The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 33

by Samuel David

  “When I hear a movie, they are cussing each other out. When I hear the TV, I hear cussing. In songs it is cussing, I hear twelve year olds in the streets cussing each other out. Well what do you expect you removed God from them and they only learn what they see and hear?”

  “I see religious leaders all over the world in its largest church that claims to be from God, and in this country, abusing children. More, sex. We as a creation are ill. We have lost God in our seeking of money, power, and pleasures of the flesh.”

  “But it is not only America. It is everywhere. There are countries that are, run by tyrants who have enslaved their fellow citizens. The clothing you have on was probably made by people in third world countries who work for slave wages, or for a bit of food or shelter. Their owners live in mansions. Starvation, wars, and destruction of the earth is rampant.”

  “Churches are tolerant and no longer teach the Ten Commandments. We do not any longer know what sin is or is not. We have no direction from our clergy and priests or have trust of faith in them. We have jailed our preachers for stealing the money and swindling people out of their savings. We have elected and appointed pedophiles, lovers of the same sex, conmen, liars, and others who should not be as priests and leaders, to teach us, and our children. Is this how we want to teach our children? Is that what God wants in his church? No, I can tell you absolutely, not, and God will tear these churches down. In addition, the foundation of their evil ways will be destroyed and very soon. Man’s rule will end.”

  “Let me warn you, and remember this, especially if you claim you are a preacher from God and you claim you can heal the sick or claim that you have power from God.” I paused, “You are then from Lucifer himself. Not one man here on this earth, including myself, has the power to heal like Jesus Christ, nor has the power to cast out devils. Nor has God given any man the power to perform miracles by calling on God or Jesus until today, since the days of the New Testament when Christ and his disciples walked the earth.”

  “So if you are a charismatic person that deceives the people and claim you have God’s power. Be aware that when the great judgment comes, and it will in a very, very short time, Lucifer who was cast down to earth will, like you, be, cast away from God. Moreover, for you, forget the fires of hell. For what will happen to you, as false teachers, is not even close to what you might conceive the fires to be.”

  Christians in this modern world in some countries are, persecuted as they were in the early days of the movement. Like the Romans, they are even crucifying Christians, burning their churches, killing them, and imprisoning them. Today as we speak this occurs in our modern world. Let me also add. Very soon all of you whom claim to be Christians will be, prosecuted. It is coming for the false prophet and the anti-Christ will not allow you to defy them. Beware their mark of 666 which is a computer chip that will be imbedded either in your hand of forehead. It is coming and coming fast. Can you resist the temptation to live as you are told or will you be strong like the apostles and many others and defy them”?

  I paused and feeling the power of God fill my voice said, “Now listen to me carefully, all of you in the world listening, as I speak for God. Many false prophets are to come, and say they are from God and will perform miracles in God’s name. Beware, for they do not have God’s power, but that of Lucifer. Moreover, as one of the two last witnesses of God, only we have that power on earth. Do not be deceived, but make sure that you understand. I am now going to show you once again the power of God and why you need to follow his Ten Commandments and worship His son whose life was given up for each of you. Before I do, rest assured every country and every continent will feel God’s wrath like America and North Africa, and it is coming soon, very soon. As I have said, your God is angry and He will make the nations fear Him.”

  I stopped speaking and looked up into the sky; it was, now becoming dusk. The sky was still incredibly clear. I then turned to the dignitaries seated on the stage and looked at each one as I continued speaking. “When we started tonight I asked that every man, woman, and child to kneel and feel the power of God. I know that many here and many people viewing elsewhere in the world did so, but many did not. You may want to reconsider and look not upon your riches, but in your heart. For your riches do not follow you in death, only God and his son Jesus are the promise. So you have a choice.”

  I will begin by having you look on the monitors, I have asked that Bear news place the current Doppler Radar Images on the screens and TV’s worldwide. As many of you know these images come from NOAA and are images of activity in the skies. Images of approaching rainstorms, hurricanes etc. are available twenty-four hours a day seven days a week on this service. If you have a smartphone you can also look at these images.”

  “Now as you can see the entire Midwest is perfectly clear on these images so the closest cloud cover and or rain is hundreds of miles away.

  “So I want all of you to look up into the sky.” I paused while looking up. Then with my eyes still focused on the sky, I started speaking again, “It is dusk, but you can still tell that the sky is very clear. The sun will set in about fifteen minutes. There are no clouds, you can’t see the stars yet, but we can all agree the sky is clear and that the radar images you can see on the monitors confirm that”?

  I heard a smattering of yeses and amen’s so I asked again “Do you see how perfectly clear it is in the images and also the sky itself”? I cupped my hand to my ear and then heard a thunderous Yes!

  I smiled then said “Thank you” I just want to make sure we all agree to what you can see with your own eyes.”

  “Now you watched this staff, which was given to me by God, turn into a snake and swallow the Bishop’s staff,” as I held it out in front of me for the cameras with both hands facing the dignitaries, “which by the way is gone, the staff and the Bishop I might add.”

