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Page 19

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  Talon suddenly jumped up and grabbed his Grandfather trying to calm his rage, Talon held him tightly before Zalon relaxed.

  “I am alright Talon.” he sighed before sitting down and starting to accept the realisation of this dreadful news, he swallowed hard as he gazed up at the ceiling trying to compose his self

  “How did this happen?”

  “I escaped from the guard.” Talon answered his Grandfather.

  “The guard!” he said shocked

  “Yes Grandfather I was enlisted into the Imperial guard by father.”

  Zalon suddenly sighed loud and shook his head in disbelief.

  “He recruited you in the emperor’s guard, I should have stayed Talon I cannot believe Tallonus’s stupidity and arrogance.”

  “But Grandfather how could he have known.”

  Zalon was still shaking trying to compose himself from anger.

  “Your father tried so hard to forget his roots and sending you into the guard was insane, it was only a matter of time before you would be found out.”

  “I escaped the guard before they did.”

  Zalon sighed and shook his head again.

  “I knew the Empire was hunting me so I returned home trying to warn them but when I reached home….the Empire had already been there, they had burnt everything the school was burnt to the ground.”

  Zalon reached out and grabbed Talon’s arm.

  “I have failed you my son.” Zalon sighed.

  “No Grandfather!” Talon replied stiffening his pose.

  “No Grandfather, do not blame yourself for this.” added Talon.

  “I should have been there.” Zalon sighed grabbing Talon’s head again.

  Zalon then suddenly rose and walked over to another table where he returned with a dagger, he then cut himself deep across the arm and smeared some blood on his hand which he then held up against his face.


  Zalon then handed the dagger to Talon who did likewise, the old man then said he needed to lay down for a couple of hours.

  “I am so pleased you are here Talon, tonight we will dink and toast our family and drink to your return.” he said as he tapped Talon’s face before retiring into his room.

  Talon walked outside and sat himself down in the warm Zachanian sun, he relaxed against a tree and soon his mind began to wander, he thought about seeing his burnt home and reminded himself just how much he hated the Empire, he felt a burning desire for revenge but then thought of his teachings as a Pangkor. He remembered Chang telling him to rid his mind of anything that resembles hate as hate will take more of a toll on you that it will who it’s against. Talon tried to think clearly he knew that he would have to lose his hate if he was to fulfil his fate or destiny whatever that was.

  Talon sat thinking for the next couple of hours and watching the gladiators training; he noticed their skills and found himself being impressed with their technique. He could see his Grandfather’s teaching in them.

  Later that night he was with his Grandfather in a tavern at the far end of the gladiator school, Zalon poured some wine before sitting down next to him.

  “Come my Grandson we have sworn our oaths but now I want to learn about you.”

  Talon took a large sip of wine before answering.

  “As I told you Grandfather I joined the royal guard and was sent to Kallick town, I stayed there for three years before I was recruited into the Imperial guard where I was taken to the Palace lands.”

  “You went to the Palace lands.”

  “I lived there Grandfather, it was there in the vast libraries that I first read about the Zachanian’s, I read books about the wars between us and the Empire and it was there I first realised that I was Zachanian. From that moment I knew that I had to escape, I made a plan, where can you believe, I was to fight in Kallick town arena but I escaped before the fight and made my way to Tallasian but when I got there it was too late”

  Zalon reached out a hand to console him.

  “There would have been nothing you could have done even if you did.”

  “I could have warned them.”

  “And you think your father would have heeded your advice, do not blame yourself Talon his death was because of his naivety, and trust for those dogs.”

  Talon shrugged half agreeing.

  “What is done is done, but it was madness beyond comparison for you to join the guard.”

  “Once I found our home destroyed I headed west, I didn’t care where I went, I just wanted some time to gather my thoughts and escape the Empire, after a days of travel I ended up in Varanasa where I took asylum in the Pangkor temple there, I stayed for months learning their ways.”

  Talon was suddenly interrupted by his Grandfather sniggering.

  “My Grandson, a Pangkor monk!” he joked.

  “Grandfather my time there was time well spent I was taught many things, many things that will ground me in the things that I will have to do.”

  Zalon nodded as slightly apologising though no words were needed, he took another sip of wine before turning seriously back to his Grandson.

  “Things that I have to do.” he uttered.

  “Something tells me Talon that you have something else to tell me, something about your future or maybe our future, am I right.”

  Talon paused for a moment as he looked at his Grandfather he hesitated what he wanted to say but after a sip of wine he spoke.

  “I know of your dream Grandfather…. your visit from Apollo.”

  Zalon winced his heavy face almost in disbelief at what he was hearing.

  “How could you know that?”

  “Apollo told me Grandfather.”

  Zalon’s eyes widened.

  “What did he say to you?”

  “He told me that you were chosen Grandfather but you were too brash and wild, so he waited for another, that person is me.”

  Zalon leaned back astounded he had never breathed a word of his dream so what Talon was saying he knew to be true, he also realised that his Grandson the same boy he remembered all those years ago was now chosen to be the salvation of Zachania.

