The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 32

by Samuel David

  Chapter 141

  7:29 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Steps to the Liberty Memorial Stage

  I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the song to end. This song always brought tears to my eyes, for I played it at my father’s funeral. It always reminded me of his death. When I had arrived, a tech had set up a remote mic around my head with an earpiece, as some singers used. I hoped it worked.

  I knew that in a moment, I would be, introduced. I would then step up on the last step and walk onto the stage. I would ask Thomas to say the prayer I had given him. Then I would do as I was, asked to do in the scroll. When I did that, the whole world would know of God’s power. From there, I would talk to them. Not preach, but talk and teach. That was my purpose tonight.

  Chapter 142

  7:30 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  As she ended her performance, John said to his co-anchors, “I have to say, that was beautiful and awe inspiring. Her voice and the choir were just beyond belief.”

  “Yes it was,” Mary Ann said. “And I think it was extremely moving and a very nice touch.”

  “I agree,” Geraldo said, then looked over at John and said, “I think the Reverend is ready to introduce Jack to the world.”

  “Yes you are right Geraldo. Jack is coming up now to the stage, walking over to Reverend Thomas Marks. Therefore, for our viewers, I will remind you there will be no further commercial interruptions of this broadcast until Jack is through. When the sermon is finished then afterwards we will be back. Also for those who are not aware, we will have an exclusive interview with Jack around 9:30 p.m. CST here in Kansas City. Without further ado, we will now turn to the stage as Reverend Thomas Marks, we believe, will introduce Jack South.”

  Chapter 143

  7:32 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

  As I climbed the stairs, I could see the stage lights and see over the top of the stage itself. I then heard Thomas say, “Ladies and gentlemen, children, friends, and those in Christ of the world. For the first time in over two thousand years, a man selected only by God as prophesied in the Book of Revelations by the Disciple of Jesus Christ, John, on the Island of Patmos, is now here to teach you and to test you. He is here to help you find the way of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let me introduce you to God’s Witness, Jack South.”

  I took the last step to the top of the stage and I walked slowly to the center of the stage. I was sure that many saw the staff for the first time, and the vestment and wondered what I was doing. I walked to the front of the stage and the people were screaming as if I was some kind of rock star. I walked to the other side of the stage and the screaming continued.

  I stood there for a moment, just standing. Then to make sure that everyone could see, I again walked right to the edge of the stage overlooking the bluff down onto Union Station. I raised my two hands with the staff in my right, and slowly let them down, as a signal be quiet.

  I repeated the process four times and then it was quiet.

  I bowed my head and said in a powerful voice, which came from the bottom of my soul I never knew I had, “Now every head bow in this place of God’s. Every knee bend, in every home and in every place, prostrate your selves in the presence of God’s power, as we pray to him as a world that is in need of prayer and a world steeped in sin and misery as in the days of Noah. Let us bend down in reverence to our God in heaven who has made all things for us, that we cast aside for our pleasures of the Angel Lucifer, whom was, thrown from heaven to the earth by the Archangel Gabriel, for whom also was, banned from God’s presence. Bend down now and show reverence to your Father and his son, Jesus Christ. Feel the power come over and touch you. Feel the power.” I knelt to one knee, had my eyes closed, and the staff in my right hand. I could feel the power in the staff burning thorough me, and so all could hear, I said to Thomas, “Please Thomas, lead us in prayer.” I stayed kneeling, my head bowed, with one knee on the ground and my right hand on the staff as Thomas began in his thunderous deep voice.

  “Dear Heavenly Father, as we gather here today in your true church, to worship you and your son Jesus Christ, we are like your son and teaching the people under the open skies. We are, not gathered in glass houses made by men, or ornate buildings built as shrines to other men, but humbly in your presence. We are here, as your son who preached in the streets of the biblical lands of the New Testament. Where he preached on the mountains and the beaches, he did so for the common people could hear the word of the Lord. He did so for the people could hear your word and not have to pay the money to the priest of that time for perceived salvation in their temples. Once again we gather like those days so long ago.”

  He paused then continued on “We are also gathered together with our enemies near our sides that wish to destroy not only this Witness, but lead astray people into their world of deceit and pleasures of the devil himself. They are here today among us and they like this witness before you know who they are. We through your word and your presence know their plans. We also know that very soon your son will come down from heaven, as promised to the disciples. When your son said in his glorified body after rising from the dead as you see me ascend to my Father, now you will see me return the same way’. Moreover, we know that the return of Christ is now very soon. Dear heavenly Father, allow the world to see your power through your servant Jack and let his enemies tremble as they hear your word. We are but humble humans, created by you from the dust of the earth, as we try using your witness Jack, one more time to win the souls of men. These things we ask in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, now and forever. Amen.”

  I could hear the thunder of what seemed was a cannon going off, when the viewers in the park, on the streets, and in the city all resounded with a thunderous, “Amen.” Then I stood and began.

