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The Heiress and the Cowboy Contractor

Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  “What is it.”

  “Dammit. You hear that?” he asked pulling Pepper to a halt.

  “Kids yelling?”

  “Yep, they’re gonna come around that corner on mini-bikes, it might upset the horses,” he said urgently. “Sit up, and if Trixie starts jiggin’ don’t pull on the reins, I’ve got her. Grab her mane or the saddle horn. Reins aren’t for balance. Got it.”

  “Shit! Yeah, I’ve got it,” she replied feeling a ripple of fear shiver down her spine.

  “You’ll be fine,” he promised as he pulled Trixie closer to Pepper.

  Beau had been staying alert, but it was the prick of Pepper’s ears that told him that something was ahead, and seconds later he’d heard the kids himself. He was confident neither horse would react too badly as the rogue kids zipped by, but he’d heard a recent story about a young woman out riding by herself who had been circled by a gang of them, terrifying both her and her mare.

  If he’d been alone he would have had no qualms about jumping off Pepper to nab them, and catching the renegade teenagers had become a mission, but he couldn’t put Nickie at risk.

  “Okay, here they come, remember, sit up, stay calm. Trixie can’t go anywhere, I’ve got her.”

  “Shit,” Nickie repeated.

  The teens appeared, laughing and joking, riding their small bikes as fast as they could, and when they saw Beau and Nickie they started whooping in an obvious effort to scare the horses.

  Pepper began to react, and ignoring the teens Beau stroked his neck to settle him. A few seconds later Trixie followed suit, though Beau knew she was reacting to Pepper, not the approaching bicycles.

  “Fuck, fuck,” Nickie whispered as they sped toward her.

  “You’re all right, stay calm,” Beau said steadily. “They’ll be past us real quick.”

  Beau was right, but they screamed and waved their hands as they whizzed by, unsettling both horses a second time.

  “Damn,” he growled as he settled Pepper again. “I’m gonna find ‘em. I got a real good look at ‘em. How you doin’, Nickie? You okay?”

  “Not really, kind of, I guess so.”

  “You did good,” he said softly, reaching out and rubbing her arm. “Real good, and Trixie was a star. Take a deep breath, let yourself relax again.”

  “Who are those bastards?” she frowned.

  “I’m gonna call Tyler, he’s a buddy of mine and he’s a cop. Maybe he can get here in time to catch ‘em.”

  Pulling out his phone he made the call while Nickie leaned over and stroked Trixie’s neck, telling her what a wonderful horse she was. When he dropped his phone back in his pocket he smiled across her.

  “That calmed you both down,” he remarked.

  “It did,” she sighed. “I love horses and I didn’t even know it.”

  “Aren’t you glad I insisted on keepin’ this lead rope now?”

  “Yes, Beau,” she admitted, a wry smile on her face. “You could have told me.”

  “What for? Then you’d have done nothin’ but worry.”

  “Oh, yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “Lets move on. We’ll be leavin’ this trail soon.”

  “Yes, please, I don’t want to go through that again.”

  “We’ll be ridin’ up a hill, and once we’re headin’ down you can take the reins,” he said moving forward. “Trixie will know where she’s goin’. You won’t even have to steer.”

  “Cool,” she grinned.

  “Again with the cool,” he chuckled.

  They continued their ride, and as they started up the gentle slope she looked behind her at the lake below.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she remarked.

  “After lunch I’m gonna drive you to Flat Top Point above the ranch and you’ll be able to see forever.”

  “I’d like that, I’d like to see forever.”

  “It’s an amazin’ view from up there,” he remarked. “Okay, we’ll be headin’ down in a minute. Remember what I said, look ahead.”

  “Oh, right, gotcha.”

  As they crested the top of the hill she could see the roof of his house in the distance.

  I love it here. I love everything about this place. I have to stay here, I absolutely have to make this happen.


