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Page 32

by Joseph Henry Gaines


  Talon grimaced as if showing his disappointment at how the Prince was acting.

  “I see no King before me, a King does not become irrational and lose his head to fury against his friends, and a King does not reward his warriors returning from a mission with punishment.”

  Prince Arun snarled but then changed his expression as Talon’s words sunk in.

  “Would you have me give him a medal Talon?”

  “Arun, Perad is beyond himself with guilt but what he did, he was ordered to do, Pelkan did what he did because at the time he thought it the right thing to do and against all of Perad’s feelings and judgment Perad obeyed his orders and left his General, he left his General so he could return here with the news you asked for and doing so made Pelkan’s life not end in vein.”

  The Prince then took in a deep breath and rubbed his head and still looking at the floor he answered.

  “You’re words are correct Talon, this King is not too much of a man that he cannot be criticised by his friends when he loses his way of reason, I offer you my apologies.”

  “Sire no need to apologise, your just tired my liege.” Ganasis quickly added being concerned to keep the Princes self-esteem.

  The Prince took another deep breath and once he calmed down the three of them called for Perad where they asked him more questions about what had happened then excused him and sat back down just the three of them.

  “Can we take the risk that the Empire does not know of our intentions, I think we should take counter measures” the Prince said.

  “What’s on your mind Arun” replied Talon.

  “I could send my entire army to the border.”

  Ganasis then interrupted,

  “If the Empire suspects that we are going to attack then they will attack first but I still say wait, we can be more vigilant but for now we should hold our patience and nerve.”

  Prince Arun agreed by nodding his head.

  “I understand, I will send more soldiers but we shall wait but I would suggest we hold a meeting of the council tomorrow night and look at options to speed up our attack.”

  “I agree!” Talon replied.

  “Yes we will make an exact day when we will cross into Kratos at the meeting tomorrow.”

  Word was sent to all the great Houses of Zachania summoning them to the meeting while Prince Arun did as he said and began sending all of his army to the border. Three hundred thousand Zachanian warriors were ordered to march and by nightfall the order was out and the royal army was dispersed.

  The next day arrived with urgent discussions being staged between Talon, Ganasis and Prince Arun as the heads of the five great Zachanian families turned up one by one. By nightfall all the members had arrived where they were seated in the council hall waiting for the Prince. Arun soon joined them where he took his seat at the head of the table and signalled for Ganasis to begin the meeting.

  “Lords of Zachania we have summoned you to discuss an urgent matter which has arose but first let me inform you that Prince Arun is to become our King, he will be coroneted tomorrow morning………. long live the King!”

  Lord Heikan quickly rose where he went over and kneed before the Prince

  “Sire the House of Heikan is at your disposal.”

  All the other Lords paid similar tributes until the Prince asked them all to return to their seats as he wished to address the council.

  “My royal members of the council, we are here tonight not just for this but I have grave news. The scouting party that was sent to Zanlia were taken prisoners, they are all dead except three of them, myself and Ganasis have questioned them and there is a chance that the Empire is aware of our plan to attack them, with this in mind I have decided if we all agree that we bring forward our attack to one week from today.”

  Lord Heikan as usual was the first to speak.

  “Sire when you say a chance, is that a slim chance, no chance or a bloody good chance!”

  The Prince smiled.

  “Yes Lord Heikan, once again you remind me to be more precise.”

  The Prince then followed by explaining the whole story of Pelkan and Perad and when he finished Lord Heikan spoke again.

  “I would say the chances they know something are considerably large sire.” he said in his own bombastic way which made Talon intervene.

  “Heikan what is done is done, we are here to discuss this matter and to make alternative plans and more importantly for all of us to be prepared.”

  The meeting went on till the early hours of the morning where they went over in great detail the information brought back by Perad then it was decided as the Prince suggested that they would launch their attack one week from today, and that Lord Zargar would send his army to join the Princes army and support them from the rear and that Lord Zalon would attack the Empire by sea in a co-ordinated attack on the town of Zanlia.

  The next morning the Palace was alive with people preparing for the Princes coronation to King, with all the Palace staff rushing frantically to make the coronation as splendid an event as possible in such short notice. Much of the usual protocol was to be ignored but nevertheless the event would still have to be staged in some grandeur. The gardeners were busy picking flowers from the gardens to make arrangements to adorn the walls of the throne room and extra Palace aides had been summoned to make sure everything was cleaned and polished at the Palace, and the cooks had been busy since the crack of dawn preparing a feast for the Prince and all the distinguished guests.

  The Prince meanwhile was in his bedroom surrounded by Palace aides who were all dressing him for his crowning, he wore a royal blue garment with gold trimmings as well as the royal jewelled sword and shield.

  “Are you ready Arun?” Ganasis asked as entered the Prince’s room.

  “Yes Ganasis I am.”

  “Remember Arun walk with dignity and pride, you have been a good Prince now become a better King!”

  Ganasis then proceeded alone to the throne room where he joined Lord Heikan, Talon and Talon’s Grandfather.

  “How is he?” Talon asked smiling.

