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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

Page 22

by Samuel David

  The General was winding down talking about troop placement in the areas and that we could expect damages in the areas of five hundred billion dollars to infrastructure alone, not counting personal property, loss of production, and camp administration costs.

  For the first time in my life, I was not happy to be who, I was and really wish I were not the President of the United States.

  Chapter 91

  5:30 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  Announcer begins, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Bear News tonight with John Roddenburg. We are live from the Liberty Memorial Park in Kansas City, Missouri where Thursday night we will be exclusively broadcasting the self-proclaimed Witness of God’s sermon at 7:30 p.m. tonight is our two-hour special edition on the state of the world. Your host, John Roddenburg.”

  “Good evening America and the world,” John began. “In the past thirty five hours the world we knew came to an end. With the advent of the Witness from God, as he calls himself, Jack South, and after his proclamations in not only the U.S., but also Northern Africa and the Middle East, we are all on a watch to see if he continues to be one hundred percent accurate in his predictions or prophecies, as others call it. Today is Tuesday evening and yes viewers, it is raining in Northern Africa and the Middle East. This makes Jack, once again, one hundred percent right.”

  “Tonight we are covering this story from coast to coast, border to border, and continent to continent. We are going to start with an update from Southern California. We will then be going across the Southern coastal cities talking to the leaders of each city that Jack has said will be, in the path of his predictions and the folks who live there. We will also be speaking to people who live on the Gulf and east coasts who also will feel the effects very soon. Then we will move on to Africa, where we have our correspondents set up in major cities in Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries.”

  “First let’s go to Brian Wilcox who is standing by live in Pasadena, California for an update in Southern California. Brian?”

  “Thank you John. It is about three thirty here in Pasadena. You can see behind me that it looks like a war zone. I am standing in downtown Pasadena and as you look around there is nothing here, but rubble. You will also see behind me troop carriers that are being, loaded with refugees or people with nowhere to go. They are being, transported by troop carriers to buses and being, shipped to a makeshift FEMA camp at Twenty-nine Palms. Our estimates, since the military moved into the area yesterday, are that over a hundred thousand people moved so far. They are lined up everywhere in all the areas that were destroyed and are waiting for transportation to hopefully food and shelter. There is not any shelter, which has not been, destroyed in these areas. There are also no utilities. Firefighters are using pool water when available because all the waterlines are broken and the broken pipes are flooding certain areas. People are desperate.”

  John said, “Have we been able to get a news crew into the camp at Twenty-nine Palms?”

  “No John. The military has refused any entrance to the area. Actually, all the roads coming into the L.A. area were, shut down because of damage. This extends from Palm Springs to L.A., from the east and Orange County to the South on both the 405 and the 5. The same is true from the north. Many of the roads are not passable for regular traffic, so that is why the troop haulers are being used.”

  “Any reports of criminal activity? Like looting, robbing, or other crimes?”

  “Yes. Occasionally you can hear shots off in the distance. We also understand that all of downtown L.A. has been ransacked, but once again, we are unable to get our cameras in certain closed off areas.”

  “Do you feel like you are being censored Brian?” John asked.

  “Definitely John, definitely.”

  “Okay Brian, Standby we may be back to you.”

  “Now let’s turn to our Washington correspondent, Debbie Cochran. She is outside Camp David where certain members of Congress, the President’s Cabinet, and the President, have been holed up since 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time this morning. Debbie?”

  “Hello John. We are still outside the gates of Camp David here in Maryland. We have all been here since around 10:00 a.m. this morning. You can see around me all the news vans from about every news media or agency you could think of. They, like us, are waiting to see if anyone from inside is going to make any kind of statement. The only unusual thing that happened today is that Ken Giles, the Attorney General, left the camp several hours ago in a limousine. It was, assumed he was going back to Washington, but he has disappeared and has not gotten in touch with anyone. He was expected at his office around five or so, but has yet to show up.”

  “Do you know who all is there at Camp David with the President?”

  “Well the President, his immediate staff, his Cabinet, the Majority Leaders of Congress, and Minority Leaders. We are also under the impression that the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are here. There are also rumors that they are spending the night and will not disperse until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Oh and some professors in meteorology are here. One I think is from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. His name is Professor Eugene Rawlins.”

  “Thanks Debbie. We will get back to you later. Please stand by.”

  “Before we break for a commercial, I want our viewers to understand something I am seeing. I think there is something going on and we are not being, told what the government may be planning, not only in California, but also at Camp David. Whatever it is, I personally believe it will affect all of our individual freedoms and us. We will be right back.”

  Chapter 92

  6:38 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - Conference Room

  Jamal, like the others here at Camp David, had settled down to a dinner set up in the conference room after the droning of the General Stoups for the past few hours. They had set up a couple of wide screen TVs. Bear News was on the one screen and The Network on the other. Most everyone was watching the Bear newscast and John Roddenburg, who was a pain for the administration, broadcasting live from Kansas City in anticipation of Jack’s Rally on Thursday night. Jack had everyone’s interest.

