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Sold To The Athim Prince

Page 3

by Hollie Hutchins

  “Welcome to your new life, sis,” Natira said. “This is just the very beginning of your time as an Athim Princess.”

  Chapter 4

  Princess Natira had left the room for a moment, leaving me alone with the four other humans. The first to speak was the one who had called me a movie star.

  “You’re the president’s daughter, correct?” she asked.

  “I am,” I responded. “Or maybe I should say that I was? In my opinion, he relinquished his parental rights the moment that he signed those trade documents.”

  “They’ve all been talking about you for days,” she said. “Natira said Modric is obsessed with you. Like, OBSESSED. We all thought he was going to pick one of us as his wife, but then you came into the picture and he never visited us again. Today was the first day that we’ve seen him in a while.”

  “What did he do when he visited you?” I asked. The more I could learn about Prince Modric from these girls, the better.

  “He just talked to us, really,” she said. “They treat us really well here. We sleep in the poshest beds. We get every meal prepared for us. The only thing that kind of sucks is the fact that we have to stay in here with Natira most of the day. She’s teaching us both the Athim and the Hallon languages. But you probably only have to learn the Athim language, since you’re an Athim princess now.”

  “I’m Rachelle,” another girl interjected, stretching her hand forward. “I will be the first to admit, the first couple of days here were really rough, but I’m starting to like this life better than my life on Earth.”

  “It’s true,” the third girl spoke. “It’s very nice here. We’ve all been here for about a month. It does take some adjustment, but it’s much different from the lives we led in England.”

  “Are you all from England?” I asked.

  “We are. I’m Brenda,” the third girl spoke again. “That’s actually my sister, Kelly.” She pointed to the fourth girl who was sitting in the corner. She looked younger than the others.

  “She’s quite shy,” Brenda explained. Kelly shrugged.

  “I am,” she said. “I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. I’m just soaking it all in.”

  I nodded, letting her know that I understood. Similarly, I was the same in most situations. I’d rather sit back and observe than talk.

  “You’re the last arrival before we head to Hallon,” the first girl said. “Us four will be traded once again to the Hallon people. I’m not sure what your plans are after that, but I will tell you one thing… you need to be careful around Modric.”

  “Nellie!” Brenda interjected. “She just got on the ship! This is her first day here. Don’t scare the poor girl!”

  “Oh, I’m way past terrified,” I admitted. “Nothing she could say would make this worse.”

  “Funny you’d say that,” Nellie spoke. She reached for a small bag next to her and retrieved a device that looked like a cellphone.

  “Watch this,” she shoved the device into my hands. It was a choppy video of Prince Modric talking with another alien. Neither of the aliens looked happy. There was a lot of shouting in the Athim language.

  Suddenly, Prince Modric’s body began to transform. The subtle scales on his skin intensified and a dragon tail busted through his pants. His body doubled, then tripled in size. Before I knew it, both aliens had morphed into full dragons.

  Prince Modric attacked the other dragon mercilessly. He swung his tail at the enemy dragon and swatted him with his claws. The enemy dragon attempted to fight back, but it was clear that he’d be losing this battle. Within seconds, the enemy dragon lay dead on the ground. Modric quickly transformed back into an alien, grabbing his torn pair of shorts to cover his now naked body.

  The device fell from my hands and onto the floor with a thud. Nellie noticed the expression on my face.

  “So, Princess,” she said. “Are you more shocked that he turned into a dragon, killed that alien in seconds, or that he has a massive cock?”

  To be honest, I wasn’t sure which of the three were more surprising to me. All were equally shocking in their own way. Before I could answer, Princess Natira entered the room. Nellie kicked the device under the table.

  “Freya, your man is ready for you,” she announced. Modric walked in the room behind her, his eyes widening when he saw me.

  “Down, boy,” she laughed, playfully slapping her brother. “Take it easy with this one, she seems like a good human.”