  I then turned back from the dignitaries, and walked over to the side overlooking Union Station and continued speaking. “This staff also had another time that Moses used it. It was when he said to Joshua, ‘Choose men for us and go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow,’ Moses said, ‘I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand and you will prevail.’ Well Moses understood that as long as he held this staff over his head, then they would win the battle. In addition, Moses did as God told him. They had to prop him up so he could hold the staff, and he did as God commanded, and the Israelites prevailed.”

  “So, since I know many, in spite of the fact with your own eyes you saw the snake devour the Bishop’s staff, lies will be spread that it was a trick, that the miracle you have seen is not true. It is important that you know and believe that the staff I now hold in my right hand is from God and the one held by Moses. But,” I paused, “I have no battle for you to win today to demonstrate the same power God gave Moses and the Israelites when facing the Amalek’s.”

  I waited for them to let what I said sink was in then I continued, “However, I do have another battle to face today, and that battle is I want this time every man, woman, and child, once again, to bow and kneel down in reverence to the Lord our God and his son Jesus. Do not bow down to me, but lift your heads to the heavens and feel God’s power. I want to prove to all who are here and all who are watching that unlike what you have been taught God rules the heavens.

  God rules the Earth, and controls all upon the earth. The winds, the rains, the movement of the earth, and all life upon this planet are at Gods command.

  God allowed Jesus to walk on water and calmed the winds from the storm.

  God, not Science can control what occurs on earth.

  God, not man is in charge of all.

  Now once again, all of you look into the sky and see the clearness and calmness of the earth here right now, and as I raise the staff like Moses did for the Israelites, you will feel and hear the power of God. You will feel and his control, not only of the universe, but also over all things physical and spiritual of the earth and our universe. Moreover,
if you do not believe, then do not bow down to the Lord God and His son. But, if you now believe, then bow down this time and accept our God and His son Jesus, and He will accept you today.”

  I then took the staff, stood as far as I could to the edge of the stage overlooking the city, and slowly using both hands raised it above my head. As I did, you could hear the thunder in the distance. Then in clear skies, you could see the lightening, then the thunder. The lightening increased, and the clouds, that were not even in existence before, started gathering. The ground was shaking from the thunder, and as loud as I could, I shouted, “Kneel before the Lord God and his son. Show your reverence. Show in your heart and your soul that you know the Lord God and His son Jesus, is your King.”

  The lighting now was literally lighting up the entire sky. The clouds had turned the skies to darkness it was as night. The starless sky was black and the sky could no longer be, seen.

  I continued to hold the staff above my head and I could see that most every knee bowed in the multitudes of people. I could see the camera operators on their knees and people with their hands outstretched to the heavens looking straight up as I said, “Amen.” The crowd responded. I said, “Amen,” again, and they responded.

  Keeping the staff above my head, I walked to the other side of the stage and kept repeating, “Amen,” and the crowds were still responding in turn. The lightning continued, the lighting was lighting up the sky in an electrical light display that had never been, seen on earth before, nor will it again. The wind was howling in the upper reaches of the sky but not on the ground but it sounded like a freight train coming through. I saw in the stands the dignitaries some knelt because they were afraid, but I made note of those who did not. I returned to the far edge of the stage, looking over Union Station, and I started to lower the staff. The skies became silent, the skies cleared, and the sunset retuned. All was quiet. The shy was clear again.

  I knelt right there and with my head turned to heaven, I shouted, “Thank you God,” as I bowed my head, “Thank you God for showing them your power, in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.” Then every person there and every viewer heard my prayer.

  Chapter 146

  8:35 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

  In the replays that would be shown over, and over again for the next three years. Thanks to the presence of the slow motion cameras that were on Jack for the entire sermon, the details that emerged were incredible. What would be, reported is that Jack, when he was coming out of his kneeling from his prayer, he spun at a speed that was almost super human. His right hand with the staff pointed, toward the tower of the Liberty Memorial was, lifted in microseconds. The staff of Moses was, pointed directly at the tower and the shot that was, heard by millions. The bullet was, aimed at Jack’s head, the shell dropped harmlessly to the ground.

  The tape in slow motion showed that, as he raised the staff at superhuman speed, his body was, encased in a light blue light. The bullet, which was, picked up as it came into camera range, hit the blue light, and, as if it had hit armored steel, flattened and dropped immediately to the ground. Because all were straining to hear Jack’s prayer after the display in the heavens, it was eerily quiet. All heard the shot immediately and gasped. However, as the tape showed, it was a failed attempt to kill the witness.

  As soon as the bullet dropped, a man dressed in white clothing like a desert dweller in the Middle East, with long black hair, flew onto the stage. As the cameras started to focus in on him, and in the close up, you saw the fire burning in his eyes. The stranger looked up at the tower and in a voice that was so powerful, it instilled fear in almost everyone there, he shouted, “You in the tower. Come throw your weapon over the edge or you will feel the fires of hell on this day and join non-believers, where you will be tortured for eternity. Throw down your weapon.”

  Immediately as he spoke and lifted his right hand, he pointed to the top of the tower, a bolt of lightning hit the edge of the tower and a small chunk of the concrete fell to the stage. He then shouted again, “Throw down your weapon. Take out the bullets and throw over your weapon.”

