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Page 21

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “Then will you take the crown!” Heikan said looking determined.

  Prince Arun rested back in his chair as if frustrated and then replied in a breathless tone of voice.

  “I cannot do that, I can neither ask for his crown nor act in a way that would be treason to this land.”

  “Treason, is your spoken word my Prince, I ask you merely what is the point of this meeting if the one who makes decisions is not present?” answered Heikan.

  The debate went on and on going back and forth until Prince Arun sensing the council’s frustrations decided to call an end to the meeting and let everyone sleep on the topics.

  “Brothers, I can see we are all getting tired and tempers are fraying, let’s call it a night and resume tomorrow evening where I shall summon the King and the wizards to join us.”

  The next morning Prince Arun was woke at dawn by the frantic banging on his door, the Prince did not get to sleep till the early hours so he struggled to pull himself from his bed and pull on a gown to open the door to reveal General Pelkan.

  “Sire there is men here from Zula!”

  “Zula!” interrupted the Prince.

  “Yes my Prince, last night the fields of Zac were set alight, the entire crop is destroyed.”

  “By who Pelkan?”

  “No one knows sire, the men behind this wore no uniforms.”

  “Could it be one of the great houses who ordered this?”

  “I cannot say, all I have been told is that men arrived and burned the fields.”

  “The fields of Zac, destroyed” Arun added with a slight smile on his face yet still feeling puzzled.

  “Was this act on purpose or could it have been accidental, there have been fires in Zula before.”

  “No my Prince this was definitely intended, I was told that twelve horsemen were seen with staffs lighting the fires and then they burned the barns.”

  “Twelve men” who the damn did this, investigate this straight away Pelkan, I want a name and I want it this evening.”

  “Yes sire.”

  Prince Arun sighed and stretched as he sat down to breakfast thinking about tonight’s meeting with the council, he had been awake for barely an hour yet this day had already brought trouble.

  The Prince picked up a piece of bread and raised it to his mouth but before he could take a bite he saw Zumal and Valsa the four hundred year old personal wizards to the throne burst into the room looking anything but happy.

  “What now?” Arun said silently, throwing his bread onto the table.

  “Who ordered the fields of Zac to be destroyed” Valsa demanded.

  “Excuse Me,” replied Arun straightening his posture and showing his scant regard at the wizards tone.

  “Forgive me Prince.” the wizard quickly replied realising who he was talking to.

  “We have just heard and we wish to know if this act was authorised by the council.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, I have only just learned of this myself.”

  “So you knew nothing of this?” added Zumal.

  “I was going to finish my breakfast and ask if you knew anything of this.”

  Zumal then raised his eyebrows looking surprised.

  “Most odd my Prince.” said Valsa taking a seat next to the Prince.

  “This is not good sire, this could cause problems amongst the houses, we have already spoken to the wizards from house of Korvak and they are outraged, they travel here as we speak for an urgent audience with the King.”

  “What about the other wizards from the great houses?”

  “All of them deny any knowledge of this.” added Zumal.

  Arun sank back into his chair and thought a moment before answering.

  “Tonight there is a meeting of the council…see if you can find out any more information today and be at the meeting tonight, we’ll discuss it then in front of everybody.”

  “Very well my Prince we will see you tonight.”

  In the town of Zafra home to the great house of Korvak there were many heated discussions taking place in the Korvak castle. The house of Korvak had control of the Zac distribution and along with the King they profited very well from it.

  Lord Kaan Korvak was in Zachra waiting for the night’s meeting of the council but his sons in Zafra were outraged ordering all kinds of investigations into what happened to the Zac.

  The house of Korvak had two wizards in their service but unknown to Zachania they were the Zanlian wizards who betrayed Zachania all those centuries ago, this morning they were worried as they sensed trouble ahead.

  Their secret pact was now under threat and the secret allegiance with the Imperial wizard Grarlin could now be revealed.

  During the last Great War between Zachania and the Empire, the Korvak wizards were approached by Grarlin the wizard Grand of the Emperors wizard guild. Scared of his powers they joined him. The spice Zac was created by Grarlin and given to the wizards who in turn were ordered to give it to the Zachanian’s as a medicine but something happened to it when it was planted in the Zachanian soil, it weakened and instead of causing death it intoxicated people. Grarlin accepted this and insisted that the wizards give it out for free but as time went by the house of Korvak started to make people pay for it. For hundreds of years it has kept the people of Zachania peaceful and weak and now that it was gone maybe the unquenchable fighting desire of the Zachanian’s may return.

  In Zachra Talon and Graval were sitting at Zalon’s house discussing what they did the night before.

  “Have you heard anything Graval? What are people saying?”

  “it’s on everyone’s lips Talon, the price of Zac has risen tenfold in just a few hours its worth more than Gillenium, more than jewels, and people are panicking what they will do when their own supplies run out”

  “Good!” replied Talon feeling pleased with himself.

  “Talon! Everyone is speaking of the fires!” Talon’s Grandfather shouted as he burst into the room smiling.

  “We know Zalon.” added Graval smiling.