  He nodded and extended his hand out to me. I rose from the couch and took his hand. My eyes briefly wandered down to his pants, spying the girthy bulge underneath. Must not think about that. Must not…

  “Thanks, Princess Natira,” I said.

  “You don’t have to call me Princess,” she said. “We’re equals. You can just call me Natira.”

  I nodded.

  “Have fun, you two!” Natira called after us as we left the room. I looked at Prince Modric, but his face was emotionless. The door shut, leaving us alone in the empty corridor.

  “You look pretty,” he said. He seemed particularly fascinated with my hair. He reached down and touched it. To my surprise, I didn’t move back, despite what I had just seen on the video.

  “Thank you.” I wasn’t sure what else to say. I was petrified of him, especially after seeing him murder another alien. We were both quiet as we continued down the hallway. We finally stopped outside another room.

  “We have dinner now,” Prince Modric said, opening the door with his fingerprints. “Your favorite, steak and shrimp.”

  I was surprised that he knew my favorite meal. I had not told anyone my food preferences, but I did notice an Athim soldier talking to Tiffany before the ceremony. She must have divulged some of my favorite things. I was pleased that he had cared about my food choices, but I was still upset with what I had just seen. If I angered him, would he turn into a dragon and kill me, too?

  The door slid shut behind us. We were alone in the room. There was a small table set up with a candle and red roses. He pulled my chair out for me and I sat down.

  After he sat down across from me, he spoke.

  “You look different from before,” he said.

  I had to laugh. Although Natira had worked her magic on me, I didn’t think I looked that much different from this morning.

  “Not hair or makeup, but face. You’re… sad?”

  “I just… I saw something before you came back,” I admitted. His eyes urged me to continue. I hesitated, but knew that I had to say something.

  “Nellie showed me this video. It was violent. It was a video of you and another Athim. You were fighting and turned into dragons. You killed him!” I blurted out. I expected him to get angry, but his face remained fathomless.

  “He disrespected me. I do not like it,” Prince Modric said matter-of-factly.

  “Do you get angry often?” I asked. “Do I have to watch what I say around you? Will you kill me?”

  “No,” he spoke softly. “You’re my wife. I will never hurt you, Freya.”

  I wanted to believe him, but I couldn’t trust anyone, especially after what my father did to me. I decided not to push the issue further. The butler arrived with our food and we ate in silence. After our plates were cleared, Modric spoke again.

  “Please do not fear me,” he said. “I just want you happy.”

  I shook my head, still irked there was no trace of emotion on his face.

  “I will try not to fear you,” I said. I didn’t want to make any concrete promises. “The video was just… alarming.”

  He looked puzzled, and I realized he didn’t know what alarming meant.

  “Alarming. It means upsetting. It upset me, Prince Modric.” I explained.

  “Understood.” That was the end of the conversation about the dragon fight. “No need to call me Prince,” he spoke again. “I’m Modric. You’re Freya. We’re one.”

  “We’re not one,” I said. “You’re acting like I’m voluntarily here. I’m not.”
  I was suddenly angry, even more so when Modric again failed to show any emotion.

  “Ok,” he said. We did not speak again after that.

  Shortly after, we went to the sleeping quarters. The room was massive, almost four times the size of my bedroom in the White House. He pointed to a closet on the right side of the room and instructed me to get ready for bed.

  “Are we sharing this room?” I asked. As he nodded, my stomach sank. We would be sharing the same bed. Did that mean we would be having sex tonight? I was definitely not ready for that.

  He motioned for me to enter the closet. As I opened the closet door, my jaw dropped. The room was filled with clothes, shoes, and accessories from top to bottom. I had never seen anything like it, albeit in the movies.

  “You like?” He smiled. He was obviously pleased that he could provide me with such a luxury.

  “I do,” I said. “But, where are my pajamas?”

  He walked over to a drawer and opened it. I peered inside and saw lots of lacy lingerie. I did not want to wear any.

