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Full Shred: A Billionaire's Secret Baby Romance

Page 4

by Adair Rymer

  I could've refused and gone back downstairs. Instead, I extended my own hand, letting him lead me out into the party.

  “Never reach for a closing door, its a good way to lose your hand,” Maynard said, as he slid a hand around my waist. What an apt metaphor, I thought. I'd already lost a part of myself to my ex boyfriend, Chance. I had to wonder if I was just about to do lose another part of myself to Maynard.

  “Welcome to the party, fiance.” Maynard's words were a mouthful of warm honey.

  What had I gotten myself involved in?

  Chapter 4


  I watched Claire's green eyes, shine and light up at every turn.

  The decadence of my party overflowed out of each hall, this years theme was all about performers and performance. Woodstock meets Burning Man. It was a collection of talent, that had taken an incredible amount of organization.

  We walked by rooms that held some of the worlds hottest bands as they played intimately small shows. Circus members wove seamlessly through the crowds, on a variety of devices, skateboard, unicycles and giant wheels while street performers entertained individual couples with fire poi, juggling and break dancing.

  It really was a sight to see, not that I was paying attention to any of it. I was captivated by Claire's expression. She slightly squeezed my side whenever she saw something new and exciting. The pressure caused little bursts of warmth to light my core. She really did look stunning in that dress, I couldn't help but lightly draw patterns on her hip with my finger as we walked.

  I knew most of the girls at the party would be half naked, so I picked out an outfit for Claire that was modest by comparison. The loose dark pleats of her skirt tapered at her waist, where her white shirt fit snug around her upper torso. My cock stirred to readiness and pressed into my pants with her this close to me. That outfit wrapped her like a Christmas present.

  One I could not fucking wait to unwrap.

  Claire eyed me curiously, catching me staring at her. It was a look that wondered what was on my mind. What was I thinking? How it would be to spread your legs and bury my cock into you until you screamed my name.

  My best event yet, but after so many years playing the game, the parties didn't do it for me as much as they used to. I'd been to, and thrown, so many that they all just blended together. Each year, the goal was to top that last year in scope and absurdity.

  The real goal for me at these things was to see how many women I could fuck before the night was over. This year was a little different. I couldn't run off and nail some Brazilian actresses, with my 'fiance' around. The word thrilled me more than it should.


  The whole thing was such a fucking joke, I'd never even had a real relationship. I'd never needed to, I was too busy getting laid. Just one night, I reminded myself. Then things go back to normal.

  There was a hollowness in that realization, that I couldn't place. Normal. The word soured in my head. My playboy style had become normal; I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Claire wasn't normal, at least not my kind of normal. Was that why I picked her?

  “Oh my god! How did you get horses up here?” She looked on as riders raced around a massive ballroom. The horses destroyed the rugs as they did multiple laps, but that never bothered me. Extensive post-event cleanups were always a necessity. High society really knew how to get down.

  “I had extra large freight elevators put on. You should see some of the things they can hold.” I had to raise my voice as we passed another room, where a DJ was spinning some experimental music.

  I checked my watch, we were running a little late, but that was fine. I hated being on time. Besides, we didn't have to go far. My sister and her new toy would be waiting for us in the room.

  The room we walked into had a much more casual lounge feel to it, it was still big, but it wasn't nearly as loud. I had a water fountain installed, the surrounding pool covered a full fourth of the room. It was an incredible feat of engineering.

  The dramatic fountain lighting cast liquid blue shadows over Claire's whole body. I wanted nothing more than to lick them off her beautiful pale skin. I hoped this meeting would go quick, so I could pay Claire and focus on what I really wanted.

  My sister, on the far side of the room, glared disdainfully at the half a dozen people that had taken their shoes off to walk in the ankle deep stone pool. She looked extremely out of place with her conservative pants suit, briefcase and deadly serious scowl. It was a look you'd expect to see from an overworked accountant deep in the red, or an undertaker.

