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Everything After

Page 7

by Melissa Toppen

  Even though this goes against every professional code of conduct ever, I just can't find it in me to say no. I can't help but get the feeling like this man could really get me into some serious trouble.

  “Well then come on.” He gestures to my still fully clothed body while he stands near nude, his body just begging to be adored with my eyes.

  “I can't believe I'm doing this.” I say, slipping off my shirt and then holding it over my torso, trying to conceal my body. “Don't look at me.” I point my finger at Killian whose eyes are fixed on my torso.

  “It's not like I haven't seen my fair share of female bodies.” He laughs.

  “Yeah, that's the problem.” I point out.

  “Come on Nora. Loosen up. It will do you some good.” He urges, his smile so cute I damn near melt right here on the spot.

  “At least turn around.” I say, laughing when he rolls his eyes but then eventually does as I ask. My eyes land directly on the dragon wings that wrap around his shoulders and down a portion of his back, momentarily distracting me.

  “You done yet?” He asks, before I have even made an attempt to move.

  “Just hang on.” I insist, dropping my shirt on the dock and then quickly slipping out of my sandals and black shorts, kicking the material to the side. Feeling far too exposed in my all white bra and panties, I take off full speed and launch myself into the water before he has a chance to turn around.

  The warm liquid engulfs me within seconds and is deep enough that I don't even come close to touching the bottom. I resurface just in time to see Killian go airborne and come down just a few feet from me in the water. It takes a moment for him to reach the surface but when he does, he pops up directly in front of me, causing me to scream out, startled.

  “Are there alligators in this lake?” I ask, suddenly feeling like something is going to pull me under the water and swim away with me at any moment.

  “Not likely.” He laughs, shaking his head at me.

  “Yeah but how do you know for sure?” I ask, my anxiety hitting near panic attack level.

  “Relax Nora.” Killian purrs, his voice offering me some level of comfort as I turn back to face him. “You are perfectly safe.” He reassures me.

  “You say that now. What happens when a hidden creature pulls me under the water and you never see me again?” I ask, spinning around in the water making sure I don't see signs of anything coming my way.

  “Then that would be a damn tragedy.” He laughs, grabbing my forearm and pulling me to him. “Relax.” He repeats, wrapping his arms around my bare torso and securing my body to his, leaving our faces just inches apart. “I've got you.” His voice drops low, his accent thick in his attempt to hush his voice.

  My stomach instantly explodes into a swarm of heat. It takes everything I have not to tremble against him. The warmth slowly spreads through me, sending a simmering fire to the very tips of my fingers and toes.

  “See.” He speaks so low, his words are barely audible over the water lapping around us. “This isn't so bad, is it?” His face hovers just inches from mine and more than once I see his eyes dart to my lips as we bob in the water.

  Every look, every word he speaks, drips with seduction. I find myself slipping, falling under his spell. He readjusts his arms, securing me so tightly against him, I swear I can feel every ripple of each muscle pressed against my body.

  “That depends on who you ask.” I finally find my voice. “I'm still pretty certain something is going to eat me at any moment. Only now, it's going to eat you too.” I laugh nervously, glancing around us again.

  “You're adorable.” He croons, reaching out to push my wet hair away from my face, his hand lingering on my cheek just long enough that my sanity seems to return and I gently push out of his embrace.

  Before he has time to question my movement, I drag my arm across the surface, sending a wave of water flying at his face. It hits him spot on and by the time he recovers, I am swimming full force towards the edge.

  I can hear Killian behind me but I am determined to get out of this water before he has a chance to catch up to me. I can't take another moment pressed against him, our bodies nearly bare. I may be a strong willed person but even I have my limitations.

  Just when I think I am in the clear, a hand closes around my ankle and stops me dead in the water. I immediately sink under, sputtering as I resurface. Before I have anytime to recuperate, Killian lifts me by the hips and tosses me effortlessly into the air. I hit the water hard and let myself stay under for a moment before kicking my way back to the top.

