Straight To You: A Novella (Taking Chances Series Book 1)
Page 11
“You’ve convinced me. I can’t help but be changed by you.”
“What can I say?” Ashlynn beamed. “I’m kind of irresistible.”
Ashlynn stared at the ring on her left hand. It still felt so new and somewhat foreign even though she was often reminded of its presence when the diamond snagged on her clothing. In fact, the stone had created a small hole along the hem of the white draped cardigan she wore today. But in all honesty, she didn’t mind. Not one bit.
“You’re blinding me, girl!” Zoe called out as she walked into the store. “We’re going to have to start handing out shades to all the customers.”
Ashlynn laughed. “I’m still getting used to it myself.”
“If it’s too heavy or bulky, I’d be happy to take it off your hands. The ring of course, not Jeremy.”
“No, thank you. You’ll just have to work on getting one for yourself.”
“Yeah right.” She raised one eyebrow. “So, did you guys set a date for the wedding?”
“Yes, July 7th. I’ll be done with school by then so we can go on our honeymoon without lugging a ton of textbooks along. And Jeremy thought it was important to have a date that’s easy to remember. He doesn’t want to take any chances he might forget our anniversary.” A smile of amusement lit up Ashlynn’s face.
“Oh, he’s smart, too? Now why can’t I find a guy like that?”
“Hey,” Ashlynn said as her eyes widened, “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this earlier. Jeremy’s got a friend from work who’s really nice and smart. Bobby’s a lawyer. He’s going to be in the wedding party, too. And I heard he has a thing for redheads.” Ashlynn rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “I can see it now … you guys will meet, it’ll be love at first sight. You’ll dance together all night long and when I throw the bouquet, you’ll be the one to catch it and-”
“We’ll ride off into the sunrise, get married, and have a dozen ginger kids,” Zoe finished with a smirk. “I appreciate your wishful thinking, Fairy Godmother, but let’s focus on one fairy tale at a time. There’s a lot to be done before the wedding, like planning for your bridal shower.”
“Alright, fine. I did tell Melanie you would be getting in touch with her about that.”
“Great, I can’t wait to get started. I have all sorts of ideas that I found on the Internet.”
“Um, none of them involve anything embarrassing, right?”
“Embarrassing, no. Fun and sexy, yes.” She grinned in response to Ashlynn’s uneasy expression. “Oh hey, speaking of sexy, I have something for you.” She handed Ashlynn a brown paper bag. “You can think of it as educational material for your wedding night. Don’t worry, I did my research and got you something kosher.” She waved her hand around. “I made sure to stay away from any of that kinky stuff.”
Ashlynn pulled out a thick paperback book with a red cover. “A Celebration of Sex, by Douglas Rosenau.” She flipped through the pages and sensed her cheeks grow warm. “Whoa, there are diagrams?”
“Yep, a picture speaks a thousand words. And those pictures scream hot a thousand times over!” She wiggled a purple painted fingernail at her. “Don’t tell me you’re not curious about doing the deed. You might be inexperienced, but I bet there’s a little tiger in you just waiting to get out.”
“A kitty cat’s more like it,” she replied with a small smile. The truth was that she had been thinking about the wedding night ever since Jeremy proposed. She felt both excited and anxious at the thought of giving herself to him. Maybe reading the book would ease her nerves and answer some of the questions on her mind. “Of course I’m curious, it’s like I’m finally going to eat this dessert that I’ve heard is so amazing.” Ashlynn swallowed hard. She closed the book firmly and held it to her chest. She tried to sound nonchalant, but her hazel eyes sparkled with interest. “If you don’t mind me asking, what was your first time like?”
Zoe rolled her eyes. “In a few words? Fast and cramped. It happened in the backseat of a car after the Homecoming dance.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Not the most romantic experience, but I was too young to know better.” She nodded in Ashlynn’s direction. “You know, I really respect your whole waiting game. Being with someone you love and trust who is committed to you makes all the difference. It won’t matter if you know what you’re doing or where you’re doing it, you’ll be happy to just share that experience with the other person. You’ll feel the connection, all the way here.” She sighed and pointed at her zebra print blouse near the area of her heart.
