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Page 29

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “What is your name?” the General added turning away.

  The Zachanian through semi unconsciousness remembered his oath and remained silent.

  The General turned to one of his soldiers who reminded the Zachanian he had been asked a question by striking him again in the face.

  “Your life means absolutely nothing to me, if you fail to answer me again then you will die, do you understand?”

  The Zachanian raised his head and tried to see the General through the blood which was in his eyes, once he could see him he spat the blood in his mouth towards the General who reacted angrily by striking the Zachanian.”

  “Kill him!” the General then ordered as he wiped the blood from his face.

  An Imperial soldier then picked up a large stick which had a large metal ball covered in spikes attached to the end of it then he gave the Zachanian a sinister smile before crashing the ball down onto his head and killing him instantly.

  “Throw him to his friends, when they see him it may loosen their tongues.”

  The soldiers did as the General ordered and the man’s body was picked up and thrown amongst his friends before they took another man, and brought him to the General, once again he was shackled to the wall where the Zachanian could feel the wet ground which was still warm from his friend’s blood.

  The General grabbed the man’s face forcefully.

  “Did you see your friend? I asked him two questions, two chances he had but he foolishly refused but you my friend will only get one chance, now what is your name.”

  The Zachanian locked at the General and felt hate in his eyes as he looked across at a soldier who was playing with a poker in a basket of red hot coals.

  “My name is Agar.”

  “Good that’s better, now what were you doing this morning.”

  Agar swallowed deeply and felt fear rise in him before replying.

  “I am a smuggler.”

  “Ar a smuggler, what was you smuggling.”

  Agar through fear and confusion suddenly paused as he frantically tried to find a plausible reply.

  “WELL!” demanded the General as the soldier pulled out the poker and approached making the situation even more desperate.


  “I, I, I, don’t know.”

  “So you’re a smuggler who does not know what he was smuggling! Then why were there no goods in the wreckage of your boat.”

  Agar again swallowed deeply as he tried to find the strength to be brave.

  “I am a smuggler.” he gasped not very convincingly.

  “I think you are lying! Maybe some pain will find the truth.” replied the General before indicating for the soldier with the poker to advance.

  The red hot poker was ominously paraded before agar’s face, he could feel the intense heat already burning him as it passed before him and then agar screamed in terror as the soldier thrust it into his mouth. The sound of sizzling flesh filled the room as smoke poured from agars mouth. The sound of his screams could be heard throughout the whole castle but as he drifted in sleep from the shock and pain the General was still no further in finding out the true identities of the Zachanian’s.

  Five more Zachanian’s were given the same treatment but much to the Generals’ frustration and rage the men all remained silent.

  “I know they are lying but their strength is like something I have never seen before, they seem afraid of something more than their own deaths but what, what could be so important.” said the General to one of his captains as they took a break from the torture

  “We could try a different approach.” replied the captain.

  The General paused for a moment because he knew what his captain was asking was also a declaration that he had failed to find out the truth himself so resentfully he answered.

  “Send for a wizard.”

  Then captain nodded before leaving only to return about an hour later.

  “General, all the wizards are at the border in Death Valley, I have sent word for one of them to return to interrogate the prisoners.”

  In Zachania Talon and Zumal reached the castle in Zafra where they were welcomed and informed that Talon’s Grandfather was upstairs in the middle of a conference with some of Korvak’s Generals. This was great timing Talon thought as he rushed to the room and did not bother to knock he just barged in looking very serious. The Generals and Zalon turned in surprise at this sudden entrance and as Zalon rose to greet his Grandson he was surprised to see Talon just nod rather than give his usual hug as a welcome.

  Talon looked angrily at the Generals before speaking.

  “May I address the Generals?” he asked his Grandfather.

  “Of course you may.”

  Talon then pulled out his sword and slammed it onto the table.

  “This is the sword of Apollo! I am Talon the Zararhakzar! The way of Korvak is dead and this house is now the house of Zalon, anyone who wishes to repel the King’s wish can speak now! What Korvak did and the actions of his wizards has put shame and dishonour on all who reside in the house of Korvak, I am here to give you the opportunity to rid this shame that has been subjected to your families, join this cause and show that you are true men of Zachania”

  The Generals all looked at each other in shock but remained tight-lipped.

  “Do you understand and do I have your allegiance!”

  Slowly and one by one the Generals acknowledged Talon.

  “Good.” Talon added relaxing his voice.

  “Now I have heard rumours that there is a growing unrest at the councils orders, well I am here in person to tell you all that if anyone has any idea’s then I will run them through with this sword, don’t think I will not know what is going on, I am the Zararhakzar and I know what you are going to do before you have even thought it.”

  One of the Generals rose to his feet and answered warily.

  “Lord Korvak was my closest friend, it is true that I have taken his fate hard, but I swear here now in front of you all, that I will obey the King and my new Lord, Lord Zalon.”

  Talon nodded his thank you to the General’s brave and honest remark.