  This time when I resurface, I am ready for Killian to be there, only he's nowhere to be found. Spinning in a circle, I don't see him anywhere. Suddenly, something closes down around my leg and pulls me under. I don't even have time to scream before the water is surrounding me.

  I kick, pushing myself away from what I hope to God is Killian, and sputter back up to air, gasping as I try to catch my breath. Killian pops up next to me, laughter bursting from him the moment he surfaces.

  “You jerk.” I splash water at his face. “You nearly scared me to death.” I laugh, splashing him again.

  “Such harsh words from a sweet little innocent thing like yourself.” He tisks his finger at me, laughing when I fling more water at him.

  “Sweet? Innocent?” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “That's not a bad thing.” He adds on, clearly seeing the insult on my face.

  “Uh huh.” I give him a curious look. “I am far from sweet. Or innocent.” I add on.

  “Prove it.” He challenges, his eyes dancing with playfulness.

  “How?” I ask, suddenly feeling like maybe I should end this before it goes too far.

  “Give me your bra.” He says, gesturing to the soaked material clinging to my chest.

  “What?” I question, shaking my head at him.

  “What do you need it for anyways?” He laughs, causing me to glance down. He's right, the white material is almost completely see through, but luckily the water is offering me some concealment. “I thought you said you weren't sweet and innocent.” He teases, knowing just how to get me to bite.

  “Fine.” I snip, reaching behind me to unclasp the material, winging it at Killian the moment it's off. “Happy?” I ask, feeling suddenly way too exposed.

  “Almost.” He smiles mischievously.

  “Oh no you don't. You've already got me out of my bra, the panties stay.” I say, laughing when he narrows his eyes at me.

  “Nora.” He says slowly, his accent forming perfectly around the word.

  “I cannot believe I am doing this.” I say, attempting to seem bold and adventurous even though I am probably the furthest thing from either..

  Shimming out of my panties while still trying to tread water and stay afloat proves to be somewhat difficult. I end up going under twice in my attempts to get them off, but I finally manage.

  “Hand them over.” He says, holding out his hand.

  “You're unbelievable.” I roll my eyes, throwing the material at him.

  “Oh I'm just getting started.” He narrows his eyes at me. “Now come here.” He says, hitching his finger at me.

  “Hell no.” I shake my head adamantly.

  “Do you trust me?” He asks, moving towards me.

  “Don't come another inch closer Killian, I'm warning you.” I say, moving backwards a few inches when he continues to close in on me.

  “Nora.” He cocks his head and smiles. “Do you trust me?” He asks again. The feeling of the water against my bare flesh and the look in his eyes as he slowly moves towards me, has my body tightening in places I need it not to.

  “Trust you? I don't even know you.” I shake my head. “Killian.” I warn again, as he closes the last remaining distance between us.

  “Relax.” He smiles, resting his hands on my shoulders. He slowly slides his hands down my arms, his fingers eventually closing down around mine.

  My body erupts in fire. Every inch of me is sc
reaming for him to touch me, while the part of my mind that still seems to be functioning is begging him not to. I knew better than to let him drag me out here. I should have went back to the bus, got some of the initial interviews out of the way with the other guys. I should not be here right now, feeling the way I feel, wanting what I want.

  “Relax Nora.” He repeats. “I will not touch you.” He reassures me. I can't deny the relief that floods through me at his words, but I am not as surprised as I should be that with it comes disappointment as well. “Not until you ask me to.” He adds on, taking my other hand as he slowly starts swimming backwards, pulling me along with him.

  “Well rest assured, that will not happen.” I add on, feeling the need to establish that right here and now.

  “You say that now.” He smiles. “I still can't believe I got you naked.” He laughs lightly when I stick my tongue out at him.

  “Never underestimate me.” I give him a concentrated look. “I have been known to surprise people.”