  “He looks fine Talon.”

  “Will his father be attending Ganasis.” asked Talon.

  “I don’t know Talon.” replied Ganasis just as he caught sight of Zumal who had just arrived from Zafra walking towards him.

  “Zumal my friend how are you?”

  “Good Ganasis! I am always good when I see you.” replied Zumal before being pulled to the side by Ganasis.

  “Zumal how are things in Zafra?”

  “Lord Zalon is a good man Ganasis, the men like him and I am certain that he will be ready.”

  “That’s good; when you did not attend the council meeting last night I feared that there had been more troubles.”

  “No Ganasis there are no troubles, I just thought I would be better used overseeing the building of the boats, I will be returning immediately after the ceremony.”

  Ganasis then smiled as he looked at all the people running about.

  “ar the ceremony! One could almost forget we are on the brink of war.”

  Zumal then grabbed his arm making Ganasis turn sharply.

  “Ganasis I want you to head the coronation!”

  Ganasis was shocked at what Zumal asked him.

  “Zumal you are royal command wizard, I cannot take this honour from you!”

  “Ganasis that doesn’t matter now, not with the war coming up, you my friend are the senior wizard here and it would be much more of an honour to the Prince if it was you who crowned him.”

  Ganasis looked back into Zumal’s eyes and for once he was lost for words.

  “But Zumal I don’t know what to do!”

  “Nonsense! You just put the crown on his head and say long live the King!” replied Zumal smiling.

  Ganasis still looked a bit confused as the ceremony was about to start and to be asked this now with no preparation and especially as he d
id not want to make any mistakes and ruin the Prince’s day, he was still lost for words, Zumal sensed this made another suggestion.

  “Ganasis! Alright I will do the speaking but you will place the crown on the Princes head, were do it together.”

  Ganasis then suddenly relaxed and smiled at Zumal as Zumal walked away quickly to check on the proceedings.

  “Here get some of this down you.” Heikan said jovially offering Ganasis some ale as he returned to join them only for Ganasis to push his arm away and screw his face up.

  “I have no time for ale drinking.” he said sounding very prudish.

  “Go on, have some, were celebrating today.” Heikan added goading Ganasis further.

  “Celebrating... You may be, but I have work to do.”

  “Have you ever drank ale Ganasis, the taste is divine” Heikan said still holding out the ale.

  “YES! I have tried it, a long time ago and it didn’t agree with me.”

  Heikan smiled as he looked at Talon and his Grandfather before turning back to Ganasis and giving him a friendly nudge.

  “You got drunk!” Heikan added smiling.

  Ganasis turned sharply looking somewhat embarrassed.

  “No I did not!”

  “I think you did.” Heikan replied to the wizard’s annoyance.

  Talon and his Grandfather were now having difficulty in holding back their laughter; Ganasis noticed this and turned to them.

  “Why are you laughing, you look like little girls! Wizards do not get drunk.”

  “But you did, didn’t you Ganasis.” added Heikan.

  Ganasis turned sharply at Heikan now tired of his playing and was just about to give him a piece of his mind when he saw the three men laughing which brought him back to his senses that they were only having some fun with him.

  “Very funny Heikan! Very funny.” said the old wizard looking as if he was about to sulk.

  Heikan held up his hands as if to call a truce but then Ganasis turned with a large smile on his face, and face the three men where he leaned across and whispered.

  “I did get drunk, very drunk!” he said just before breaking into laughter as he remembered the time.

  “Oh goodness! I was with Apollo and I got so drunk I turned three men into pigs.” he

  added now laughing but trying to hide his laughs like a young boy who had been naughty. Ganasis noticed a few people looking over at the four of them laughing so he straightened himself up and spoke again wagging his finger.

  “Keep this between us, it was only one occasion and I shall never drink ale again!”

  Talon smiled again just as Zumal returned.

  “Ganasis the Prince is making his way, we must get everyone seated.”

  They both then walked off calling for everyone to be seated and then the far doors opened and in walked King Tanah followed by Queen Pokhara and Princess Su-Maria, the whole room rose to its feet in respect, it had been some time since the King had made a public appearance. At first the guests sighed at how frail and weak the King looked but they then began starting with Heikan to applaud him. The King smiled and walked slowly to his throne helped by his wife the Queen, everyone could see he was in pain but the old King still walked with his head held high, as the King got to his throne he stumbled and the Queen quickly tried to help him followed by two Palace guards but the King held out his arm resisting any help. This was his last day as King and he wanted to be remembered as a King with dignity and strength and after what seemed an uncomfortable eternity he finally made it and sat down on his throne. He nearly collapsed with exhaustion as he sat down but somehow he kept his composure and sat erect with his head held high. The Queen and Princess took their seats next to him and then Zumal walked over and placed the crown onto the Kings old grey head. Talon was seated at the front and was busy looking at the Princess who in turn could not help glimpsing back at him, Talon caught her eye and smiled to which she smiled back before turning back to the King.

  Talon’s attention was then interrupted by the sound of the doors opening again and a Palace aide made an announcement.