“Whoa Zoe, look who’s being all mushy now. I suspect there’s a romantic bone inside of you after all.”
“If there is, it’s probably about as big as the stapes.” She pointed to her ear when she saw Ashlynn’s eyebrows arch. “You know, the smallest bone in the human body.”
“You and your fascination with medical dramas,” she replied with an eye-roll. “Still, a bone is a bone.”
“Okay, fine, you and your man are rubbing off on me. I admit it is nice to see a real life love story with a happy ending.”
“Just you wait,” Ashlynn exclaimed, “I’ll make a believer out of you yet.”
The jingling of the front doorbell interrupted their conversation. Ashlynn quickly stuffed the book back into the bag as a customer walked in. “Thank you for this, Zoe. I’ll look at it more later.”
Zoe chuckled at Ashlynn’s embarrassed demeanor. “You’re welcome. Jeremy can thank me later, too.” She winked and went to greet the customer.
Ashlynn blushed furiously at Zoe’s words, though she was grateful for the book. She noticed the time on the wall clock, quickly packed up her belongings, and headed off to class.
- - -
Later that night, Ashlynn was reading when the phone rang. Jeremy’s name flashed across the screen. “Hi honey. How are you?”
“Hey, Ash. Sorry I didn’t call earlier. I had a late meeting. How was your day?”
“No problem. It’s been great. You know that psychopathology test I studied so hard for? I aced it!”
“I knew you would. You practically had the whole DSM memorized.”
“Not quite the whole manual, just the developmental disorders that start in childhood. But yeah, it was worth the hours I put in. I hope I still have some brain cells left though to absorb the new material I’m reading.”
“Why am I not surprised you’re hitting the books already. So, what’s next on the agenda?”
“Um …,” Ashlynn replied self-consciously. “You could call it sex ed.”
“I didn’t know you were taking that.”
“I’m not. It’s not a book for a class. Zoe gave it to me for, um, personal enrichment.”
“Ah. Sounds interesting. Has it been enriching?”
“Very much so, especially the diagrams.” She paused. “I’ve, uh, actually never seen a guy naked before. Besides walking in on Ben in the bathroom once when I was eight. I screamed when I saw his pale behind and shut the door before I could see anything else.”
Jeremy chuckled. “I probably would have too if that had happened to me.” He lowered his voice. “Well, I’m honored to be your first, and only, live specimen.”
She stifled a giggle escaping from her lips. “Thanks. I will do my best to not scream at you.”
“I don’t mind as long as they are screams of delight.”
“Ha ha, good one.” She laughed, then suddenly grew silent. “Jeremy, I hope I don’t disappoint you in any way on our wedding night. Reading this book makes me realize how little experience I have. I don’t know what to expect or even what to do-”
Jeremy cut her off. “Ash, don’t worry. This is not like studying for a test. There are no right or wrong answers. This is about you and me expressing our love for each other. We already have the foundation for a great love life. We communicate well, we support one another. And we have awesome kissing sessions. We’ll figure things out together.”
“I just really want our first
time to be special, you know, memorable.”
“Our first time will be special because of the fact that it will be our first time. But it doesn’t mean it has to be perfect. It likely won’t be. It’s going to take time for me to become an expert of your body and for you to become an expert of mine. We’ll have all of our lives to practice.” Jeremy paused for emphasis. “And I’m all for practicing when it comes to this area of our marriage.”
Ashlynn burst out laughing. “I bet the next thing you’re going to say is “practice makes perfect”, am I right?”
“How did you know what I was going to say?”
“Maybe you’re not the only one who can read minds.”
“Ah, then I think I’ve finally met my match.”
“I believe you have,” Ashlynn said with confidence. “And so have I.”
“So, how did the shower go?” Jeremy sat down next to Ashlynn on the couch.