  The volume on The Network broadcast was very low and I had to strain to hear the words being, said. I thought about switching over to subtitles, but decided to move closer to the monitor. After grabbing my plate and moving to the other end of the table, I grasped what was being, said, and I immediately found the remote and turned up the volume.

  Brad Williams was saying, “In other news today, we have learned through our sources that Jack South, the alleged Witness from God, has made an illegal trip to Israel by landing a private jet near Zeta, Israel, which is near the Israeli Jordanian border. It is, reported he then took a troop transport truck to a mountainous area where he disappeared for a time with an unknown Israeli accomplice, only known as Veronica. After returning later, they took off again on their private jet and were starting to leave Israeli Airspace over the Mediterranean when Israeli jets forced them to land at Ramat David Air Force Base in Northern Israel.”

  “It has further been reported that the Israelis detained Jack South on illegal entry into the country and he was temporarily detained in a holding cell at the base. President Richard Stevenson, on hearing of the situation, contacted the Israeli authorities and agreed to offer Israel the controversial new bombers designed and built by Lockheed as ransom for his release. We have not yet confirmed this, but the sources that we have are quite reliable.”

  “Also, this is just in.” Brad looks at a piece of paper handed to him, and looks back at the camera with a somber face. “Ken Giles, Attorney General of the United States, has been found shot to death. A farmer who was checking his fence about eight miles from Camp David found his body late today. Local authorities and the FBI are on site and we have one of our correspondents, Mike Bloomer, in the area. Mike?”

  “Yes Brad. As you can see behind me, the entire area is, taped off an
d an investigation is underway. What we know for sure is that Attorney General Ken Giles was at Camp David earlier, but had ordered a limousine from the government carpool to return him to Washington, at around 2:30 p.m. today. Ken had called his assistant and told her that he expected to be there between 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. at the latest.”

  “Did she contact the authorities about him missing?”

  “No she did not. She thought that he might have taken a detour prior to coming to the office.”

  “Any word on where the limousine originated from or where, it is now?”

  “We don’t know any details Brad. We do know the limo came from the Camp David Government carpool. The local sheriff and the FBI are on site collecting information, and the vehicle is still here.”

  “Do you know if his family has been contacted yet?”

  “No, We don’t know that either.”

  “Thanks Mike.” Brad turns to the camera, “That was Mike Bloomer reporting from a field about eight miles from Camp David, where authorities have confirmed that Ken Giles, Attorney General of the United States, has been found shot to death. As we get more news on this, we will pass it on to you.”

  Jamal noticed that everyone was now watching The Network for two reasons. One, it appeared that Brad Williams had suggested the President had paid a blackmail to spring Jack South and that Ken Giles was dead.

  Chapter 93

  7:55 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

  President Stevenson, Jamal, and Press Secretary, Christopher Hughes were huddled together in the private office allocated to the President when he was at Camp David. They had been discussing both the accusation of the bribe with Israel and the apparent murder of Ken Giles.

  Chris was saying, “Mr. President, I know we have a news blackout for this meeting, but we need to say something to the press. They are camped outside the gates and we are not going to get out of here without talking to them. We need at least to have an impromptu press conference about both of these issues and try and avoid any other issues.”

  “I know,” Stevenson said. “I realize that we have to say something. I suppose first off we need to address the Ken Giles’ murder and send condolences to the family.” He hesitated thinking, then said, “Regarding the bribe, as it is being called, we need to white wash it and try and make it seem like it was going to happen anyway. I realize the Iranians are going to be all over this, but they are under sanctions and we do not pay that much attention to them anyway. There will be some saber rattling, which is normal, and some bad press, but I doubt if this would result in a congressional hearing of any sorts, at least not now.”

  Jamal said, “I wonder if it got out that you asked for Ken’s resignation today. I mean Camp David is not quite as secure as the White House.”

  “I doubt it Jamal, but then I see your point. We could, be getting set up. So maybe we might just want that to come out anyway. However, the problem is conspiracy reporters, like John Roddenburg, will just read into it a lot more than there is. I know for sure none of us gave an order to dispose of Ken.”

  “Anyone you can think of in your opinion, which had reason to of done this?” Chris asked.

  “No not really. I mean he was attorney general and that means that he does make enemies everywhere. It could have been any number of people.” In my thoughts though, I had remembered what Aafre said yesterday and that thought made me shudder.

  It was quiet for a moment while everyone seemed in deep thought, then Stevenson said, “Here is what we are going to do. “

  Chapter 94

  7:00 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  During the top of the hour commercial break John Roddenburg was, handed a dispatch about Ken Giles the Attorney General. As he read through it and with the knowledge that the AG was the only one who left Camp David, he would normally go on the air and start questioning circumstantial evidence. Questions like why he is the only person that left the camp, and was there an issue with him and the President. That would be an easy one for it was common knowledge, Stevenson did not care for Giles. His appointment of Ken as Attorney General was, forced down his throat. That would make for good press.

