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Page 43

by Joseph Henry Gaines

“For the prisoners?” asked Kinlan.

  “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, thank you Kraal it has been a long day with many things on my mind.”

  “Why don’t you get some rest Talon? We can handle things” added Heikan as he noticed Talon yawning.

  “So it is agreed then, the barracks will be turned into a prison to house the prisoners, if you can start preparing things in the morning then we…” replied Talon getting to his feet,

  “Talon don’t worry, get some rest, we will take care of it” Heikan interrupted him.

  Talon smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder; it had been an exhausting day and a day that would be written in history books of Zachania, a great day which will be celebrated for a very long time.

  Chapter 26

  A terrible storm raged in the sky over Zanlia, rain driven from the strong sea winds crashed into the town. The storm added a sinister feeling to the deserted streets as the Zanlian townsfolk remained under strict curfew.

  General Lagain pulled himself closer to his cell window as the rain began to seep in, the cell was pitch black and only lit from the frequent lightening which flickered across the cell revealing the dying body that Lagain had pushed up against the far wall. He squinted through the rain and saw in the distant horizon that day would soon be arriving.

  Lagain walked over to the body and kicked it hard, once, then twice before shouting at it to stop making noises; he stood back and cursed the body then sunk to the ground wondering why he was in this position.

  Lagain sat motionless for a couple of hours, almost in trance state as he contemplated what to do.

  “Open the door!” Lagain then heard as he realised there were people outside his cell, jumping to his feet he saw the cell door open and Grarlin the wizard Grand walk in.

  Grarlin immediately noticed the dead body on the ground before looking up to see General Lagain smiling.

  “You killed him?” asked Grarlin with a slight smile though showing absolutely no interest in his voice for the dead man.

  Lagain then grabbed hold of the body by its hair and dragged it into the open doorway before standing up to face Grarlin, Lagain then wiped the hair from his own face and accidentally smeared some blood on his face which was on his hand.

  “What do you expect if you cage a royal General with a common thief?”

  Grarlin smiled again as he stepped over the body.

  “I want to speak with you Lagain.”

  “Then make yourself comfortable.” added Lagain slightly mocking the wizard inviting him into the damp stinking cell.

  Grarlin walked closer to the General and looked deeply into him.

  “What do you know of a man they call Talon?”

  “I know him.” replied Lagain almost seething his words.

  “And the resistance in Zanlia.”

  “I know of them also.”

  “Tell me all, I want to know everything.”

  As noon broke over the sky of Vilsillius, Lord Heikan along with Talon and his son Kraal began feasting on a platter of freshly caught fish. They had spent all morning with Heikan’s commanders going over dozens of different plans, The Zachanian Lord Heikan yawned and stretched as his growing frustration became apparent.

  “I enjoyed the battle much more than I enjoy this.” he said loudly as he nodded down at the countless notes that were scattered upon the table.

  Kraal smiled at his bombastic father knowing exactly what he meant.

  “The good news is father; there have been no reports of any kind of unrest.”

  “Good, we have broken the back of this damn town.” Heikan replied before tucking into another fish.

  Talon nodded silently as if agreeing but had a look on his face that he wanted to something.”

  “If Vilsillius is under control then we must give careful consideration to advancing further south.” he suddenly said mentioned advancing for the first time this morning.

  “I like that idea Talon but we must first make sure we have total control here.” replied Heikan.

  “Of course Heikan, but the towns which are left along the coast will not need such an army to conquer.” Talon answered.

  “How many men are you talking about?” replied Heikan before chewing another large piece of fish.

  “Give me ten thousand men and I will deliver the whole of the south-west coast to Zachania.”

  “Ten thousand?” asked Heikan.

  “It’s a quarter of our strength father.” added Kraal only for his father to give him a angered look, letting him know that he knew exactly how many men Talon was asking for, Kraal looked a little embarrassed before Talon began speaking again.

  “We must control the entire south, otherwise we leave ourselves open for the Empire to flank us.”

  “But the Empire are based in the north, any attack from them will surely come from that direction.”

  “You are wrong Lord Heikan, I know the Empire’s tactics, if they march on us from the north then they will almost certainly want to coincide an attack from the south.”

  Lord Heikan winced as he thought about what Talon was telling him.

  “I know you are right Talon but I feel hesitant about separating the army, you know full well that Tallasian has a powerful military presence there. If they have heard about what we have done here in Vilsillius and I wager that they have, and if they decide to attack us from Tallasian then I do not want my warriors scattered along the coast.”

  Talon nodded before giving Heikan a reassuring smile.

  “Relax my Lord I will not let that happen, I will post lookouts between us and Tallasian, we will know immediately if there are any signs of action.” Talon said calmly as if he was in total ease with his plan.

  “Everything is ok here.” Heikan then said thinking out loud to his son Kraal.

  “Vilsillius is tied down Father; we are in total control here.” Kraal replied.

  Talon then leaned across and affectionately grabbed Heikan’s arm.

