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Jay's Lucky Baby - A Secret Baby Romance

Page 40

by Layla Valentine

  I’d never actually been inside the motel, just driven past it countless times on my way to and from the diner. It was two stories and gray, with broken numbers lining the doors. I’d long thought the place was only still running due to various out-of-town affairs or sad drifters passing through on their way to someplace else. But when Colt unlocked the door and revealed the interior, I was pleasantly surprised.

  The bed was crisp and clean and had a magenta comforter with a strange bit of homey charm. A large, vintage mirror in the corner allowed me to see Colt and me as a couple for the first time: the tall, broad-shouldered man of the road in his sexy leather jacket, his blue eyes scanning the room, and me, short and petite with long, auburn hair.

  I shivered, clasping my hands over my stomach. With a flourish, Colt bounced onto the bed. His eyes were alert, hungry-looking again.

  “You said you wanted to get some sleep?” I asked. I was trying to be playful, but my voice shook with sudden anticipation.

  “Maybe we’ll get to sleep in a little while, but for now, I have something else planned.”

  “I didn’t realize we’d have organized activities,” I murmured.

  “You thought wrong,” he growled.

  Smacking his hands on his lap, he ushered me forward. Smoothly, I brought my legs up onto the bed, wrapping them around his waist. The intensity in the air around us seemed to grow with each passing second, booming in my ears. With our lips just an inch away from one another’s, I paused, inhaling his musky, manly scent.

  As I began to say something—to stall—he thrust himself forward, kissing me. My self-assured demeanor fell away as I gave over to his confidence, his arrogant strength. His large hands wrapped tightly around my waist, clinging to me, forcing my groin against his erection, which rose up from his pants.

  “Jesus,” he whispered, breaking the heat of our kiss. “I can’t handle myself around you.”

  Gruffly, he thrust me off him and onto the bed. Then, he reached under my dress and teased his way up my slender, pale thighs, before easing a single hand between my legs. He touched me, at first softly, gazing into my eyes. I grew wet at his touch, and allowed my lips to part with pleasure. A long, smooth moan escaped my mouth.

  God, I could have had him touch me forever.

  But he had something else in store.

  Leaving me alone on the bed for a moment, Colt reached toward the backpack he’d brought in from the car. Inside, he found a long, thin rope, which he lashed through the air with a violent, muscled motion. I shivered, but I didn’t have the voice to speak.

  “All right, little country girl, time to test your limits,” Colt murmured.

  After fully undressing me, he reached forward, bringing the rope around my wrists and tying me to the top of the bed, locking me in place. I felt the ropes close tightly around my skin and wondered for half a second if this had all been a ploy—if Colt’s plan all along had been to kidnap me and murder me in the motel of my choosing.

  Shivering with anxiety, I glanced up at him and saw only lust in his eyes. I was stretched thin before him, my naked skin gleaming in the soft lamplight.

  Colt undressed, revealing the hardness of his impressive cock. Straddling me, he kissed my breasts, his tongue coming out to flick at my nipples. My breath came in spasms as I inhaled the musk of him.

  “I’m going to fuck your brains out,” he whispered into my ear, making me shiver.

  After easing his hand down the center of my chest, past my flat stomach, and all the way to the space between my legs, he began to tease my clit, smiling slightly as he watched me squirm. Unable to do anything but watch, as my hands were still tied above my head, I felt completely at his mercy—strained, tied, helpless.

  As the pleasure grew, I arched my back, pushing my soft wetness toward Colt’s face. He kissed me between my legs, running his tongue over my lips. My brain nearly exploded from the intimacy of it.

  This boy was going to destroy me.

  Suddenly, Colt moved upward, bringing his large, throbbing manhood into me, grabbing my ass as he thrust himself in as far as he could. Gasping from the pleasure of it, I wrapped my legs around his waist and began to meet his thrusts. The sex was rougher and wilder than it had been at the diner. Beads of sweat raced down my temples as he railed into me over and over, both of us gasping and crying out.