  “But Talon you know nothing of Zachania” Zalon suddenly said saying out loud what he had just been thinking.

  “Yes that is true, I know only what I have read and what the Pangkor’s have taught me but I have you, and with you I will learn. Then when we are ready we will deliver our people and send a message to the Empire that will make the Palace lands shake.”

  Zalon the old gladiator broke into smile as a pride in his Grandson rose within him he took Talon’s hand.

  “Is it you Talon, are you the one the Zararhakzar.”

  “What does that word mean Grandfather?”

  “The Zararhakzar is an ancient Zachanian name meaning the salvation of the land.”

  Talon smiled slightly embarrassed.

  “Then that is what I am Grandfather.”

  Zalon bowed his head and kissed Talon’s hand.

  “We must take you and this news to the counsel.”

  “The counsel Grandfather, not the King.”

  Zalon smiled before answering.

  “You have a lot to learn Talon, the King of Zachania is rarely seen, he has no ambition or belief in the old ways but some of the men on the counsel especially Prince Arun want more for Zachania, they have made their feelings known about the old ways and prophecies, it is them who we must see.”

  Talon nodded and smiled.

  “Will you stand with me Grandfather?”

  Zalon once again took Talon’s hands into his own.

  “I will stand and fight and if need be die by your side with every ounce of strength in my body.” he answered proudly.

  “Thank you Grandfather whatever the future holds for me, I will need you.”

  “Don’t worry Talon I will be here, I will teach you everything I can” replied Zalon before hesitating as if in thought,

  “Tell me Talon
did your father tell you of your gift?” he added,

  Talon paused as he remembered a conversation years ago when he was a child,

  “I can vaguely remember the two of you talking the night you left, you mentioned my powers but I always assumed that it was aimed at my skills in Zung-Lu.”

  Zalon suddenly shook his head and smiled.

  “No Talon what I was talking about is a thousand times more powerful than Zung-Lu, I speak of your abilities to read and change people’s thoughts.”

  Talon thought for a moment before replying.

  “Yes I have noticed this, sometimes I have known what a man wants before he speaks.”

  “That’s good it means that your abilities are surfacing, with my help I will teach you how to nurture this gift, in time these powers will make you very powerful.”

  “Why Grandfather? How did we get these powers?”

  “All the men in our family have this, I was told by my father that it goes back centuries when our ancestors were escaping the Empire in Zanlia, they escaped the murderous wrath of the soldiers but they did not escape the plague his wizards sent, a women was with child and she caught the plague she died on the journey to Tallasian so they cut the unborn baby from her and the child, our ancestor was born with this gift, ever since then it has been passed along through generations of our family.”

  Talon smiled as his Grandfather spoke to him it had been a long time since anyone told him about his family as this was a subject Talon’s father never indulged in.

  “I want to know everything about our family Grandfather tell me everything.”

  Talon’s Grandfather nodded at Talon smiling.

  “You will learn everything I have to tell.” Zalon said before he hesitated “Talon I think it would be best to wait till we speak to the counsel, we will keep your being here a secret while I train you as a Zachanian and teach you how to master your gifts then when the time is right we will produce you, and when the counsel see how powerful and impressive you are, they will have no option but to listen.” he added enthusiastically.

  “Whatever you feel is best Grandfather.”

  Zalon smiled broadly suddenly he felt a new found zest he hated the Empire and now he had a new challenge or a challenge he had waited all his life for, this was going to be what he always wanted.

  “Grandfather, Apollo also told me of the betrayal by our own wizards, Zachanian wizards.”

  “Zachanian wizards betrayed Zachania!”

  “Yes I have the scrolls in my belongings, they were known as the Zanlian wizards, three of them, I wonder if they still live.”

  “The Zanlian’s!” gasped Zalon “yes they still live.” he added “they live in the castle of Zafra.” he added again.

  “Then they must be slain for acts of betrayal.” replied Talon sternly which surprised his Grandfather how his Grandson spoke of death with such a nonchalant tone.

  “Talon we cannot kill a wizard, we would be cursed and generations after us.”

  Talon shook his head.

  “If I am to be this Zararhakzar then I can have no fears, what must be done, must be done and I must deliver this.”

  “But a wizard Talon, they are very powerful.”

  “All the better, they are traitors and if they betrayed us once, then they will think nothing of being treacherous again.”

  Zalon still shook his head.

  “Talon this act would cause great trouble, the other wizards will not tolerate this act, they would all join against us.”

  Talon the got up and fetched a scroll from his belongings.

  “READ IT GRANDFATHER!” he said placing it on the table.

  “When the wizards are dead we will produce this scroll, it is the words of Apollo, it cannot be doubted.” added Talon.

  Zalon carefully unwrapped the scroll and read its contents when he finished he faced his Grandson.

  “I will kill them myself, such treachery cannot go unanswered.” he said now with anger in his voice.

  Talon half smiled before rolling the scroll back up and returning it to his bag.

  “We will also tell the counsel of my experience in the Empire Grandfather, I am studied in their ways of battle, and I have read books on the campaigns and their Generals tactics.”