  “There she is. My loving, cheerful sister, Bianca.” I smiled at Bianca's disapproval and led Claire toward them. To say that my sister and I never got along would've been an understatement. Now we just need to convince her that you're my fiance.”

  “Shouldn't we go over some details, like how we met or what our favorite restaurant is?” Claire slowed, there was apprehension in her voice. She was understandably nervous. Having a business conversation with Bianca was a lot like being in one of those shark cages. You're pretty sure the steel will hold, but if it doesn't...

  “Bianca wont care about any of that,” I guided Clair forward. “Follow my lead and everything will be fine.”

  I'd only made a few feet before Claire rooted herself to the ground behind me.

  When I turned back to find out what was wrong, she was frozen. An angry and fearful look was plastered all over her face. I didn't know Claire well, but I could make an educated guess as to what caused her expression.

  A man walked over to Bianca, drink in hand. He floated around Bianca, casually checking out the asses of the other guests. I immediately knew my sister was behind this.

  “That's him, isn't it?” I sighed. Of course it was him. I was almost impressed at just how terrible of a person Bianca was. If that was who I thought it was, then she was even more clever than I thought.

  “Yes,” Claire said. Standing by one of the room's massive windows overlooking the rest of the city, was my dark haired, older sister, and Claire's ex. “That's Chance.”

  How? How did Bianca know! Hell, I didn't even know I who I was bringing until last night.

  “His name is 'Chance'?” I snorted. That's the kind of name a 'dating guru' gives himself, to sound mysterious. Chance certainly did look the part, I knew right away I wasn't going to like him. “Please tell me that's a self appointed nickname.”

  “I honestly don't even know. There was a lot he lied to me about.” Claire paused, forcing down bitter memories, then continued. “He's is a fucking monster. You need to warn your sister about him.”

  “You don't know my sister.” Bianca was a shark, cold and ruthless, the idea of warning her about anything seemed ridiculous. I could almost guarantee she was the more dangerous of the two. “Those two probably get along together just fine.”

  When I reached out to take Claire's arm, she winced. It was a subtle thing, most people wouldn't even have noticed it. But I was a man who paid attention to every little detail. I saw pain in her eyes, before she flicked them away.

  “I won't go over there. I can't.” Claire's voice was a whisper. She was barely able to maintain her composure. What had this Chance asshole done to her?

  Chance looked like a laid back surfer-type. He had perpetual half opened eyes and an easy laugh with all the women near him. His chin-length, dirty-blond hair was parted to one side and he was also deliberately under dressed, wearing just jeans and a cardigan. Fit and handsome enough, I could see why Claire had fallen for him.

  “I—I can't be here, not with him here too.” Claire took her first step backwards.

  “This is what I need you for. This meeting is what I'm paying you for. Do not leave.” My tone was harsher than I wanted it to be, but if she decided to burn me on the arrangement now, I'd be screwed. I dialed my desperation way back, and played it smarter. “Don't let that piece of shit decide what you do and how you act. Don't give him that control over you.”

  “I can
't—” Claire wiped at the tears that rolled down her cheek, then turned and left. “I'm sorry. I can't deal with this right now.”

  Well, shit.

  Her pleated skirt swished across the floor as she pushed through the crowd. I bought that outfit for her exclusively so I could tear it off of her, and now I just had to stand there and watch as she walked away. I took a few deep breaths of the filtered hotel air, trying to clear my nose of her scent.

  What the fuck was I doing? I brought her here to do a job. The sex was always secondary. So why was I so stuck on this one girl? There were so many other girls here, usually I’d have cut my losses and moved on by now.

  But I didn't want any of them. Maybe it was the spoiled child in me, but I wanted only her. I wanted every goddamn flexible inch of her. I wanted to grab a fistful of her hair drag my tongue down her neck. I wanted to eat her pussy, and taste her juices as they ran down my chin. I wanted all of her.

  I only had a taste of Claire, I wasn't done with her yet. I needed more.