  I could sense Colt was going to come, could feel him pulsing inside me. Crying out, I closed my eyes as I allowed myself to fall into an orgasm alongside him. Our bodies clenched and released, making us fall into exquisite pleasure for what seemed like an eternity before Colt collapsed beside me.

  “Wow,” he said breathlessly. After a moment’s hesitation, he reached toward me and kissed me. The heat of his mouth turned me on even more. His tongue parted my lips and glided along mine as we shuddered in the wake of what had been the best sex of my life.

  Of course, I would never tell him so.

  As I began to come down from my orgasm, falling into the great post-coital hangover, I watched as Colt leafed through his pants pocket to find a packet of cigarettes. He lit one with a flash of his lighter and took a long, even drag before offering it to me. I shrugged playfully, flicking my eyes up toward the ropes, which still held me tight.

  “Don’t suppose you’re going to untie me, eh?” I asked him, giggling slightly.

  “I kind of like to watch you squirm like that,” he said. “It’s sexy.”

  “Ha. I’m telling you, it won’t be sexy when I punch you in that handsome face of yours the moment you release me,” I teased.

  Cigarette still burning between his lips, Colt reached upward, untying the ropes. He allowed them to fall to the other side of the bed, out of sight, as I traced my fingers across the red indentations on my wrists. Tucking my head against his shoulder, I found myself experiencing a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss. These were the strangest circumstances of my life, bar none, and yet I had no urgency within me to flee.

  “You know, I’ve never even left this city before,” I whispered, reaching up and turning off the light. “Never met anyone who was on his way out, either. It seems that if you’re born here, you die here. And you aren’t allowed to dream otherwise.”

  Colt didn’t answer, not for a long time. After stabbing his cigarette into the ashtray on his side table, he wrapped a firm bicep around my head and held me close.

  “That’s the way it was in Detroit. I never thought much about leaving until I had to.”

  I nodded, sensing the story rumbling beyond the surface. Drugs? Murder? I couldn’t even imagine. And yet, safe in his arms, caught in his powerful, masculine presence, I wanted to be with no one else. My eyelids closed, my lashes fluttering across my cheeks as fantasies rose to the surface of my mind.

  Suppose I did leave Iowa City? Suppose I chased after Colt, fell in love with him the proper way, somewhere between here and the edge of Texas? Suppose we got married in Mexico, learned Spanish and how to make tamales, tanned our skin beneath the summer sun, and never felt lonely again?

  Colt was powerful, passionate—dangerous. These were all the things I’d been lacking in my life before he’d arrived in Iowa City. And as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn’t quite imagine letting him go without me.

  Chapter Eight

  Wes Kraemer

  I got word my place had been robbed at around five in the morning. One of my men, Hank, dialed me up and said there was something suspicious about the back fence—busted, he’d said—and that the back window was cracked open. When he went in, sure enough, the safe had been cleared out.

  I’d been robbed before. Years ago, when I hadn’t had such a bad reputation around town, people had begun to take advantage of me and my services—taking a bit too much here and there and then not paying it back. Oftentimes, they’d learn where I kept my goodies and sneak in, taking whatever they pleased—like kids in a candy store, frankly. But I’d taken care of them.

  Violence was the only answer in my book. People didn’t
listen to reason.

  At nine in the morning I flew into the parking lot of the loan office, parking in my usual place, and then stabbed my boot onto the gravel, eyeing Hank, who was off to the side, smoking a cigarette. He was hunched over, short but powerful, especially in the shoulders and arms.

  Hank tossed his smoke into the gravel and stomped it out, not bothering to wave. He knew I hated that shit, the pleasantries. In the Midwest, it was what everyone did. Wave hello. Ask how you were doing. Give good thoughts to your folks. It was disgusting.

  Hank and I headed into the office, locking the door behind us. He pointed toward the far corner of the next room, where, sure enough, the lock had been tossed to the side and the rusty safe was empty, void of all the cash I’d had lying around, wrapped up and ready.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. “And we’ve got no clue who might have done this? Not Bob and the others?”