  He then looked at the comment made or accusation made on The Network about Jack South and the Israelis and a bribe. That was another story that he would normally jump right on, for his primary strength has always been attacking the government and feeding conspiracies. What was strange to him was that normally, The Network and Brad were Stevenson’s primary champions. They usually took the support road with his administration and this bribe that was not, confirmed by any known sources other than The Network’s own sources. This was out of character for them, very much out of character. There was something going on.

  He leaned over to his producer Donald MacKee and said, “I think this is going to force a press conference at Camp David. We will interrupt the broadcast to go live immediately if that happens, so make sure Debbie Cochran knows she needs to be ready, and not leave Camp David until we say.”

  “Will do Jack, and by the way what do you think about this Jack for bombers accusation form Brad?”

  “It’s very much out of character for them. That is a first and I am concerned there is a lot more going on here than meets the eye. Let us put some feelers out and see if we can get a bite somewhere. I think we may be changing sides for if Brad is now on the other side and is kicking Stevenson’s rear end, we will move to the other side and support Stevenson. I would not feel comfortable being on Brad’s side ever.

  I know what you mean John, as Donald thought to himself. This is a definite change in direction.

  Chapter 95

  8:30 PM EST Day two of 1260 New York - The Network, Brad Williams’ Office

  Brad Williams had just come out of the meeting about the Ken Giles’ news and the news about the President and the suggested bribe. Biggman had made it clear that we had switched sides on Stevenson and that we were to start the campaign to destroy him. For what reason, I had no idea. We were normally on Stevenson’s side and all in for his support, but the boss had a different agenda this time and he was the boss. Such is politics and the media.

  Brad knew that The Network was owned and operated, by a large organization that, when they wanted something done, it happened. They would insinuate and lie when necessary to get to a result that they wanted. Now it appears Stevenson was in the crosshairs.

  He smiled to himself and thought about Bear News who usually took the stance of doing the same thing to Stevenson. He wondered if maybe they were going to switch sides too and start supporting him, while we now were trying to destroy him. Now that would be interesting, Brad thought. That would be very interesting.

  His thoughts were, interrupted, when his Assistant Producer, Michelle stuck her head in the door. She said, “Brad, they are setting up for a press conference at Camp David. They want you on the desk to handle the comments.”

  “No problem Michelle. Thanks.” He looked at her as she walked out the door and smiled. Nice looking woman she was.

  Chapter 96

  8:35 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - Temporary Press Room

  The press was, invited into Camp David to an auditorium hastily set up for a press conference. As usual, the feed was coming from The Network, which had priority since the Stevenson administration had come to office. The place was full. Many of the reporters had been, camped outside most of the day, and not to be, left out, several news agencies had filtered in as the day wore on.

  The side door opened and Christopher Hughes, Press Secretary, stepped up to the podium. He glanced out at the sea of media people and took the notes he had and laid then on the podium. He then started to speak, “Ladies and gentlemen of the press thank you for your patience today. As you well know, the United States is under siege by the disaster in California, which is at this time, the worst we have ever had. We also have the possibility that Jack So
uth may well be correct in his other assessments and predictions. Before I take any questions, I need to tell you three things. The first is that President Stevenson sends his regards and whole, hearted sympathies to the family of Ken Giles. As all of you know, Giles was, shot in a field near here today. The First Family’s prayers are with the Giles at this time of sorrow.”

  “Secondly,” Hughes states, “the full ability of the United States, the FBI, and other agencies will work diligently until the murderer of the Attorney General is brought to justice. It is early in the investigation, but we feel confident that the FBI and the local authorities will gather all the clues necessary in order to find this person or persons responsible and bring them to justice.”

  “Thirdly, we are announcing the President is traveling to Kansas City and will attend the Jack South Rally there on Thursday evening. The following day he will attend special meetings with other members of the world’s business and political leaders regarding the crisis that we now face. Those meetings are being, held in Center City in Kansas City on Friday and Saturday. Please note that for now, press releases will be given during those meetings, but the meetings themselves will be behind closed doors.”

  “Now I am open for questions.”

  The babble was unreal. The open forum then started a frenzy of hands and calling out. Chris looked through the audience and picked one he thought would not be very difficult. He pointed to Walter Sanchez from the Associated Press.

  “Chris do you have any comment on the breaking news that was aired on The Network about the U.S. giving the okay to Israel to purchase the new state of the art military bombers. They are capable of accommodating nuclear warheads if I have my information correct. Are they to be sent there from Lockheed in exchange for releasing Jack South?” Sanchez asked.


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