  “All of Zachania is in change, all of our lives will now have new meaning, now leave us and await your orders.” added Talon as the Generals almost ran from the room.

  “Grandfather” Talon said warmly once the General’s had left to his still shocked grandparent who he then embraced.

  “Talon what was that all about?”

  Talon sat down before answering.

  “I was told that some men were still sympathetic towards Korvak, Heikan told me he knew that in their hearts the Generals were honourable men so I wanted to speak to them direct and show them the honour they are due, it was I after all who killed their wizards.”

  “Good Talon, show an honourable man honour and he shall respect it” interrupted Graval who had just entered the room and overheard Talon’s last remark.

  “It is good to see you my friend.” Talon said rising to his feet.

  “And you my Lord.” replied Graval.

  The two men embraced before Talon turned to face his Grandfather.

  “Is this the way you welcome your Grandson, at the Palace we give our guests ale! Talon said.

  Zalon roared loudly laughing as he grabbed a hold of Talons head before speaking proudly

  “It’s good to see you Grandson!” he laughed before shouting out for a soldier who then suddenly appeared.

  “Send for a keg of ale, no bring me two kegs of ale, tonight we celebrate!” he shouted before sitting back down next to Talon.

  “So you have come all the way from Zachra to tell me how to run my castle.” Zalon added, making all the men break into smiles until Talon composed himself and answered.

  “I bring word from the council.”

  “How are things in Zachra?”

  “They are good Grandfather; we will be ready for war in under a fortnight.”

  Zumal then broke into
the conversation.

  “Lord Zalon we understand that the ships are on schedule but we have no report about your army, the Prince requires an accurate account on all the great houses strengths and abilities.”

  Zalon rubbed his beard and then answered to Talon.

  “We can be ready whenever you need us.”

  Talon looked across at Zumal.

  “That’s good enough for me.”

  “Excuse me Lord Talon but I have been asked for a definite date when the army can march.”

  “My army could march today if the council wishes.”

  “Zumal my Grandfather will be ready” interrupted Talon.

  Zumal nodded his head before changing the subject.

  “Can you give me a day when the ships will be completed?”

  “Ten days!”

  “Good!” snapped Zumal just as two soldiers returned bringing them the ale.

  “Let’s drink!” Zalon barked dipping tankards into the brew and handing them out.

  The men toasted before they drank now feeling safe in the knowledge that the great houses of Zachania were all on schedule for their attack on Kratos. Tonight both Zachania and Kratos both rested in relative peace but it was now only a matter of time before both were going to be thrown into chaos and war.

  Chapter 18

  For my King & Zachania

  The night sky over Zanlia was clear with the moon lighting up the deserted streets. Pelkan and his men were hiding in a doorway waiting to sneak past two soldiers who were blocking their way having a conversation.

  “I could kill them both.” Perad said leaning over and whispering into Pelkan’s ear

  “No we will wait.”

  “How much further is it to Falkan’s home?”

  “It’s only a few more streets Perad.”

  “General we cannot remain on these streets; it’s deserted, where is everyone?”

  “I don’t know, quick let’s move.” Pelkan replied seeing the soldiers end their conversation and walking off, they quickly sneaked off into the night staying close to the walls and hiding in the shadows until they found themselves at the front of Falkan’s home.

  Pelkan banged on the door as his three companions crouched in the shadows desperately wanting the door to be opened.

  “Who are you?” a man answered opening the door only to be pushed aside by Pelkan and his men.

  “What do you think you are doing?”

  “Take us to Lord Falkan!” Pelkan demanded closing the door and grabbing the man.

  “Lord Falkan is resting I don’t know who you are but you are going to get yourselves in a lot of trouble knocking here” replied the man reaching to open the front door again but Pelkan grabbed his arm and spun him around and pushed his face into his

  “Lord Falkan is my friend and I need to see him now!”

  Pelkan then released the man’s arm and forcefully pushed him towards the stairs; reluctantly and still being pushed the man led them up the stairs and down a corridor where they stopped at a large door and the man called out for Falkan. Pelkan did not wait for an answer instead he pushed the man aside and entered the room. Lord Falkan was sitting at his desk attending to some papers and suddenly jumped up to confront this rude intrusion.

  “Pelkan!” Falkan sighed surprised at seeing the man before him and the state he was in.

  “Pelkan, what’s wrong?”

  The man who had led Pelkan pushed his way in and began apologising.

  “My Lord I am sorr.”

  “It’s ok Barnsville they are friends of mine, you may retire.”

  Barnsville turned and gave Pelkan an angry look before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

  “Pelkan your unexpected, you look terrible!”

  “We was ambushed this morning, we are the only ones to survive.”

  “Please come by the fire and warm yourself and let me fetch you some clean clothes.”

  “Falkan some of our men have been captured, where would they have been taken to?”

  Falkan’s face suddenly dropped as he realised the situation.

  “Pelkan are these men aware of me?”

  Pelkan lowered his head and shamefully replied.

  “Yes my Lord they are.”

