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Page 8

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “Did you hear what I just told you boy?” the soldier added

  Talon returned his eyes to eyes of the soldier and gave his reply in a defiant and determined tone.

  “I heard the words you spoke.”

  The soldier’s eyes opened wide as he moved his head back and upwards in a slightly astounded fashion as he noticed the lustre in Talon’s eyes and the spirit in Talon’s voice.

  Taking two steps back the soldier looked Talon up and down with disdain, he felt offended at Talon’s reply, and he wanted to shout till he was blue in the face but something almost unconsciously told him to use caution. Once again he looked Talon in the eye, he froze momentarily as he felt the confidence and stature of Talon, when he spoke he used authority but the anger and ferocity in his voice had gone.

  “My name is captain Hesk and you will address me as sir… I am your house master and your chain duty master. You will obey my every demand, you will achieve every test I put upon you and you will do every chore I deem necessary of you, do you understand?”

  Talon slowly raised his head “yes sir!” He said with a slight smirk.

  “I sense SPIRIT in you cadet...............that will soon go.” Hesk ominously replied.

  Talon was then taken back to his quarters where he was told to be awake and be washed at dawn where he would be collected and taken to the schools stables.

  For the next ten Imperial weeks Talon’s sole duty as a captain in the Palace land guard was spent from dawn to dusk cleaning the stables and feeding and grooming the horses, he felt exhausted and frustrated. Every night he returned to his quarters weary, he would wash himself then feed himself then fall into slumber only to wake to the same recurring chores day after day after day.

  Then one morning just as Talon was cursing the day ahead he rose to answer the rap on his door thinking it was his usual escorts only to be surprised to see a General standing there. He was told that he was being rewarded for all of his hard work by being granted two days a week to be spent in the Imperial library where he would be instructed and tutored.

  “Two glorious days away from that damn stable.” Talon uttered as he punched the air with pleasure.

  The Imperial library was so huge it must have contained hundreds of thousands of books. Talon was taken aback by the vastness of this magnificent building; his first assignment was to study the military tactics of the Empire. Talon found this subject fascinating and for the next six weeks he learnt many secrets in the two days a week allocated for him to study. The book masters were very impressed at Talon’s aptitude for his tutelage that they requested to the General’s that Talon be given the time to study full time. Talons schedule remained the same for a further four weeks until finally he was granted permission to study in the library every day, it was a huge relief for Talon, finally he was out of the stables and it’s back breaking and boring work.

  The Imperial library was filled with books on every subject of the Empires history on Kratos. When Talon finished his first assignment after three weeks of study he was given another, this time it was to study the fighting tactics and duties of a front line soldier. Talon engulfed himself in study fascinated by everything that he read; he was an incredibly fast reader and digested all the material that he read very well.

  Talon wanted to learn everything, he was blessed with many talents, one of which was his ability to concentrate, and he could hold it for an amazing length of time. Another trait in Talon’s nature was his inquisitiveness, he wanted to learn everything that he could and nothing it seemed escaped Talon’s notice.

  Every day Talon would enter the library from its south gate, once he was inside he would walk directly past the book masters desk, behind the old masters sat a huge cabinet, carved from the finest wood in a very impressive decor, it housed a large collection of very old and grand looking books.

  Upon Talon’s first visit to the library he was told in a very thorough way that the books in this cabinet were strictly forbidden to anyone other than the book masters to read.

  From that day forth Talon would wonder day after day what hidden knowledge those books contained. He wished that he had never been told about them as his yearning became so intense at times. Finally after days of staring at them he decided he would try to have a look at them. He knew that if he was caught he would be punished but the thought of finding some hidden secrets and knowledge overwhelmed him “I must look at those books” he would silently repeat to himself.

  Talon had also noted with great detail how and when the book masters would act in certain fashions, he noted in his mind how one of the masters would take an age if asked by a cadet to retrieve a specific book and also that this master was usually always on his own on a specific day early in the morning. Talon waited for the day to come around again, the library was once again quiet with only the one master, Talon arrived earlier than usual and said himself close to the masters desk, he gazed around and noticed only two other cadets, “if I get the chance I will take it” he said silently to himself. He sat tensely at his table pretending to study but waiting for an opportunity.

  Then finally after what seemed like hours another cadet walked into the library and made his way over to the master’s desk, Talon watched both men begin dialogue, then the book master rose slowly to his feet and walked away from his desk with the cadet in tandem in the direction of the far side of the library. Talon without a second thought walked quickly over to the cabinet and grabbed a very old book and hid it under his arm, he swiftly returned to his table and buried it under the books he was studying and sat patiently for the book master to return, once Talon saw that the master had not seen anything nor noticed the book missing he relaxed.

