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Page 15

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  Talon then followed Chang down along a large stone staircase, the staircase was barely lit by a few candles and Talon had to look where his feet were going so as not to fall, once at the bottom Talon gasped at the sheer size of the cavern he entered and on every wall the cavern was filled with bookcases, Talon walked over to the nearest case, he reached out and felt one of the books and noticed how old they were but still they were in perfect condition.

  “Most of these books are centuries old Talon” Chang commented.

  “They are in such great condition Chang.”

  “Yes these books are given more care than us monks” Chang said smiling.

  “What about that book?”

  “That book is more ancient than any other in the library, it was written centuries ago.”

  “Can we look at it more closely?” asked Talon.

  Chang shook his head.

  “That is the book of Pang, some say it was written 1000 years ago and no one Talon, except the Lord monk Mowloon may read it.”

  Talon gazed at the book shelf again, his mind was racing as he found himself being drawn to the book, even though it was on the top shelf and wrapped in a gold cloth he could still feel excited.

  “A thousand years old, there must be many secrets in there Chang.” he sighed.

  Chang raised his eyebrows and gently ushered Talon away towards a smaller bookcase.

  “It is not our concern Talon, come your books are over there.”

  Chang led Talon over to a large wooden table and ushered him to sit down before fetching over a few large books then sat down beside him.

  “This book was written in the ancient language” Chang said as he turned the first page.

  “I have never seen anything like it.” Talon frowned commenting on the strange lettering.

  “This my friend is a learning book.” smiled Chang.

  “Where would I start?” Talon sighed.

  “Don’t worry I thought the same thing when I first saw this, it looks impossible but with patience and concentration you will soon see the light.”

  “How long did it take you to learn this Chang?”

  “Ha it took me four weeks just to turn the first page!”

  “Let’s get started!” sighed Talon

  Chang noticed Talon was looking a bit overwhelmed at the task so he moved closer and pointed at some of the words.

  “What you must remember Talon is that these books where written many centuries ago by very religious men, you must try to think as a monk would think, this language is not like what we speak this is a text based on basic feelings.”

  “How can you write with feelings Chang, surely a feeling would have a written description.”

  “In a way Talon yes, but again these books are not written as the books are written today, this language is a holy language scribed by holy monks, written for holy monks and explains states of the mind, feelings that there are no words for, it sounds daunting but you will learn my friend.”

  “I will learn your language Chang.”

  “Yes Talon you will, I have total faith in you, first we will study the base words then you will be able to grasp the alphabet then once you understand this I will show you how the writing is scribed into feelings.”

  For the next two weeks Talon was tutored from dawn till dusk, he learnt well and Chang was very impressed at Talon’s progress, he had already learnt the first page and could more or less grasp the alphabet his only problem was understanding some words.

  It took Talon six long months before he was fluent, Talon would read everything he could then one day when he picked a book from the oldest bookshelf in the library, books that were only used by the most senior monks.

  The book was about the early history of Kratos and the wars of the gods, Talon read how the gods once possessed mortal form and lived amongst men in the regions of the Northwest, Zachania and Zanlia were the realms of man whilst the southern region of Degrain was home to the beasts, half man half beast that hungered for the taste of mortal blood.

  As he turned the pages he learned how the Degrain’s constantly attacked and with each attack their ferocity increased until a group of Zachanian’s fought back, soon the whole island was at war, thousands upon thousands of lives were lost.

  The war lasted for over three decades before one of the gods arranged a summit between the warring tribes leaders, after days of discussion they finally made a peace but only at the behest of the Degrain’s that they kept the land that they conquered, resentfully the Zachanian’s agreed and once again there was peace.

  The peace lasted for over two decades as the Zachanian’s farmed and fished, meanwhile the Degrain’s built there armies, with a peace with man the Degrain’s turned on themselves where huge power struggles among there leading families battled for supremacy.

  The Zachanian’s unaware about what was going on in the southern region of Degrain where taken by total surprise when the Degrain’s attacked led by a new supreme emperor, once again mortal man was slaughtered and thrown into war.

  This time the war lasted decades, Zanlia was sacked to the ground and Zachania was on the brink of defeat only to be saved in its darkest days by the emergence of a holy warrior, from the jaws of defeat this warrior won many battles and the Zachanian’s drove the Degrain’s out of Zachania, then on one terrible day over one hundred thousand Zachanian’s and Degrain’s were killed in the fiercest battle Kratos had ever seen.

  Finally the gods once again intervened and called another summit, both tribes were warned that if they continued with this scale of war then soon they would destroy themselves. One god called Apollo brokered a peace between both tribes but on the last day of the summit the god Apollo was slain by a Degrainian assassin.

  Outraged the gods sent a plague that would rid Kratos of all life, a group of monks went on a perilous journey to the mountains where the home of the gods was fabled to be, many monks died reaching there but the ones who made it begged for days for the gods to stop the killing, pleading that thousands of innocent people were dying.

  The gods held a counsel and granted the monks their wish but if the plague was to be lifted then both tribes would have to swear a peace.

