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Page 4

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  Tallonus naturally but without malice squared up to his father “I will ask you one last time, No I will beg you father one last time. Leave my sons upbringing to me or leave this home!”

  The two men looked deeply into each other’s eyes, Zalon’s eyes showed deep anger; he could never abide by these rules. All he could think of was how much a disappointment the man who stood before him was. Then suddenly Zalon struck his son and knocked him forcefully to the ground.

  Talon who had been secretly listening came running into the room as he heard the noise from the blow. His father and Grandfather were now in a clinch in the centre of the room and struggling fiercely; Talon tried to separate them but was pushed out of the way.

  Zalon saw his Grandson pushed aside and quickly was the first to rise with a look of concern for Talon.

  Tallonus then got to his feet and with young Talon’s plea’s filling the room he gazed wildly at his father.

  “Is this what you seek?” Tallonus said.

  Zalon wiped his mouth where a spec of blood had spilt “you dare to strike your Father?”

  “I DO!” his son replied.

  The old gladiator spat blood on the ground as he tugged at his clothes composing himself

  “Then from this moment until the end of time you are no longer my son.... I wash my hands of you!” He said as he rubbed his hands together in a washing motion before spitting blood again only this time at the feet of his son.

  Zalon then turned to young Talon who was still crying, Zalon knelt down and reached out his large scarred hands to cradle his Grandson’s face “Remember me!” He gasped “Remember me.” he repeated before he kissed Talon’s forehead and rose to his feet turning towards the door.

  “Where will you go?” Tallonus asked.

  Zalon reached out for the door and hesitated before turning to his son “where I belong, where I should have always been, the home of my heart.”

  Talon suddenly rose proudly to his feet as his Grandfather opened the door.

  “I will remember Grandfather, I will remember everything!” He proudly shouted.

  Zalon turned and caught his Grandson’s eyes, he noted the proud look in his face and contemplated the manner in which he just spoke, almost magically Zalon felt a shiver of reassurance that his Grandson knew of his Zachanian heritage and that this gesture was his way of telling him that he would honour his roots.

  Now both men found themselves gazing intently at the young Talon, Tallonus felt like he had been struck by a thunderbolt as he began to realize that he had already lost his son to his Grandfather’s spirit, the Zachanian spirit.

  Zalon gave Tallonus once last glimpse smiling slightly as both men knew that Zalon had won.

  Once Zalon had left the room Tallonus ordered Talon to his room, Tallonus then sat down and held his head in his hands and began to gently sob, he felt overwhelmed by the thought that he had lost his father and now maybe his son to this never ending Zachanian legacy.

  When Tallonus’s wife Shirose entered the room she immediately walked over to her husband and tried to console him.

  “What’s wrong my love?” she gasped.

  “Everything my wife, father and I fought.”

  “Was it a bad argument Tallonus?”

  “Did you not hear us?”

  “No I was at the far end of the compound with the twins.”

  “He’s left us” Tallonus interrupted.

  “Ah he will return as soon as the tavern closes.” Shirose replied as she warmly stroked his back.

  “Not this time my love, we are both at an end ............ my father’s ancient way of thought cannot poison the minds of our children any longer.”

  As The eldest boy, Talon had his own room which was a shrine to father’s and Grandfather’s exploits in the arena.

  All around the walls Talon had hung items of battle. His prized possessions were a battle helmet won by his Grandfather and a beautifully made wooden sword which Zalon had made and presented him with on his tenth birthday.

  Talon lay on his bed toying with the sword when a noise from the courtyard distracted him. Swiftly he rushed over to the window and placed a stool so he could stand and look out. He wiped away his long fair hair from his eyes as he looked out onto the courtyard. He could see his Grandfather packing his belongings onto a cart with his favourite pony strapped to it. Talon rushed to his bedroom door but the sound of the stool crashing to the ground alerted his father who met him at the door and sternly ordered his son back into his room. Talon rushed back to the window and stood back on the stool, his Grandfather was now sitting upon the cart and steering it out of the yard.

  “Grandfather!” Talon yelled.

  Zalon heard his Grandson’s cry and pulled the cart to a halt, before rising to his feet and staring back at what had once been his home, he noticed movement at Talon’s window and smiled when he saw the boy. Suddenly Zalon felt confusion, his mind was awash with conflict, was he doing the right thing in leaving, could he stay and abide by Tallonus’s rules.

  Zalon swallowed deeply, stuck out his chest as he gave little Talon a wave good-bye.

  Talon watched through tearful eyes as his Grandfather rode out of view, the little boy stood motionless for a few moments as he gazed emptily at the spot in the road where his Grandfather had disappeared.

  Talon then jumped off his stool and kicked it so angrily that it broke into three separate pieces, tears fell down his face as jumped onto his bed, he began to fight his tears as his young mind remembered a time when his Grandfather had found him sobbing after falling of the stable roof “WARRIOR’S DO NOT CRY” his Grandfather had told him.

  After a short while Talon’s father entered his room, Talon could see that his father had also been upset “Talon it’s time for your chores.” his father said sternly.