  Bianca waved at me. I toyed with the idea of just walking away like Claire had, but I didn't have the same luxury. I could be flippant with so many things, but this meeting was important. With Claire gone, I'd to play this conversation very carefully.

  I took a breath, put my thoughts in order, then, walked over to the terrible couple.

  “Trouble in paradise, huh?” Chance smirked, sizing me up. He was a ram, making a challenge for leadership status. “Claire can be a handful, although I never had any trouble keeping her in line.”

  An outsider would probably think two manwhores like Chance and I would have a lot in common. But that just wasn't true. From the way Claire reacted to seeing him, I could tell that the laid back image he had was a lie to get into girl's panties. I had enough practice around guys like this to know that they were really just insecure sadistic fucks.

  “Hello, Bianca.” I ignored Chance.

  Chance bristled at not being addressed. The best way to rob a wannabe alpha male of their power was to refuse to acknowledge them.

  Seeing the look of pain on Claire's face bothered the shit out of me, and knowing that this was the guy that gave her that look, pissed me off. Feeling protective of anything was a weird, new experience for me. But, then again, so was the concept of a second date.

  Granted, that part wasn't going great.

  “You're late,” which was her normal greeting for me. “Quite the party you have here, Maynard. I'm always impressed at your creativity in wasting our parent's money.”

  “It's called 'fun.' You should try it sometime, Bianca.” I'd have loved to kick both Bianca and Chance out of my party, but that just wasn't an option. Bianca had way too much control over my life as of late. That wasn't something I was used to, having Claire here was supposed to help me stop that. “What brings you to my hotel, this evening?”

  I knew she was coming, of course. We'd made the bet exactly one year ago, there was no way she would miss this.

  “You know why I'm here, little brother. And to be perfectly honest I'm insulted.” Bianca had been playing the guilt card so long now that I doubt she even realized she was even doing it anymore. The corner of Bianca's lips cracked upward slightly, it was her equivalent of a knowing smile. “Where is your lovely fiance?”

  “She's feeling a bit nauseous. Give her a little time and she'll recover.” I eyed Chance. “Soon, I doubt she'll even remember what made her sick in the first place.”

  I didn't bother waiting for his reaction, I turned my attention back to Bianca. I was here for my sister, not for him.

  “Poor dear.” There was no emotional investment in her voice, Bianca said the words as if she were ordering wine at a restaurant.

  “You sound awfully torn up about the whole thing. You need a minute?” I prodded her, exposing the absurdity in her pretend emotions.

  “Fine. Let's cut to it, shall we?” Bianca was never any good at the concerned sibling act. The ruthless CEO took over. She opened her briefcase and pulled out a document. “Feign all you want, but I know you remember our agreement. Don't you think it's time to put this charade to rest? Be reasonable, Maynard. Sign over the hotel to me now, and I'll even allow you to keep the top floor.”

  “You know that I've never been all that reasonable.” I refused to accept the paper. It was hard to believe it had been a full year since I agreed to that deal. I still kick myself for that decision. Drunken pride always had a way of running my life. “Did you see the horses?”

  “Why do you insist on prolonging the inevitable?” Bianca put the contract away, not wanting it to get wrinkled. She put her hands on her hips and leveled an annoyed stare at me. “We both know you're not going to marry that girl—”

  “Marry Claire?” Chance chuckled at that. “She's good for a ride every once and a while, but c'mon...”

  “Or any girl for that matter.” Bianca shot Chance a look that quieted him. Bianca didn't care about Claire either, but she never tolerated being interrupted. Chance didn't respect women, and Bianca didn't respect anyone. They were certainly a perfect match. “Go find me some water.”

  Chance lingered, long enough to make it look like he was leaving because he wanted to and not because he was ordered to. But once he was gone, Bianca turned back to me. “So stop wasting everyone's time.”

  “I'm surprised at you, Bianca. Emotional warfare? Are you that worried I might win?” I cocked my head toward Chance, who was already talking up another girl. “How did you even know to look for him?”