  “Pajamas,” he pointed. I shook my head.

  “This is lingerie,” I picked up one of the outfits. The back consisted of a single string. If I wore that, my entire ass would be on display. I had assumed that was the point.

  “Pajamas. Human pajamas. Not like?” He wasn’t understanding the difference between lingerie and normal pajamas, which consisted of an oversized t-shirt and yoga pants. I would have to talk to the girls about this tomorrow. Maybe Natira could explain the difference to him.

  “I’m not wearing this,” I told him sternly. I searched the closet for an alternative for the night. I found a plain t-shirt and jeans. Although it would be uncomfortable, it would fully cover me. It also would give Modric the impression that my body was off limits.

  “You not wear that,” he grabbed the clothing from my hands. “You wear this.”

  He replaced the clothes with a red lace trim teddy. It was completely see-through. If I wore that, my body would be very visible, nipples and all.

  “No,” I protested. “I’m not…”

  “You are!” he interrupted me. Flashes of him morphing into a dragon went through my head. Although he said he wouldn’t hurt me, the tone of his voice scared me.

  “This is stupid,” I told him. “You can’t force me to wear this type of clothing and lay in the bed next to you. We’re not having sex.”

  “We’re doing whatever I say,” he said, growing angry. “You may be wife, but I’m still the Prince of Athim.”

  “Whatever,” I said. “I’ll fucking wear this, but we’re not having sex.”

  I took the teddy from his hands. I shot him a dirty look and went into the bathroom. Like the closet, it was stocked with all the essentials that I needed. I pulled my hair up, removed my makeup, and changed into the teddy.

  I examined myself in the mirror. I felt extremely uncomfortable in something like this, although I did fill it out nicely. Despite looking good, I felt awful. I didn’t want to have sex with this monster.

  I walked back into the bedroom. Modric was in the bed, a blanket covering his body. He looked over at me and smiled. I did not return the smile. I was furious. How could he just yell at me and then smile at me minutes later? What a psychopath.

  He patted the bed next to him, inviting me to join him. I would do as I was told, only because I was scared of what he might do. However, I would refuse to get under the covers with him. I would rather freeze to death on top of the covers than be with him below the covers.

  “Are you getting in?” he asked. I shook my head.

  “I will sleep on top of the covers until you get me more suitable pajamas,” I told him. I refused to look at him again.

  Once I was settled on top of the covers, he turned off the lights. We lay in the dark in silence.

  “Goodnight, Freya,” he said. “I hope you enjoyed your first day on the ship.”

  I didn’t respond to him. Instead, I braced myself for his hands on my body. To my surprise, I soon heard him softly snoring. He hadn’t even tried to make a move on me. I felt conflicted. As much as I didn’t want to be here, I couldn’t stop thinking of the brief glimpse that I had of his cock. I had a feeling that I would soon being battling my own inner fight between my head and my body.

  Chapter 5

  Predictably, I slept awful, despite the bed being extremely comfortable. When I could fall asleep, I had an awful dream that Modric and I had sex. The beginning of the dream wasn’t awful. It was actually very good, but halfway through, he turned into a dragon and nearly killed me. I woke up in a cold sweat. Modric was still asleep and had a smile on his sleeping face. I could only imagine what he was dreaming of.

  Modric woke up early the next morning. He turned over to face me. He looked refreshed and eager to start the new day.

  “Good morning, Freya,” he smiled. “Sleep good?”

  “No,” I said. “I didn’t sleep well. I need different pajamas for starters. I also slept in a bed with an alien who recently murdered someone.”

  Once again, his face was emotionless. He didn’t say anything, angering me more.

  “Why do you never have any emotions on your face except happy and angry?” I blurted out. The lack of sleep and events of the past forty-eight hours had begun to take a toll on me. Even though I was scared that he would yell at me, I also didn’t want to hold back.

  “Athims different than you,” he spoke in his broken English. “Humans have more facial muscles to show feelings. Athims, no. We feel things, but hard time showing them.”