“Really well. Mel and Zoe went all out.” She smiled and cuddled up to him. “The theme was based on rooms in a house, so everyone was assigned a room and they were supposed to bring a gift I could use in that room.”
“That’s creative. What kind of things did you get?”
“Lingerie.” Ashlynn looked up at him and rolled her eyes. “Lots of it. You wouldn’t believe how creative people got with their presents. There was one hidden in a baking dish and another one in a glass vase. Zoe hid one in a planter for our backyard!”
“Hmm. That would make gardening appealing.” He grinned. “Just kidding. We will definitely be keeping our activity indoors. I wouldn’t want to make the neighbors jealous.”
“Or be reported for indecent exposure.” She elbowed him playfully. “How did the bachelor party go? What did the guys make you do?”
“They had me walk around the mall with a sandwich board that read Help! I’m getting married in 7 days. I got a lot of sympathetic looks from the men I met and a lot of cheers from the women. A couple actually came over and talked to me. The husband told me the best marriage quote he ever read was from Socrates: “If you find a good wife, you’ll be happy; if not, you’ll become a philosopher.”
“Interesting advice. Did he look happy?”
“Oh yes, his wife said they’ve been married for 46 years and he had just sold his plumbing business.”
“So he’s definitely not a philosopher?”
“Not even close. Then his wife directed me to the nearest drugstore in the mall. Would you believe the guys planned a scavenger hunt for me, too?”
“I’m afraid to ask what you had to look for.”
“No biggie, just some feminine products.”
“Feminine products? No!”
“It’s okay, it’s nothing I haven’t bought before. Having an older sister has its perks.” He reached down for a plastic bag sitting on the floor and handed it to her. “I got a box of pads, some nail polish, pantyhose and a bra. I guessed your size, hope I was right.”
Ashlynn pulled out a lacy pink bra and looked at the tag. “Good guess. And good taste, too. This is something I’d actually wear.”
“Good. Then it was worth all the stuff the guys put me through today.” He smiled as he stroked her cheek. “I can’t wait to see you in it. And out of it.”
Her cheeks flushed a bright pink. “One more week.”
“One more week.” He took her hand and pulled her up. “Hey, I want to show you something.”
They walked hand in hand to a bedroom down the hall. Jeremy opened the door and flipped on the light switch. Ashlynn’s drew in a quick breath when she entered the room.
“What happened to your study?” she asked wide-eyed. “Where did the bookshelves and computer desk go?”
“I moved them to the guest bedroom.”
Ashlynn looked around the room. Several white shelves hung on the wall with differently sized glass jars and colored boxes lining them. She ran her hand along a large work table and picked up a small white envelope with her name on it. Inside was a gift card to a local craft store. She glanced up as realization dawned upon her. “Is this all for me?”
Jeremy walked up and wrapped her in a tight embrace. “Happy wedding, Ashlynn. Do you like it? I wanted you to have a place of your own to create jewelry. You have such talent, you should be able to develop it.”
“I can’t believe you did this for me. This is exactly what I’ve always wished for, a studio of my own. How did you … wait, did you take a look at my Pinterest page?”
“Maybe,” he replied with a wink. “My mind reading skills aren’t quite perfected yet, so I did have some help. I’m glad you like it.”
She frowned. “I love it, but I didn’t know we were exchanging wedding gifts. I didn’t get you anything.”
He stroked her cheek. “But you have,” he said with moist eyes. “You’re giving me you. You saving yourself for me is more than I could have ever asked for. I know it hasn’t been easy.”
“It’s been a lot easier with your support.” She stood on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you for this. It’s amazing.”
“You’re welcome. But wait, there’s more.”
“What?” she exclaimed.
Jeremy led her down the hall to the master bedroom. He turned on the light and opened the doors to the walk-in closet. Ashlynn looked questioningly at the bare shelves and empty racks. Several brown boxes sat on the floor.
“Where are all your clothes?”
“I packed them up.” He gestured to the boxes. “You’re moving in this week so I wanted to make sure you have enough room for your stuff. You can put your clothes where you want them and I’ll put mine back after. I want you to feel like this is your home. And you have all the freedom you want to switch things up in the rest of the house.”