  As they followed the trail back to Beau’s property he avoided any conversation about Nickie’s life in the city, and chatted about his horses and their different personalities. She found it fascinating, showering him with questions, and by the time they were walking into the stable yard Nickie was hooked.

  “I want to know everything you can tell me about horses,” she said enthusiastically as they came to a stop. “What do they eat, besides grass and hay obviously.”

  “First things first,” he said patiently, delighted that she was so enthralled. “Saddles off, then we’ll clean them up and take them back to their paddocks.”

  He jumped off Pepper, looped the reins around the hitching post and turned to help her dismount, but she was already sliding from the saddle; quickly placing his hands around her waist he guided her down.

  “Thanks,” she said shifting around to face him.

  “I’m glad you had such a good time,” he smiled.

  “I did, I absolutely loved it, except for those kids, but even then…”

  Her eyes were dazzling up at him, and as she moved her body against his and brought her arms around his neck, he felt his pulse quicken and his sleeping cock spring to life.

  “We’ve gotta take care of the horses,” he breathed, wondering how he could pull himself away.

  “Can’t you give a girl a quick kiss?”

  “Yep, but I’m not sure I can quit there.”

  “Works for me,” she winked.

  Clutching her ass with one hand, he placed his other on her back pressing his chest against her, and dropping his head down he planted his mouth on hers with a fervent hunger. As his lips roamed he felt her responding, and hearing her soft needful noises was almost painful; aching to whisk her into the barn and rip off her clothes he gently pulled back.

  “We’ve gotta take care of these horses,” he muttered.

  “Right now?” she whispered gazing up at him.

  “Yep, right now,” he sighed, “but it won’t take long. I’ll show you how to get this saddle off,” and reluctantly stepping back he reached around her to unbuckle the girth.

  Nickie leaned against Trixie’s neck for support; Beau was unlike any man she’d ever met. He made her feel things, unfamiliar things, and she wanted him, all of him. Watching his strong hands lift the saddle from the mare’s back she could imagine them fondling her body, caressing her skin, and she had an unexpected vision; he was pinning her down by her wrists, devouring her neck as he ravaged her.

  The thought rattled her; it was a fantasy she’d carried for years, always fearful of expressing the dark need to any of her lovers.

  You would, you would do that, I can feel it. You would hold my wrists at the side of my head and just ravage me. Oh, I want to feel that so bad.

  “Here, take this,” he said breaking into her thoughts.

  Blinking herself from the salacious thoughts she saw he was holding the saddle out to her.

  “Oh, okay, sorry,” she stammered taking it from his arms.

  “Carry it into the barn, I’ll be right behind you.”

  “It’s heavy, like, really heavy,” she frowned.

  “The sooner you get in the barn, the sooner you can put it down. You’ll see an empty saddle rack next to the others, it’s obvious.”

  “Oh, man, this is worse than doing weights in a gym,” she complained as she started forward.

  He watched to make sure she got safely through the door, then taking his time he unbuckled his own saddle and followed her inside. He found her staring at the row of saddles and bridles, her back to him, her hands on her hips, and her curvaceous backside seemed to be begging for attention. He glanced at his watch; the boys would
still be driving the truck through the fields throwing out the lunchtime hay.

  Darting forward he grabbed her elbow, and pulling her with him to a nearby bale of hay he yanked her across his lap.

  “Wait! What the hell?” she wailed.

  “I’m just gonna give you a quick spankin’,” he declared dispatching his hand with a sound swat.

  “OW! Why?”

  “Because, Nickie, you need it,” he exclaimed raining slaps on her upturned behind, “and you’re gonna ask nicely for things in future, not demand them or expect them.”

  “OW, OW, OW, okay, you’ve made your point,” she protested.

  “A few more, real hard, then we’ll be done for now!”

  “For now? You’ve got to be-OWWWW!”

  “No more comments,” he declared continuing to swat, “just be still and take your spankin’.”

  “Ooh, Beau,” she wriggled.

  “I said, be still!”