  “Bolson my friend, we are in no danger at the moment, I know this area well, I know where the Empire has numbers and where they do not, I asked for ten thousand men which is more than adequate to take the towns left along the coast, I assure you we will easily take the rest of this region.”

  “Do I have your word you will look after my men?” Heikan replied letting Talon know he was agreeing with his request which made Talon laugh affectionately for Heikan at his comment that showed the love the Lord had for his men.

  “I give you my word!” Talon replied smiling.

  Lord Heikan half-heartedly smiled back and nodded at Talon, he had given his permission for Talon to proceed but he was still awash with doubts, he did not know the south like Talon knew it and the thought of splitting his army was not something he had considered before, he was also afraid that something could happen to Talon, and that would not be a message he would want to deliver back to his King.

  “I agree then, but I want Kraal to accompany you.” he replied.

  The following morning when Talon and Kraal rode from Vilsillius at the front of ten thousand Zachanian warriors, Talon sat on his horse feeling proud, he could feel the excitement rising through him as he looked upon the mighty army that followed behind him. He began to think of his father and his two brothers, Kraal was also deep in thought but he busied himself by giving out orders to various scouting parties that were ordered to inspect the terrain that was before them.

  “You are quiet my Lord” Kraal suddenly asked Talon noticing that he had not spoken for a long time.

  “Memories my friend, being back in the south brings back a lot of memories.”

  “You look troubled by your memories Lord Talon.”

  “Not troubled Kraal, like all men, some memories are harder to put to rest than others.”

  It took Talon and his ten thousand Zachanian warriors two days to reach the outskirts of the holy town of Varanasa; it had been a journey that had revived many memories for Talon, a journey wher
e he had thought for countless hours on where he had come from and where he must go. When the order was given for the army to stop and make camp, Talon began immediately with his plans.

  “Keep the men here Kraal; there is something I need to do alone.” Talon said which shocked Kraal

  “Are we not marching into the town?” Kraal asked confused.

  “Not this town my friend, this is a town of peace and worship, it is dominated only by the Pangkor’s, remain here with the men, I will return by nightfall.”

  “As you wish my Lord” replied Kraal just before Talon kicked his heels into his horse and rode off towards the centre of the town.

  Talon was suddenly filled with ease as he first caught sight of the Pangkor temple, it had been a long time since he called this place his home but still he felt relaxed as he pulled his horse to a stop outside the old wooden gates.

  Talon dismounted and began to walk towards the door when suddenly he heard a noise behind him; he turned anxiously until he heard a voice he recognised immediately

  “My friend has returned.” said the voice.

  “Chang” Talon sighed warmly as he turned to greet his old friend and teacher; they both embraced before Chang broke off and looked at what Talon was wearing.

  “I recognise the face and I still see the spirit but not your clothes or sword my brother.”

  “These are part of me now Chang.”

  “Not to me Talon…….you will always be that troubled boy who I found on the beach.”

  Talon smiled then took off his sword and placed it in his saddlebag which made Chang smile as he placed an arm around Talon and led him into the temple grounds and across the gardens to the drinking well. Chang then reached into the bucket and gave Talon a cold cup of water.

  “Drink, drink, you look thirsty.” Chang said still looking delighted at seeing his old student.

  “You have aged Chang.” Talon said jokingly.

  “I knew one day you would return Talon.”

  “I have travelled many roads since I left you my friend.” replied Talon suddenly becoming more sincere.

  “That I knew also, I can sense this from you, your spirit is now overwhelming, I feel your importance but I also feel darkness within you.”

  “Darkness Chang.” asked Talon looking slightly surprised.

  Chang’s face suddenly turned from smile to frown before he answered.

  “I sense death on you my friend, when I first met you I sensed it then, but it was not as strong as it is now, before it was like a blackness which comes from a man who has killed while defending his life but now you are full of it.”

  “I do not understand Chang, I would never do you harm.” replied Talon confused which made Chang half smile at Talon’s misunderstanding at him.

  “No Talon, that is not what I was saying, I do not fear for myself, I fear for you.”

  “Am I in danger?” asked Talon again being the student.

  “You are in the gravest danger my friend, when a man kills another man then that man’s death stays with him, it never leaves him ……… like I said I felt this within you when we first met but it was very slight ……… now I feel the scent of death and revenge oozing from you.”

  Talon lowered his head almost embarrassed at what Chang had just said to him, he looked around at the gardens and took in the tranquillity for a moment before sitting down on the well and replying to his wise friend.

  “What you say has truth Chang, it is true that since we last met I have killed ……… I have killed thousands ………… what I am now is more than a man, I am a leader of men ………… I now carry the weight of a whole nation, my life is no longer my own.”

  Said Talon, almost despairingly.

  Chang reached into the bucket and filled Talon with some more water as he thought momentarily what Talon had just told him.

  “You must take much care my friend ……. What you have allowed to happen to you could be corrupting beyond all control; you have roused one of the most powerful feelings known to man ……revenge! ….and you have mixed it with power, a concoction that perverts even gods………much care is needed now young Talon. You are on a cliff edge, you sit between two worlds where the slightest lean can send you spiralling into evilness………..I know of your powers, these powers must never be abused, no matter what, you must control this, if not, then all men will fear you, both friend and foe, all you will be remembered for is the suffering you have caused.”