  Hank shook his head, looking unfazed. His bald head gleamed in the sunlight streaming through the broken blinds. “Actually, boss,” he said, his words slow, “I received a payment this morning. A bunch of cash from a Jim Priskin.”

  “Oh yeah?” I said, sinking down into my desk chair, having lost any sense of excitement. “The one with the gambling addiction? That pathetic asshole?”

  “The very one. He owed us twenty thousand, you remember,” Hank said.

  “Sure, but he ain’t ever going to get us that money. Such a sad little man, putting his life in danger like that. And they say his daughter ain’t got much in the way of money, either. Seen her tight little ass at the diner last week. Poor kid. Don’t know her daddy’s about to lose all his fingers.”

  But as I spoke, Hank revealed a backpack beneath the other desk. With a slow, smooth motion, he unzipped it, revealing bundles of cash inside—all organized in 50s. My jaw all but dropped to the floor.

  “That from Jim Priskin?” I asked Hank, incredulous.

  “Yup,” Hank affirmed. “But, boss, there’s something else.”

  I flung myself from my chair and wrapped my hands around the money, piecing through it, feeling giddy. Nothing gave me a hard-on like a good stack of bills. “What?”

  “It’s the same cash that was stolen out of the safe,” Hank said. “I checked the serial numbers before you got here. The exact money that was stolen from you has been returned to you in the form of a payment.”

  The bills fell from my fingers like leaves in autumn. They scattered to the floor around my boots as I scrunched up my face, unable to hold my laugh in another moment.

  “Old Jim boy stole from us and expected us not to notice that he was returning the very same bills?” I cackled. “Oh, Jesus. This is some of the best news I’ve heard all year.”

  “Pretty fuckin’ stupid,” Hank offered. “Only an idiot would do this, boss.”

  “Damn right, Hank. Damn right,” I said, shaking my head. “I suppose this just became an opportunity to deliver some rough justice, didn’t it?”

  “Absolutely,” Hank said. “I’m at your service, as usual.”

  “Sure, sure,” I said, collecting more bills from the backpack. I felt like a grubby kid digging for the toy at the bottom of the cereal box. “Bring old Jimmy to me, Hank. Don’t let him live another moment longer thinking he got away with this.”

  Hank turned from the room, finding his stride as he walked his stubby form back toward his little dark green car parked in back. I watched as he hopped into it, donning a black baseball cap and starting his trek toward Jim’s place.

  Rubbing the bills together in my hands, I allowed my imagination to roll. What could I possibly do to Jim that would make him more miserable than everything he’d already done to himself?

  I’d have to be creative. My line of work wasn’t for the faint of heart.

  Chapter Nine


  The beautiful girl slept in the crook of my arm as I awoke beside her, smelling of lilac or lavender or whatever perfume she’d chosen. I lifted my head from the pillow, my eyes blinking at the sad motel room: the drab blinds half-covering the window, the crooked crack down the wall, the mirror in the corner, reflecting light back at me.

  Where was I again?

  Turning toward Luna, I cradled her close to me, feeling the warmth of her chest. We were naked, pressed tightly together, and I was no longer sure where I ended and she began.

  I hadn’t felt like that with a woman in years.

  Staying the night in Iowa City hadn’t been in the plans. I felt anxious, jumpy, locked in the motel room with that loan shark less than two miles away. By now, he would know he’d been robbed, and was probably out for blood. Those sharks were all the same.

  There was nothing that would bring him to me, of course. I’d been careful. And it wasn’t like a loan shark had the police on his side, anyway. Still, having this wretched town in our rearview would give me a bit of peace.

  Luna blinked awake moments later, turning toward me and pressing her breasts against my chest. I had half a mind to run my tongue down her throat and suck on her nipples. She was gorgeous and sleepy-eyed, with no inclination to draw herself from beneath the sheets.

  “What time is it?” she murmured, rubbing her nose with her thumb.

  “Um, just after ten-thirty,” I said, eyeing the clock on the wall. “A bit late, don’t you think? I wanted to get on the road a few hours ago.”