  The rest of the day really dragged on for young Talon, his concentration drifted most of the time from his studies to the mysterious book that lay concealed under his papers. He could not wait to flick open its pages, and find out why he was forbidden to read it. When sunset came and he was excused he grabbed hold of his belongings and marched quickly to his quarters. Once inside Talon locked his door and sat down onto his bed where he turned the cover of the large book, he was quickly struck by the age of this masterpiece; he saw by the date that it was five Imperial centuries old. Quickly he turned the next page to reveal a sketch of an ancient Imperial soldier, the next page he turned revealed the heading THE BATTLE OF ZANLIA, Talon wetted his lips as he began to read.

  Talon read the first two pages in excited mood but once he began to read the third page on the battle his excitement suddenly turned to shock. He began to grasp facts on how this Empire that he served had butchered thousands of women and children in the battle of Zanlia. He turned more of its pages only to uncover sketches of women being tortured and killed, and soldiers wielding the severed heads of Zanlian children.

  His next discovery was a sketch of the Emperor himself, dressed in unknown fighting apparel he looked sinister in every way. Under the picture he read how the Emperor had ordered the deaths of every living person in the north west of Kratos, this made Talon sit back and sigh with disgust. He felt sickened on how the women and children were killed. And he felt a strange and intense anger overwhelmed him, he felt rage at this Empire that he now served, and he now knew why this book was forbidden, it was a damning documentation of savagery and iniquity.

  Out of the blue this Empire did not seem so glamorous; its roots were forged from the blackest of blood shed by the bodies of women and children.

  Talon now totally entrenched turned to the next chapter called THE WILD FIGHTERS OF ZACHANIA,

  On the first page there was a sketch of a bearded man with long fair hair dressed in a strange manner of clothes. The warrior held a sword in one hand and an axe in the other, written under the sketch was the heading Zachanian warrior dressed in a Zachanian battle suit.

  Talon stared deeply at the drawing as could not help feeling that something about it was familiar “I have seen this dress before ...... But where.” Talon thought as he racked his bra
in trying to remember,

  He remembered back to his Grandfather and how he would speak of Zachania but why was this sketch so vivid in his mind; he knew he had never seen his Grandfather dressed like this. Then suddenly like a bolt of lightning it dawned on Talon where he had seen this man, it was in his dream while he was travelling from his home in Tallasian to the military school in Kallick Town, the strange dream where he awoke grasping the mysterious pendant that he always wore around his neck,

  Talon grabbed the pendant and sat back feeling slightly dizzy and anxious. “The man in my dream was dressed as thee” he whispered to himself. His confusion and anxiousness rose “If the man who gave this to me was Zachanian, then this pendant must also be Zachanian ....... But why?” he gasped “why? What puzzle is unfolding before my eyes.” he added as he leaned himself back and gazed up at his ceiling. Talon tried to clarify his thoughts yet nothing made sense, he went on to read how all the Zachanian’s were killed but he was given a Zachanian pendant in a mysterious dream by a Zachanian warrior “what can this mean?” he wondered over and over again.

  For the next few weeks Talon could concentrate on nothing else apart from this strange puzzle that had presented itself, he finished reading the book and returned it to its cabinet, then whenever he got the chance he would take other books from the cabinet, for days on end he would sit engrossed by these forbidden books where he read detailed stories on the Zachanian and Zanlian war campaigns. He discovered everything there was to know about the wars and how the Empire massacred thousands of the Zachanian’s, it became an obsession for him, he became enchanted by the tales of the Zachanian warriors. And was driven by a frantic desire to understand why and who had given him the pendant that he wore.

  Every night Talon would fall asleep gazing at it, it filled his whole being, then one night he dreamt of his childhood, his dream began with his Grandfather arguing with his father, his Grandfather was yelling over and over again that they were Zachanian’s and that Talon should be raised as one, and that he had the right to know of his bloodline, the words Zachanian were repeated over and over again growing louder every time until they forced Talon to violently wake from his dream and sit up abruptly with a loud sigh. Talon dripping in sweat turned in the moonlight of his room and lit the candle on the table next to his bed; he then sat up against the wall and wiped his face and hair with his blanket.

  “What is happening to me?” he sighed as the vividness of his dreams increased each night

  He rubbed his face and head a few times before returning to lay down when suddenly he was struck with a memory of his past. One where he was twelve years old when his Grandfather and father had argued fiercely, it felt strange that that day had never before held much importance but now mysteriously it felt that that day had great meaning, it was like a strange unknown force was altering Talons mind, expanding his awareness. He felt a shiver of fear as an intense feeling of reality swept over him, he could almost feel the blood draining from his cheeks as it struck him that he was in fact a Zachanian, his first thought was panic, he thought that everyone would discover his secret.

  “What should I do?” he gasped silently.

  He clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth as he concentrated deeply on calming himself. Suddenly his whole life seemed different; he felt like the hunted, living in the home of the hunters! He also felt rage, rage at the Empire, a rage so powerful it brought fear. He tried again and again to clarify his thinking as a thousand thoughts raced through his young mind. Yet every time he calmed himself he returned to the thought that the Empire would kill him if his Zachanian roots were discovered. He could not believe how this secret had been missed by the Empire or how his father could have lied to him; he was from a hunted race, a race butchered by the very hand for which he now served.