  Everyone stood and turned to see the Prince enter the room walking proudly, he looked magnificent dressed in a royal blue sleeveless garment that went down to his knees, he was also wearing a solid gold belt with matching bands around his arms and his boots were matching blue fastened by golden twine and he adorned the royal ceremonial sword with his family shield.

  He walked slowly towards the Prince’s throne where he took his seat next to his father, the King looked at him with pride and Arun smiled at his father as once again the guests were asked to be seated again.

  Zumal then walked over to the King and held out a candle which the King lit, the wizard then placed the candle on the table before him and then addressed him.

  “I Zumal, humble servant and wizard to the royal house of von Koh-Samui present the royal candle of Kings!”

  When Zumal finished the guests were asked again to stand.

  “Do you King Tanah von Koh-Samui agree to extinguish the holy flame?”

  “I DO” the King replied proudly but still with a crack in his voice.

  Zumal then passed the candle to the King where he put out the flame with the palm of his hand.

  Zumal then said a few words in wizards tongue as he held the candle above his head. The candle was an ancient artefact used in all coronation ceremonies since the throne began, when this King was first pronounced King his first task was to light the candle as only a King could light it or put it out, there was only two ways for a King to put out the flame, with fresh snow from the Zachanian mountains or if a King extinguished the flame with his palm then it means that the King abdicates.

  Zumal then turned and offered the candle to the Prince.

  “Do you Prince Arun von Koh-Samui take upon yourself the responsibilities of lighting the flame of Kings and with it embrace the responsibilities of Zachania.”

  “I do!” replied Arun proudly.

  “Then light the flame.”

  The Prince then proceeded and lit the candle then Zumal placed the candle back on the table and called for Ganasis who in turn walked over and removed the crown from Arun’s father and then stood behind Arun.

  “BEHOLD THE CROWN OF KINGS!” Zumal shouted loudly.

  Ganasis waited for Zumal to give him the sign to place it on Arun’s head, Zumal nodded and Ganasis placed the crown on his head giving him a smile as he did so.

  “RISE KING ARUN VON KOH-SAMUI!” Zumal shouted as the new King rose followed by the guests who all cheered and applauded.

  “LONG LIVE THE KING!” Ganasis shouted repeated by the crowd three times before they once again took their seats and Zumal once again offered Arun the candle and a box where he removed some snow and put out the flame, Zumal then signalled Arun to step forward and address the room.

  “Lords and my brave subjects of Zachania, it is with great honour that I become your King. I will lead by example and adhere to the laws of Zachania, I will not be above any law or subject in our great realm. A time of great change has fallen upon us; a time for us to show courage and conviction, times where we must rise like our forefathers rose and answer the sound of battle. Hardship and pain will soon reach into every subject’s life and I mean every subject, I myself will eat my food from the same plate as my soldiers at the front, I will walk in their footsteps and will live amongst them and die amongst them if that is what the gods decide. But we will be victorious! We will fight, we will win and we will have our revenge! Zachania must be free.”

  As he finished one of the guests rose to his feet and began to applause.

  “KING ARUN!” shouted Lord Heikan acclaiming the new King where everyone began clapping and cheering even Arun’s father the old King rose to his feet and applauded.

  The new King then led everyone to the dining hall where they all sat around a huge table, once they were seated Arun rose with a jug of ale in his
hand ready to make a toast.

  “VICTORY!” he shouted followed by the guests repeating it back

  The men tucked into the feast until Arun called for Talon and Ganasis to join him in the next room Lord Heikan also joined them.

  “Talon we must leave now, before darkness sets in.”

  “As you wish sire.” replied Talon.

  King Arun then turned to Heikan.

  “Heikan we leave for the border but I want you to stay here and take care of things till my return.”

  “Of course sire.”

  The Prince then turned back to Talon and Ganasis.

  “I will meet you by the stables after I change clothes.”

  The King then left the room where Ganasis turned to Talon.

  “He will make a formidable King.” Ganasis said.

  “He is already showing signs of change.” replied Talon.

  “Yes I think the responsibility of King will suit him well, I already sense a meaning of purpose in him and his uncertainties in his own judgement will disappear when peoples respect for him as their King grows.”

  Talon then smiled and took hold of Ganasis’s shoulder.

  “I feel in confident mood today Ganasis, almost as if we have taken a giant step forward to victory.”

  Ganasis smiled.

  “I see our new King has already stamped his presence on you young Talon.”

  Talon smiled back with pride in his piercing blue eyes.

  “Indeed! I have just witnessed a friend become a man.”

  “But what about you Talon, you became a man a long time ago but you still never cease to amaze me.”

  Both men smiled until Ganasis slapped Talon hard but friendly on the back.

  “Come! Today has been a day of mixed emotions, let’s get to our duties, I will see you at the stables.”

  “Ok Ganasis I will be there in a moment.”

  Talon then walked back into the dining hall and sought out his Grandfather.

  “Grandfather I must leave for the border.”

  “When, is everything alright?”

  “I am going now.”

  “Shall I come with you?”

  “No you have your duties to attend.”

  “Is the King going with you?”


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