  Zalon clapped his hands together.

  “Then it has begun, our salvation is at hand.”

  Talon and his Grandfather spoke all through the night finally retiring after countless bottles of wine and ale, there reunion brought terrible news of their family’s death but both men were ecstatic to be with each other once again.

  The next day began slightly later than usual as both men climbed from their slumber sporting headaches from the night before, Zalon instructed Talon to join him with the gladiators and Talon’s training began.

  After one-month Talon was getting used to using his gifts, he learned fast and could already read some of his Grandfather’s thoughts.

  “Now then, today you will learn how to put thoughts into a man’s mind.” Zalon said as Talon joined him at dawn in the gladiator school yard.

  Zalon then walked into the stables and returned with two horses and a large lump of fresh meat.

  “We will be travelling to the Jomar jungle; there I will demonstrate just how powerful your powers can be.”

  They rode for a whole day before making camp at nightfall, they rested and resumed their journey at the break of light and stopped once they reached the edge of the jungle.

  “We will have to leave our horses here.” Zalon suddenly said dismounting his horse.

  “Are we here Grandfather, is this the jungle.”

  “Yes we are at the beginning, we will have to leave the horses here, they will not enter any further.”

  “Why not?” Talon asked feeling slightly apprehensive.

  “Use your powers Talon, can you not feel their thoughts.”

  Talon places a hand on the horse’s neck and closed his eyes after a pause he turned and spoke to his Grandfather.

  “Beasts!” Talon said “they are afraid of the beast’s within.” he added.

  “Good! Now tie your horse and let’s make haste.”

  The two men entered the jungle and walked until Zalon stopped and looked around.

  “This will do, now come and sit down Talon.”

  Zalon then pulled out the lump of meat and threw it into the jungle a few feet away.

  “It won’t be long” he said turning to Talon.

  “I sense from you Grandfather that I am not going to like this and that you are going to find this amusing.” Talon said looking up.

  Then suddenly Talon heard a loud roar coming from within the jungle, the sound was terrifying like nothing Talon had heard before.

  “What was that” Talon asked quietly.

  “A Zachanian lion, nothing is more ferocious.”

  Talon then turned towards the sound of the roar where he could now hear heavy footsteps, the footsteps got closer and closer and Talon reached for his sword only for his Grandfather to grab his hand.

  “Have courage and faith Talon.” he whispered.

  Suddenly the creature revealed itself, it was nearly the size of a horse and Talon stiffened as the creature pounced onto the meat, with terrifying power the lion ripped the meat to pieces in a frenzied eating display before raising up its blood drenched mouth and turning towards Talon.

  “Grandfather is it going to attack?” Talon whispered anxiously.

  Talon then heard his Grandfather make a low pitched growling noise and then he pointed to the jungle and growled again, the lion straightened and then ran back into the darkness of the jungle as if terrified.

  The beast was gone as quickly as it appeared and Zalon let out a loud laugh.

  “I love doing that!” Talon’s Grandfather said proudly.

  Talon looked up at his Grandfather and smiled as his anxiety subsided.

  “You see!” Zalon suddenly said snapping his fingers “that is what your powers can do”
he added pointing into the jungle.

  “You terrified it Grandfather.”

  “Yes, I put my thoughts into his mind and told him I would rip him to shreds if he came any closer.”

  Zalon’s attention was then suddenly distracted by a noise overhead, he looked up to see a hawk flying high above and then he suddenly whistled in the bird’s direction.

  To Talon’s amazement the hawk circled a few times before swooping down towards them and then landing on his Grandfather’s outstretched arm.

  “Look Talon I can also put thoughts into minds that I am their friend too.” replied Zalon now stroking the birds back before ushering it to fly off.

  “Will I also be able to do this?” Talon asked obviously impressed.

  “In time yes, these are some of the things that we can do but it is up to you on how long it will take you to learn these”

  When the two men returned to the gladiator school Talon resumed his training, he woke every day at dawn where he would put himself through an arduous couple of hours training in Zung-Lu, he also showed his Grandfather some of the Pangkor defence moves he had learnt at the temple where Zalon was impressed at Talon’s’ progress.

  This daily routine went on for another month with Zalon strenuously pushing his Grandson to his limits day after day then after one extremely hard session; Zalon sat Talon down at dusk and told him it was time.

  “I think it may be time to present you to the counsel, I have watched over the last few weeks and I cannot improve your physical condition any further, you are already the strongest pupil in the school by far and your mental skills have begun to develop well, do you feel ready.”

  Talon wiped away the sweat from his brow noticing how strong his arms had become as his arm raised and with a smile he turned to his Grandfather.

  “I feel ready Grandfather.”

  “Good we shall present you at the end of the week.” Zalon replied.

  Talon then finished off a large cup of water before turning towards Zalon and changing the subject.

  “Grandfather please tell me, when I first arrived in Zachania I travelled to Zachra in the back of a merchants cart and they said they were merchants of Zac, what is Zac Grandfather.”

  “ZAC!” Zalon said loudly as he spat on the floor to emphasize his disgust.


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