  Returning his hand to the center of her bottom he spanked her several times in rapid succession, eliciting loud yelps, then as quickly as he’d brought her over his knee, he lifted her to her feet and hugged her tightly. The spanking lit a fire not just on her bottom, but between her legs, and unable to stop herself she wriggled her crotch against his thigh.

  “Owww, my butt is burning,” she moaned.

  “I know sugar, and if you meant what you said, if you wanna learn from me, you can expect more quick spankin’s just like that one.”

  “Ooh, Beau, I don’t know what to say, except…”

  “Except?” he crooned dropping his lips to her neck.

  “Except…I want you so much…I want to be naked with you so much, and I swear, what you just did made me want you even more.”

  “Feelin’s mutual,” he purred, “but first we’ve gotta brush off our horses.”

  “I can’t stand it,” she groaned. I’ve never felt like this. This is unbelievable.

  “Come on, they need cleanin’ up, then we can take them back to their paddocks. They need somethin’ to eat and they need water.”

  Breaking their hug he moved to a nearby trunk and retrieved a plastic tack box filled with grooming supplies.

  “Follow me, I’ll show you how to pick out Trixie’s feet.”

  “Pick out her feet?” God, Beau, I can hardly breathe. My ass is on fire, my legs are all wobbly, and all I want to do is lay down and curl up against your chest.

  “Yep, come on,” he smiled. “The faster we get this done, the faster we can get in the house, have lunch-”

  “Lunch?” she interrupted. “Who gives a shit about lunch?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Sorry, sorry, who cares about lunch, is that better?”

  “Yep. If I hadn’t just spanked you I’d be doin’ it right now. You’re too pretty to have a mouth like that. Come on now, follow me,” and trying to ignore his bursting cock he headed outside.

  “Stand there and watch, I’ll show you how this is done.”

  Though she wanted to grab his arm and pull him into the house, she stood quietly as he lifted Trixie’s foot and scraped out the dirt and small stones she’d picked up on the trail.

  “See? You do that other one,” he directed handing her the hoof pick.

  They continued grooming the horses, and he introduced her to the various tools and their uses, but she found it difficult to focus on anything except him; his eyes and the long black lashes that framed them, his smell, his lips, his wide shoulders and broad hands, and when they were finally leading Trixie and Pepper back to their paddock, she stopped, let out a long sigh and leaned against him.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Not really,” she replied. “Do you affect all women this way?”

  “What way?” he asked as he started walking again.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she frowned keeping in step beside him. “I’ll bet every girl in town is after you.”

  “Nickie! Why would you say somethin’ like that?”

  “Even that kid, Amy, at the hotel, even she wants you.”

  “Nickie,” he chuckled, “you’re a gorgeous, sexy woman, I could ask you the same question. I’ll bet you’ve got a dozen guys bangin’ at your door back in the city.”

  “The men I’ve known, the men I know,” she sighed, “they’re all so predictable.”

  They’d reached the fields, and after Beau had released Pepper he rejoined Nickie and continued the short distance to the next gate, moving in with her as she undid Trixie’s halter and set her free.

  “So, you’ve had your first ride, cleaned up your horse, and brought her back to her paddock. How do you feel?”

  “It’s fantastic, Beau, and I want to do it all again, all of it,” she twinkled.

  Heading out of the paddock Beau made sure the gate was secure, then putting his arm around her shoulder they headed up to the house.

  “You never did answer me,” she said softly.

  “About what?”

  “You know, the women around here.”

  “Nickie, what you just said about the men you know? They’re predictable?”


  “Predictable is another word for borin’, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess it is,” she replied.

  “There are some real fine ladies around here, but they’re kinda like those guys. I don’t mean that unkindly, and there’s somethin’ else,” he said slowly, “there’s a thing called chemistry. You ever heard of that?”

  “Sure,” she grinned.

  “I kinda think that might be happenin’ here. Whatta you think?”

  “Um, I think you might be right.”

  They were almost at the house and he paused, took her face between his hands and kissed her lightly.