  I rolled my eyes, but accepted his explanation as he continued to speak.

  “You should start with Natira today, but you need more sleep. I will leave you alone for now. Much work to be done. I come back later.”

  I didn’t protest. Sleeping alone sounded magical. If I could only talk him into doing it every night, I would hate this ship even less.

  True to his word, Modric let me sleep for a few extra hours. He came back later and instructed me to get ready to join the other girls for my daily Athim language lesson.

  “I get shower started for you,” he said. I got out of bed and stretched as I heard the shower begin to run.

  “I like it hot!” I called out to him as I walked towards the bathroom.

  “So do I,” he said, as I walked into the bathroom. I was still in my red teddy. I had almost forgotten about it.

  “I’m sorry for last night,” he continued to speak. “I frustrated sometimes. Then you get sad and I get mad and I’m sorry.”

  “I was a little harsh, too,” I said. “Please just work on getting me normal pajamas and I promise tonight will go much smoother.”

  He smiled as he tested the temperature of the water with his hands. Satisfied, he walked towards the small bathroom closet and produced a large, white fluffy towel. He set it down on the counter as he left the room.

  “You do look hot though!” he said from the bedroom. Well, he wasn’t wrong. I did look good, but the whole situation was still wrong.

  As with the rest of the ship, the shower was absolutely amazing. There were two shower-heads, one in front of me and one behind me. The perfect shower for sex, I thought. As soon as the thought entered my head, I shook it away.

  After my long shower, I went to the closet and fingered through the clothes. Most of them were way too revealing and sexy for my liking. I finally settled on a light pink baby doll dress. While it was short, it was one of the less skimpy items to choose from.

  After getting dressed, I blow dried and straightened my hair. I also decided to try a little bronzer and lip gloss. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked fresh. Modric walked back into the bedroom from the hallway as I walked back in from the bathroom.

  “I like that dress on you,” he said. “Natira picked out all of those clothes for you.”

  It made more sense now. Based on Natira’s outfit yesterday, she seemed like a woman who liked to show off her body. S
he oozed sexuality.

  “Are you ready to meet up with the others?” he asked, reaching out for my hand. I reluctantly gave it to him. He had apologized for last night. I supposed that I could play along with his façade that we were a happily married couple.

  “I am,” I said. “But, if I have to work on the Athim language, you have to work on your English,” I said. He nodded.

  “Good idea,” he said. “Good idea.”

  We left the room and headed towards the study room. As soon as he opened the door, I heard Nellie.

  “Well, well, well,” she said, in a slow drawl. “Look at this. The princess finally decided to join us.”

  I shot her a dirty look, something I was becoming accustomed to doing on the ship. Before I could open my mouth to reply to her, Natira spoke.

  “Nellie,” she said firmly. “I told you once before and I won’t tell you again, Freya has a different set of circumstances on this ship. She’s a princess. You’re not her equal. If she wants to come late to the lesson, she can. If she doesn’t want to show up to the lesson, she doesn’t have to. You need to focus on Nellie, not Freya.”

  Nellie looked ashamed that she was yelled at and quickly sat down. I sensed that Natira ran a tight ship. Modric spoke to Natira again in Athim. After their conversation was done, he came back to me.

  “Dinner tonight?” he asked. It wasn’t like I had a choice, but I nodded anyway.

  “Of course,” I replied. He smiled and left the room.

  Natira walked to the other side of the room and returned with three large books. She set them down on the table in front of me with a thud.

  “Sit,” she said. “It’s time to learn.”

  I spent the next few hours learning the basic Athim words. I wasn’t impressed. I knew it would be beneficial if I learned the language, but I had no desire to do so.

  Luckily, the time went by rather quickly, and I found myself at dinner again with Modric. Despite his attempts to have a conversation, we ate in complete silence. I was frustrated with my lessons and had no desire to talk with him.


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