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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

Page 26

by Samuel David

  “I am not sure if he is warning us or causing it, but I would assume when this is all said and done, he will be the most hated man in the world. In politics, people have a tendency to blame the person regardless of the intentions. For instance Katrina, that was an act of nature, but before it was, all said and done, the Republicans took the heat for it. Therefore, Jack will take the heat for this also, be, forewarned. He is popular for now because he is new and appears to most, at least for now, to come from God himself. But when people cannot get gas for their cars or food for their table, they will turn on him quickly.”

  “On another note Jamal, anything on Brad William’s broadcast about the Israelis the other day, and the bomber issue?”

  “No, for some reason there has been little or nothing said about it since the press conference late last night. I do not know if normal politics are on the shelf, due to the concerns of the expected destruction, or that Jack is, creating so much news that no one really cares. However, I really think that it was not to get a congressional inquiry right now, but more that you befriended Jack. As you said earlier, if the public turns on him, they will remember that you kept him out of the clutches of the Israelis. And that, Mr. President, may well have been the idea.”

  “Didn’t think of it that way Jamal, but you may well be right. You know, if it were not for you sometimes, I think I would just go off the deep end. However, you keep me straight. You have made a great Director of Homeland Security, and also a friend.”

  “Thanks,” said Jamal. If only you really knew, he thought to himself, what I really think.

  Chapter 110

  5:45 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  “We are back with our two hour special on the events happening since Jack South appeared in our studios on Monday.”

  “We are now going to Houston, Texas, which along with Galveston, is supposed to receive in the early morning Monday, a direct hit from Hurricane Alex, a category four storm. According to the Saffir-Simpson scale, a category four storm has wind speeds of 131-to 155 mph, and storm surges of up to eighteen feet. Based on that, this type of hurricane can produce complete roof structural failure on small residences, gas station canopies, and other types of span overhang structures. Mobile and manufactured homes would be, leveled. There would be extensive beach erosion and flooding inland. Now let us go to our correspondent in Houston, Maria Schroeder. Maria can you hear us?”

  “Yes John.”

  “What is happening there in Houston, in preparation for what appears to be the largest hurricane to hit there in over a century?”

  “The difference right now compared to the past, is that normally where the hurricane was expected to land would not be known and several cities would be on a hurricane watch. The experts at the National Hurricane Center would issue warnings and wait and see what direction the hurricane was finally headed. Normally, hurricanes are not very predictable. Then within a day or two of knowing, within a certain margin of error, that the hurricane was on its way to a specific area, the evacuation would start to take place.”

  “Now, with Jack South’s predictions being at one-hundred percent accuracy, some people are taking heed and leaving the area earlier than normal. They are moving inland towards San Antonio, across I-10 and north toward Dallas on I-45. Both highways today are jammed. You may note, that in normal evacuations, the highways would be, closed going east, and traffic would flow towards the west in all lanes, both east and west. This corridor has yet to be, opened, mainly because they usually are not until a day or two before the storm is expected and the authorities authorize it. It is the same with I-45.”

  “Maria, has the Mayor of Houston or surrounding cities made any comments yet?”

  “No, they seem to be not responding with any public announcements as of yet. We do know that the Federal Government has contacted them about what to do in the event Alex does hit at the strength Jack predicted. However, no concrete plans have been, put in place, at least at the moment. No public announcements have been made either.”

  “Do we know what those plans are yet, or have any idea what the Federal Government has suggested?”

  “No we do not John. I think the people that are leaving are the believers and the ones that can afford it, are leaving. The others are waiting for the government to tell them what to do or where to go. I might also mention John, that there are no hotel rooms anywhere within fifty miles of San Antonio, Dallas, or even Austin. That may well be a problem in the next few days and the government will have to step in to ensure that there is shelter for these people.”

  “Thank you Maria. We will be getting back with you.”

  “Thank you John. This is Maria Schroeder reporting from Houston, Texas.”

  Turning back to the anchor desk from the monitor, John said, “We will be going to Biloxi, Mississippi, where according to Jack, the second hurricane will hit there on the 14th. It too is supposed to be a category four. You may remember that Katrina not only destroyed New Orleans, but also Biloxi, Mississippi. It destroyed not only the Infrastructure, but also the casinos and tourism, which is the lifeblood of their economy. Now once again, they are in the bull’s eye it appears, for another disaster. This also means that New Orleans, which is only ninety miles away, may have a repeat of Katrina.”

  Thanks Maria, We will be getting back with you.

  This is Maria Schroder, reporting live from Houston Texas.

  John turned back to the anchor desk then said, “Tonight we have as a guest here in Kansas City, Professor Marlan Anderson, Dean of Atmospheric Sciences, and Meteorology Colleges, from Columbia University in New York.” I turned to the Dean sitting next to me at the anchor desk and asked, “Professor, with two major hurricanes, and we understand there will be a total of seven, but just concentrating on the two for right now. Is there anything of significance that sticks out for you that you could share with the audience?”