  No one moved. The police, the soldiers, the Secret Service, and the FBI were all transfixed, watching the stranger and the tower. I could see though, soldiers with their rifles aimed at the tower, but no one moved.

  The stranger then took his right hand again and starting from the bottom of the tower, began pointing, and said once again, “Throw down your weapon.” As he pointed to the lower part of the tower, it began glowing like the coals of a fire, and began inching towards the top, as he guided the heat with his hand.

  The rifle was then, thrown from the tower and it clattered as it hit the stage. The clip was, thrown down immediately after. The stranger put his arm down and the tower quit glowing. The stranger said, “Come down from the tower and show, yourself.” He waited then started raising his hand again. The man in the tower put his hands over his head and shouted, “I’m coming down.”

  At that same moment, a Secret Service Agent started toward the tower and the stranger said, “Do not advance on the tower. Return to your post. I want to talk to this man.” The agent ignored the request and the stranger said to Jack, “Point your staff at the man over there.” Jack obeyed as the agent started towards the tower. A ball of fire erupted from the end and landed exactly in front of the agent. The stranger said once again, “Return to your post and protect the one you came to protect. Stay out of God’s business. I will not warn you again.”

  The agent slowly backed up to the stands where the dignitaries were sitting, who also were in fear of, being, assassinated or that this stranger would just kill all of them. Still no one was moving, not the police, the soldiers, the agents, no one. It was still, very still.

  Chapter 147

  8:42 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial Stage

  As I watched Shraya and coming out of the shock that he was here on the stage with me, I watched as he waited for the man who came out the side door of the tower, with his hands over his head. As I looked at the man, I then knew why I wondered about that man earlier this morning in the meeting with the mayor. The shooter was Colonel Roland Winters. I watched as he approached Shraya and he stopped not two feet in front of him.

  Shraya then spoke, “You are an American officer I see Colonel.”

  “Yes, I am an American officer.”

  “Would you like to tell me why you wanted to kill God’s Witness tonight?”

  “I don’t like him.”

  “That’s not a very good answer Colonel, for I know that is not true. Who asked you to kill Jack?”

  “No one.”

  “No one,” Shraya paused. “So sir, are you going to tell the world no one? Who would believe that Colonel? Who would believe that?”

  Then Shraya walked over where the dignitaries were sitting and looked directly at President Stevenson through the bulletproof glass. Then he said, “Are you not this man’s leader sir?” he asked. When he did not get an answer, he said, “Mr. President, I believe your name is Stevenson, are you not this man’s commanding officer?”

  He then started to raise his right hand, several Secret Service men started reaching inside their inner pockets, and the Shraya scratched his head. He asked once again, “Are you not Commander in Chief of this country and all military personnel are under your command?” He paused, then said, “Someone give him a microphone.”

  A tech ran across the stage and handed a mic to a Secret Service Agent for President Stevenson, who then stood and asked to have the mic passed down to him. Once the President had it in his hand, he slowly brought it to his face and said, “Yes I am the Commander in Chief of the United States, and I can assure you this man is not operating under my orders or any of my staff’s orders.”

  “Fine,” Shraya said. “Then tell this man to tell you who gave the order to assassinate Mr. South.”

  The President then walked out of the stands a
t the dismay of the agents who were almost in shock. He stood tall and erect, almost stately I thought. The Secret Service started to follow him and Shraya said to them, as he blocked their way, “We are not going to hurt him. Let it be.” He stood there and the agents moved back a step and did not move, more in fear than anything.

  President Stevenson walked over to the Colonel, stopped and as he stood in front of him and said, “Colonel, as your Commander in Chief, I want to know who ordered this.”

  The Colonel looked at the President and said, “The Director of the CIA sir. I got the order Tuesday morning to take him out. I was, sent to help with the security of the city and we knew we could secure the tower. No one would be suspicious. I was doing my duty as commanded, sir.”

  The President then said to his agents, “Please find the Director in Washington, and have him placed under house arrest.” Then he said to the Colonel, “Your superior officer has misled you with that order. It did not come from this administration’s office.” He then looked at Shraya, “Would you please let two of my agents come over and arrest this man?”

  Shraya replied, “Yes,” as he stepped aside and two FBI agents descended on the Colonel and put handcuffs on him.

  The President then commanded the agents “Turn him to face me please. As they complied, he said to the Colonel, “You sir, are dismissed and under arrest for treason.” The agents then took the Colonel and proceeded to leave the stage.

  The President then said, “Is the show over?” looking at Shraya.

  “No it is not. I have some things to say.”

  The President responded with, “I would like to hear what you have to say,” and walked back to the glassed area, returned the microphone, and sat back down.

  Shraya then walked over to Jack and whispered, “Are you okay?”

  I answered, “Yes, shall I introduce you as Shraya or the other name?”

  “Elijah, Jack, Elijah. The world needs to know. This is now the time. The audience is large. Let’s not lose the opportunity to continue with God’s work, with so many eyes and ears among us.”


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