  “You know of my powers?” Talon interrupted.

  “Of course I know of them… you spent months under my roof ……….Talon what I am saying is very important, you must never abuse this power…………just one mistake and you will be haunted from it, people will mock you, people will use your name as a weapon and even those who love you now will forsake you ………wherever your path leads you, you must walk upon this road as a man above all men, you must show your qualities first before your strength.”

  Chang’s words hit Talon deeply; he wiped his face and then smiled before he patted his friend on the arm.

  “Thank you my friend, I have missed your wisdom.” he replied softly.

  “It is not wisdom my student, just words from my heart ……..many people will try to advise you, many people will fill your head with their own doubts and fears, they will be looking for answers from you, but always remember the best advice comes from your own heart.”

  For the next three hours Talon explained to his old friend all that had happened to him since he left the Pangkor’s, he told Chang all about Zachania and how in isolation it had blossomed into a powerful Kingdom, Chang was also informed that Talon had led a great Zachanian army back into Kratos where they had attacked the Empire.

  As Talon revealed all and attempted to dignify his actions he could see that Chang was growing more and more uncomfortable, noticing this he asked Chang if anything was wrong, Chang thought silently for a moment before replying what he really thought of what Talon had done.

  “My dear friend and student, my mind is closed to such action, many times I have lectured you on spiritual purity, I cannot occupy my mind with war and death, this is your path Talon, not mine………I have dedicated my life to the Pangkor’s, where my life is tranquilly and peace so I have no need for honour, no needs for victory or salvation, you are and always will be my friend but I cannot justify what you have done. I cannot legitimise pain and suffering……….I am a Pangkor and I am here for all who need my help.”

  Talon noticed the sincerity of his friend’s words and he quickly realised that it had been a mistake to hold a discussion about war with him.

  “My apologies Chang, it was disrespectful of me to speak to you on such matters.”

  The two of them then spent the next hour speaking of how Chang had been and how life had been at the temple.

  “I must take you to see Lord Mowloon.” Chang then suddenly said remembering his manners as he realised how long they had both been in conversation.

  “I will be pleased to see him.” Talon added.

  “He will be pleased to see you also.” replied Chang before rising to his feet and tapping Talon on the arm for him to follow him.

  Talon smiled to himself as they walked to the preying room, he remembered all the days and weeks he had spent doing similar chores to the monks they were passing.

  “How is Lord Mowloon?” asked Talon as they reached the doors to the prayer room.

  “See for yourself.” Chang replied smiling as he opened the old wooden door.

  Talon immediately recognised the old Lord Monk and broke into smile upon seeing him, Lord Mowloon straightened as he saw someone accompanying Chang dressed in military uniform but then quickly noticed it was Talon, he smiled broadly and wasted no time in walking over to greet Talon.

  Talon held out his hand to greet him but Lord Mowloon instead dropped to one knee and bowed to Talon respectfully.

  “Holy one!” Talon sighed feeling slightly bashful.

prophet of Apollo.” Lord Mowloon replied still not looking up.

  Chang who was standing next to Talon looked surprised at his Lord Monk’s reaction and when he heard the monk utter that Talon was a prophet of Apollo, he could not believe what he was hearing.

  “On your knees!” Mowloon suddenly insisted to Chang showing his anger that Chang was not also paying homage to Talon.

  “Please, please rise.” Talon added as he saw Chang lowering himself to one knee.

  “Please Lord Mowloon, please Chang, there is no need for this.” he added as he reached out and grabbed them, pulling them to their feet.

  “I was sent word from Zanlia, I was told you had entered the secret room of Apollo, only the prophet of the gods could enter that room, we are here to serve you my Lord.” Mowloon said lowing his head.

  Talon smiled at him again and feeling a little lost for words at how the Lord Monk was so humbled before him.

  Lord Mowloon then clapped his hands and a fellow monk quickly walked over, Mowloon whispered something to him which made the monk then quickly walk off to one of the ancient cabinets at the far side of the room, Talon watched on intently as the monk began to open it, Talon then noticed that other monks were entering the preying room and standing beside the walls, the rooms strict code of silence was being firmly obeyed.

  Talon for a moment was just about to ask Lord Mowloon what was happening but relented as he thought it manners not to interrupt. Talon then noticed that the monk who had opened the cabinet was now walking back to Mowloon, he had his head bowed and was walking very slowly, almost painfully trying not to make the slightest sound, Talon also saw that he was carrying a large robe with golden cords.

  When he reached Mowloon and Talon the monk just stood still and lowered his head, Mowloon then whispered something to him in ancient Pangkor and he then began to wrap the robe around the shoulders of Talon, then he fastened two sashes around Talon’s head and waist, when he had finished he bowed his head and backed away a few paces until he dropped to his knees.

  Talon’s curiosity got the better of him and trying to talk quiet he leaned towards Lord Mowloon.

  “Holy one, what are you doing?”


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