  Zalon shrugged and joined the two men.

  “Well there’s a meeting of the council tonight.” he said calmly.

  “Then we will be there.” replied Talon before Zalon leaned closer and spoke as if pleased with what he found out.

  “The wizards of Zanlia will also be present.” he said quietly.

  “How do you know this?”

  “I know!, I know a driver of the Korvak’s coaches and he has been ordered to return to Zafra and return with the wizards, all the wizards of the great houses will be at the meeting tonight, it seem we have caused a lot of trouble my Grandson.”

  Talon’s jovial mood suddenly changed to deadly serious.

  “Then tonight the wizards die, I will present their heads as presents to the council.”

  Talon’s Grandfather suddenly became concerned by his Grandson’s decision to kill the wizards; it was dangerous, very dangerous.

  “Talon we must be careful, you must present your evidence on these traitors and let the council deal with them.”

  Talon shook his head.

  “No Grandfather!, this I will do my way, if I am to be trusted as a leader of men then I must show my courage to make decisions and not be seen as afraid to carry them out.”

  “There first reaction will be to kill you Talon, you cannot go into a council meeting and slay members of it.”

  “Only a man telling the truth or someone who is insane will do what I will do and I trust that they will see that I am not insane therefore giving me the chance to speak, then I will produce the sword of Apollo and the scroll naming these traitors.”

  “It has risks.”

  “Good then they will see I am sincere.”

  “First we will have to get into the meeting, how will we do that?” Graval added.

  “Easy!, once they are in conference we will present ourselves at the Palace and tell them we are responsible for the Zac, I have no doubt they will take us before the council, o
nce there we will overthrow the guards and I will kill the wizards.”

  “Talon I do not like this plan.” answered Zalon cautiously.

  “Have faith Grandfather, I feel no nerves, something tells me this will be alright.”

  “If you’re wrong Talon then this uprising will be the shortest in all history” Graval said calmly.

  “If I am wrong Graval then this salvation of Zachania was never meant to be.”

  Chapter 14

  There was a strange atmosphere in the King’s castle this evening; it had been years since a council meeting of this magnitude where all the wizards belonging to the great houses had been summoned to appear. Together with the news of last night’s burning of the Zac this was going to be a very important if not heated meeting.

  It seemed to take an age for everyone to sit down as most of the wizards huddled tightly amongst their leaders, there was plenty of questions wanting to be asked and answered so the Prince tried not to waste any time on dignitaries and got straight to the point.

  “Tonight’s meeting is a continuation from last night but now as you are all aware there is another topic that needs addressing, and taking into consideration that the King is still not well we will start with the topic of the Zac, I have been making enquiries all day but if any of you wish to add something first then the floor is yours.”

  Kaan Korvak was the first to rise almost before the Prince had finished.

  “Lord Korvak.” the Prince said inviting him to speak

  “Prince Arun, the house of Korvak is set to suffer most severely from this cowardly and criminal act, I will not make no excuse for our outrage and I hereby formally inform the council that the house of Korvak will stop at nothing and I repeat nothing to bring these faceless criminals to justice.”

  When Korvak finished the room fell into silence as the other members sat in a mixture of puzzlement and rage.

  The council has its own set of laws made centuries ago and it has always been the duty of the head of the council to launch any enquiries or investigations. Kaan Korvak had just deeply insulted the Prince who was head of the council with his break from protocol.

  Prince Arun jumped up offended from his seat and banged his fist hard on the table but before he could speak his arm was grabbed by his soldier Pelkan who had rose to join him.

  “You dare challenge the authority of the Prince!” Pelkan shouted with his eyes bulging, Korvak jumped to his feet and stared at Pelkan, paused a moment then answered now with his own voice just as loud and threatening.

  “I do challenge it! I challenge all of the council! Someone in this room is responsible for this attack on our Zac and until this coward admits who he is then I hold all of you as suspects!”

  The whole room suddenly fell into gasps of disbelief and anger as Korvak’s outburst was totally beyond the pale.

  “I will not sit here and be accused by you Korvak!” Bolson Heikan shouted as he rose angrily from his chair forcing it to crash behind him.

  Zumal the Kings wizard now rose frantically towards Heikan, he knew only too well of how proud and quick tempered Bolson could be and one wrong move or word could throw the whole of Zachania into civil war.

  “Please Lords, please calm yourselves.” the wizard said trying to calm things.

  “You are men of honour and men of substance let’s not turn a council meeting into a tavern brawl, please Lord Heikan will you sit down.”

  Heikan snarled at Zumal before seeing sense and sitting down which made Zumal approach Korvak.

  “Please my Lord Korvak will you be seated and discuss this, men on this council do not blindly accuse each other.”

  Once Korvak sat down, all eyes returned to the Prince.

  “Now then gentlemen lets discuss this like gentlemen” the Prince said purposely looking at Korvak and Heikan.

  Korvak then called one of his wizards over who began whispering in his ear, the council waited as the Lord and his wizard sat having their private conversation, everyone got angered at this insult but once again it was Heikan maybe paranoid that Korvak was whispering about him, who decided to interrupt them.

