

  “And?” He prompted her answer with a playful nip.

  “And they named me breed minister.”

  Reluctantly separating their bodies, he shifted her to her back. His gaze moved over her features before locking with hers. “Are you doing this for me?”

  “No. I’m doing this because it makes sense for the leopards. We’re all morphs, and we all want the same thing. It’s time to put our differences aside and work together.”

  Before Maddox could respond to her observations, Brette called out from the corridor. “Dyauna, I need to speak with you. It’s important.”

  “Wait for me by the fire.” She scooted off the bed and pushed to her feet.

  “Do you want me to wait here?” Maddox asked, his gaze bright with curiosity.

  “No. If something’s wrong, you might come in handy.” She grabbed a geron off the stack by the doorway and draped it around her body. Her men were accustomed to seeing her naked, but it bothered Maddox.

  He stood as well, looking adorably tousled. She tossed him a geron and watched with hungry appreciation as he wrapped it around his hips. “Ready?”

  With a nod, he followed her out into the common room.

  Grant faced Brette across the fire pit. Mistrust radiated off Brette, but Grant shot Maddox a knowing smile.

  “What’s going on?” she asked her guard.

  “I surprised a tigress while I was on patrol,” Brette explained. “I told her to identify herself, and she took off as if I was going to kill her. I followed her for a while, but the rain picked up, and I lost her trail.” He looked into the fire, obviously disappointed in himself. “I’m sorry, Dyauna.”

  “Do you have any idea who she was or what she wanted?” Dyauna asked.

  “She was crouched in the bushes watching the entrance. No one was hurt and nothing was taken.”

  She paused, milling over possible explanations. She glanced at Grant then focused on Maddox. “I think our list of suspects for Genna’s attack just shrank to one. Izak is the only one who has any reason to spy on this camp.”

  “But the intruder was definitely female,” Brette insisted.

  “And I’ve said all along he couldn’t have eluded us this long without help.” She shifted her gaze back to Grant. “Which one of the tigresses is stupid
enough to help that son-of-a-bitch?”

  “There’s only one I can think of who’s stupid -- and desperate -- enough. Amara,” Grant replied.

  “She’s been in seclusion since her mate set her aside,” Maddox pointed out.

  “Which leaves her ripe for recruitment by someone like Izak.” Dyauna shook her head. Despite the evidence, it was hard to imagine why anyone would help Izak after all the pain he’d caused.

  “I’ve seen her several times in the village,” Maddox added, “but she’s spending an awful lot of time somewhere else. If we head back tonight, I can find out the last time anyone saw her.”

  Tempted to sweep the perimeter herself, Dyauna hesitated. Brette was one of her best trackers. If he lost the tigress’ trail, it was unlikely she would find anything he missed. Still, she didn’t like the idea that the intruder had gotten away.

  “Besides, we need to let the other pride leaders know you’re joining the alliance,” Maddox reminded her.

  “I suppose we do.” She looked at Brette and managed to smile. “Don’t beat yourself up over this. We’ll find her. It’s only a matter of time. And without his accomplice, Izak will be that much easier to bring down.”

  “We’ll send word once the council of ministers has decided on a plan of action.”

  Grant accepted Maddox’s promise with a nod. “Don’t waste too much time talking. Public interest can fizzle out just as quickly as it erupts.”

  “I’ll make sure they don’t,” Dyauna assured with a rebellious grin.

  They said good-bye and started down the steep trail leading away from the cavern’s main entrance. “Jizette is going to gloat for weeks,” Maddox said as they neared the bottom.

  “Why is that?”

  “She was convinced we belonged together long before either of us accepted it.” He caught her shoulders and turned her to face him. “And regardless of what anyone says, we do belong together.”

  “You don’t have to convince me.”

  He kissed her, his lips warm and tender. “Race you to the village.” He lunged forward, shifting in midair, and landing with mesmerizing agility. Moonlight silvered his tawny coat, but his eyes glowed amber even in the shadowy night.

  Are you coming? He gently pushed the thought into her mind.

  Ask me again when we reach the village. I’m sure we can work out something. With a playful smile, she released her cat and let her leopard run free.

  Alpha Colony 3: Unwanted Desire

  Cyndi Friberg

  When Barbary Pride lions are blamed for the brutal murder of a she-wolf shifter, animosity flares and tempers ignite. In a moment of desperation, the victim’s mate kidnaps Jizette and threatens to return her, one piece at a time, until the murderer is turned over to Timberline pack.

  Kash is afraid his grief-stricken friend will follow through with his grisly threat, so he hides the terrified cat, giving her pride time to investigate the murder. Jizette isn’t sure what to think of her rescuer. He’s gruff and aggressive, and stirs feelings she doesn’t want to feel. Interspecies couples are shunned. Forbidden. Yet, the flash of his eyes and the press of his muscular body, make her burn as never before.

  To protect her, Kash must take her beyond the walls of Alpha Colony, and expose her to a world she’s never experienced before. His rash plan might incinerate the sheltered beauty, or free her to become more than she ever dreamed possible.

  About the Author

  Anything-but-Ordinary is Cyndi's creed and her writing reflects her dedication to the concept. She writes in a variety of genres, but seems happiest in outer space. Her books frequently appear on Best Seller lists, and Taken by Storm was named Best Fantasy/Science Fiction Romance of the year by Romance Reviews Today.

  She lives in Colorado with her high school sweetheart turned husband of many years. With a pampered cat curled on the corner of her desk, she dreams of fascinating words and larger than life adventures -- and wouldn't have it any other way!




  Other Titles by

  Cyndi Friberg

  Beyond Ontariese:

  Taken by Storm

  Operation Hydra

  City of Tears

  Mystic Flame

  Fire Pearl


  Shadow Assassins:

  Royal Obsession

  Mystic Militia

  Alpha Hunter

  Fallen Star

  Unique Ink

  Rebel Heat

  Battle Born:






  Undaunted (June 23)

  Rebel Angels:

  Rage and Redemption

  Echoes and Embers

  Splendor and Darkness


  Tears of the Dragon

  Tainted Hearts


  Alpha Colony:

  Untamed Hunger

  United Passion

  Unwanted Desire (May 26)

  Uninhibited Fire (Jun 2)




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