  He also knew that these strange discoveries had totally changed his life, how could he serve this Empire now, how could he possibly subdue these feelings of anger he now had. Talon thought of his Grandfather and thought of how proud he was at his origin and how the Empire had slaughtered thousands of his people “MY PEOPLE” Talon said as he looked up to his door where his uniform hung, the splendour of it now sickened him, it belonged to his bloods enemy. “Never again can I wear that with pride.” he spat.

  Talon now knew that his destiny lay elsewhere, he could feel it calling to him, he knew he must escape, he had to leave, his whole awareness told him so. But to just walk out on the Empire was not an option. He was deep in the Palace land now where everywhere one travelled, one had to have passes, this land was just as hard to escape from as it was to enter. Talon would have to continue in his studies until he found an opportunity, he would have to hide his secret, burying it deep in his sub consciousness. This thought alarmed Talon as he knew it would be difficult not to show his contempt and his newly found eagerness to escape.....This indeed was now a time of great caution.

  It was only a few days before Talon’s opportunity presented itself, everything now seemed to be gathering momentum in Talon’s young life. It was if his destiny had taken on a life in itself as if Talon was being driven by some unexplained force which had hijacked his being and was pulling him along as a companion. Still unsure just how he was going to leave the Palace land, Talon remained alert to every avenue that might deliver him to what he sought.

  On this specific day Talon was walking through an outside area of the military school called the Houndsware section named after the legendary General Vlad Houndsware, Houndsware or hounds alley to which it was more commonly known as was an Imperial recreation centre. Built around a natural hot springs there now stood a magnificent building known as the bath house where soldiers could relax in the natural steam and bath in hot waters. Outside the bath house were many taverns and inns which were scattered around the tight pebbled roads that weaved there way round the grand building.

  As Talon walked the pebbled streets a placard caught his eye pinned to the wall outside one of the taverns, the placard was advertising a local Gladiator school located a few miles east. The thought of once again training in a gladiator school seemed appealing, he also knew that the rigour of training would help tune his mind and sharpen his reflexes.

  That night back in the school Talon asked to see captain Hesk, he asked for permission if he could finish his studies early twice a week so that he could then train at the gladiator school. Hesk saw no problem with this as long as it did not affect his education and granted him his wish.

  When Talon visited the school, he discovered it to be very much like his father’s gladiator school back in his hometown of Tallasian, it enjoyed the same atmosphere and smell that they all did. Talon sat down and began to observe the fighters train, his initial thought was of the excellent quality of the fighters he saw, it was obvious that this school was of the highest calibre.

  Talon sat for about an hour before he was approached by one of the instructors.

  “Welcome sir, I see you have interest in the art of fighting.”

  “Ever since I could walk.” Talon smiled “my father is the overseer at a gladiator school in Tallasian.” he added

  “Tallasian.” the instructor replied with familiarity “I have fought many times in the arena there, which school doe’s your father teach?”

  “The school of Tallonus.”

  “That’s your father?”


  “I have seen him in combat; he was very good, great with the axe.”

  “I was too young to witness with my own eyes but I have heard many a tale.” Talon proudly added as the instructor sat down next to him.

  “Do you fight young man?” The instructor asked noticing Talon’s chiselled physique.

  “I am trained in all the arts but I have never fought in the arena.”

  “Well your still young my boy and you look very strong.” the instructor warmly replied as Talon smiled back at his comment, “your men look very sharp.” added Talon as he pointed to them.

y better bloody be! We are travelling to Kallick Town next week where we challenge the royal guard.”

  The name Kallick Town hit Talon like a bolt; this could be my chance to escape the Palace land he thought.

  “My name is Talon.” he warmly replied as he extended his hand.

  “Savarta!” responded the instructor shaking his hand.

  Talon’s mind was now racing; if he could travel to Kallick Town with them, then he would be free to escape the Empire.

  But how could he join the party “I must hide the importance of this.” he thought silently.

  “So next week you fight the royal guard................. Judging by the look of your men that will be some contest.”

  “Ah you have seen the royal guard then.” Savarta answered.

  “Yes, many times I saw them while I was posted in Kallick Town, they are excellent fighters.”

  “Besides us, they are the best!” Savarta Replied with an authoritative tone of voice.

  “I think my father might have something to say about that.” jest fully remarked Talon.

  “Arr Talon ........ The fighters of the north have always been more superior from the men of south” said Savarta looking at Talon who just smiled to himself before answering.

  “Maybe we could find a way to test your theory Savarta.”

  “In what way?”

  “Well you’re looking at it Savarta, I am from the south, if you agree then I would dearly love to train amongst you, I could do with the competition as my training of late has been neglected by my studies ...... And who knows maybe I could teach your boys of the north a thing or two.”

  “That my friend would be sight worth seeing!” Replied Savarta teasingly.

  “Then it is agreed! If I can convince my General to allow me to train here then you have no objections.”


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