  Chapter 144

  7:36 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  “That was the loudest Amen I have ever heard,” John said in the background while Jack was rearranging himself. “And Jack’s voice never sounded powerful like that ever before. It was moving.”

  “I agree,” Mary Ann said. “In his interviews, he was almost quiet. He is starting again. Let’s listen.”

  Chapter 145

  7:37 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

  I returned to the middle of the stage and I looked out among the people amassed there. I slowly circled where I stood in order to see all those on the stage as well, and let their eyes meet mine. Then I began to speak, “In my hand I have been given a gift from God himself,” as I showed the staff to the people, holding it up so the camera could get a close up. “Many of you probably know the story, for a famous movie was made of it interpreting the scriptures as Moses and Aaron where asked by the Pharaoh to do a miracle. And then Moses handed the staff to Aaron and,” I stopped in mid sentence and turned to where Thomas was sitting and said, “please come here Thomas.”

  He stood up from his seat by the choir and walked over to where I was and I said, “Thomas, today I showed you this staff and I told you that you could not touch it. Am I correct?”

  “Yes, that is what you said.”

  “Well I was wrong Thomas, for as a man of God, you can touch it. However, if you were not a man of God, it would harm you. So I need to ask you, that as Moses in front of Pharaoh handed Aaron the staff, and he, Aaron, tossed it to the ground and it turned into a snake, are you Thomas, worthy of the same?”

  I could see the sweat breaking on Thomas’ head; he hesitated, looked at me, then held his head high and said, “I am a man of God Jack. And if you choose that I, like Aaron, shall take the staff and toss it down, I will.”

  “Good Thomas. I know your faith is strong.” As I held on to the staff, I then addressed the masses and said, “Tomorrow or even tonight, many will say that what I am about to do is a parlor trick, like the magicians do i
n Vegas, but rest assured, there is nothing here but God’s power and the power of this staff. Many will say it was not given to me by God, but let your eyes speak the truth to you.”

  “As in the days of Pharaoh, you also want a miracle to prove God’s power. Those of you assembled here, or watching on television want a miracle. I have heard it said among you.” Then I turned to the dignitaries and asked, “Is there one among you, who would like to witness this miracle?”

  I did not see a man move. I waited. It was dead quiet. Then the Bishop from Africa stood and walked from his seat to the stage towards me. He was, handed, a microphone by one of the assistants. He walked up to me and said, “I would very much like to witness this with my own eyes.” He reached under his vestment and pulled out his own staff as he walked to the center of the stage and said, “I will participate with you in this miracle. I do not think you are a man of God, but a blasphemer and I will prove it with my staff. This staff has been in the hands of the church for thousands of years. I am willing to challenge you. That what you think you can do, the church can also. This staff in my hand is the real staff of Moses and has been in the possession of the Church since the crusades where it was, found in Jerusalem. Your staff is of sin and from the Pharaoh’s magicians.”

  “As you wish Bishop, let’s let the people decide which of the two staffs is of God and Moses.”

  I could see that the cameras were in as close as they could get and kept both of us, and the, staffs in the picture. I handed the staff to Thomas and I said so all could hear, “Just as Moses told Aaron in front of Pharaoh’s court, toss the staff in front of the Bishop.” Thomas tossed the staff down to the stage floor as instructed. The staff trembled and started moving, then turned immediately into a snake writhing on the floor, as the audience gasped. It was a multicolored snake like the rainbow in the sky and the cameras were capturing every movement. The head of the snake was very large. The tongue was spitting as it moved slowly in a circle, its long body curling then uncurling.

  As the cameras, now in anticipation of the Bishop next move in response, panned their cameras to him and the staff he carried in his hand. I thought of how God had instructed me in the scroll I was, handed earlier, that he would move the soon to be False Prophet to challenge me today. I only hoped that he was right, O ye of little faith I thought to myself,

  The Bishop in turn, as in the days of the Pharaoh’s magicians and as the magicians challenged Moses, tossed his staff to the ground. It too turned into a snake. I glanced over at Aafre and our eyes met. I could see the triumph in his face. I then turned to the Bishop and said, “That is very good Bishop. Like the magicians of Pharaoh’s court, you have challenged the staff of God with your own. However, you claim your staff is from God, not the one that was, given to me. Look at what is happening Bishop, the power of God, as before proven to Pharaoh and his court. Look Bishop, look what’s happening.”

  He, like the rest of the world, watched as the multicolored snake of the staff of God and Moses started consuming the other snake. When the snake had half the other snake in him, it raised its head. You could see the Bishop’s snakes; bottom half of its body, sticking out. Then the snake swallowed again and the staff of the Bishop was no more. As the snake from the staff of God withered on the stage, I said to Thomas, “Pick it up Thomas.”

  Thomas reached down and picked up the withering snake that even in his hand withered moving back and forth, its head darting in and out, its’ body curling around his arm. Thomas lifted his arm and showed the world. Then the snake slowly uncurled itself then straightened out and then became rigid, as it was before. The staff of the Bishop was gone.