  “So I'm learning.” He pulls me to the wooden steps that hang over the edge of the dock. Grabbing a hold of the side, I watch him climb up the four stairs, not able to pull my eyes away from his legs and the way his muscles clench with each step he takes.

  “Now.” He says, leaning over the edge of the dock. “However will you get out?” He laughs, turning and walking away.

  “Killian, don't you dare.” I holler after him, but he just keeps walking. “Killian!” I yell again, realizing very quickly that this was his plan all along. “Killian. Get back here!” My voice takes on a level of panic as I realize I am going to have to climb out of this lake completely naked.

  Looking around, thankfully I don't see anyone nearby and the entire area around this side of the lake is surrounded by trees so no one driving by is likely to see me. Grabbing onto the wood step, I hesitantly pull myself out of the water, trying to make sure Killian is not going to pop out on me at any moment.

  I cannot believe I let that asshole tempt me into getting naked just to leave me here without my clothing. I peek my head over, immediately sighing out in relief when I see that he left my shorts and shirt laying on the dock, just feet from where I am. Doing another perimeter check, I pull myself up and try to keep my body as covered as possible. Grabbing my clothing in a panic, I quickly throw each article on, managing to get my shirt on backwards in the process.

  Cursing under my breath, I twist the material and push my hair away from my face, determined not to let Killian see how much he's rattled me. I don't know if I hate him for being an ultimate ass, or actually like him for bringing me out of my shell a little.

  “I have to admit, I'm impressed.” I jump the moment Killian's voice washes over me. I hesitantly turn, spotting him already fully dressed, leaning against a nearby tree, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “I didn't think you had it in you to get out of the water.”

  Without a word, I walk straight up to him and punch him directly in the chest. “I cannot believe you just did that to me.” I point my finger in his face.

  “Hey, you were more than willing to get naked for me.” He holds his hands up in front of himself innocently, the cutest grin pulling up the corners of his mouth.

  I take one hard look at that face and know immediately that my pretend anger is pointless. He's right, I was so eager to prove that I wasn't exactly the girl he thought I was, I stripped out of my clothes in the middle of a lake. The funny thing is, I probably never would have done that in a million years otherwise. Only because it was him. The fact that he can make me act so out of character is both freeing and terrifying at the same time.

  “You are an asshole.” I huff, spinning on my heel and quickly walking away.

  Chapter Ten


  Several minutes have passed since leaving the lake and Nora has yet to speak one word to me. Walking several feet in front of me the entire time, she keeps her attention forward and refuses to acknowledge I am even here.

  While I wish I could feel bad for my little stunt back there, I can't. Not one part of me regrets getting that girl naked. I just wish I had made my move when I had the chance. I don't know why I didn't actually. I just, couldn't.

  I mean, I could have, but Nora is so different than the women I typically surround myself with. She's intelligent and strong willed, and while I am very confident in my abilities, a part of me actually feared she would shoot me down.

  I can't remember the last time I feared rejection. Makes me feel like a fucking tool, that's for sure. The guys would taunt me relentlessly if they knew I had her naked in my arms and chickened the fuck out. And while my failure to do anything but torment her eats at my fucking stomach, I do get some satisfaction knowing I have her panties and bra stuffed into the back pocket of my shorts.

  Nora slows ahead and looks both directions, clearly not remembering the path we took to get here but also not wanting to ask me for any help either. I can't help but laugh lightly to myself. I wonder how long she is going to pretend to be mad at me when we both know she isn't.

  “A little lost there are ya?” I laugh, stepping up directly behind her.

  “I am not lost.” She huffs, turning right.

  “Wrong way.” I laugh harder when she lets out a frustrated groan and spins around in the opposite direction. “You know, you could just let me tell you where to go.” I quicken my strides to catch up to her.

  “Why? So you can lead me into the woods and leave me to find my own way back?” She snaps. “Seriously.” She smacks at me when she realizes my eyes are fixated on her chest.