  “John, what I can say is what is happening is almost totally impossible with the knowledge that we currently have. However, multiple storms coming off North Africa during hurricane season is not that abnormal. In some cases, we have had four or five active at any given time, but in those cases, they usually went out to sea in the Atlantic and not hit the mainland of the U.S. Now like you and everyone else, I have listened to Jack’s predictions on your show. I think several things are, tied in here that most people did not catch. The first is the warming of the poles, which in turn makes it warmer here. That also warms up the oceans. So how do we predict bad hurricane years, simply when the water temperature rises we have more, which is what is happening now. You may note the water temperature was already the highest recorded ever in the past hurricane season to begin with. We also can add that the rains in Northern Africa are also putting an abnormal amount of moisture in the air there.”

  “In normal circumstances as low pressure systems blow off the continent of Africa, this increases tropical depression activity. It is normal for tropical waves or troughs of low pressure to move westward across Africa, but normally they do not pick up moisture over land. However, after these troughs reach the warm waters of the Atlantic, they would then get massive amounts of water vapor and heat energy from tropical waters. This in turn forms tropical storms and hurricanes.”

  “What’s different here is that there is moisture already in the atmosphere, because of the rains in North Africa. Now, by the time these troughs hit the Atlantic, they are already forming, are quite powerful, and appear to be coming one right after the other. Therefore, what I am saying is that Jack predicted rain there for thirty days, the hurricanes, and the temperature changes at the poles, which also will last 30 days or so. They will all begin and end, almost in the same time period.”

  “So what you’re saying Professor is that if what Jack predicted does happen, it was a very well thought out strategy?”

  “Yes John, that is right. The rain in Northern Africa and higher temperatures will result in
much more powerful hurricanes. It may have not happened this way otherwise. Also as a footnote, with all this rain, there are also issues with locust plagues. That scenario had been, suggested before, if it rained like this in Northern Africa. If that happens, it could destroy the entire food crop for a continent. However, this, for the moment, is still conjecture. It is something we may want to keep an eye on.”

  “That’s very interesting Professor. We had not thought about the moisture having the effect on locust hatching, but I like you, remember hearing something like that before. But Professor, regarding the rains and hurricanes, what is your take on the chances of it happening exactly as Jack said it would?”

  “Based on science or based on Jack?”

  “Best guess Professor.”

  “Almost 99.999 percent in both cases, I am afraid to say. In addition, based on Jack’s education, he had to have had help from somewhere, his God, or some other power. There is no way he could have understood all these factors needed to be present, for this to occur.”

  “Thanks Professor.”

  John turned back in his chair, then faced the camera and said, “When we come back, we will go live to both Biloxi, Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana.”

  Chapter 111

  6:45 PM EST Day three of 1260 New York - The Network News Corporate Offices

  “Sam, let me tell you what is occurring,” Joe Biggman, President of The Network said. The ratings in the past couple of days have Bear News not only maintaining the market share, but nine out of ten TV’s are, tuned to their network, almost around the clock. Even our normal shows, which were in the top ten, we have seven that are not being, watched. Our news rating is almost nonexistent and that is a problem.”

  “Yes it is,” Sam said. “So what are we going to do about it Joe?”

  “We tried last night to break the story of the bomber sales to Israel, which would normally be a big controversy, for the release of Jack South by the President in exchange for the planes, but the viewership was limited. I tell you Sam, if someone dropped an atomic bomb on Moscow today and we reported it first, no one would pay any attention. I do not know what to do. This idiot anchor I have screwed us royally with his attitude on Monday. We had the person in our hands and we would have been the number one network in the world still. No, he and that idiot producer really screwed us up big time.”

  Sam leaned back in his chair and realized that what he had to say, he wanted to make sure Joe understood. You did not become owner of the largest network in the world and build it into a powerhouse over the past twenty years by letting a situation like this destroy you. Sam, like his last name Gold, early in his life capitalized on his abilities and was a self made millionaire, now billionaire, and a member of The Waldger Group. He knew that what had happened was, done on purpose and that Jack and his supporters knew Brad Williams would lose it and go off. They set him up pretty good. That is the problem with success, it goes to your head and instead of working the person, which Brad should have done, he just thought he could do as he pleased and did not look at the broader picture. Not good. He then turned his attention back to Joe.

  “Joe,” Sam said, “They set this up to happen this way. I mean the South people, or whoever they all are, knew what they were doing and they did it on purpose. You and I understand that we help shape public opinion and we make and break people on this network. That also goes for people, companies, countries, politicians, and just about everything else. We are the media and have been for several years and will be again.”

  “Yeah Sam, I know what we do. And we have done it well and also know how to follow instructions well, but I am still angry and upset about it.”