  Talon slowly and stubbornly pulled himself off of his bed “Do your chores with pleasure or not at all.” his father added. Talon smirked at his father’s remark knowing full well that if he chose not to then he would be given a good thrashing and confined to his room for two days, so in order to not anger his father further he swiftly pulled on his boots.

  “Come on son your chores will help.” Tallonus said as he patted his son on the head.

  “Father… why has Grandfather left? Was it because of me?”

  “Your Grandfather and I had a disagreement, he drunk to much ale and has decided it best that he lives alone son.”

  “Is it because he wanted to tell me about our family father?”

  “NO!,” snapped Tallonus “ I told you it’s because he wishes to be alone, now off to your chores and speak no more of this!”

  Talon walked out of his room and set about his chores, chores that included laying out the swords and shields, he would also train daily in the arts of combat. At twelve years old Talon was well advanced and was already in his final grading stages of his master swordsman exam. An exam that was not commonly attempted until at least the age of eighteen. Talon was also well trained and competent in the use of other weapons, axes and spears, the bow and arrow; even the blowpipe did not escape Talon’s attention. Talon was also well schooled in unarmed combat and he secretly excelled in the ancient fighting art of Zung-Lu, taught to him secretly by his Grandfather.

  Zung-Lu was a form of self-defence which focused mainly on kicking movements; the art of Zung-Lu also involved knowing the body’s pressure points and knowing how to inflict damage to them. It was said that a master of Zung-Lu could end a man’s life with just his finger tip. A specific point of the body would be pushed in a certain way with a certain amount of force and the man’s life would cease, it was the most feared and deadly art known only to a few.

  Once Talon had cleaned the yard and polished the swords and shields, he began to train. He trained harder than he could ever remember as an intense rage pounded within him.

  Chapter 2

  Talon sat eating an apple under his favourite tree, atop a large mound at the far end of his fat
her’s school where Talon could gaze down onto the bay of Tallasian giving a great view of the mighty Imperial battle ships. The apple he ate had just been picked from the tree and he found himself reflecting his past when he would sit with his Grandfather listening to stories, he looked across to the spot where he had last seen his Grandfather disappear into the hillsides six long years ago. Not a day passed that he did not think of him, when Talon saw his father walking towards him he rose to his feet snapping from his thoughts.

  “Father.” he warmly called out.

  Tallonus looked proudly at his eldest son, almost admiringly at how fit and well his boy looked. Talon had the body of a man, firm and muscular though his face still held its boyish and cheeky charm, his eyes were piercing blue and his hair was long and fair, his complexion was clear and healthy largely due to his mother’s mixture of sheeno berries.

  Ever since Talon could remember, his face and hair was washed with oil from the sheeno, it was an ancient remedy where his mother would crush the berries until they produced oil which was rather thick in texture but great for keeping the skin clean and giving it a look of health and vitality.

  Talon’s father walked over and greeted his son with a large smile as he placed both hands upon his shoulders.

  “Great news my son.” Tallonus said in a proud tone as if he was delighted with himself

  “The Empire has accepted my application for you to enlist. You are to leave for Kallick town immediately; you will then be sworn into the Imperial Royal Guard........... It is a great honour they show me.”

  Tallonus then proceeded to unroll a large decorative scroll stamped with the Empire’s colours and insignia but before he could read it he was interrupted by his son,

  “But father I want to fight in the arena ...... I have trained all my life for it; it’s my destiny to be a gladiator.”

  Tallonus gazed hard at his son as a sigh of disappointment passed through his lips. The word destiny repeated in his mind.

  “All these years of educating him yet still I cannot rid his mind of his Grandfather’s teachings.” he silently thought.

  “How many times have I instructed you not to involve yourself with such romantic mysticism? Only you Talon can control your future, Destiny and fate are the words of fanatics, religious fools scared of a hard day’s work. I have tried time and again to make you see the correct ways, the Empire’s way. You have now become a man and it is time for you to take responsibility in your actions........... You have a duty to me and your mother, you will become a soldier.”

  Talon thought deeply for a moment before he replied.

  “Father I hear you speak of hard work, all my life I have worked hard. Never have I neglected my chores or my training, every day of my life has been readying myself for the arena. Success and wealth is what I want to give this family, I will become the greatest Gladiator to ever step foot into a fight ... Give me what I want father, I beg you as your son and servant, give me the right to fulfil what I have trained so hard for.”

  Tallonus swallowed hard as he tried to rid the lump in his throat, he knew that he had be strong and firm on this matter, even though it was breaking his sons heart.

  “There is no future in the arena Talon. You must trust me on this, and one day you shall discover for yourself that I speak the truth.”

  “But you and Grandfather both fought in the arena father, if it’s not my destiny to follow in your footsteps then why have I been skilled in this way?”

  “You have been skilled in the ways of battle because life can be full of dangers my son. whatever now comes your way I know you have been prepared, and yes it is true that I and your Grandfather fought in the arena but we fought so that my son’s would not have to. I fought and killed to feed my family and gain respect so that the life’s of my sons would not be one of poverty.”

  “I would gain respect in the arena father.” Talon interrupted.

