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The Pull of the Moon

Page 18

by Julie Paul

  Holley Rubinsky, my editor extraordinaire, whose keen and incisive editing helped to make these stories better.

  Ruth Linka, for believing in this book when it was just a bunch of stories.

  Annabel Lyon, for her help on early versions of “Her Full Name Was Beatrice” and “Tropical Dreams.”

  Dawn and Terry Jones, and Jecka Meertens of Victoria, BC, and Quentin and Mariana of Izcatepec, Mexico, for their quiet writing spaces.

  Audiences and organizers of Planet Earth Poetry, Linden Sofa Salon, and the Pen-in-Hand Reading series in Victoria.

  My Twitter and Facebook friends, for their rally cries of support.

  Renate Wellman, Michelle Buck, Chandra Crowe, Melina Boucher, Julianne Cameron, Megan Arsenault, and Diana Batts, for their friendship and camaraderie.

  The SOMA team, for keeping me grounded in the real world.

  The writing community of Victoria, BC, including John Gould and Sara Cassidy. A writer could not ask for a more supportive, inspirational, or encouraging community in which to create.

  Readers and lovers of short stories everywhere. Thank you. It is an honour to share these stories with you.

  Earlier versions of these stories appeared in the following journals:

  “Squirrel People.” PRISM International, 52.4. July 2014.

  “Damage.” Little Fiction. June 2014.

  “Her Full Name Was Beatrice.” Event Magazine. Fall 2013.

  “Adios.” carte blanche. Spring 2013.

  “Viable.” Qwerty. Fall 2012.

  “Pilgrim,” in its earlier incarnation as “The Pull of the Moon.” The Dalhousie Review. Spring/Summer 2012.

  “Black Forest.” The New Quarterly (online special addendum). Spring 2010.

  I am very grateful to the editors of these publications.

  I am thankful for the financial support of the British Columbia Arts Council during the writing of these stories.

  JULIE PAUL grew up in Lanark Village, Ontario. She is the author of a previous short fiction collection, The Jealousy Bone (Emdash Publishing), and her stories and poems have appeared in literary journals across the country. Her work has been shortlisted for the CBC prize and was featured in Coming Attractions ’07 (Oberon). When she’s not writing, she works as a registered massage therapist. She lives in Victoria, BC, with her husband and daughter, and online at

  Copyright © 2014 Julie Paul

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written consent of the publisher or a licence from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (ACCESS Copyright). For a copyright licence, visit

  Brindle & Glass Publishing Ltd.


  Paul, Julie, 1969–, author

  The pull of the moon : stories / Julie Paul.

  Issued in print and electronic formats.

  ISBN 978-1-927366-33-2 (html).--ISBN 978-1-927366-34-9 (pdf)

  I. Title.

  PS8631.A8498P85 2014 C813'.6 C2014-902774-5

  Editor: Holley Rubinsky

  Proofreader: Heather Sangster, Strong Finish

  Design: Pete Kohut

  Author photo: Ryan Rock

  We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for our publishing activities from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts, and from the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




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