  Swearing a peace was easy as both tribes had been decimated by the plague slowly things improved in Kratos as this time the peace lasted.

  Talon read how the next few years saw the Zachanian’s getting back to their farming and rebuilding the once great town of Zanlia, Talon turned the page and began the new chapter, a chapter titled The Empire.

  The Emperor Tash Von Kallick one day arrived on the east coast of Kratos with thousands of soldiers bringing with him a civilisation far in advance of the ways of war than the inhabitants of Kratos. The Degrain’s were the first to be attacked they tried to fight but were soon defeated, after decades of war and years of plague the Degrain’s were easily conquered, they surrendered and swore allegiance to the Empire and its Emperor.

  The Empire then marched west killing everything in its path, when they reached the provinces of Zanlia and Zachania the emperor sent a wizard to the Zachanian leaders and gave them the ultimatum surrender or die. The Zachanian leader tried to negotiate for his people but the Empire attacked, Zachania was defeated as most of its warriors ware of certain death retreated to the mountains where they made camps in the hidden networks of the caves.

  For the next one hundred years the Zachanian’s lived this way, while the townsfolk lived under bondage and tyranny the mountain clans lived free, free to attack posts and caravans and trying to wage their own way of fighting this war.

  Legend then states that Apollo once again became man and became a mentor to great Zachanian hero who with the aid of the god drove the Empire from the lands of Zachania.

  But the god Apollo had broken his word to his fellow gods of non-intervention of the land of Kratos, but Apollo felt sorrow for the Zachanian’s and he had not forgotten that it was a Degrainian sword that killed his mortal form before.

bsp; Together with the Zachanian’s he led them to many victories.

  As Talon read on he thought that the Zachanian’s were going to win but he suddenly found that a few pages were missing, he turned to the next chapter to find that the Zachanian’s had once again been defeated by the Empire and driven back to the mountains of Zachania.

  Later that evening Talon lay upon his bed thinking about what he had been reading about earlier, just as he was drifting into sleep Chang called out for him to join him at the table where he had prepared Talon a bowl of broth.

  “You seem troubled Talon” remarked Chang noticing his friend’s silence.

  “Just a little confused Chang, I was reading about the gods today.”

  “arh the gods, no wonder your confused, what was it you were reading.”

  “It was a book about the history of Kratos and the wars of Kratos” replied Talon.

  “And who gave you permission to read such books.”

  “I just stumbled upon it Chang” Talon replied slightly coy.

  “Yes I bet you did, the library masters must be getting very old, or blind, but no matter tell me what confused you” added Chang raising his eyebrows.

  “What do you know of the Zachanian’s Chang” Talon replied after a short pause.

  “The Zachanian’s came from the north, it is said they were a great civilisation, men of peace but were forced into war.”

  “With the Degrain’s.” replied Talon.

  “Yes I hoped never to hear that name again, they were a savage race, born to fight, born to war, born to kill.”

  “Why have I never heard of the Degrain’s before Chang?”

  “Good question, for one the Emperor forbid anyone to speak of their history, the library’s across the land were pillaged and every book was burnt or destroyed, the Degrain’s themselves swore allegiance to Emperor and forgo any claims to their sovereignty, they came from the south which was once called Degrain but it has not been called that for hundreds of years.”

  “Not all books were destroyed Chang.” Talon added remarking on the books in the temple library.

  “Be careful young Talon, some things are better not discussed.”

  Talon smiled slightly acknowledging his mentors comment, he would be careful not to cause his mentor embarrassment.

  “What of Zachania and Apollo.”

  “Zachania has been forbidden for centuries, no one can go there.”


  “I do not really know Talon, the Emperor forbid it centuries ago and no one has been there since.”

  “Was there any Pangkor temples there?”

  “Yes there was many, the Pangkor religion has its origins in the north.”

  “Is it true that all the Zachanian’s were ordered to be killed by the Emperor?”

  “Yes the Emperor killed them.”

  “Then what of the Pangkor temples there, were they destroyed too.”

  “Talon you ask me things that I cannot answer, what I know of this is very vague, you are asking me things that have been forbidden to speak of for many years, such silence of tongues has caused many of these tales to be forgotten or fold into myth.”

  Talon rubbed his brow as he took another spoonful of broth.

  “Who’s side were the monks on?” he suddenly asked.

  “We’re not on anyone’s side.” Chang snapped back “we are monks, our duty is for peace.”

  “And Apollo?”

  “What of Apollo?”

  “He sided with the Zachanian’s Chang, is this true?”

  Chang rubbed his head trying to keep his patience.

  “Talon many things happened in this islands history, many dark and tragic times befell this land, yes Apollo was said to fight with the Zachanian’s but is also said that he was punished by the other gods for doing so.”

  “So the other gods sided with the emperor.”

  “I did not say that, the god’s side with no one, but it is said that many centuries ago they tired of the wars, wars that had lasted thousands of years, finally they intervened and stopped the wars but our punishment was that they would never again lift a hand to help Kratos.”

  “Not even against this emperor.”