  “NO!” His father replied now feeling angered at his sons plea.

  “Respect is not what a gladiator lives on ... He lives on the scraps thrown to him by affluent Lords and merchants. He risks his life as he solicits himself to the highest bidder, day by day his wife tends his wounds… his hands get cut, his face becomes scarred and his body is beaten and slashed. The heart of a gladiator becomes broke a hundred times as he uses his blood to earn great riches for evil men who wage on life only to be thrown a scrap of their hoard, NO my son this is not what I want for my sons, I will not allow it!, I took the gashes, I took the breaks and I took many a good man’s life…. so that my sons could live a more rewarding life than me. Talon, look at your father!” Tallonus said as he held out his scarred arms and hands “Look at me!” He shouted.

  Talon looked at his father as his father tried to look sincere, Talon focused on his father’s scars, his left ear with part of it missing, the scar on his father’s brow which stretched to his lip, Talon then looked at his father’s hand which had one finger missing as it was raised to his battled face.

  “But what struck Talon the most was his father’s blue eyes, for they seemed not to shine, they looked empty and tired.

  “Is this what you want my son?”

  “This will not be your life ......... Yours will be a life full of reward for I have earned it with my blood!” Tallonus added.

  “I understand Father.” Talon replied as the reality of his father’s conviction left him no other choice.

  Tallonus allowed himself a slight smile as he proceeded to read out the scroll.

  On the 42nd day of the Imperial year 2195 it is hereby made official that Talon, son of Tallonus of Tallasian. Be given the right of free passage to the Imperial city of Kallick Town, whence he shall be sworn into the Imperial Royal Guard to serve in the duty of the Emperor TASH VON KALLICK`

  This honour is granted from the deeds and duty that the Father Tallonus of Tallasian has shown in the service of the Empire and the Emperor.

  Signed General Chow.

  Once Tallonus had finished reading he rolled the scroll back up and handed it to his son. “It is signed by General Chow in Kallick Town himself.” Tallonus proudly added.

  “What must I do now father?”

  “I have given my word that you will leave at dawn tomorrow.”

  “So soon Father.”

  “It is eleven days journey by horse to Kallick Town; I did not think it good manners to delay.”

  “I understand father.” Talon regretfully replied as he turned away feeling let down by him. He did not want this for himself, but once he knew that his father had given his word to the Empire, then he was left no other option but to honour it.

  Dawn arrived very quickly for Talon; he had spent the night in a sorry state, barely able to sleep. All through the night he could hear his father drinking with his friend’s as they celebrated Talon’s future.

  When the time came for Talon to leave he joined his family in the schools courtyard. He saw his mother trying to hide her upset and put on a proud face and he heard both of his brothers pleading with him not to leave. Talon looked around the schools surroundings, he was drawn to an old fence that he had built with his Grandfather when he was a boy, he gazed upon the small fighting ring where many hours and days of his young life had been spent practising with the sword. The roof upon his house that he had spent so much of his youth climbing up; even the smell of his mother’s flower bed seemed more intense. He began to realise sadly that it could be years before he returns home. He hugged his mother and kissed her cheek with a warmth that surprised her, it was like an unconscious message to tell her that he did not blame her, next he knelt down and hugged his two younger brothers but was interrupted by the sound his drunken father swinging open the kitchen door.

  Talon rose to his feet to stand before his father and waited to be called, Tallonus held out his arms and the two men embraced.

  “Make us proud son.” his father remarked.

  Talon could not believe his father’s eagerness for him to leave an
d it made him realise just how important this was to him. It sent a chill down Talon’s back to see his father so happy to see him leaving; Talon wondered whether his father’s happiness was for him or himself.

  Talon swallowed hard and mounted his waiting horse then kicked his heels in deeply as the horse turned to leave, as Talon rode out of the courtyard he could hear the words of his father bragging to his friends that his son was a soldier in the Imperial guard. When Talon reached the courtyard gates he turned his head to look back at his family, he saw his father already returning back into the house with his drunken friends congratulating him. Talons mother Shirose remained with Talon’s two younger brothers, all three were waving.

  Talon jumped off his horse and ran back to his mother where he fell into her arms, Talon’s father was already back in the house pouring more ale no doubt.

  “Keep yourself well my eldest son, I shall think of you every day.” she cried into his ear

  “And I you mother.” he replied emotionally before kneeling down to his brothers to hug them both,

  “Quickly Talon if your father sees you have not left, he will be cross.” his mother sighed,

  Talon rose slowly to his feet ignoring her comment and gave her another hug.

  “If my father ever feels regret explain to him that I understand.” Talon whispered

  “Quickly Talon he will punish us if he sees you.” Talon kissed his mother’s cheek one last time as walked away back to his horse. As he rode out of the yard he paused at the place where he last saw his Grandfather “I wish you was here Grandfather, I need you more than ever now.” he silently whispered.

  Talon’s first task of his journey was to report to the Imperial guard garrison in the heart of Tallasian. Where he was to receive his travel passes so he could journey north without hindrance or delay through the many outpost and towns that he would encounter on his long and arduous journey.


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