  “That’s another first,” he drawled.

  “What is?”

  “We agreed on somethin’.”

  She gazed up at his deep blue eyes and felt a sizzle down her spine.

  “Can lunch wait?” she whispered.

  “For a month of Sundays,” he replied.


  The moment they’d entered the house he’d swept her into his arms, carried her up the stairs and into his bedroom. The drapes were only slightly drawn, bathing the room with just a touch of light, and as he laid her down he sent a silent thank you to Gina; not only had she considered the curtains, there was a vase of freshly picked flowers on the dresser, a box of tissues on the night stand, and the room was spotless.

  Nickie’s eyes had a soft, glazed look, and sitting on the edge of the bed he carried the tips of his fingers around her face.

  “Be a good girl for me,” he whispered. “I want you to do exactly as I say. Can you manage that?”

  The soft, simple directive caused her to lift her chest and groan with need.

  “Yes, I can, I will,” she murmured.

  “Close your eyes and you keep them that way. I’ll tell you when you can open them. You understand?”

  “Beau, you’re turning me on so much.”

  “Back at ya, sweetheart, now close them down, there you go. Stay that way.”

  His nimble fingers began slowly unbuttoning her shirt, and as each popped open she let out a little gasp. The sound fueled the urgency in his jeans but he forced himself to take his time; not only would it heighten her state, he adored slowly peeling off a woman’s clothes. Finally reaching the end of his task he gently opened her shirt and found her breasts encased in a lacy pink bra, feminine and perfect, and he lowered his lips to kiss her cleavage.

  “Beau,” she whispered, “Beau, please, please take it off me.”

  “Yep,” he murmured, “when I’m ready. You just remember to keep those eyes closed.”

  Kissing the tops of her breasts he moved his lips to her neck, dallied a short time, them softly lifted himself from the bed and moved to her feet. Unlacing her paddock boots he wiggled them off, then pulled away her pink socks; they made him smile; so
cks to match her bra.

  Mmm, love that. Will your panties be pink too? All part of the set? Did you know I’d be doin’ this? I’ll bet you were hopin’. Naughty Nickie, that name is so right for you.

  Stretching across her body he unsnapped the waist of her jeans, slid down the zipper, and peered underneath; pink lace panties.

  Yep, you were hopin’.

  Without being asked she lifted her pelvis, enabling him to slide the jeans past her hips and down her legs.

  “Aren’t you just a picture,” he murmured dropping the jeans on a nearby chair. Moving to the side of the bed he sat her up and pulled off her shirt, then laying her back down he feasted his eyes on the sight.

  “You are so gorgeous,” she sighed.

  Standing up he quickly stripped, then stretching out next to her, he rolled her on to her side and pulled her into his body.

  “Beau, you feel so good,” she purred.

  “Mmmm, you too, sugar,” he mumbled, sending his hands to journey over her body. “It’s gonna be real hard to ever leave this bed.”

  His palms swept slowly across her skin as his lips and tongue explored her neck and chest, leaving goosebumps in their wake; with her eyes closed by directive not choice, every touch, every lick, every nip, was intensified.

  “Beau, please, please,” she whimpered. “I want you so much.”

  Moving his fingers between her legs, trailing them against the fabric of her knickers, he let out a low whistle.

  “You’re soaked, sugar, and just for me,” he murmured. “What’s gonna happen when I slip my fingers inside?”

  No-one had ever spoken to her in such a salacious way, and as she moaned in response she lifted her hand and attempted to push inside the waistband of her panties.

  “Naughty Nickie,” he softly scolded. “You get your hand outta the way.”

  “Beau, please, please touch me, I need it.”

  “Move that hand and I will, but if you don’t…”

  As she slowly retreated he grabbed the sides of her panties and slid them down her legs, then dropped his fingers back into her dripping, velvet slit.

  “Mmmm, what a naughty girl you are,” he purred, “so wet and ready.”

  “I want you, I do, I really want you,” she mumbled.


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