  “Oh, well,” she said, easing toward me and kissing me on the lips.

  The tension between us was palpable, growing all the time. How strange that the moment our bodies rose from slumber, they immediately wanted to exhaust themselves with each other again.

  “I don’t think we have to check out till noon, anyway,” she said. “And knowing the owner, he probably won’t wake up to kick us out till after two.”

  She kissed me again, long and slow, causing my cock to stir against her. This time, we wouldn’t have to undress each other. I could have her so easily.

  “I really think we should get up and get going,” I said again, hardly able to believe myself at this point. “There’s no telling if—”

  “If what?” she whispered, cutting me off.

  I realized that if I continued, I’d have to tell her the truth: that I’d robbed the money from a loan shark and was on the run from a dangerous gang, both pieces of information I wasn’t prepared to dish out just yet.

  Again, Luna inched tighter against me. Reaching down, she brought her hand around the girth of my cock, which didn’t have any more room to grow if not directly against her hip. She kissed my neck, making me want her even more.

  “Looks like somebody’s awake,” she whispered.

  “That’s right. Because we have to get on the road,” I said back, returning her kiss.

  “No,” she murmured again.

  Her eyes closing once more, she leaned forward and kissed me with longing, with desire, wrapping her arms tightly around the broadness of my muscled shoulders. Slowly, her nails dug into my skin. If she was going to try to be dominant like this, then I had to take over. I had to show her who was boss.

  Slowly, I rolled her onto her back, slipping my stomach over hers. She wrapped her calves tightly around my back, opening her wetness to me. With a firm motion, I entered her, peering into her eyes as I did. She couldn’t move much, pressed beneath me as she was. She could only accept my hard cock as it slid into her.

  We fit together perfectly. I made love to her slowly, gasping slightly as we eased slowly and passionately into one another. The sound of her sighing was like a song in my ear as I gave her pleasure. Her legs were tight around me, uniting us.

  After several lost, stunning minutes, Luna brought her hand to my shoulder, rubbing at the muscles there as she whispered, “Let me go on top now.”

  I was already sensing that when Luna wanted to do something, it was hard not to let her do it. I was normally dominant with women, but she seemed to be a few steps ahead of me all the time. That deserved a place on to
p of me, making love.

  She eased around me, keeping my cock inside the soft space between her legs, and then began to ride me slowly, gliding up and down my cock. Her breasts bounced softly as we stared into one another’s eyes. The flatness of her stomach was a line growing from my groin all the way to her neck. Pulling her down to kiss me by her neck, I felt her pulse pounding quickly throughout her entire body, showing her excitement for me.

  It was different this time, slower, more intimate—if that was a word I wanted to toss around. But as we came, holding each other, I sensed something more for her, something that seemed tinged with more than just lust, and that frightened me. Still, we collapsed in each other’s arms, and I felt no desire other than the one to hold her tight.

  “Wow,” she breathed, leaning forward and kissing me on the cheek. That was really something.”

  I nodded, tipping my nose into hers. The gruffness of my growing beard tickled her cheek, making her giggle.

  “You need to shave,” she said, rubbing at the bristly hairs with her slim fingers. “But I suppose cowboys like you don’t take the time for that sort of thing.”


  She’d taken to calling me that. I couldn’t say if I liked it. It seemed almost cartoonish, like we were two people in a getaway car, driving fast to evade the law. But the situation was far more nuanced than that. Aaron was dead. The Detroit Seven were trying to kill me. I was out on my own, with nothing but the open road and this brand new girl now in my care.

  But what about her? She was a mystery more than anything. Why had she given that money to her father? Was she in trouble with someone? Or did she have a kid she was trying to care for? I tried to compile the many reasons a girl like her might need money like that.

  When I felt myself begin to ask her the question, I was sure she would ignore it or else skirt around it with a witty remark, but I went for it anyway.

  “So,” I said, looking down at her gorgeous, lightly freckled face. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with the money? Why does a girl like you need money like that?”


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