  Falkan sat down rubbing his head.

  “Then we are all in grave danger.”

  “We could rescue them” replied one of Pelkan’s men.

  “Out of the question! They would have undoubtedly have taken to the castle, we could not possibly succeed.”

  “But we must try something Falkan” replied Pelkan desperately.

  Falkan instinctively looked out of his window before replying,

  “No we must survive; I will have to leave Zanlia.”

  “Falkan I trust my men to hold their mouths” said Pelkan sounding stern

  Falkan shook his head.

  “Pelkan it does not matter how strong your men are, they will be helpless to resist the Empires wizards. They will tell, and they will tell everything they know, that is not in debate.”

  General Pelkan feeling exhausted sat down by the fire and took his head into his hands.

  “What have I done.” he whispered.

  “They will find out everything about me.” Falkan said slightly angry.

  “That’s not the worst of it.”

  “What do you mean”?

  “They will find out about the invasion.”

  “What invasion” asked Falkan puzzled?

  “Our mission was to report on the Empires strength here in Zanlia as well as inform you and determine what assistance you can give Zachania.”

  “Zachania is going to invade Kratos!”

  “Yes and now unless we rescue the men then the Empire will learn of this and we will lose the element of surprise.”

  “Pelkan I do not know what to say to you.”

  “You say the men will be questioned by wizards.”

  “Nothing is certain but I would say it is a very good guess.”

  “Then they will find the truth.”

  “Yes they will.”

  Pelkan sat in silence for a moment until turning to Falkan with a solemn look on his face

  “Then there is a favour that I must beseech you.”

  “Go on.” Falkan replied to Pelkan who paused again before answering.

  “I will need you to give these men the information we seek and then return them to Zachania; I will also need some poison.”

  “Pelkan are your saying what I think you are.”

  “It is worth a try.”

  “What is worth a try?” interrupted Perad.

  Pelken swallowed deeply before answering.

  “I will surrender myself; hopefully I will be taken to our men where I will.”

  “No General!” Perad interrupted getting to his feet.

  Pelkan put his arm on Perad’s shoulder.

  “Perad you were correct my friend, we should not have made sail but in my haste we are now in this situation, what I do, I do for Zachania, we cannot allow the Empire to discover our plans.”

  “But poisoning yourself and the men, where will that get us?”

  “It was my mistake and now I must pay for that mistake, if a few life’s save thousands then it is my fate.”

  “But sir.”

  “What else is there to do Perad? If the Empire discover our intentions we could lose this war, the King, Talon, the leaders of all the great houses could all die, do you think I could live my life with that kind of guilt.”

  “Pelkan the Empire may already know.” Falkan calmly replied.

  Pelkan nodded.

  “Yes they may but can we take that risk.”

  A cold and eerie silence over the room until Lord Falkan broke it grabbing Pelkan by the arm.

  “You do not have to do this my friend; the King would surely understand what has happened here.”

  Pelkan smiled sincerely where after a few thoughts he answered.

  “My mind is made
up, I am a soldier and soldiers sometimes die but soldiers can decide how they die and if I die with honour protecting my King and land then that death will be something to celebrate, come now my friends we must make haste”

  An hour passed before Falkan returned to meet Pelkan and Perad who was waiting by the gate quietly deep in their thoughts. Lord Falkan walked over and handed Pelkan a small pouch.

  “These are the leaves of the spinal tree, one leaf placed in the mouth will be enough, death will come quickly for you.”

  Pelkan smiled as he took the pouch and placed it safely behind his belt, Lord Falkan then introduced the man who was standing beside him.

  “This man will take you to the gates of the castle.” he said with a voice full of sorrow.

  “It’s time then” snapped Pelkan turning to Perad trying to sound brave.

  “Take care, my friend.” he added embracing him.

  “General Pelkan! Your name will be remembered for a thousand years” replied Perad speaking into his Generals ear before releasing him for Pelkan to see a tear in his friend’s eye.

  “For my King and Zachania.” Pelkan smiled.

  “For Zachania.” replied Perad.

  General Pelkan then turned an embraced his two other soldiers before turning to face Falkan.

  “Falkan my friend I ask you to be the bearer of my dying wish.”

  “Of course my friend.”

  “Give Perad the information he needs and make sure he gets back to Zachania; don’t let me die without fulfilling my mission for my King.”

  “I swear that I will, I swear this will be done.”

  With that they embraced until Pelkan abruptly broke away.

  “Let’s go we have no time to waste.” he said ushering himself away with his guide towards the door. The other men looked as their General walked away they felt full of sorrow and respect for the man who was on his way courageously to honour the greatest sacrifice anyone could give to his King and country.

  As Pelkan reached the door he suddenly stopped and turned

  “Perad my only regret is that I won’t be alive to see our Prince lead the armies into Zanlia, seeing the Prince on his white horse leading the men will be a sight to see” Pelkan then smiled and walked out of the door.

  Lord Falkan’s guide did his job and directed the General to the castle where they hid amongst some bushes.


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