  “This emperor Talon has kept peace on this land for centuries.”

  “Peace or servitude.” replied Talon.

  Chang sighed at Talon signalling to him that it was now time to retire, Talon looked back at him and noticed a strange uncomfortable look, it was a look that made Talon feels the words Chang spoke were not the true words of his feelings.

  Chapter 10

  The summer nights of the South-West were sometimes unbearably hot, Talon slept restlessly tossing the sheets from his bed as sweat began to pour from him, his eyes flickered as his dream took over his body.

  The mysterious stranger that had visited Talon in his dreams before had once again returned, this time Talon was standing in a cave with him.

  The stranger led Talon by the hand through many caves until they reached a body, a body that was frozen in ice, Talon gazed at the frozen being, then suddenly realised that it was the man who was leading him.

  The man smiled warmly at Talon.

  “You must be wondering who I am.”

  Talon did not speak but he felt warmth, it was warmth that he felt safe.

  “My name is Apollo and this was the body of my mortal form, it has been frozen as a reminder that I can never again possess it.”

  “Why do you visit me?” asked Talon.

  “I have waited centuries for you my friend.”

  “Me, what worth can I be to a god.”

  “My spirit can never again visit my beloved Zachania, your family are the last of the Zachanian’s living beyond my land, you Talon, you have been chosen free Zachania.”

  “Me, what possibly could I do?”

  “You have the strength, it took me centuries to separate my spirit from this body in ice, I visited your Grandfather, in dreams just as I visit you, but he did not possess the strength I feel in you.”

  “My Grandfather, what do you know of him?”

  “He is in Zachania.”

  “In Zachania.”

  “Be silent now Talon, I do not have much time, you must travel to Zanlia, there you will find a Pangkor temple, show your pendent to the Lord monk, he will give you safe passage to Zachania, once there your destiny will unveil itself to you.”

  Surprisingly Talon found himself agreeing, a feeling of overwhelming fulfilment arose in him

  “One more thing, the Emperor seeks you, he knows of your existence and importance and he will stop at nothing to destroy you. I will not be able to visit you for some time, this has taken much from me” replied Apollo growing weaker by the second.

  “Go Talon, go and fulfil your destiny.” he added before fading away.

  Talon suddenly woke up violently, sitting up he found himself clutching his pendent around his neck.

  “Grandfather, your alive.” he sighed remembering his dream.

  He rubbed his face rubbing away the sweat.

  “Am I going insane?” he sighed as he washed his face in a bowl of water besides his bed

  Talon sat back down and stared at his pendent as the light of the moon shone through his window. He thought about his dream and then his mind wandered about his life, he thought of how he had excelled at everything in his life, he had always felt that he was special, like he had been chosen to be someone but now he felt that he had something much more important to do, he felt no fear even though he knew not exactly what he must do but he had a beginning, this was the start of a new journey, a journey that would bring him to his Grandfather and this path would begin in Zanlia.

  When Chang awoke he found Talon already dressed and sitting at the table, Chang welcomed Talon just like every morning until he saw Talons belongings packed by the door.

  “What is this?” Chang asked shocked pointing.

  Talon swallowed deeply and rose to his feet.

�I must leave you my friend.” he replied humbly as he approached Chang and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Leave! Why must you leave Talon, have you thought this through?”

  Talon half smiled.

  “My friend, I must leave, I cannot explain to you why but nothing has ever been so clear to me, this is not a reflection on you or the temple, both you and this place will be in my heart forever but I have just realised that I have a destiny and that this destiny is not here my friend.”

  “Where are you going Talon?”

  Talon shook his head slightly.

  “You have been like a father to me Chang, between us there are no goodbyes but where I go will have many dangers for me, out of my love for you I will spare this from you”

  “Talon.” Chang pleaded sadly.

  “Till we break bread again my friend.” added Talon before kissing Chang on the cheek and picking up his belongings.

  Talon walked out into the sunshine and made his way to seek an audience with the Lord Monk Mowloon, as he did not want the monk to hear of his leaving from Chang, out of respect Talon would have to inform the Lord Monk himself.

  A short while passed before Talon found himself in front of the Lord Mowloon.

  “My Lord I have come to inform you that I will be leaving the temple this morning.”

  Mowloon looked at Talon with no surprise at all.

  “So the day has finally come.”

  “You do not looked surprised my Lord.”

  “I knew your destiny lay elsewhere from the first day I laid eyes on you.”

  “Your wisdom is great holy one.”

  “Ha!” laughed Mowloon “it was not my wisdom but my eyes, one day when you was training from the yard I saw your pendent fall from your garments, before you had time to hide it I saw the markings of Apollo.”

  Talon began to explain but was halted mid-sentence as Mowloon held up a hand.

  “Please, do not indulge me on where you are going, you wear the markings of Apollo, it is clear that your life has great importance, I am just a humble monk and the running of this temple is all that I need to know.”

  Talon bowed and said thank you just as the Lord Monk himself kneeled before Talon, Talon quickly kneeled and tried to lift the monk to his feet.


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