Ashlynn hugged Jeremy. She was so touched by his thoughtfulness. “Thank you. You are so sweet to do all this. Oh, hang on.” She ran back to the living room and took the bra he had purchased during the bachelor party. She went back to the bedroom and hung it on a hook in the closet. “I think I’ll start with this. What do you think?”
“I think it’s great.” Jeremy replied with a smile. “Actually, make that perfect.”
Ben’s mouth fell open when Ashlynn appeared outside the chapel doors. “Wow, Ash, you look just like Mom in her wedding photos.”
Ashlynn’s face brightened and she smiled. “Mom’s dress is beautiful, isn’t it? It fits so well.” Her eyes sparkled. “I’m wearing the earrings Daddy gave me when I turned thirteen. It almost feels like they’re here with us today.”
“I know they’re watching us.” Ben took her arm in his. “Come on before I change my mind about giving you away.” His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he wiped his eyes.
Ashlynn felt like a princess as she walked down the aisle to the front of the church; she was certainly dressed like one. The scalloped neckline of the wedding gown showed off her smooth shoulders. Her long hair was pulled in a simple updo. All eyes were on her, but she could only see a pair of blue eyes focused on her from across the room. The same blue eyes that reminded her of a chance meeting on a summer morning. The eyes which sparkled with delight and anticipation as they watched her. She remembered how Daddy had always said that while everyone else liked to see the bride walk in, he enjoyed seeing the groom’s reaction more.
Today, she saw the truth of his words. She saw so much hope in Jeremy’s face. She saw their future written in his eyes. It was so much more than she had ever imagined. Her knight, with his armor shining from love’s redemption, stood before her.
Jeremy couldn’t stop smiling. Ashlynn looked so beautiful. He couldn’t believe this day had come. After the ways he had failed in his life, he had never imagined he would one day be this fortunate. He had met, or met again, the most amazing woman. Someone who knew everything about him and genuinely loved him. His heart swelled with joy as his bride approached him. He was beyond thankful to be marrying
Ashlynn today. Finally, everything was as it should be.
- - -
The rest of the ceremony went as planned, followed by a reception in the church’s banquet hall. Guests dined while the newlyweds walked from table to table, mingling with their friends and family. As the afternoon sun faded to usher in the evening, Jeremy and Ashlynn took to the floor for their first dance. They wrapped their arms around each other and swayed to the tune of God Bless the Broken Road playing in the background. After a few minutes, the rest of the wedding party joined them.
Ashlynn gazed up at her new groom and smiled. “Isn’t this the best day? We’re like a prince and princess at our own royal ball.”
Jeremy kissed the top of her head. “You definitely look like one. Just don’t go running away when the clock strikes midnight.”
“Not a chance. You’re stuck with me for life, mister.”
“Good. That’s one deal I can get behind, one hundred percent.” Jeremy took her hand and slowly twirled her around.
As Ashlynn turned, she caught sight of the couple dancing behind them. “Hey, it looks like there may be some new love brewing in the air.”
“Oh yeah? Where?” Jeremy turned to look in the direction Ashlynn was nodding. “Ah, I was wondering how long it would take Bobby to make a move. I know he’s been thinking about it ever since the rehearsal dinner. Do you think he stands a chance?”
“Well, to be honest, he’s not Zoe’s usual type, but maybe that’s a good thing.” She watched as Zoe and Bobby shared a laugh together, their red heads nodding in unison. “Maybe he’s exactly what she needs.”
“You think so?”
“Yup,” she replied as she looked into the eyes of the man she once thought wasn’t her type. How thankful she was to have that belief proven wrong. “I know so.” She stood on her tiptoes and leaned close to give Jeremy a kiss.
The guests applauded and whistled in response, then joined them on the dance floor as the next song began.
“Is this what I think it is?” Jeremy cocked his head as he listened to the uptempo beat of Macarena coming through the speakers. “Did you secretly add this to the playlist?”