  “Shall we come back when your finished Korvak.”

  Zumal again asked for calm, which made Lord Heikan sigh loudly before looking away trying to calm his anger while Korvak arrogantly continued his private conversation with his wizard.

  Eager not to cause any more hostility in what was a very hostile atmosphere the council waited for Korvak to finish.

  “Well?” the Prince asked him making Korvak to rise from his seat again.

  “Prince Arun, the matter is still on the table, there is no denying that someone has conspired against my family, but I have a solution.”

  “Go on.” the Prince interrupted.

  “I ask that my wizards question each head of the council with the truth crystal.”

  “Have you gone insane!” the Prince replied raising his voice.

  “We will find out the truth!” Korvak angrily replied.

  Lord Heikan suddenly decided he could hear no more as he threw a mug of wine he was drinking against a wall.

  “This is outrageous! I will not be spoken or accused in this way and I will resign my seat on this council before I dishonour myself and my family to Korvak’s wizards, I am Bolson Heikan and if my word and standing is not enough for you then I spit on you and your family Korvak!”

  Prince Arun was next to rise.

  “What you ask is totally unacceptable, you have insulted the integrity of this council and I demand an apology!”

  Lord Korvak sat strangely calm as the other members of the council waited for his reply.

  “I will apologise to those who pass the truth crystal.”

  “I warn you Lord Korvak you cannot take this stance with the council.”

  The Prince then waited for Korvak to answer but when the silence became apparent he spoke again.

  “Either you apologise to the council or you will no longer be welcome.”

  Some of the other wizards stiffened at Arun’s demand.

  Zumal abruptly touched the Prince’s arm asking for him to listen.

  “Sire you must not break the seal of the council. There has always been a Korvak present.”

  The Prince turned towards his wizard and calmly said.

  “Zumal it is not I who breaks the seal, Korvak has insulted us tonight, he must redeem himself or leave.”

  Zumal then approached Korvak.

  “Please Lord Korvak you must express regret. The seal of the council must not be broken.”

  “I have said all I have to say.” replied Korvak as he rose to his feet removing his council crest.

  “We’re leaving.” he said ordering his wizards to follow.

  Zumal went back to the Prince once again asking him to stop Korvak who was now walking out of the meeting.

  “Sire” Zumal pleaded.

  “Let him go sire.” Lord Heikan added.

  After Korvak left there was short silence as almost disbelief set in, Heikan once again broke the silence to address the Prince.

  “Sire I apologise to you and to this council but I will not stand here and be insulted with such disrespect.”

  “We all understand and accept your apology Lord Heikan. The way Korvak behaved tonight was astonishing and way beyond any acceptable boundaries for such distinguished men as your-selves.” replied the Prince.

  Bokli Krazmos was next to address the council.

  “What are we going to do about him sire? He has a very powerful army and I am telling you all, that I will not stand idle if he approaches me with his accusations.”

  Arun raised his hand.

  “We will do nothing for now, let us see if he can see sense, but if he causes any disruption in this land then it falls to me to take care of him and I promise you that I shall.”

  As the Prince finished he was suddenly approached by two of his guards who had entered the room he got up to meet them half way.

excuse me but there are men at the gate demanding to see you.”

  “What men!” Arun interrupted .

  “They say they are the men responsible for the Zac.”

  “Bring them here now.” replied the Prince.

  The soldier’s left and Arun returned to the table.

  “It seems men are on their way to enlighten us about the fields of Zac.”

  “What men?” added Heikan.

  As Talon entered the room he was surrounded by six of the Kings royal guard, the council looked at him wondering who he was but the wizards mouths dropped open when Zalon and the ten gladiators came into view following Talon and all dressed in ancient Zachanian fighting suits.

  Talons Grandfather pointed out the Prince to Talon who then walked towards the Prince and dropped on one knee before him.

  “My royal Prince Arun Von-Kui-Samui, I am the man you seek, I am responsible for the destruction of the Zac.”

  “Who the damn are you!” the Prince ordered feeling slightly shocked at the manners and arrogance of the man before him.

  “My name is Talon of Tallasian.”

  “Tallasian, in Kratos?”

  “Yes sire.”

  “You have travelled here from Tallasian to burn my fields of Zac.”

  “I am a Zachanian who was born in Tallasian; I have come home to fulfil my destiny.”

  “Your destiny” replied the Prince still puzzled “and this destiny entails the burning of my fields of Zac.”

  “Yes that was the beginning.” replied Talon still with his head bowed.

  “The beginning! The beginning of what?”

  “Our destiny sire, Zachania’s destiny.”

  “Are you a madman?” Bokli Krazmos suddenly added.

  Talon now rose and looked the Prince in the eye.

  “Do I look like madman sire?”

  Prince Arun raised his eyebrows still baffled by this stranger before him.

  “Since all our destinies are in your hands Talon of Tallasian, would you tell the council what you have planned for Zachania.” the Prince added in a mocking tone of voice.

  “All in good time sire but first I want to speak to the head of the house of Korvak.”


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