  In what looked to me as a cold sweat, Thomas trembling and holding the staff in his right hand, handed it back to me. I took it in my right hand from him and I turned to the Bishop and addressing him as I looked directly into his eyes, “Know the power of the true God, for like in the days of Pharaoh and now in our day, that power, His power, is still here upon the earth. And until the day that God gives you and those like you, the power you have witnessed, you are cannot stop Him.”

  The Bishop abruptly turned, then walked off the stage not saying a word, and did not return to his seat on the stage. I looked over at Aafre and I could see in his eyes the anger and the hate. I smiled at him, for I could not only see, but also feel the fires of hell in his eyes. I closed mine then turned to the audience.

  It was quiet. It was so quiet I could not even hear the wind in the air. The staff in my hand was still vibrating and I could feel the power. My voice filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and I started speaking again, “Now for those of you who still doubt that God’s presence and the Holy Spirit is here, you may want to do as the Bishop here has done, and leave.”

  I paused, “Be it known that these past few days of destruction are only the first salvo of God. As you know, the rains are still coming down in the desert, Southern California is in ruins, and the winds of the Atlantic are blowing into this country. Soon the hand of God will strike not only the Gulf coast cities, but also the powerful cities of the southern and eastern seaboard.”

  I heard the gasps of many in the crowds as I continued, “Let me explain to you that God is not only angry at the United States, but God is angry with the world. He has said though his prophet John, Daniel and his son Jesus the time of trials would come when the world was like in the days of Noah. We do live in a world as in the days of Noah” I exclaimed! “Now what were those things God complained about before causing him to destroy all life on earth, other than Noah and his family and the animals in the Ark?” “He wiped out every living thing, because he was angry with man. Why was God angry? Do you know?”

  As I turned and faced the dignitaries again on the stage I put both arms out with the staff raised looking directly at Aafre and shouted “Man had turned against God. And even though he warned them, man just still said no to God”!

  I lowered my voice and turned again towards the cameras “What was it like then? We really do not know all the details of life then and humanities injustices towards God, but we do know the world was, filled with sin and man loved man, not God. So in response God then wiped out all other life on earth except Noah and his family.”

  Again, I raised my voice in what many would call the fire and brimstone preacher style. I continued my sermon for I could feel the spirit moving in me. I wanted to shout out to the mountains.

  “In today’s world, even in what many claim as the most powerful country in the world, the United States and most of the western world we know was founded on the principal of ‘In God we Trust,’ has turned its back on God. When I was a child, we could pray in the classroom, but the judges and people you elected said, ‘No, we can’t have God in the classroom. Therefore, we said no more prayers to God. Nor was god taught or even his son mentioned to our children in our schools. It became the law of the land, yet we could teach them we came from Apes or the Darwin theory. Teaching of God and creation were no longer an option. Now look at our schools, and our education system and the children of the generations since. Now they grow up in violence, drugs, with no discipline in the school and for many, not even in their homes”.

  “We celebrated Christmas every year in the classroom when I was young, but the Judges and the people you elected said, ‘No, we can’t celebrate Christmas. Instead, we will return to calling it the Winter Celebration, which is a celebration of the times of the Pagan Romans. Look it up.”

  “We had at Christmas time, the Manger scene depicting the birth of Christ in our parks and public areas. However, the judges and the people you elected said, ‘No, we can’t have these Christian things in our public places.’ It was, replaced with candy canes, elves, and the advertisements using Santa Clause. We lost the meaning of the birth of Christ and replaced it with credit cards to celebrate like the ancient pagans of buying gifts and having parties, as in the days of the Roman Empire. Christ? Who is that? We forgot who we were.”

  “We had in our
state capitals, the Ten Commandments. Once again, the judges and the people you elected said, ‘No, we can’t have the Ten Commandments in our public places,’ for we do not practice the Ten Commandments. This refers to God, remove it they say and it was removed.”

  “We have special rights groups; the courts are full of lawsuits against all things Christian or of God. Whoops they cannot do this, it says God, and no, we cannot do that its religious in nature might make an atheist angry. Children make Christmas cards for our veterans in hospitals and the Government sends them back because they refer to what Christmas is about Jesus. Even in our courts, we no longer have the witnesses swear an oath on the Bible.”

  “The songs God Bless America or God Save the Queen what of them. Well don’t be surprised when that is no longer allowed and right now it is not allowed in the Schools or government sponsored public assembly.”

  “Two out of three marriages end in divorce. Here in this country we now have a total breakdown of the family unit. A national drug habit, that is unbelievable and loss of respect to our fellow man. No, we do not need god our government is our god.

  “When I watch a movie, I see sex. When I watch a commercial, I see sex. When I watch TV, I see sex. I saw a commercial the other day of a mostly naked woman with a snake crawling on her to sell skin softener implying the Serpent depicted in the Garden of Eden and Eve. That’s blasphemy and I assure you that God will strike down the creators of those messages.”


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