  I was stuck on that look Claire gave me before she left. It wasn't anger, or even betrayal, it was worse than that. Her eyes were filled with tears and resignation. She saw the shallow, self-serving man I was. That wasn't a revelation to most people, I'd always presented myself that way publicly.

  When no one expects anything from you, it's impossible to disappoint them.

  If that was true, then why did it bother me so much? I stood on the precipice of losing everything and it was Claire and that look that was at the front of my mind. I hated being seen that way by her.

  “I saw the way you looked at Claire during the tour I gave you of my college. I also own the bar you two had drinks at last night. With a few inquires and I knew everything about her.” Bianca crossed her arms, and lightened her expression a little. “Despite what you may think, I don't revel in the pain of others, Maynard.”

  “What you did to her obviously doesn't bother you. Claire isn't a board member of a company that your about to take over. She's just a sweet girl, that didn't deserve you shitting all over her.” I let that sink in, before continuing. “But hey, as long as the ends justify the means, right?”

  Bianca didn't answer right away. Eventually her face hardened again. “Regardless, I will have our parent's hotel.”

  “No, you won't.” Our family made it's fortune on real estate, but it all started with this hotel. I had no idea why it was left to me in the will, but I refused to lose it to Bianca.

  “You don't care about this place. It's just a playground to you. You're still that same spoiled child you always were, Maynard.” Bianca shook her head at me, disapprovingly. Carelessness and excess were always my armor. They insulated me from ever getting hurt by anyone. “What would our parent's say if they saw what's become of you?”

  “I wouldn't know, on account of them being dead for the past decade.” I cursed the words, unable to prevent myself from saying them. My expression soured even before she spoke, I knew what was coming.

  “They did love you. They loved you to death.” Bianca sharpened the words to a fine point, and slipped it right through my armor. Ten miserable years later and she still blamed me for what happened to them.

  The worse part was that she was right. Our parent's death was my fault.

  “Still,” Bianca continued, knowing that she'd made her point. “You have built an impressive monument to yourself with this hotel. I look forward to seeing it actually make some money for a change.” Her eyes narro
wed. “When I take it from you.”

  I may not have let on, but I was very worried. Bianca threatened my whole way of life.

  “Oh, shit!” Chance smirked, like this was a rap battle and I had just gotten burned. He handed Bianca a water then popped the top on his own beer.

  “Can you muzzle that thing? I know you like them dumb, Sis, but loud too?” I didn't bother speaking to him directly. Chance puffed his chest at the insult and was about to shout back at me, but Bianca stopped with a glare. “As for the hotel, we both know that I have until the end of the night to sign or shred our bullshit deal. So if you'll excuse me, I'm kinda doing a thing here.”

  I'd gone a few steps, then turned back to Bianca. I made sure to speak loud enough for both of them to hear. “I don't have many rules here in my hotel, but you make sure your dog is housebroken.” I shifted my heavy stare directly at Chance. “I'd hate to have to put him down.”

  Not even Bianca could stop Chance from barking at me as I walked away, but I wasn't listening. My mind was already on other things. I only had a few hours left to get my shit together, and sort all this out. Not that I had any ideas how I was going to fucking do that.

  I really needed a drink, and a fuck, then I needed to find a way to save my goddamn hotel from my harpy of a sister.

  But above all else I needed to find Claire before she left.

  Chapter 5


  Where the hell were all the damn bartenders?

  How could such a massive party not have any? Nearly everyone had a drink, but there were no standard bar areas. I didn't understand how any of this worked. Why did the ultra rich have to do everything so counter intuitively? It was all so frustrating!

  I wandered around for a while aimlessly, just trying to calm down. Did Maynard know that Chance was going to be here?

  Maynard had an infuriating way of keeping me guessing. Every time I thought I had him figured out he'd act the complete opposite way. He kicked that model couple out because they were mean to me, then he got insulted in the elevator. Maynard inviting someone like me in the first place didn't even make sense!


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