  “Well don’t be. Very soon South will become the most hated man in the world and we are going to help that happen. Do not forget we have not only The Network, but also most of the radio stations, and most of the larger newspapers. We have all our people working on Jack’s destruction as we speak. I am sure you know Mr. Waldger and his power. In time, perception will change and I need you here to make sure that when it does, we hit this person and his group as hard as we can and turn public sentiment against him. Then people will watch us.”

  “Now on another subject, we need to relocate the entire team from New York to somewhere else. Jack is always right and New York will be a disaster. Any ideas, Joe?”

  “Everything on the east coast is out and we need broadcasting abilities for a long period of time. I do not think that portable field systems will work for a long-term situation. It appears that the safest area is in the Midwest, so I would say our best bet is Chicago. We can oust our affiliate from their offices. There is also plenty of other office space in and around Michigan Avenue, where they are located. So I would assume that would be best.”

  “Good choice,” Sam said. “Start it moving. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  Chapter 112

  7:20 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  I did the spot interviews in the Gulf coast area and the day’s breaking news and commentaries on Jack and news of the pilgrimage to Kansas City. He was in the process of doing the summary part of the program. “This just about wraps up this portion of the news for today in our extended broadcast of our coverage from around the world of the Jack South phenomenon. We do have some other news we need to pass on. This is just out from the AP and it says that SEC chairperson, Gordon Bermann, and Weiymer Weinstadt, the Federal Reserve Chairman, are going to allow the markets to open again on Monday. They are moving all the operations to Chicago, Illinois. They will share space with the Chicago Stock Exchange. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is moving to its affiliate in Chicago, known as the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. All operations normally conducted in New York and Washington, D.C. will now be there. Also just coming in across the wire, most banks, and high profile financial companies from Wall Street in New York are temporarily moving to Chicago or Dallas, Texas. We will provide more information on these developments as they become available.”

  “On a similar note, Bear News also temporarily will be moving its headquarters from New York to the Kansas City area, where we will continue to follow the unprecedented news of the self proclaimed Witness of God, Jack South. Tomorrow evening’s newscast will be starting at 5:30 p.m. CST, here from the stage where Jack South wants to talk to the world at 7:30 p.m. We do not know how long this broadcast will be, but from the time Jack steps on the stage till he steps off of it, we will be broadcasting live and commercial free for that period of time.”

  “Goodnight, America, and the world. We will see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 113

  7:40 PM CST Day three of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

  We had gotten to the hotel about an hour ago in the military transport. The normal processing of checking in did not occur. I was, handed, a hotel key card by Veronica to my room. She then told me my room was on the 24th floor overlooking Liberty Memorial Park. Since it was still daylight, I could see from my window that work was continuing at the Memorial in preparation of tomorrow night’s event. I also saw what looked like a choir practicing on the stage, which meant Thomas was down there also. That made me feel good and I knew he was doing a great job.

  I had decided not to go and see my family or have them, come here until at least Friday, but most likely Sunday. Since The Waldger Group had decided to have an impromptu meeting in Kansas City, after tomorrow’s events, the city would, probably still be full. When The Waldger Group was in town, there were always protesters in the same city. They would have signs that said, ‘No one World Government’, ‘We are not your Slaves’, ‘Antichrist’, and so on. So the city would stay in turmoil for some time. I thought that since they were leaving on Sunday, I might be able to slip out then and go see them.

  I was also not sure where I was off to next. I wanted to go to California and see if I could help some, but I was not sure of my agenda. It seemed the only
person who knew it was Veronica. It seemed Gabriel, Ariel had left, and from what Veronica told me, I was on my own. I was not sure about that, but I guess I would find out soon enough as to the next steps in my journey. I did know we were also waiting on permits from cities around the world where I could hold more rallies, but I did not know the status on them.

  I had enough time also to watch part of the Bear News special with John. I watched with intense curiosity about how the major companies were moving operations to Chicago and other Midwestern cities. I guess they felt that was safer than being near the coast.

  The stock market move interested me also. For last week, prior to my interviews on Monday, the bulk of my winnings had been, converted on money exchange markets from dollars to Euros and yen. With the run on the dollar before the markets closed on Monday, I had nearly doubled the cash available by my broker to almost a billion dollars, or I should say, half a billion Euros and Yen, and coupled with buying oil that went right through the roof, I even made more. I suppose one could accuse me of insider trading, but I am not sure that acts of God were included in criminal charges, but I did know what was going to happen and no one else did.

  This was a good thing, I supposed. The rally was costing a lot of money. This one alone was reaching thirty million American dollars and I had hundreds more to do over the next few years. That is all I would be doing is traveling, speaking, and so on. I had many people to convince and not a whole lot of time to do it.

  Supposedly, Shraya would be putting on disciples. If I understood Revelations correctly, over 144,000 converts from Judaism to Christianity would also be preaching the gospel throughout the world, with Shraya of course, and me. However, when God’s time ended and we were gone, all that would be, left were the converts. For God, and the Holy Spirit would then be gone and the powers of the Antichrist and his False Prophet would be all that is left.


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