  “Well what do you expect, I can see right through your shirt.” I say, referring to the thin white top she's wearing. It takes only seconds before she crosses her arms in front of her chest in an effort to conceal herself.

  “I expect you to be a gentleman.” She quips, quickening her steps. Much to her distaste, I match her stride for stride with no effort. Within seconds she slows back down, seeing that the extra effort to walk faster is not worth it.

  “You expect too much.” I joke, looking out in front of us to gauge exactly where we are. “Hmmm.” I stop, looking around for a moment.

  “Oh my God, if you tell me we are lost, I swear I will kill you.” She warns, stopping next to me.

  “We are not lost.” I shake my head. “But I'm pretty sure we should have hit the main road by now.” I chuckle lightly, looking behind us and then in front of us.

  “We're lost.” She sighs, a hint of laughter in her voice.

  “No we are not.” I reassure her, starting to think that maybe we actually are.

  “Yes we are, admit it.” She shoves my shoulder, keeping one arm crossed over her chest.

  “Okay, maybe we are a little lost.” I admit, laughing when she shoves me again, harder this time.

  “I knew it.” She points her finger at me. “I knew better than to let you talk me into this. I should be on the bus, working on my article. Instead, I am stranded in the middle of nowhere Alabama with you.” She says, scrunching her nose on the last part.

  “There are worse people to be stuck with than me.” I laugh, seeing the playfulness in her ranting.

  “Like who? Because from where I am standing, a guy who manages to get me naked and leave me in a lake and then gets me lost in the woods, all in one day, is not the best company in the world.” She momentarily forgets about not having a bra on and drops her hands to her hips.

  I can't stop the smile that stretches across my face as I glance down at her perfect perky tits, feeling myself immediately begin to harden. When I look back up, she must see the arousal on my face because she glances down, realizes where my eyes have been and then throws her arms back in front of herself.

  “Care to repeat your previous statement?” She huffs, narrowing her eyes at me.

  “I think you like that you are stuck out here with me.” I say, taking a step towards her.

  “And what delusional land are you living in?” She pins tho
se damn green eyes on me and bites down on her lip nervously, taking me from semi-hard to rock hard in two seconds flat.

  Fuck me. This girl has no idea how badly I want to shove her into the woods and fuck her right here and now.

  “Killian.” She says my name like she's already said it, the annoyance of having to repeat herself clear in her voice. It immediately pulls me out of my thoughts. “We need to try to get back.” She adds on, when she's certain I'm listening.

  “Let's go a little further this way.” I say, shaking off the direction my mind is veering. “Maybe I just miscalculated the distance. Does this look familiar to you at all?” I ask, looking for a small piece of reassurance that maybe I haven't gotten us totally fucking lost.

  “Honestly.” She laughs nervously and looks around. “It all looks the same to me. Wait.” She adds on. Stopping in the center of the narrow road, she pulls her cell phone out of her pocket and checks the signal.

  “Anything?” I ask, knowing that if I don't get back soon, not only will she likely kill me, but Sean most definitely will if I miss this radio interview.

  “This way.” She points, having picked up enough signal to power up her navigation app. “We aren't far actually.”

  I can't help but smile with how her forehead crinkles together are she studies the map and tries to figure out the correct path back. Without knowing an address, she is left to try to decipher a map of a town she is completely unfamiliar with. I have to hand it to her though, she manages to do it and gets us back to the coffee shop where our little adventure started without turning the wrong way even once.

  “So I guess I should thank you.” I say, dropping my arm around her shoulder as we make our way down the sidewalk, heading in the direction of the tour bus.

  “What you can do.” She says, picking up my arm and dropping it off of her shoulder. “Is never do that to me again.” She turns the corner, our silver tour bus coming into view, parked directly in front of the black bus that the crew is traveling in.

  “Come on.” I tease, bumping into her playfully. “You mean to tell me you didn't have at least a little fun?”


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